// MODULE: BN.cpp
// PURPOSE: implementation of the CBeliefNetwork class
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-31-98
// 1. Based on old apgtsdtg.cpp
// 2. all methods (except constructor/destructor) must LOCKOBJECT around code that uses BNTS.
// BNTS has "state". These functions are all written so that they make no assumptions about
// state on entry, presenting the calling class with a stateless object.
// 3. In theory, we could have separate locking for the cache independent of locking
// CBeliefNetwork. The idea would be that if you needed only the cache to get your
// inference, you wouldn't have to wait for access to BNTS.
// >>>(ignore for V3.0) This is one of our best bets if performance is not good enough. JM 9/29/98
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 8-31-98 JM
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "propnames.h"
#include "BN.h"
#include "CharConv.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "CHMFileReader.h"
#include "fileread.h"
// Construction/Destruction
CBeliefNetwork::CBeliefNetwork(LPCTSTR path) : CDSCReader( CPhysicalFileReader::makeReader( path ) ), m_bInitialized(false), m_bSnifferIntegration(false) { }
CBeliefNetwork::~CBeliefNetwork() { }
void CBeliefNetwork::Initialize() { LOCKOBJECT(); if (! m_bInitialized) { BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts) { m_bSnifferIntegration = false;
// Does not matter for online TS (list is empty on initialization),
// but for local TS m_Cache can contain cache data read from file.
m_arrnidProblem.clear(); m_arrNodeTypeAll.clear();
// loop through nodes looking for problem nodes and build local problem node array
// also, determine if any node has a property which implies the intent of
// integrating with a sniffer.
int acnid= CNode(); for (NID anid=0; anid < acnid; anid++) { if (pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(anid)) { ESTDLBL albl = pbnts->ELblNode(); // type of node (information/problem/fixable etc)
try { if (albl == ESTDLBL_problem) m_arrnidProblem.push_back(anid); m_arrNodeTypeAll.push_back(SNodeType(anid, albl)); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); }
LPCTSTR psz; if (pbnts->BNodePropItemStr(H_NODE_DCT_STR, 0) && (psz = pbnts->SzcResult()) != NULL && *psz) { // There's a non-null property which only makes sense for a sniffer
// integration, so we assume that's what they've got in mind.
m_bSnifferIntegration = true; } #endif
} } m_bInitialized = true; } } UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// Access the relevant BNTS
// Calling function should have a lock before calling this (although probably harmless
// is it doesn't!)
BNTS * CBeliefNetwork::pBNTS() { if (!IsRead()) return NULL; return &m_Network; };
// clear all node states
// We can't use BNTS::Clear() because that actually throws away the model itself.
void CBeliefNetwork::ResetNodes(const CBasisForInference & BasisForInference) { LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts) { int cnid = BasisForInference.size();
// Set all node states to NIL in BNTS storage
for (UINT i = 0; i < cnid; i++) { pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(BasisForInference[i].nid()); pbnts->BNodeSet(-1, false); // Nil value
// Associate states with nodes.
// INPUT BasisForInference
// Note that all states must be valid states for the nodes, not (say) ST_UNKNOWN.
// Caller's responsibility.
bool CBeliefNetwork::SetNodes(const CBasisForInference & BasisForInference) { LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); bool bOK = true; if (pbnts) { int nNodes = BasisForInference.size(); for (int i= 0; i<nNodes; i++) { pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(BasisForInference[i].nid()); if (!pbnts->BNodeSet(BasisForInference[i].state(), false)) bOK = false; // failed to set state. This should never happen on valid
// user query.
} } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return bOK; }
// OUTPUT Recommendations: list of recommendations
// RS_OK = SUCCESS. Note that Recommendations can return empty if there is nothing to recommend.
// RS_Impossible = Recommendations will return empty.
