// Map11Pge.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iadmw.h>
#include "certmap.h"
// persistence and mapping includes
#include "WrapMaps.h"
//#include "wrpprsis.h"
//#include "admutil.h"
#include "ListRow.h"
#include "ChkLstCt.h"
#include "wrapmb.h"
// mapping page includes
#include "brwsdlg.h"
#include "EdtOne11.h"
#include "Ed11Maps.h"
#include "Map11Pge.h"
#include "CrackCrt.h"
#include <iiscnfgp.h>
//#include "WrpMBWrp.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define COL_NUM_NAME 1
#define MB_EXTEND_KEY _T("Cert11")
#define MB_EXTEND_KEY_MAPS _T("Cert11/Mappings")
// CMap11Page property page
CMap11Page::CMap11Page() : CPropertyPage(CMap11Page::IDD), m_MapsInMetabase( 0 ) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CMap11Page)
m_csz_i_c = _T(""); m_csz_i_o = _T(""); m_csz_i_ou = _T(""); m_csz_s_c = _T(""); m_csz_s_cn = _T(""); m_csz_s_l = _T(""); m_csz_s_o = _T(""); m_csz_s_ou = _T(""); m_csz_s_s = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
CMap11Page::~CMap11Page() { ResetMappingList(); }
void CMap11Page::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMap11Page)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ADD, m_cbutton_add); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ISSUER, m_cbutton_grp_issuer); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ISSUED_TO, m_cbutton_grp_issuedto); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST, m_clistctrl_list); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_11MAP, m_cbutton_editmap); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DELETE, m_cbutton_delete); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_I_C, m_csz_i_c); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_I_O, m_csz_i_o); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_I_OU, m_csz_i_ou); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_S_C, m_csz_s_c); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_S_CN, m_csz_s_cn); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_S_L, m_csz_s_l); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_S_O, m_csz_s_o); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_S_OU, m_csz_s_ou); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_S_S, m_csz_s_s); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMap11Page, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMap11Page)
void CMap11Page::DoHelp() { WinHelp( HIDD_CERTMAP_MAIN_BASIC ); }
// initialization routines
// FInitMapper is called by the routine instantiating this page. After the object
// is first created is when it is called. It allows us to fail gracefully.
BOOL CMap11Page::FInit(IMSAdminBase* pMB) { m_pMB = pMB;
// this has become a simple place
return TRUE; }
BOOL CMap11Page::OnInitDialog() { //call the parental oninitdialog
BOOL f = CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
// if the initinalization (sp?) succeeded, init the list and other items
if ( f ) { // init the contents of the list
// Fill the mapping list with the stored items
// set the initial button states
EnableDependantButtons(); }
// set any changes in the info into place
// return the answer
return f; }
BOOL CMap11Page::FInitMappingList() { CString sz; int i;
// setup the friendly name column
sz.Empty(); i = m_clistctrl_list.InsertColumn( COL_NUM_ENABLED, sz, LVCFMT_LEFT, 20 );
// setup the friendly name column
sz.LoadString( IDS_LIST11_NAME );
i = m_clistctrl_list.InsertColumn( COL_NUM_NAME, sz, LVCFMT_LEFT, 105 );
// setup the account column
sz.LoadString( IDS_LIST11_ACCOUNT );
i = m_clistctrl_list.InsertColumn( COL_NUM_NTACCOUNT, sz, LVCFMT_LEFT, 195 );
return TRUE; }
BOOL CMap11Page::FillMappingList() { // reset the mapping list - get rid of anything in there now
// read in the mappings - it adds them to the list
return TRUE; }
//BOOL CMap11Page::FAddMappingToList( C11Mapping* pMap, DWORD iList )
BOOL CMap11Page::FAddMappingToList( C11Mapping* pMap ) { CString sz; int i; DWORD iList;
// if requested, make sure the mapping is added to the end of the list
iList = m_clistctrl_list.GetItemCount();
// get the appropriate "enabled" string
BOOL fEnabled; pMap->GetMapEnabled( &fEnabled ); if ( fEnabled ) sz.LoadString( IDS_ENABLED ); else sz.Empty();
// add the friendly name of the mapping
// create the new entry in the list box. Do not sort on this entry - yet
i = m_clistctrl_list.InsertItem( iList, sz );
// add the friendly name of the mapping
pMap->GetMapName( sz ); // create the new entry in the list box. Do not sort on this entry - yet
m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( i, COL_NUM_NAME, sz );
// add the account name of the mapping
pMap->GetNTAccount( sz ); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( i, COL_NUM_NTACCOUNT, sz );
// attach the pointer to the mapping as the private data in the list.
