// PURPOSE: implementation the counter classes:
// CPeriodicTotals (utility class)
// CAbstractCounter (abstract base class).
// CCounter (simple counter)
// CHourlyCounter (counter with "bins" for each hour of the day)
// CDailyCounter (counter with "bins" for day of the week)
// CHourlyDailyCounter (counter with "bins" for each hour of the day and each day of the week)
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 7-20-1998
// 1. Right as daylight savings time clicks in, there will be a few anomalies.
// Since this defines "days" to be 24-hour periods, rather than calendar days,
// if you have just gone from standard time to daylight time, "previous days"
// before the switch will begin at 11pm the night before the relevant day;
// if you have just gone from daylight time to standard time, "previous days"
// before the switch will begin at 1am on the relevant day.
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 7-20-98 JM Original
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "SafeTime.h"
#include "Counter.h"
#include "CounterMgr.h"
#include "baseexception.h"
#include <new>
#include "CharConv.h"
#include "apiwraps.h"
const long k_secsPerHour = 3600; const long k_secsPerDay = k_secsPerHour * 24; const long k_secsPerWeek = k_secsPerDay * 7;
// CPeriodicTotals
// Utility class, returned to provide an effective table of hourly/daily
// counts.
CPeriodicTotals::CPeriodicTotals(long nPeriods) : m_nPeriods(nPeriods), m_ptime(NULL), m_pCount(NULL) { Reset(); }
CPeriodicTotals::~CPeriodicTotals() { ReleaseMem(); }
void CPeriodicTotals::Reset() { ReleaseMem();
m_nPeriodsSet = 0; m_iPeriod = 0; m_ptime = NULL; m_pCount = NULL;
try { m_ptime = new time_t[m_nPeriods];
m_pCount = new long[m_nPeriods]; } catch (bad_alloc&) { // Set the number of periods to zero, release any allocated memory, and rethrow the exception.
m_nPeriods= 0; ReleaseMem(); CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_CANT_ALLOC ); throw; } }
void CPeriodicTotals::ReleaseMem() { delete [] m_ptime; delete [] m_pCount; }
// Set the time & Count values at the current position and increment the position
bool CPeriodicTotals::SetNext(time_t time, long Count) { if (m_iPeriod >= m_nPeriods) return false; m_ptime[m_iPeriod] = time; m_pCount[m_iPeriod++] = Count; m_nPeriodsSet++; return true; }
// Format a time and count suitably for HTML or other text use.
// returns a reference of convenience to the same string passed in.
CString & CPeriodicTotals::DisplayPeriod(long i, CString & str) const { CString strTime; { CSafeTime safe(m_ptime[i]); str = safe.StrLocalTime(); } strTime.Format(_T(" %8.8d"), m_pCount[i]); str += strTime; return str; }
// CHourlyTotals
CHourlyTotals::CHourlyTotals() : CPeriodicTotals (24+1) { }
CHourlyTotals::~CHourlyTotals() { }
// This is strictly for display to operator, so hard-coding English is OK
// returns a reference of convenience to the same string passed in.
CString CHourlyTotals::HTMLDisplay() const { CString str, strTemp;
if (m_nPeriodsSet > 1) { str += _T("<TR>\n"); str += _T("<TD ROWSPAN=\"24\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BGCOLOR=\"#CCCC99\">\n"); str += _T("<B>Last 24 hours: </B>"); str += _T("</TD>\n"); for (int i=0; i<24 && i<m_nPeriodsSet-1 ; i++) { if (i!=0) str += _T("<TR>\n"); str+= _T("<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFCC\">\n"); CPeriodicTotals::DisplayPeriod(i, strTemp); str += strTemp; str += _T("</TD>\n"); str += _T("</TR>\n"); } }
if (m_nPeriodsSet >= 1) { str += _T("<TR>\n"); str += _T("<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BGCOLOR=\"#CCCC99\"> \n"); str += _T("<B>Current hour:</B> "); str += _T("</TD>\n"); str += _T("<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFCC\">\n"); CPeriodicTotals::DisplayPeriod(m_nPeriodsSet-1, strTemp); str += strTemp; str += _T("</TD>\n"); str += _T("</TR>\n"); } else str = _T("<BR>No hourly data.");
return str; }
// CDailyTotals
CDailyTotals::CDailyTotals() : CPeriodicTotals (7+1) { }
CDailyTotals::~CDailyTotals() { }
// This is strictly for display to operator, so hard-coding English is OK
// returns a reference of convenience to the same string passed in.