// RS_Broken = Recommendations will return empty.
int CBeliefNetwork::GetRecommendations( const CBasisForInference & BasisForInference, CRecommendations & Recommendations) { int ret = RS_OK;
LOCKOBJECT(); Initialize(); Recommendations.clear();
// see if we've already cached a result for this state of the world
if (m_Cache.FindCacheItem(BasisForInference, Recommendations)) { // Great. We have a cache hit & return values have been filled in.
m_countCacheHit.Increment(); } else { m_countCacheMiss.Increment();
BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts) { SetNodes(BasisForInference);
if (pbnts->BImpossible()) ret = RS_Impossible; else if ( ! pbnts->BGetRecommendations()) ret = RS_Broken; else { try { const int cnid = pbnts->CInt(); // Recommendation count
if (cnid > 0) { // At least one recommendation
const int *pInt = pbnts->RgInt(); for (int i=0; i<cnid; i++) Recommendations.push_back(pInt[i]); }
// We've got our return values together, but before we return, cache them.
m_Cache.AddCacheItem(BasisForInference, Recommendations); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } }
ResetNodes(BasisForInference); } }
UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
// return the number of nodes in the model
int CBeliefNetwork::CNode () { int ret = 0; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts) ret = pbnts->CNode();
UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
// Return the index of a node given its symbolic name
int CBeliefNetwork::INode (LPCTSTR szNodeName) { int ret = -1; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts) ret = pbnts->INode(szNodeName);
UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
// OUTPUT *parrnid - refernce to array of NIDs of all problem nodes
// RETURN number of values in *parrnid
int CBeliefNetwork::GetProblemArray(vector<NID>* &parrnid) { int ret = 0; LOCKOBJECT(); Initialize(); parrnid = &m_arrnidProblem; ret = m_arrnidProblem.size(); UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
// OUTPUT arrOut - refernce to array of NIDs of all nodes, that have type listed in arrTypeInclude
// RETURN number of values in arrOut
int CBeliefNetwork::GetNodeArrayIncludeType(vector<NID>& arrOut, const vector<ESTDLBL>& arrTypeInclude) { int ret = 0; LOCKOBJECT(); arrOut.clear(); Initialize(); for (vector<SNodeType>::iterator i = m_arrNodeTypeAll.begin(); i < m_arrNodeTypeAll.end(); i++) { for (vector<ESTDLBL>::const_iterator j = arrTypeInclude.begin(); j < arrTypeInclude.end(); j++) if (i->Type == *j) break;
if (j != arrTypeInclude.end()) arrOut.push_back(i->Nid); } ret = arrOut.size(); UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
// OUTPUT arrOut - refernce to array of NIDs of all nodes, that do NOT have type listed in arrTypeExclude
// RETURN number of values in arrOut
int CBeliefNetwork::GetNodeArrayExcludeType(vector<NID>& arrOut, const vector<ESTDLBL>& arrTypeExclude) { int ret = 0; LOCKOBJECT(); arrOut.clear(); Initialize(); for (vector<SNodeType>::iterator i = m_arrNodeTypeAll.begin(); i < m_arrNodeTypeAll.end(); i++) { for (vector<ESTDLBL>::const_iterator j = arrTypeExclude.begin(); j < arrTypeExclude.end(); j++) if (i->Type == *j) break;
if (j == arrTypeExclude.end()) arrOut.push_back(i->Nid); } ret = arrOut.size(); UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
// ----------------------------------------
// simple properties
// ----------------------------------------
// return a STRING property of the net
CString CBeliefNetwork::GetNetPropItemStr(LPCTSTR szPropName) { CString strRet; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (!pbnts) return CString(_T(""));
if (pbnts->BNetPropItemStr(szPropName, 0)) strRet = pbnts->SzcResult(); UNLOCKOBJECT(); return strRet; }
// return a REAL property of the net
bool CBeliefNetwork::GetNetPropItemNum(LPCTSTR szPropName, double& numOut) { bool bRet = false; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (!pbnts) return false;
bRet = pbnts->BNetPropItemReal(szPropName, 0, numOut) ? true : false; UNLOCKOBJECT(); return bRet; }
// return a STRING property of a node or state
// For most properties, state is irrelevant, and default of 0 is the appropriate input.
// However, if there are per-state values, passing in the appropriate state number
// will get you the appropriate value.
