// COMDLL.h -- Component Object Model plumbing for the Storage DLL
// ------------------------------
// History:
// 96/10/08; RonM; Created
// ------------------------------
// DLL Exports
// Note the { extern "C" } qualifiers. They're necessary to mark these as C declarations
// rather than C++ declarations.
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hInst, ULONG ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved); extern "C" STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void); extern "C" STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void); extern "C" STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(); extern "C" STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv);
extern CImpITUnknown *g_pImpITFileSystemList; extern CImpITUnknown *g_pFSLockBytesFirstActive; extern CImpITUnknown *g_pStrmLockBytesFirstActive; extern CImpITUnknown *g_pImpIFSStorageList;
/* GUID formats for the MVStorage class ID:
// {5D02926A-212E-11d0-9DF9-00A0C922E6EC}
static const GUID <<name>> = { 0x5d02926a, 0x212e, 0x11d0, { 0x9d, 0xf9, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x22, 0xe6, 0xec } };
// {5D02926A-212E-11d0-9DF9-00A0C922E6EC}
DEFINE_GUID(<<name>>, 0x5d02926a, 0x212e, 0x11d0, 0x9d, 0xf9, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x22, 0xe6, 0xec);
// {5D02926A-212E-11d0-9DF9-00A0C922E6EC}
IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE(<<class>>, <<external_name>>, 0x5d02926a, 0x212e, 0x11d0, 0x9d, 0xf9, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x22, 0xe6, 0xec);
#define CLASS_NAME_MK "MSITStore"
#define CLASS_NAME_ITS "ITSProtocol"
#define CLASS_NAMEW_ITS L"ITSProtocol"
#define CURRENT_VERSION_ITS "ITSProtocol1.0"
#define CLASS_NAME_FS "MSFSStore"
extern CITCriticalSection g_csITFS;
class CServerState { public: static CServerState *CreateServerState(HMODULE hInst); ~CServerState();
INT ObjectAdded(); INT ObjectReleased(); INT LockServer(); INT UnlockServer(); BOOL CanUnloadNow(); HMODULE ModuleInstance(); IMalloc *OLEAllocator(); private: CServerState(HANDLE hInst);
BOOL InitServerState();
INT m_cObjectsActive; INT m_cLocksActive; HMODULE m_hModule; IMalloc *m_pIMalloc;
CITCriticalSection m_cs; };
inline CServerState::CServerState(HANDLE hModule) { m_cObjectsActive = 0; m_cLocksActive = 0;
m_pIMalloc = NULL; m_hModule = (HMODULE) hModule;
DEBUGCODE(CITUnknown::OpenReferee();) }
inline CServerState::~CServerState() { RonM_ASSERT(CanUnloadNow());
if (m_pIMalloc) m_pIMalloc->Release(); }
inline IMalloc *CServerState::OLEAllocator() { return m_pIMalloc; }
inline HMODULE CServerState::ModuleInstance() { return m_hModule; }
extern CServerState *pDLLServerState;
inline IMalloc *OLEHeap() { RonM_ASSERT(pDLLServerState); RonM_ASSERT(pDLLServerState->OLEAllocator()); return pDLLServerState->OLEAllocator(); }
// Typedefs and global pointers for IE 4.0 APIs which we use.
typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *PFindMimeFromData) (LPBC pBC, // bind context - can be NULL
LPCWSTR pwzUrl, // url - can be null
LPVOID pBuffer, // buffer with data to sniff - can be null (pwzUrl must be valid)
DWORD cbSize, // size of buffer
LPCWSTR pwzMimeProposed, // proposed mime if - can be null
DWORD dwMimeFlags, // will be determined
LPWSTR *ppwzMimeOut, // the suggested mime
DWORD dwReserved // must be 0
extern PFindMimeFromData pFindMimeFromData; extern BOOL g_fDBCSSystem;
inline BOOL IS_IE4 () { return (pFindMimeFromData != NULL); } inline BOOL DBCS_SYSTEM() { return g_fDBCSSystem; }
#define NT_System 0
#define Unknown_System 1
#define Win32s_System 2
#define Win95_System 3
extern UINT iSystemType;
inline BOOL Is_NT_System () { return (iSystemType == NT_System); } inline BOOL Is_Win32s_System() { return (iSystemType == Win32s_System); } inline BOOL Is_Win95_System () { return (iSystemType == Win95_System); }
extern UINT cp_Default;
inline UINT CP_USER_DEFAULT() { return cp_Default; }