CString CDailyTotals::HTMLDisplay() const { CString str, strTemp; if (m_nPeriodsSet > 1) { str = _T("<TR>\n"); str+= _T("<TD ROWSPAN=\"7\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BGCOLOR=\"#CCCC99\">\n"); str += _T("<B>Last 7 days: </B>"); str += _T("</TD>\n"); for (int i=0; i<7 && i<m_nPeriodsSet-1 ; i++) { if (i!=0) str += _T("<TR>\n"); str+= _T("<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFCC\">\n"); CPeriodicTotals::DisplayPeriod(i, strTemp); str += strTemp; str += _T("</TD>\n"); str += _T("</TR>\n"); } }
if (m_nPeriodsSet >= 1) { str += _T("<TR>\n"); str += _T("<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BGCOLOR=\"#CCCC99\"> \n"); str += _T("<B>Today: </B>"); str += _T("</TD>\n"); str += _T("<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\" BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFCC\">\n"); CPeriodicTotals::DisplayPeriod(m_nPeriodsSet-1, strTemp); str += strTemp; str += _T("</TD>\n"); str += _T("</TR>\n"); } else str = _T("<BR>No daily data.");
return str; }
// CCounterLocation
/*static*/ LPCTSTR CCounterLocation::m_GlobalStr = _T("Global"); /*static*/ LPCTSTR CCounterLocation::m_TopicStr = _T("Topic "); /*static*/ LPCTSTR CCounterLocation::m_ThreadStr = _T("Thread ");
CCounterLocation::CCounterLocation(EId id, LPCTSTR scope /*=m_GlobalStr*/) : m_Scope(scope), m_Id(id) { }
CCounterLocation::~CCounterLocation() { }
// CAbstractCounter
CAbstractCounter::CAbstractCounter(EId id /*=eIdGeneric*/, CString scope /*=m_GlobalStr*/) : CCounterLocation(id, scope) { ::Get_g_CounterMgr()->AddSubstitute(*this); }
CAbstractCounter::~CAbstractCounter() { ::Get_g_CounterMgr()->Remove(*this); }
// CCounter
// a simple counter
CCounter::CCounter(EId id /*=eIdGeneric*/, CString scope /*=m_GlobalStr*/) : CAbstractCounter(id, scope) { Clear(); }
CCounter::~CCounter() { }
void CCounter::Increment() { ::InterlockedIncrement( &m_Count ); }
void CCounter::Clear() { ::InterlockedExchange( &m_Count, 0); }
void CCounter::Init(long count) { ::InterlockedExchange( &m_Count, count); }
long CCounter::Get() const { return m_Count; }
// CHourlyCounter
// This counter maintains bins to keep track of values on a per-hour basis.
// The code that sets the values can treat this as a CAbstractCounter.
// Additional public functions are available to report results.
CHourlyCounter::CHourlyCounter() : m_ThisHour (-1), m_ThisTime (0) { m_hMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); if (!m_hMutex) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T("Hourly"), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_MUTEX ); } Clear(); }
CHourlyCounter::~CHourlyCounter() { ::CloseHandle(m_hMutex); }
void CHourlyCounter::Increment() { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); SetHour(); m_arrCount[m_ThisHour].Increment(); ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
void CHourlyCounter::Clear() { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); for (long i = 0; i < 24; i++) m_arrCount[i].Clear(); m_nThisHourYesterday = 0; ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
void CHourlyCounter::Init(long count) { CHourlyCounter::Clear(); WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); SetHour(); m_arrCount[m_ThisHour].Init(count); ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
// return a 24-hour total prior to the present hour.
// non-const because it calls SetHour()
long CHourlyCounter::GetDayCount() { long DayCount = 0; WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); SetHour(); for (long i=0; i<24; i++) { if ( i != m_ThisHour ) DayCount += m_arrCount[i].Get(); DayCount += m_nThisHourYesterday; } ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex);
return DayCount; }
// non-const because it calls SetHour()
void CHourlyCounter::GetHourlies(CHourlyTotals & totals) { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex );
time_t time = m_ThisTime - (k_secsPerDay);
totals.SetNext(time, m_nThisHourYesterday);
long i; for (i=m_ThisHour+1; i<24; i++) { time += k_secsPerHour; totals.SetNext(time, m_arrCount[i].Get()); }
for (i=0; i<=m_ThisHour; i++) { time += k_secsPerHour; totals.SetNext(time, m_arrCount[i].Get()); }
::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
// Based on the present time, shifts to the appropriate bin.
void CHourlyCounter::SetHour() { time_t timeNow; time_t timeStartOfHour;
WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex );
time(&timeNow); timeStartOfHour = (timeNow / k_secsPerHour) * k_secsPerHour;
if (timeStartOfHour > m_ThisTime) { // If we get here, hour changed. Typically the last action was the previous
// hour, but the algorithm here does not require that.
long Hour; { // minimize how long we use CSafeTime, because it means holding a mutex.