CString CBeliefNetwork::GetNodePropItemStr(NID nid, LPCTSTR szPropName, IST state /*= 0 */) { CString strRet; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) { if (pbnts->BNodePropItemStr(szPropName, state)) strRet = pbnts->SzcResult(); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return strRet; }
// $MAINT - This function is not currently used in any of the troubleshooters. RAB-19991103.
// return a REAL property of a node or state
// For most properties, state is irrelevant, and default of 0 is the appropriate input.
// However, if there are per-state values, passing in the appropriate state number
// will get you the appropriate value.
bool CBeliefNetwork::GetNodePropItemNum(NID nid, LPCTSTR szPropName, double& numOut, IST state /*= 0*/) { bool bRet = false; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) { bRet = pbnts->BNodePropItemReal(szPropName, state, numOut) ? true : false; } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return bRet; }
CString CBeliefNetwork::GetNodeSymName(NID nid) { CString strRet; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) { pbnts->NodeSymName(); strRet = pbnts->SzcResult(); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return strRet; }
CString CBeliefNetwork::GetNodeFullName(NID nid) { CString strRet; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) { pbnts->NodeFullName(); strRet = pbnts->SzcResult(); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return strRet; }
CString CBeliefNetwork::GetStateName(NID nid, IST state) { CString strRet; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) { pbnts->NodeStateName(state); strRet = pbnts->SzcResult(); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return strRet; }
// ----------------------------------------
// "multiline" properties
// these date back to when there was a 255-byte limit on STRING and longer strings
// had to be represented by ARRAY OF STRING, later concatenated.
// Backward compatibility still needed.
// ----------------------------------------
// Append a NET property (for Belief Network as a whole, not for one
// particular node) to str.
// INPUT szPropName - Property name
// INPUT szFormat - string to format each successive line. Should contain one %s, otherwise
// constant text.
CString CBeliefNetwork::GetMultilineNetProp(LPCTSTR szPropName, LPCTSTR szFormat) { CString strRet; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts) { CString strTxt;
for (int i = 0; pbnts->BNetPropItemStr(szPropName, i); i++) { strTxt.Format( szFormat, pbnts->SzcResult()); strRet += strTxt; } } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return strRet; }
// Like GetMultilineNetProp, but for a NODE property item, for one particular node.
// INPUT/OUTPUT str - string to append to
// INPUT item - Property name
// INPUT szFormat - string to format each successive line. Should contain one %s, otherwise
// constant text.
CString CBeliefNetwork::GetMultilineNodeProp(NID nid, LPCTSTR szPropName, LPCTSTR szFormat) { CString strRet; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) { CString strTxt;
for (int i = 0; pbnts->BNodePropItemStr(szPropName, i); i++) { strTxt.Format( szFormat, pbnts->SzcResult()); strRet += strTxt; } } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return strRet; }
int CBeliefNetwork::GetCountOfStates(NID nid) { int ret = 0; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) ret = pbnts->INodeCst(); UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
// returns true only for NIDs valid in the context of an abstract belief network.
// Doesn't know about troubleshooter-specific stuff like nidService.
bool CBeliefNetwork::IsValidNID(NID nid) { return ( nid < CNode() ); }
bool CBeliefNetwork::IsCauseNode(NID nid) { bool ret = false; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) { ESTDLBL lbl = pbnts->ELblNode(); ret= (lbl == ESTDLBL_fixobs || lbl == ESTDLBL_fixunobs || lbl == ESTDLBL_unfix); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
bool CBeliefNetwork::IsProblemNode(NID nid) { bool ret = false; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) { ret= (pbnts->ELblNode() == ESTDLBL_problem); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
bool CBeliefNetwork::IsInformationalNode(NID nid) { bool ret = false; LOCKOBJECT(); BNTS * pbnts = pBNTS(); if (pbnts && pbnts->BNodeSetCurrent(nid)) { ret= (pbnts->ELblNode() == ESTDLBL_info); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
bool CBeliefNetwork::UsesSniffer() { bool ret = false; LOCKOBJECT(); Initialize(); ret = m_bSnifferIntegration; UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }