// certmap.cpp : Implementation of CCertmapApp and DLL registration.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "certmap.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
CCertmapApp /*NEAR*/ theApp; // tompop: does this have to be near? We are now getting errors when we finish refering to this var's addr
const GUID CDECL BASED_CODE _tlid = { 0xbbd8f298, 0x6f61, 0x11d0, { 0xa2, 0x6e, 0x8, 0, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x6f, 0x32 } }; const WORD _wVerMajor = 1; const WORD _wVerMinor = 0;
void CCertmapApp::WinHelp(DWORD dwData, UINT nCmd ) { COleControlModule::WinHelp(dwData,nCmd); }
// CCertmapApp::InitInstance - DLL initialization
BOOL CCertmapApp::InitInstance() { BOOL bInit = COleControlModule::InitInstance();
// init ole stuff
HRESULT hRes = CoInitialize(NULL);
// finally, we need to redirect the winhelp file location to something more desirable
CString sz; CString szHelpLocation; sz.LoadString( IDS_HELPLOC_PWSHELP ); // expand the path
ExpandEnvironmentStrings( sz, // pointer to string with environment variables
szHelpLocation.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH + 1), // pointer to string with expanded environment variables
MAX_PATH // maximum characters in expanded string
); szHelpLocation.ReleaseBuffer();
// free the existing path, and copy in the new one
if ( m_pszHelpFilePath ) free((void*)m_pszHelpFilePath); m_pszHelpFilePath = _tcsdup(szHelpLocation);
return bInit; }
// CCertmapApp::ExitInstance - DLL termination
// tjp: note that in 'CCertmapApp::InitInstance()' we add our help file to the
// help path. do we need to remove it on clean up here?
int CCertmapApp::ExitInstance() { CoUninitialize(); return COleControlModule::ExitInstance(); }
// MigrateGUIDS - does all the GUID migration work. We pass back the
// return value of True iff we find GUIDs in the registry and migrate
// them to the metabase.
// We are called by top level fnct: InstallCertServerGUIDs that creates
// our 'info' structure and handles all the metabase init work.
// This code is written in response to bug # 167410.
// This fix will handle all the GUID migration work, moving GUIDS that
// CertServer placed in the registry into the metabase for Beta2.
// A more general install/deinstall mechanism for products that
// work with IIS will be come post-Beta2.
// --------
// We look for evidence of CertServer by examing the Registry because
// CertServer will write some entries under:
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\KeyRing\Parameters\Certificate
// Authorities\Microsoft Certificate Server
// CertServer currently outputs:
// CertGetConfig "{C6CC49B0-CE17-11D0-8833-00A0C903B83C}"
// CertRequest "{98AFF3F0-5524-11D0-8812-00A0C903B83C}"
// If we see the manditory 'CertRequest' entry, we will load as many strings
// as we find, while defaulting the ones that are missing. See below
// for the equivalent mdutil commands for what defaults are used
// => if we dont find 'CertRequest' we give up [meaning remove
// any present MB GUID string entries]
// When we find that CertServer is installed, we dont fully believe that
// certserver is still there. To prove that its there we will do a
// CoCreateInstance on CertConfig. If that works we install metabase
// entries that are the equivalent of the following mdutil commands:
// ## ICERTGETCONFIG default setting:
// mdutil SET "w3svc/CertServers/Microsoft Certificate Server" -dtype:STRING -
// -utype:UT_SERVER -prop 5571 -value "{C6CC49B0-CE17-11D0-8833-00A0C903B83C}"
// ## ICERTREQUEST default setting:
// mdutil SET "w3svc/CertServers/Microsoft Certificate Server" -dtype:STRING
// -utype:UT_SERVER -prop 5572 -value "{98AFF3F0-5524-11D0-8812-00A0C903B83C}"
// ## ICERTCONFIG default setting:
// mdutil SET "w3svc/CertServers/Microsoft Certificate Server" -dtype:STRING
// -utype:UT_SERVER -prop 5574 -value "{372fce38-4324-11d0-8810-00a0c903b83c}"
// If the CoCreateInstance fails, we give up and remove MB GUID entries.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE that we will either install or DE-install the metabase
// GUID strings based on its decision that CertServer is present.
// If we find GUID strings in the metabase but can not do a
// CoCreateInstance on CertConfig:
// we remove them so that the rest of CertWizard will see CertServer
// Guids iff we can use CertServer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE also that if we make a decision to install GUID strings
// into the metabase, we honor/preserve any present GUID strings that
// are present in the metabase.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL MigrateGUIDS( ADMIN_INFO& info ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; // value to return, set to F
// for defensive reasons.
BOOL bFoundCertSrvRegistryEntries = FALSE; // assume false for now
TCHAR* szRegPath = _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\KeyRing\\Parameters\\Certificate Authorities\\Microsoft Certificate Server");
// In each of the following 3 sets of parameters, we have (1) a string
// like "CertRequest" that CertServer uses in the registry, (2) a default
// value to use like "{98AFF3F0-5524-11D0-8812-00A0C903B83C}" that we
// use if we can not find anything in the registry, and (3) a CString
// to hold the GUID. The value in the CString will be stored in the MB.
// CertRequest - variables
TCHAR* szCertRequest = _T("CertRequest"); TCHAR* szCertRequestGUIDdefault = _T( "{98AFF3F0-5524-11D0-8812-00A0C903B83C}" ); CString szCertRequestGUID;
// CertConfig - variables
TCHAR* szCertConfig = _T("CertConfig"); TCHAR* szCertConfigGUIDdefault = _T( "{372fce38-4324-11d0-8810-00a0c903b83c}" ); CString szCertConfigGUID;
// CertGetConfig - variables
TCHAR* szCertGetConfig = _T("CertGetConfig"); TCHAR* szCertGetConfigGUIDdefault = _T( "{C6CC49B0-CE17-11D0-8833-00A0C903B83C}"); CString szCertGetConfigGUID;
CString szCertServerMetabaseRoot( SZ_ROOT_CERT_SERV_MB_PATH ); // SZ_ROOT_CERT_SERV_MB_PATH = "/LM/W3SVC/CertServers"
szCertServerMetabaseRoot += _T("/Microsoft Certificate Server");
CEditDialog dlg(szCertServerMetabaseRoot, _T("use this to test adding new CertServer entries." " In order for us to install a new key you have to change the path" " below to something [strange] and not already in the metabase.")); dlg.DoModal(); #endif
// the following string will be restored into info.szMetaBasePath before
// we exit this fnct. We switch out the [info.szMetaBasePath] so that
// we can use our native Set/Get metabase string fncts.
// We switch it to: "/LM/W3SVC/CertServers/Microsoft Certificate Server"
CString szSaved_info_szMetaBasePath( info.szMetaBasePath ); info.szMetaBasePath = szCertServerMetabaseRoot;
// if we dont find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\KeyRing\Parameters\ // Certificate Authorities\Microsoft Certificate Server"
// with key: CertRequest quit! CertServer should have installed this.
// We are forgiving about the other 2 Registry GUID strings
if ( Reg::GetNameValueIn( szRegPath, szCertRequest, szCertRequestGUID, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE )) { bFoundCertSrvRegistryEntries = TRUE; } if (! Reg::GetNameValueIn( szRegPath, szCertConfig, szCertConfigGUID, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE )) { szCertConfigGUID = szCertConfigGUIDdefault; // assign default
} if (! Reg::GetNameValueIn( szRegPath, szCertGetConfig, szCertGetConfigGUID, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE )) { szCertGetConfigGUID = szCertGetConfigGUIDdefault; // assign default
// First lets try to create the directory path: the user might have
// deleted it or this might be a virgin machine.
{ CWrapMetaBase& MB = info.meta.m_mbWrap; // this is the MetaBase Wrapper
// its already been openned by
// openMetaDataForWrite
if ( FALSE == openMetaDataForWrite(info, FALSE) ) {
if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == HRESULT_CODE( MB.getHRESULT() )) { // lets create the path in the metabase, using AddObject.
// recursively creates a "pathway in the metabase". E.g. assume that you
// want to make sure that "/LM/W3SVC/CertServers/Microsoft Certificate Server"
// is in the metabase. you can open /LM/W3SVC and do a AddKey() on
// "CertServers/Microsoft Certificate Server" to create that stub.
// above we set: info.szMetaBasePath = szCertServerMetabaseRoot
// here we will temporarily pretend that our root is at level
// /LM/W3SVC which we assume is at the top of szCertServerMetabaseRoot
// and then call AddKey
TCHAR szPath[400]; TCHAR* szRootPrefix = _T("/LM/W3SVC"); UINT nRootPrefixLen = STRLEN(szRootPrefix); STRCPY(szPath, szCertServerMetabaseRoot);
if (STRNICMP(szRootPrefix, szPath, nRootPrefixLen) != 0) goto returnFALSE; // we could not figure out a common Root
info.szMetaBasePath = szRootPrefix; if ( FALSE == openMetaDataForWrite(info) ) goto returnFALSE; // we could not open the metabase
// the metabase path is already position to the proper directory
// in the MB object. MB will prepend that path to the subDirectory
// that we want to create, the following will jump past the trailing
// '/' separating the root and the rest of the sub-directory
// e.g. "/CertServers/Microsoft Certificate Server"
// We dont do any other error checking besides notifying and
// returning FALSE.
if (FALSE == MB.AddObject( &szPath[nRootPrefixLen] )) { NotifyUsers_CouldNotAccessMetaBase( MB.getHRESULT() ); goto returnFALSE; // we could not create required path
// since we are continuing, we reset back our proper path.
info.szMetaBasePath = szCertServerMetabaseRoot; } else { goto returnFALSE; // we could not open the metabase
} }
// Below we dont deal with the XENROLL GUID setting that is for future usage
// PLUS its not CertServer Related, its Xenroll related. We dont touch it.