CSafeTime safe(timeStartOfHour); Hour = safe.LocalTime().tm_hour; }
if (timeStartOfHour - m_ThisTime > k_secsPerDay) Clear(); else { m_nThisHourYesterday = m_arrCount[Hour].Get(); if (m_ThisHour > Hour) { long i; for (i=m_ThisHour+1; i<24; i++) { m_arrCount[i].Clear(); } for (i=0; i<=Hour; i++) { m_arrCount[i].Clear(); } } else { for (long i=m_ThisHour+1; i<=Hour; i++) { m_arrCount[i].Clear(); } } } m_ThisHour = Hour; m_ThisTime = timeStartOfHour; } ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); return; }
// CDailyCounter
// This counter maintains bins to keep track of values on a per-day basis.
// The code that sets the values can treat this as a CAbstractCounter.
// Additional public functions are available to report results.
// This could share more code with CHourlyCounter, but it would be very hard to come up
// with appropriate variable and function names, so we are suffering dual maintenance.
CDailyCounter::CDailyCounter() : m_ThisDay (-1), m_ThisTime (0) { m_hMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); if (!m_hMutex) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T("Daily"), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_MUTEX ); } Clear(); }
CDailyCounter::~CDailyCounter() { ::CloseHandle(m_hMutex); }
void CDailyCounter::Increment() { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); SetDay(); m_arrCount[m_ThisDay].Increment(); ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
void CDailyCounter::Clear() { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); for (long i = 0; i < 7; i++) m_arrCount[i].Clear(); m_nThisDayLastWeek = 0; ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
void CDailyCounter::Init(long count) { CDailyCounter::Clear(); WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); SetDay(); m_arrCount[m_ThisDay].Init(count); ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
// return a 7-day total prior to the present day.
// non-const because it calls SetDay()
long CDailyCounter::GetWeekCount() { long WeekCount = 0; WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); SetDay(); for (long i=0; i<7; i++) { if ( i != m_ThisDay ) WeekCount += m_arrCount[i].Get(); WeekCount += m_nThisDayLastWeek; } ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex);
return WeekCount; }
// non-const because it calls SetDay()
void CDailyCounter::GetDailies(CDailyTotals & totals) { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex );
time_t time = m_ThisTime - (k_secsPerWeek);
totals.SetNext(time, m_nThisDayLastWeek);
long i; for (i=m_ThisDay+1; i<7; i++) { time += k_secsPerDay; totals.SetNext(time, m_arrCount[i].Get()); }
for (i=0; i<=m_ThisDay; i++) { time += k_secsPerDay; totals.SetNext(time, m_arrCount[i].Get()); }
::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
// Based on the present time, shifts to the appropriate bin.
void CDailyCounter::SetDay() { time_t timeNow; time_t timeStartOfDay;
WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex );
// Want to get start of day local time.
// Can't just set timeStartOfDay = (timeNow / k_secsPerDay) * k_secsPerDay
// because that would be the start of the day based on GMT!
long DayOfWeek; { // minimize how long we use CSafeTime, because it means holding a mutex.
CSafeTime safe(timeNow); struct tm tmStartOfDay = safe.LocalTime(); DayOfWeek = tmStartOfDay.tm_wday; tmStartOfDay.tm_sec = 0; tmStartOfDay.tm_min = 0; tmStartOfDay.tm_hour = 0; timeStartOfDay = mktime(&tmStartOfDay); }
if (timeStartOfDay > m_ThisTime) { // If we get here, day changed. Typically the last action was the previous
// hour, but the algorithm here does not require that.
{ // minimize how long we use CSafeTime, because it means holding a mutex.
