// PURPOSE: Class CTopic brings together all of the data structures that represent a
// troubleshooting topic. Most importantly, this represents the belief network,
// but it also represents the HTI template, the data derived from the BES (back
// end search) file, and any other persistent data.
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 9-9-98
// 1. The bulk of the methods on this class are inherited from CBeliefNetwork
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 09-09-98 JM
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Topic.h"
#include "propnames.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "CharConv.h"
#include "SafeTime.h"
#include "CHMFileReader.h"
#include "apgtstscread.h"
#include "apgts.h" // Need for Local-Online macros.
// Construction/Destruction
CTopic::CTopic( LPCTSTR pathDSC ,LPCTSTR pathHTI ,LPCTSTR pathBES ,LPCTSTR pathTSC ) : CBeliefNetwork(pathDSC), m_pHTI(NULL), m_pBES(NULL), m_pathHTI(pathHTI), m_pathBES(pathBES), m_pathTSC(pathTSC), m_bTopicIsValid(true), m_bTopicIsRead(false) { }
CTopic::~CTopic() { if (m_pHTI) delete m_pHTI; if (m_pBES) delete m_pBES; }
bool CTopic::IsRead() { bool ret = false; LOCKOBJECT(); ret = m_bTopicIsRead; UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
bool CTopic::Read() { LOCKOBJECT(); m_bTopicIsValid = false; try { if (CBeliefNetwork::Read()) { if (m_pHTI) delete m_pHTI;
if (RUNNING_LOCAL_TS()) m_pHTI = new CAPGTSHTIReader( CPhysicalFileReader::makeReader( m_pathHTI ), GetMultilineNetProp(H_NET_HTI_LOCAL, _T("%s\r\n")) ); else m_pHTI = new CAPGTSHTIReader( new CNormalFileReader( m_pathHTI ), GetMultilineNetProp(H_NET_HTI_ONLINE, _T("%s\r\n")) );
if (m_pHTI->Read()) { #ifdef LOCAL_TROUBLESHOOTER
// it can fail reading TCS file - we don't care
CAPGTSTSCReader( CPhysicalFileReader::makeReader( m_pathTSC ), &m_Cache ).Read(); #endif
// at this point, we're OK, because BES is optional
m_bTopicIsValid = true; if (m_pBES) { delete m_pBES; m_pBES= NULL; }
CString strBESfromNet= GetMultilineNetProp( H_NET_BES, _T("%s\r\n") ); if ((!m_pathBES.IsEmpty()) || (!strBESfromNet.IsEmpty())) { // Only allocate a BESReader for a valid filename.
m_pBES = new CAPGTSBESReader(new CNormalFileReader(m_pathBES), strBESfromNet ); m_pBES->Read(); } } } } catch (bad_alloc&) { // Note memory failure in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_CANT_ALLOC ); } m_bTopicIsRead = true; UNLOCKOBJECT();
return m_bTopicIsValid; }
// should only be called in a context where we know we have a valid topic.
// Needn't lock, because m_pBES won't change once topic is read.
bool CTopic::HasBES() { return (m_pBES ? true : false); }
// Should only be called in a context where we know we have a valid topic.
// Does not need to lock, because:
// - CAPGTSBESReader provides its own locking
// - m_pBES won't change once topic is read.
void CTopic::GenerateBES( const vector<CString> & arrstrIn, CString & strEncoded, CString & strRaw) { if (m_pBES) m_pBES->GenerateBES(arrstrIn, strEncoded, strRaw); }
// Should only be called in a context where we know we have a valid topic.
// Does not need to lock, because:
// - CAPGTSHTIReader provides its own locking
// - m_pHTI won't change once topic is read.
void CTopic::CreatePage( const CHTMLFragments& fragments, CString& out, const map<CString,CString> & mapStrs, CString strHTTPcookies/*= _T("")*/ ) { if (m_pHTI) { // You can compile with the SHOWPROGRESS option to get a report on the progress of this page.
time_t timeStart = 0; time_t timeEnd = 0; time(&timeStart); #endif // SHOWPROGRESS
m_pHTI->CreatePage(fragments, out, mapStrs, strHTTPcookies ); #ifdef SHOWPROGRESS
CString strProgress; CSafeTime safetimeStart(timeStart); CSafeTime safetimeEnd(timeEnd); strProgress = _T("\n<BR>-----------------------------"); strProgress += _T("\n<BR>Start CTopic::CreatePage "); strProgress += safetimeStart.StrLocalTime(); strProgress += _T("\n<BR>End CTopic::CreatePage "); strProgress += safetimeEnd.StrLocalTime();
int i = out.Find(_T("<BODY")); i = out.Find(_T('>'), i); // end of BODY tag
if (i>=0) { out = out.Left(i+1) + strProgress + out.Mid(i+1); } #endif // SHOWPROGRESS
} }
// JSM V3.2
// Should only be called in a context where we know we have a valid topic.
// Does not need to lock, because:
// - CAPGTSHTIReader provides its own locking
// - m_pHTI won't change once topic is read.
void CTopic::ExtractNetProps(vector <CString> &arr_props) { if (m_pHTI) m_pHTI->ExtractNetProps(arr_props);
// Should only be called in a context where we know we have a valid topic.
// Does not need to lock, because:
// - CAPGTSHTIReader provides its own locking
// - m_pHTI won't change once topic is read.
bool CTopic::HasHistoryTable() { bool ret = false; if (m_pHTI) ret = m_pHTI->HasHistoryTable(); return ret; }