m_clistctrl_list.SetItemData( i, (UINT_PTR)pMap );
// return whether or not the insertion succeeded
return TRUE; }
void CMap11Page::EnableDependantButtons() { // the whole purpose of this routine is to gray or activate
// the edit and delete buttons depending on whether or not anything
// is selected. So start by getting the selection count
if ( m_clistctrl_list.GetSelectedCount() > 0 ) { // there are items selected
m_cbutton_editmap.EnableWindow( TRUE ); m_cbutton_delete.EnableWindow( TRUE ); EnableCrackDisplay( TRUE ); } else { // nope. Nothing selected
m_cbutton_editmap.EnableWindow( FALSE ); m_cbutton_delete.EnableWindow( FALSE ); }
// always enable the add button
m_cbutton_add.EnableWindow( TRUE ); }
BOOL CMap11Page::EditOneMapping( C11Mapping* pUpdateMap ) { CEditOne11MapDlg mapdlg;
// prepare the mapping dialog
pUpdateMap->GetMapName( mapdlg.m_sz_mapname ); pUpdateMap->GetMapEnabled( &mapdlg.m_bool_enable ); pUpdateMap->GetNTAccount( mapdlg.m_sz_accountname ); pUpdateMap->GetNTPassword( mapdlg.m_sz_password );
// run the mapping dialog
if ( mapdlg.DoModal() == IDOK ) { // update its friendly name
pUpdateMap->SetMapName( mapdlg.m_sz_mapname );
// set the NT account field of the mapping object
pUpdateMap->SetNTAccount( mapdlg.m_sz_accountname );
// set the NT account password field of the mapping object
pUpdateMap->SetNTPassword( mapdlg.m_sz_password );
// set whether or not the mapping is enabled
pUpdateMap->SetMapEnabled( mapdlg.m_bool_enable );
// NOTE: the caller is resposible for calling UpdateMappingInDispList
// as the mapping in question may not yet be in the display list
// this mapping has changed. Mark it to be saved
MarkToSave( pUpdateMap );
// return true because the user said "OK"
return TRUE; }
// return FALSE because the user did not say "OK"
return FALSE; }
BOOL CMap11Page::EditMultipleMappings() { CEdit11Mappings mapdlg; C11Mapping* pUpdate11Map; BOOL fSetInitialState = FALSE; BOOL fEnable;
// scan the list of seleted items for the proper initial enable button state
// loop through the selected items, setting each one's mapping
int iList = -1; while( (iList = m_clistctrl_list.GetNextItem( iList, LVNI_SELECTED )) >= 0 ) { // get the mapping item for updating purposes
pUpdate11Map = GetMappingInDisplay( iList ); ASSERT( pUpdate11Map ); if ( !pUpdate11Map ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_ACCESS_MAPPING ); break; }
// get the enable state of the mapping
pUpdate11Map->GetMapEnabled( &fEnable );
// if this is the first time, just set the initial state
if ( !fSetInitialState ) { mapdlg.m_int_enable = fEnable; fSetInitialState = TRUE; } else { // if it is different, then go indeterminate and break
if ( fEnable != mapdlg.m_int_enable ) { mapdlg.m_int_enable = 2; break; } } }
// run the mapping dialog
if ( mapdlg.DoModal() == IDOK ) { // loop through the selected items, setting each one's mapping
int iList = -1; while( (iList = m_clistctrl_list.GetNextItem( iList, LVNI_SELECTED )) >= 0 ) { // get the mapping item for updating purposes
pUpdate11Map = GetMappingInDisplay( iList ); if ( !pUpdate11Map ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_ACCESS_MAPPING ); break; }
// set the enable flag if requested
switch ( mapdlg.m_int_enable ) { case 0: // disable
pUpdate11Map->SetMapEnabled( FALSE ); break; case 1: // enable
pUpdate11Map->SetMapEnabled( TRUE ); break; }
// set the NT account field of the mapping object
pUpdate11Map->SetNTAccount( mapdlg.m_sz_accountname );
// set the NT account password field of the mapping object
pUpdate11Map->SetNTPassword( mapdlg.m_sz_password );
// update it in the list control too
UpdateMappingInDispList( iList, pUpdate11Map );
// this mapping has changed. Mark it to be saved
MarkToSave( pUpdate11Map ); }
// activate the apply button
// return true because the user said "OK"
return TRUE; }
// return FALSE because the user did not say "OK"
return FALSE; }
void CMap11Page::UpdateMappingInDispList( DWORD iList, C11Mapping* pMap ) { CString sz;
// verify the index and the pointer!