CSafeTime safe(timeStartOfDay); DayOfWeek = safe.LocalTime().tm_wday; }
if (timeStartOfDay - m_ThisTime > k_secsPerWeek) Clear(); else { m_nThisDayLastWeek = m_arrCount[DayOfWeek].Get(); if (m_ThisDay > DayOfWeek) { long i; for (i=m_ThisDay+1; i<7; i++) { m_arrCount[i].Clear(); } for (i=0; i<=DayOfWeek; i++) { m_arrCount[i].Clear(); } } else { for (long i=m_ThisDay+1; i<=DayOfWeek; i++) { m_arrCount[i].Clear(); } } } m_ThisDay = DayOfWeek; m_ThisTime = timeStartOfDay; } ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); return; }
// CHourlyDailyCounter
CHourlyDailyCounter::CHourlyDailyCounter(EId id /*=eIdGeneric*/, CString scope /*=m_GlobalStr*/) : CAbstractCounter(id, scope), m_Total(0), m_timeFirst(0), m_timeLast(0), m_timeCleared(0) { m_hMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); if (!m_hMutex) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T("HourlyDaily"), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_MUTEX ); }
time(&m_timeCreated); time(&m_timeCleared); }
CHourlyDailyCounter::~CHourlyDailyCounter() { ::CloseHandle(m_hMutex); }
void CHourlyDailyCounter::Increment() { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); m_hourly.Increment(); m_daily.Increment(); m_Total++; time(&m_timeLast); if (!m_timeFirst) m_timeFirst = m_timeLast; ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
void CHourlyDailyCounter::Clear() { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); m_hourly.Clear(); m_daily.Clear(); m_Total= 0; m_timeFirst = 0; m_timeLast = 0; time(&m_timeCleared); ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
void CHourlyDailyCounter::Init(long count) { CHourlyDailyCounter::Clear(); WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); m_hourly.Init(count); m_daily.Init(count); m_Total = count; time(&m_timeLast); if (!m_timeFirst) m_timeFirst = m_timeLast; ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); }
// no need to lock here, because m_hourly does its own locking.
long CHourlyDailyCounter::GetDayCount() { return m_hourly.GetDayCount(); }
// no need to lock here, because m_hourly does its own locking.
void CHourlyDailyCounter::GetHourlies(CHourlyTotals & totals) { m_hourly.GetHourlies(totals); }
// no need to lock here, because m_daily does its own locking.
long CHourlyDailyCounter::GetWeekCount() { return m_daily.GetWeekCount(); }
// no need to lock here, because m_daily does its own locking.
void CHourlyDailyCounter::GetDailies(CDailyTotals & totals) { m_daily.GetDailies(totals); }
long CHourlyDailyCounter::GetTotal() const { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); long ret = m_Total; ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); return ret; };
time_t CHourlyDailyCounter::GetTimeFirst() const { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); time_t ret = m_timeFirst; ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); return ret; };
time_t CHourlyDailyCounter::GetTimeLast() const { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); time_t ret = m_timeLast; ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); return ret; };
time_t CHourlyDailyCounter::GetTimeCleared() const { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); time_t ret = m_timeCleared; ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); return ret; };
time_t CHourlyDailyCounter::GetTimeCreated() const { WAIT_INFINITE( m_hMutex ); time_t ret = m_timeCreated; ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); return ret; }
time_t CHourlyDailyCounter::GetTimeNow() const { // No need to lock mutex on this call.
time_t ret; time(&ret);
return ret; }
// CDisplayCounter...::Display() implementation
#define STATUS_INVALID_TIME_STR _T("none")
CString CDisplayCounterTotal::Display() { TCHAR buf[128] = {0}; _stprintf(buf, _T("%ld"), long(((CHourlyDailyCounter*)m_pAbstractCounter)->GetTotal())); return buf; }
CString CDisplayCounterCurrentDateTime::Display() { return CSafeTime(((CHourlyDailyCounter*)m_pAbstractCounter)->GetTimeNow()).StrLocalTime(STATUS_INVALID_TIME_STR); }
CString CDisplayCounterCreateDateTime::Display() { return CSafeTime(((CHourlyDailyCounter*)m_pAbstractCounter)->GetTimeCreated()).StrLocalTime(STATUS_INVALID_TIME_STR); }
CString CDisplayCounterFirstDateTime::Display() { return CSafeTime(((CHourlyDailyCounter*)m_pAbstractCounter)->GetTimeFirst()).StrLocalTime(STATUS_INVALID_TIME_STR); }
CString CDisplayCounterLastDateTime::Display() { return CSafeTime(((CHourlyDailyCounter*)m_pAbstractCounter)->GetTimeLast()).StrLocalTime(STATUS_INVALID_TIME_STR); }
CString CDisplayCounterDailyHourly::Display() { CString ret;
if (m_pDailyTotals) { ((CHourlyDailyCounter*)m_pAbstractCounter)->GetDailies(*m_pDailyTotals); ret += m_pDailyTotals->HTMLDisplay(); } if (m_pHourlyTotals) { ((CHourlyDailyCounter*)m_pAbstractCounter)->GetHourlies(*m_pHourlyTotals); ret += m_pHourlyTotals->HTMLDisplay(); }
return ret; }