Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. // Map11Pge.h : header file
  2. //
  3. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. // CMap11Page dialog
  5. class CMap11Page : public CPropertyPage
  6. {
  8. // Construction
  9. public:
  10. CMap11Page();
  11. ~CMap11Page();
  12. BOOL FInit(IMSAdminBase* pMB);
  13. virtual BOOL OnApply();
  14. virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
  15. // base path for to the metabase
  16. CString m_szMBPath;
  17. // Dialog Data
  18. //{{AFX_DATA(CMap11Page)
  19. enum { IDD = IDD_11CERT_MAPPING };
  20. CCheckListCtrl m_clistctrl_list;
  21. CButton m_cbutton_add;
  22. CButton m_cbutton_grp_issuer;
  23. CButton m_cbutton_grp_issuedto;
  24. CButton m_cbutton_editmap;
  25. CButton m_cbutton_delete;
  26. CString m_csz_i_c;
  27. CString m_csz_i_o;
  28. CString m_csz_i_ou;
  29. CString m_csz_s_c;
  30. CString m_csz_s_cn;
  31. CString m_csz_s_l;
  32. CString m_csz_s_o;
  33. CString m_csz_s_ou;
  34. CString m_csz_s_s;
  35. //}}AFX_DATA
  36. // Overrides
  37. // ClassWizard generate virtual function overrides
  38. //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CMap11Page)
  39. public:
  40. virtual void OnOK();
  41. protected:
  42. virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
  43. //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
  44. // Implementation
  45. protected:
  46. // Generated message map functions
  47. //{{AFX_MSG(CMap11Page)
  48. afx_msg void OnAdd();
  49. afx_msg void OnDelete();
  50. afx_msg void OnEdit11map();
  51. afx_msg void OnItemchangedList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
  52. afx_msg void OnDblclkList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
  53. //}}AFX_MSG
  55. afx_msg void DoHelp();
  56. // more initialization methods
  57. BOOL FInitMappingList();
  58. BOOL FillMappingList();
  59. // more initialization methods
  60. BOOL FReadMappings();
  61. BOOL FWriteMappings();
  62. // control the maps in the list
  63. // BOOL FAddMappingToList( C11Mapping* pMap, DWORD iMap );
  64. // BOOL FAddMappingToList( C11Mapping* pMap, DWORD iList = 0xFFFFFFFF );
  65. // always adds to the end of the list
  66. BOOL FAddMappingToList( C11Mapping* pMap );
  67. // editing and updating
  68. BOOL EditOneMapping( C11Mapping* pUpdateMap );
  69. BOOL EditMultipleMappings();
  70. void EnableDependantButtons();
  71. void UpdateMappingInDispList( DWORD iList, C11Mapping* pUpdateMap );
  72. // adding a new certificate
  73. BOOL FAddCertificateFile( CString szFile );
  74. BOOL FAddCertificate( PUCHAR pCertificate, DWORD cbCertificate );
  75. // special display
  76. BOOL DisplayCrackedMap( C11Mapping* pUpdateMap );
  77. void ClearCrackDisplay();
  78. void EnableCrackDisplay( BOOL fEnable = TRUE );
  79. void ResetMappingList();
  80. C11Mapping* GetMappingInDisplay( DWORD iList ) {return (C11Mapping*)m_clistctrl_list.GetItemData(iList);}
  81. void MarkToSave( C11Mapping* pSaveMap, BOOL fSave = TRUE );
  82. C11Mapping* PNewMapping();
  83. void DeleteMapping( C11Mapping* pMap );
  84. BOOL Get11String(CWrapMetaBase* pmb, LPCTSTR pszPath, DWORD dwPropID, CString& sz);
  85. BOOL Set11String(CWrapMetaBase* pmb, LPCTSTR pszPath, DWORD dwPropID, CString& sz, DWORD dwFlags = METADATA_INHERIT);
  86. // list of names of objects to be deleted
  87. CObArray m_rgbDelete;
  88. // list of objects to be saved
  89. CObArray m_rgbSave;
  90. // number of objects in the etabase
  91. DWORD m_MapsInMetabase;
  92. IMSAdminBase* m_pMB;
  93. };