ASSERT( pMap == GetMappingInDisplay(iList) );
// get the appropriate "enabled" string
BOOL fEnabled; pMap->GetMapEnabled( &fEnabled ); if ( fEnabled ) sz.LoadString( IDS_ENABLED ); else sz.Empty();
// update the "Enabled" indicator
m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( iList, COL_NUM_ENABLED, sz );
// update the mapping name
pMap->GetMapName( sz ); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( iList, COL_NUM_NAME, sz );
// update the account name
pMap->GetNTAccount( sz ); m_clistctrl_list.SetItemText( iList, COL_NUM_NTACCOUNT, sz ); }
void CMap11Page::ResetMappingList() { // first, delete all the mapping objects in the list
DWORD cbList = m_clistctrl_list.GetItemCount(); for ( DWORD iList = 0; iList < cbList; iList++ ) DeleteMapping( GetMappingInDisplay(iList) );
// reset the mapping list - get rid of anything in there now
m_clistctrl_list.DeleteAllItems(); }
void CMap11Page::MarkToSave( C11Mapping* pSaveMap, BOOL fSave ) { // first, we see if it is already in the list. If it is, we have nothing to do
// unless fSave is set to false, then we remove it from the list
DWORD cbItemsInList = (DWORD)m_rgbSave.GetSize(); for ( DWORD i = 0; i < cbItemsInList; i++ ) { if ( pSaveMap == (C11Mapping*)m_rgbSave[i] ) { // go away if fSave, otherwise, double check it isn't
// anywhere else in the list
if ( fSave ) { return; } else { // remove the item from the list
m_rgbSave.RemoveAt(i); // don't skip now as the list slid down
cbItemsInList--; i--; } } }
// since it is not there, we should add it, if fSave is true
if ( fSave ) m_rgbSave.Add( (CObject*)pSaveMap ); }
// CMap11Page message handlers
void CMap11Page::OnOK() { // this has gotten much simpler
FWriteMappings(); CPropertyPage::OnOK(); }
BOOL CMap11Page::OnApply() { // this has gotten much simpler
BOOL f = FWriteMappings(); // rebuild the display
FillMappingList(); return f; }
//#define MB_EXTEND_KEY "nsepm/Cert11/"
//#define MB_EXTEND_KEY_MAPS "nsepm/Cert11/Mappings/"
// when the user pushes the add button, ask them to load a certificate, then
// add it to the list as a mapping
void CMap11Page::OnAdd() {
// put this in a try/catch to make errors easier to deal with
try { CString szFilter; szFilter.LoadString( IDS_KEY_OR_CERT_FILE_FILTER );
// prepare the file dialog variables
CFileDialog cfdlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY, (LPCTSTR)szFilter); // Disable hook to get Windows 2000 style dialog
cfdlg.m_ofn.Flags &= ~(OFN_ENABLEHOOK); // run the dialog
if ( cfdlg.DoModal() == IDOK ) { // add the certificate to the mapping list
if ( FAddCertificateFile( cfdlg.GetPathName() ) ) { // activate the apply button
SetModified(); } } } catch ( CException e ) { } }
void CMap11Page::OnDelete() { C11Mapping* pKillMap;
// ask the user to confirm this decision
if ( AfxMessageBox(IDS_CONFIRM_DELETE, MB_OKCANCEL) != IDOK ) return;
// loop through the selected items. Remove each from the list,
// then mark it to be deleted.
int iList = -1; while( (iList = m_clistctrl_list.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED )) >= 0 ) { // get the mapping
pKillMap = GetMappingInDisplay( iList );
// remove it from the list
m_clistctrl_list.DeleteItem( iList );
// if it has not yet been applied to the metabase, continue
if ( pKillMap->iMD == NEW_OBJECT ) { // since this mapping never existed, we can just remove it from the add/edit lists
MarkToSave( pKillMap, FALSE );
// go to the next selected object
continue; }
// mark the item to be deleted from the metabase
m_rgbDelete.Add( (CObject*)pKillMap ); }
// activate the apply button
SetModified(); }
void CMap11Page::OnEdit11map() { int iList; C11Mapping* pUpdateMap;
// what happens here depends on if just one mapping is selected, or many
switch( m_clistctrl_list.GetSelectedCount() ) { case 0: // do nothing - should not get here because button grays out
ASSERT( FALSE ); break;
case 1: // get the mapping for update and run single edit dialog
// get index of the selected list item
iList = m_clistctrl_list.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); ASSERT( iList >= 0 );
// get the mapping item for updating purposes
pUpdateMap = GetMappingInDisplay( iList ); if ( !pUpdateMap ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_ACCESS_MAPPING ); break; }
// edit the mapping, update it if successful, delete if not
if ( EditOneMapping(pUpdateMap) ) { UpdateMappingInDispList( iList, pUpdateMap ); // activate the apply button
SetModified(); } break;
default: // run the multi edit dialog
EditMultipleMappings(); break; } }
void CMap11Page::OnDblclkList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { *pResult = 0;
// if something in the list was double clicked, edit it
if ( m_clistctrl_list.GetSelectedCount() > 0 ) OnEdit11map(); }
void CMap11Page::OnItemchangedList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { C11Mapping* pSelMap; NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; *pResult = 0;
// enable the correct items
// fill in the cracked information for the selected mapping - if there is only one
if ( m_clistctrl_list.GetSelectedCount() == 1 ) { // get index of the selected list item
int i = m_clistctrl_list.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); ASSERT( i >= 0 );
// get the mapper index for the item
pSelMap = GetMappingInDisplay( i ); if ( pSelMap ) { DisplayCrackedMap( pSelMap ); } } else { // either multiple, or no mappings selected
EnableCrackDisplay( FALSE ); } }
// special display
BOOL CMap11Page::DisplayCrackedMap( C11Mapping* pMap ) { PUCHAR pCert; DWORD cbCert; CString sz;
// obtain a reference to the certificate
if ( !pMap->GetCertificate( &pCert, &cbCert ) ) return FALSE;
// crack the certificate
CCrackedCert cracker; if ( !cracker.CrackCert( pCert, cbCert ) ) return FALSE;
// fill in all the fields
cracker.GetIssuerCountry( sz ); m_csz_i_c = sz;
cracker.GetIssuerOrganization( sz ); m_csz_i_o = sz;
cracker.GetIssuerUnit( sz ); m_csz_i_ou = sz;
cracker.GetSubjectCountry( sz ); m_csz_s_c = sz;
cracker.GetSubjectCommonName( sz ); m_csz_s_cn = sz;
cracker.GetSubjectLocality( sz ); m_csz_s_l = sz;
cracker.GetSubjectOrganization( sz ); m_csz_s_o = sz;
cracker.GetSubjectUnit( sz ); m_csz_s_ou = sz;
cracker.GetSubjectState( sz ); m_csz_s_s = sz;
UpdateData( FALSE );
// return success
return TRUE; }
void CMap11Page::ClearCrackDisplay() { m_csz_i_c.Empty(); m_csz_i_o.Empty(); m_csz_i_ou.Empty(); m_csz_s_c.Empty(); m_csz_s_cn.Empty(); m_csz_s_l.Empty(); m_csz_s_o.Empty(); m_csz_s_ou.Empty(); m_csz_s_s.Empty(); UpdateData( FALSE ); }
void CMap11Page::EnableCrackDisplay( BOOL fEnable ) { if ( !fEnable ) ClearCrackDisplay(); m_cbutton_grp_issuer.EnableWindow( fEnable ); m_cbutton_grp_issuedto.EnableWindow( fEnable ); }
BOOL CMap11Page::FReadMappings() { BOOL f; C11Mapping* pMap; DWORD cbData; PVOID pData; DWORD fEnabled; CString sz; BOOL fRet = TRUE;
// before messing with the metabase, prepare the strings we will need
CString szBasePath = m_szMBPath + _T('/'); CString szRelativePath = MB_EXTEND_KEY_MAPS; CString szObjectPath = m_szMBPath + _T('/') + szRelativePath; CString szMapPath;
// prepare the metabase wrappers
CWrapMetaBase mbWrap; f = mbWrap.FInit(m_pMB);
// open the base object
f = mbWrap.Open( szObjectPath, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ ); ASSERT( f ); if ( !f ) { return FALSE; }
// for now, at least, we are reading in all the mappings. reset the m_nNamer counter
// so that we end up with a somewhat accurate reading of the last number-name in the list.
m_MapsInMetabase = 0;
// Loop the items in the metabase, adding each to the napper.