// lets see if we can do a CoCreateInstance on CertRequest. If we can not
// we believe that certServer is not installed and set/clear MB entries
// The following values are set or cleared:
IPtr<ICertConfig, &IID_ICertConfig> iptr; CString szRemoteDCOMTargetMachine; // REMEMBER bRet returns whether we were able to delete everything
// or set everything that we were wanting to set
// in both cases assume now that we have success and update bRet when
// we find errors, we continue as long as possible. E.g. we add or delete
// as many entries as possible and return our status value to the caller.
bRet = TRUE;
if ( (FALSE == bFoundCertSrvRegistryEntries) ||
(FALSE == GetICertConfigIPtrFromGuid( iptr, szCertConfigGUID, &szRemoteDCOMTargetMachine)) ) { // remove MB entries!
DODBG MsgBox( _T("adding CertServer MB entries")); #endif
if ( FALSE == openMetaDataForWrite(info) ) { goto returnFALSE; // we could not open the metabase
// We just need to blow away the cert info in the metabase
// which we do using the meta data wrapper
// deleting values
CWrapMetaBase& MB = info.meta.m_mbWrap; // this is the MetaBase Wrapper
// its already been openned by
// openMetaDataForWrite
// try deletes once
// In C++ &&= does not exist. However [bRet &= FALSE;] is OK, but we dont
// have a uniform single value of TRUE in C/C++ so its not safe to use &=
// to chain a set of TRUE-value
// so we can not do:
// bRet &&= MB.DeleteData( _T(""),
// so we will use a [if (! xxx) bRet=FALSE;] construct below
} else { CString szPresentValue; // used to read the present value
// any metabase value so that we
// can preserve it.
DODBG MsgBox( _T("adding CertServer MB entries")); #endif
// add MB entries! If an entry already exists, leave it alone.
if (! GetMetaBaseString ( info, IN MD_SSL_CERT_WIZGUID_ICERTREQUEST, IN szPresentValue ) ) { if (!SetMetaBaseString ( info, IN MD_SSL_CERT_WIZGUID_ICERTREQUEST, IN szCertRequestGUID ) ) bRet=FALSE; }
if (! GetMetaBaseString ( info, IN MD_SSL_CERT_WIZGUID_ICERTCONFIG, IN szPresentValue ) ) { if (!SetMetaBaseString ( info, IN MD_SSL_CERT_WIZGUID_ICERTCONFIG, IN szCertConfigGUID ) ) bRet=FALSE; }
if (! GetMetaBaseString ( info, IN MD_SSL_CERT_WIZGUID_ICERTGETCONFIG, IN szPresentValue ) ) { if (!SetMetaBaseString ( info, IN MD_SSL_CERT_WIZGUID_ICERTGETCONFIG, IN szCertGetConfigGUID ) ) bRet=FALSE; }
} commonReturn: // this is the common return so that we an set
// back the metabase path. We saved it so that
// we can switch to where the GUIDs live:
// the following will restore the original [info.szMetaBasePath] value
// before we switched it to: "/LM/W3SVC/CertServers/..."
info.szMetaBasePath = szSaved_info_szMetaBasePath;
returnFALSE: // this will cause a FALSE return and do all things
// required in our "common return"
bRet = FALSE; goto commonReturn; } */
// DllRegisterServer - Adds entries to the system registry
STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(_afxModuleAddrThis);
if (!AfxOleRegisterTypeLib(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), _tlid)) return ResultFromScode(SELFREG_E_TYPELIB);
if (!COleObjectFactoryEx::UpdateRegistryAll(TRUE)) return ResultFromScode(SELFREG_E_CLASS);
return NOERROR; }
// DllUnregisterServer - Removes entries from the system registry
STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(_afxModuleAddrThis);
if (!AfxOleUnregisterTypeLib(_tlid, _wVerMajor, _wVerMinor)) return ResultFromScode(SELFREG_E_TYPELIB);
if (!COleObjectFactoryEx::UpdateRegistryAll(FALSE)) return ResultFromScode(SELFREG_E_CLASS);
return NOERROR; }