* @doc SHROOM EXTERNAL API * * TITLE: QUERYIMP.H * * DESCRIPTION: * Definition of CITQuery * Autodoc headers added by Anita Legsdin 8/6/97 * *********************************************************************/ // QUERYIMP.H: Definition of CITQuery
#ifndef __QUERYIMP_H__
#define __QUERYIMP_H__
#include "verinfo.h"
// Implemenation of IITQuery
class CITQuery: public IITQuery, public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>, public CComCoClass<CITQuery, &CLSID_IITQuery>
public: CITQuery(); ~CITQuery();
// IITQuery methods
STDMETHOD(SetResultCallback)(FCALLBACK_MSG *pfcbkmsg); STDMETHOD(SetCommand)(LPCWSTR lpszCommand); STDMETHOD(SetOptions)(DWORD dwFlags); STDMETHOD(SetProximity)(WORD wNear); STDMETHOD(SetGroup)(IITGroup* pITGroup); STDMETHOD(SetResultCount)(LONG cRows);
* @method STDMETHOD | IITQuery | GetResultCallback | * Retrieves callback structure containing ERR_FUNC MessageFunc member * that is called during query processing. * * @parm FCALLBACK_MSG | *pfcbkmsg | Pointer to callback structure. * * @rvalue E_POINTER | The argument *pfcbkmsg is NULL. * * @xref <om .SetResultCallback> ****************************************************************/ STDMETHOD(GetResultCallback)(FCALLBACK_MSG *pfcbkmsg) { if (pfcbkmsg == NULL) return (E_POINTER); *pfcbkmsg = m_fcbkmsg; return (S_OK); }
* @method STDMETHOD | IITQuery | GetCommand | * Gets full-text query used by Search method. * * @parm LPCWSTR& | lpszCommand | Full-text query command. * * @xref <om.SetCommand> * ****************************************************************/ STDMETHOD(GetCommand)(LPCWSTR& lpszCommand) { lpszCommand = GetCommand(); return S_OK; }
* @method STDMETHOD | IITQuery | GetOptions | * Gets search options. * * @parm DWORD& | dwFlags | Search options. See <om .SetCommand> for * a list of values. * * @xref <om .setoptions> ****************************************************************/ STDMETHOD(GetOptions)(DWORD& dwFlags) { dwFlags = GetOptions(); return S_OK; }
* @method STDMETHOD | IITQuery | GetProximity | * Gets proximity value for searching with NEAR operator. * * @parm WORD& | wNear | The number of words apart the search terms can be to be * considered "near". Default value is 8. * * @xref <om.SetProximity> * ****************************************************************/ STDMETHOD(GetProximity)(WORD& wNear) { wNear = GetProximity(); return S_OK; }
* @method STDMETHOD | IITQuery | GetGroup | * Gets the group object used in filtering search results. * * @parm IITGroup** | ppiitGroup | Pointer to group object. * * @rvalue E_POINTER | The argument ppitGroup is NULL. * * @xref <om .SetGroup> * ****************************************************************/ STDMETHOD(GetGroup)(IITGroup** ppiitGroup) { if (NULL==ppiitGroup) return (E_POINTER); *ppiitGroup = GetGroup(); return S_OK; }
* @method STDMETHOD | IITQuery | GetResultCount | * Gets maximum number of search hits to return. * * @parm LONG& | cRows | Maximum number of hits. * * @rvalue E_POINTER | The argument ppitGroup is NULL. * * @xref <om .SetResultCount> * ****************************************************************/ STDMETHOD(GetResultCount)(LONG& cRows) { cRows = GetResultCount(); return S_OK; }
// Access functions
public: LPCWSTR GetCommand() { return m_lpszCommand; } DWORD GetOptions() { return m_dwFlags; } WORD GetProximity() { return m_wNear; } DWORD GetResultCount() { return (DWORD) m_cRows; } IITGroup* GetGroup() { return m_pITGroup; }
// Private methods and data
private: LONG m_cRows; DWORD m_dwFlags; LPCWSTR m_lpszCommand; WORD m_wNear; IITGroup* m_pITGroup; LPVOID m_pCommand; FCALLBACK_MSG m_fcbkmsg;