DWORD index = 0; CString szEnum; while ( mbWrap.EnumObjects(_T(""), szEnum.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR)), MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR), index) ) { szEnum.ReleaseBuffer();
// keep track of the number of mappings we encounter
// build the final mapping object path
szMapPath.Format( _T("/%s"), szEnum );
// make a new mapping object
pMap = PNewMapping();
if (pMap == NULL) { SetLastError(E_OUTOFMEMORY); fRet = FALSE; break; }
// install the object name into the mapping
pMap->iMD = m_MapsInMetabase;
// get the certificate
pData = mbWrap.GetData( szMapPath, MD_MAPCERT, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, BINARY_METADATA, &cbData ); if ( pData ) { // set the data into place
pMap->SetCertificate( (PUCHAR)pData, cbData ); // free the buffer
mbWrap.FreeWrapData( pData ); }
// get the NT Account - a string
cbData = METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN; if ( Get11String( &mbWrap, szMapPath, MD_MAPNTACCT, sz) ) { pMap->SetNTAccount( sz ); }
// get the NT Password
cbData = METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN; if ( Get11String( &mbWrap, szMapPath, MD_MAPNTPWD, sz) ) { pMap->SetNTPassword( sz ); }
// get the Enabled flag
if ( mbWrap.GetDword( szMapPath, MD_MAPENABLED, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, &fEnabled) ) pMap->SetMapEnabled( (fEnabled > 0) );
// get the mapping name
cbData = METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN; if ( Get11String( &mbWrap, szMapPath, MD_MAPNAME, sz) ) { pMap->SetMapName( sz ); }
// add the mapping to the list
FAddMappingToList( pMap );
// increment the index
index++; } szEnum.ReleaseBuffer();
// close the mapping object
// return success
return fRet; }
// IMPORTANT: There is a bug in the mapping namespace extension where, even
// though we are using the unicode metabase interface, all the strings are
// expected to be ansi. This means that we cannont use the wrapmb getstring
// and setstring calls with regards to the nsmp extetention. That is why
// there are these two string wrapper classes that
// also, all the strings used here are IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, so we can elimiate that parameter.
BOOL CMap11Page::Get11String(CWrapMetaBase* pmb, LPCTSTR pszPath, DWORD dwPropID, CString& sz) { DWORD dwcb; BOOL fAnswer = FALSE;
// get the string using the self-allocating get data process
// that that it is cast as ANSI so the sz gets it right.
// NOTE: This must be gotten as an ANSI string!
PCHAR pchar = (PCHAR)pmb->GetData( pszPath, dwPropID, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, STRING_METADATA, &dwcb ); if ( pchar ) { // set the answer
sz = pchar;
fAnswer = TRUE; // clean up
pmb->FreeWrapData( pchar ); }
// return the answer
return fAnswer; }
/* INTRINSA suppress=null_pointers, uninitialized */ BOOL CMap11Page::Set11String(CWrapMetaBase* pmb, LPCTSTR pszPath, DWORD dwPropID, CString& sz, DWORD dwFlags ) { USES_CONVERSION; // Easy. Just set it as data
// Make sure it is set back as an ANSI string though
LPSTR pA = T2A((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)sz); return pmb->SetData( pszPath, dwPropID, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, STRING_METADATA, (PVOID)pA, strlen(pA)+1, dwFlags ); }
// we only need to write out the mappings that have been either changed or added.
// Thoughts on further optimizations: The bare minimum info about where to find
// a mapping in the metabase could be stored in the metabase. Then, the mappings
// would only be loaded when they were added to be edited or displayed in the
// cracked list. The private data for each item in the list would have to have
// some sort of reference to a position in the metabase.
