Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1997
// File: ntree.cpp
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include "ntree.h"
#include "glnkenum.h"
NTELEM :: NTELEM () : _pnteParent(NULL), _pnteChild(NULL) { }
NTELEM :: ~ NTELEM () { Orphan(); NTELEM * pnteChild = NULL; while ( pnteChild = _pnteChild ) { delete pnteChild; } }
// Adopt (link) a child
void NTELEM :: Adopt ( NTELEM * pnteChild, bool bSort ) { pnteChild->Orphan();
NTELEM * pNextChild = _pnteChild ; bool bFoundHigher = true ;
if ( pNextChild && bSort ) { // Position among the children based upon sort order.
GLNKENUM<NTELEM,false> glnkEnum( *pNextChild ); bFoundHigher = false; while ( pNextChild = glnkEnum.PlnkelNext() ) { if ( pnteChild->ICompare( pNextChild ) < 0 ) break ; } // If we didn't find a higher child, link *this
// such that it points to the first child.
if ( ! (bFoundHigher = pNextChild != NULL) ) pNextChild = _pnteChild ; }
// If there is another child, insert this in front of it.
if ( pNextChild ) pnteChild->ChnSib().Link( pNextChild ) ;
// If this is the first child, or if this new child
// sorted low, use it as the anchor.
if ( _pnteChild == NULL || pnteChild->ICompare( _pnteChild ) < 0 ) _pnteChild = pnteChild;
_pnteChild->_pnteParent = this ; }
// Disown (release) a child
void NTELEM :: Disown ( NTELEM * pnteChild ) { if ( _pnteChild == pnteChild ) { _pnteChild = pnteChild->ChnSib().PgelemNext() ; if ( _pnteChild == pnteChild ) _pnteChild = NULL ; // There goes the last child
} pnteChild->ChnSib().Unlink() ; pnteChild->_pnteParent = NULL ; }
// Become an orphan
void NTELEM :: Orphan () { if ( _pnteParent ) _pnteParent->Disown( this ); _pnteParent = NULL; }
INT NTELEM :: SiblingCount () { return ChnSib().Count(); }
INT NTELEM :: ChildCount () { if ( _pnteChild == NULL ) return 0; return _pnteChild->ChnSib().Count(); }
NTELEM * NTELEM :: PnteChild ( INT index ) { if ( _pnteChild == NULL ) return NULL ;
GLNKENUM<NTELEM,false> glnkEnum( *_pnteChild ); int i = 0 ; do { if ( i++ == index ) return glnkEnum.PlnkelCurrent() ; } while ( glnkEnum.PlnkelNext() ) ; return NULL ; }
bool NTELEM :: BIsChild ( NTELEM * pnte ) { if ( _pnteChild == NULL ) return false ;
GLNKENUM<NTELEM,false> glnkEnum( *_pnteChild ); NTELEM * pnteCurr = NULL ; do { // If this is it, we're done
if ( (pnteCurr = glnkEnum.PlnkelCurrent()) == pnte ) return true ; // If current object has a child, search its siblings
if ( pnteCurr->_pnteChild && pnteCurr->BIsChild( pnte) ) return true ; // On to the next object pointer
} while ( glnkEnum.PlnkelNext() ) ; return false ; }
static NTELEM::SRTFNC srtpntelem;
void NTELEM :: ReorderChildren ( SRTFNC & fSortRoutine ) { INT cChildren = ChildCount() ; if ( cChildren == 0 ) return;
// Enumerate the children into an array, disown them, sort the
// array and re-adopt them in the new order.
VPNTELEM rgpnteChild; rgpnteChild.resize(cChildren); GLNKENUM<NTELEM,false> glnkEnum( *_pnteChild );
for ( int iChild = 0 ; rgpnteChild[iChild++] = glnkEnum.PlnkelNext() ; );
while ( _pnteChild ) { Disown( _pnteChild ) ; }
sort( rgpnteChild.begin(), rgpnteChild.end(), fSortRoutine );
// Re-adopt the children in the given order
for ( iChild = 0 ; iChild < rgpnteChild.size() ; ) { Adopt( rgpnteChild[iChild++] ); } }
NTREE :: NTREE () { }
NTREE :: ~ NTREE () { }
// End of NTREE.CPP