// File: lviewcat.cpp
// Author: a-jammar
// Covers: CDataListCategory
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// This sublass of CDataCategory is use specifically when the data to be
// displayed in a list view. Only data specific to the list view categories
// is implemented here - for general category implementation, see the code for
// CDataCategory in category.cpp. For usage details, see gather.h.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "gather.h"
// The constructor and destructor are typical. Actual values are put into
// the member variables by CDataGatherer, which creates these objects.
CDataListCategory::CDataListCategory() { }
CDataListCategory::~CDataListCategory() { }
// These methods are specific to the list view version of the category. We
// implement all of these methods by simply calling through to the gatherer.
DWORD CDataListCategory::GetColumnCount() { ASSERT(m_pGatherer); if (m_pGatherer) { m_pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOERROR); return m_pGatherer->GetColumnCount(m_dwID); } return 0; }
DWORD CDataListCategory::GetRowCount() { ASSERT(m_pGatherer); if (m_pGatherer) { m_pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOERROR); return m_pGatherer->GetRowCount(m_dwID); } return 0; }
BOOL CDataListCategory::GetColumnCaption(DWORD nColumn, CString &strCaption) { ASSERT(m_pGatherer); if (m_pGatherer) { m_pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOERROR); return m_pGatherer->GetColumnCaption(m_dwID, nColumn, strCaption); } return FALSE; }
BOOL CDataListCategory::GetColumnWidth(DWORD nColumn, DWORD &cxWidth) { ASSERT(m_pGatherer); if (m_pGatherer) { m_pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOERROR); return m_pGatherer->GetColumnWidth(m_dwID, nColumn, cxWidth); } return FALSE; }
BOOL CDataListCategory::GetColumnSort(DWORD nColumn, MSIColumnSortType & sorttype) { ASSERT(m_pGatherer); if (m_pGatherer) { m_pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOERROR); return m_pGatherer->GetColumnSort(m_dwID, nColumn, sorttype); } return FALSE; }
BOOL CDataListCategory::GetValue(DWORD nRow, DWORD nColumn, CString &strValue, DWORD &dwValue) { ASSERT(m_pGatherer); if (m_pGatherer) { m_pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOERROR); return m_pGatherer->GetValue(m_dwID, nRow, nColumn, strValue, dwValue); } return FALSE; }
BOOL CDataListCategory::GetColumnDataComplexity(DWORD nColumn, DataComplexity & complexity) { ASSERT(m_pGatherer); if (m_pGatherer) { m_pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOERROR); return m_pGatherer->GetColumnDataComplexity(m_dwID, nColumn, complexity); } return FALSE; }
BOOL CDataListCategory::GetRowDataComplexity(DWORD nRow, DataComplexity & complexity) { ASSERT(m_pGatherer); if (m_pGatherer) { m_pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOERROR); return m_pGatherer->GetRowDataComplexity(m_dwID, nRow, complexity); } return FALSE; }