BOOL CMap11Page::FWriteMappings() { BOOL f; DWORD i,j; DWORD cMappings; C11Mapping* pMap; C11Mapping* pMapTemp;
CString sz; DWORD dwEnabled; PUCHAR pCert; DWORD cbCert; DWORD iList;
// before messing with the metabase, prepare the strings we will need
CString szTempPath; CString szBasePath = m_szMBPath + _T("/Cert11"); CString szRelativePath = _T("/Mappings"); CString szObjectPath = szRelativePath + _T('/');
// prepare the base metabase wrapper
CWrapMetaBase mbBase; f = mbBase.FInit(m_pMB); if ( !f ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_ACCESS_MAPPING ); return FALSE; }
// first, we have to open the Cert11 object. If it doesn't exist
// then we have to add it tothe metabase
if ( !mbBase.Open( szBasePath, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ|METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE ) ) { // Cert11 does not exist - open the namespace base and add it
szTempPath = m_szMBPath + _T('/'); if ( !mbBase.Open( szTempPath, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ|METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE ) ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_ACCESS_MAPPING ); return FALSE; // serious problems if we can't open the base
// add the Cert11 object
szTempPath = _T("Cert11"); f = mbBase.AddObject( szTempPath ); mbBase.Close(); if ( !f ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_CANTADD ); return FALSE; }
// try again to open the Cert11. Fail if it doesn't work
// start by deleting all the mappings in the to-be-deleted list
cMappings = (DWORD)m_rgbDelete.GetSize();
// only bother if there are items waiting to be deleted
if ( cMappings > 0 ) { // get the count of mappings in the display list
DWORD cList = m_clistctrl_list.GetItemCount();
// sort the mappings, in decending order
for ( i = 0; i < cMappings-1; i++ ) { pMap = (C11Mapping*)m_rgbDelete[i]; for ( j = i; j < cMappings; j++ ) { pMapTemp = (C11Mapping*)m_rgbDelete[j]; if ( pMap->iMD < pMapTemp->iMD ) { m_rgbDelete.SetAt( i, (CObject*)pMapTemp ); m_rgbDelete.SetAt( j, (CObject*)pMap ); pMap = pMapTemp; } } }
// loop the mappings, deleting each from the metabase
for ( i = 0; i < cMappings; i++ ) { // get the mapping object
pMap = (C11Mapping*)m_rgbDelete[i]; if ( !pMap || (pMap->iMD == NEW_OBJECT) ) continue;
// build the relative path to the object in question.
szObjectPath.Format( _T("%s/%d"), szRelativePath, pMap->iMD );
// delete that mapping's object from the metabase
f = mbBase.DeleteObject( szObjectPath );
// decrement the number of maps in the metabase
// loop the items in the list, decrementing the index of those
// that are above it. Yes - this is non-optimal, but its what
// has to be done for now
for ( iList = 0; iList < cList; iList++ ) { pMapTemp = GetMappingInDisplay(iList); if ( (pMapTemp->iMD > pMap->iMD) && (pMapTemp->iMD != NEW_OBJECT) ) pMapTemp->iMD--; }
// since we will no longer be needing this mapping, delete it
DeleteMapping( pMap ); }
// reset the to-be-deleted list
m_rgbDelete.RemoveAll(); }
// get the number mappings in the to-be-saved list
cMappings = (DWORD)m_rgbSave.GetSize();
// loop the mappings, adding each to the metabase
for ( i = 0; i < cMappings; i++ ) { // get the mapping object
pMap = (C11Mapping*)m_rgbSave[i]; ASSERT( pMap );
// if the object is already in the metabase, just open it.
if ( pMap->iMD != NEW_OBJECT ) { // build the relative path to the object
szObjectPath.Format( _T("%s/%d"), szRelativePath, pMap->iMD ); } else { // set up the name of the new mapping as one higher
// than the number of mappings in the metabase
pMap->iMD = m_MapsInMetabase + 1;
// build the relative path to the object
szObjectPath.Format( _T("%s/%d"), szRelativePath, pMap->iMD );
// add the mapping object to the base
f = mbBase.AddObject( szObjectPath ); if ( f ) { // increment the number of maps in the metabase
m_MapsInMetabase++; } }
// write the object's parameters
if ( f ) { // save the certificate
if ( pMap->GetCertificate(&pCert, &cbCert) ) { // set the data into place in the object
// save the NTAccount
if ( pMap->GetNTAccount(sz) ) { // set the data into place in the object
f = Set11String(&mbBase, szObjectPath, MD_MAPNTACCT, sz, METADATA_SECURE); }
// save the password - secure
if ( pMap->GetNTPassword(sz) ) { // set the data into place in the object
f = Set11String(&mbBase, szObjectPath, MD_MAPNTPWD, sz, METADATA_SECURE); }
// save the map's name
if ( pMap->GetMapName(sz) ) { // set the data into place in the object
f = Set11String(&mbBase, szObjectPath, MD_MAPNAME, sz); }
// save the Enabled flag
// server reads the flag as the value of the dword
if ( pMap->GetMapEnabled(&f) ) { dwEnabled = (DWORD)f; f = mbBase.SetDword( szObjectPath, MD_MAPENABLED, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, dwEnabled ); } } }
// close the base object
// save the metabase
// reset the to-be-saved list
// return success
return TRUE; }
C11Mapping* CMap11Page::PNewMapping() { // the way it should be
return new C11Mapping(); }
void CMap11Page::DeleteMapping( C11Mapping* pMap ) { // the way it should be
delete pMap; }