Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Internet Properties base classes
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager (cluster edition)
Revision History:
// Include Files
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "common.h"
//#include "idlg.h"
#include "mmc.h"
extern "C" { #include <lm.h>
#define SZ_REG_KEY_BASE _T("Software\\Microsoft\\%s")
BOOL IsServerLocal( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check to see if the given name refers to the local machine
LPCTSTR lpszServer : Server name
Return Value:
TRUE if the given name refers to the local computer, FALSE otherwise
Doesn't work if the server is an ip address
--*/ { TCHAR szComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szComputerName);
// CODEWORK(?): we're not checking for all the ip addresses
// on the local box or full dns names.
// Try GetComputerNameEx when we're building with NT5
// settings.
return (!lstrcmpi(_T("localhost"), PURE_COMPUTER_NAME(lpszServer)) || !lstrcmp( _T(""), PURE_COMPUTER_NAME(lpszServer))) || (GetComputerName(szComputerName, &dwSize) && !lstrcmpi(szComputerName, PURE_COMPUTER_NAME(lpszServer))); }
BOOL GetVolumeInformationSystemFlags( IN LPCTSTR lpszPath, OUT DWORD * pdwSystemFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the system flags for the path in question
LPCTSTR lpszPath : Path DWORD * pdwSystemFlags : Returns system flags
Return Value:
TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
--*/ { ASSERT_WRITE_PTR(pdwSystemFlags);
TRACE("Getting system flags for %s\n", lpszPath);
DWORD dwMaxComponentLength; TCHAR szRoot[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR szFileSystem[MAX_PATH + 1];
// Generating root path
if (PathIsUNC(lpszPath)) { //
// Root path of a UNC path is \\foo\bar\ //
ASSERT(lstrlen(lpszPath) < MAX_PATH);
int cSlashes = 0; LPCTSTR lpszSrc = lpszPath; LPTSTR lpszDst = szRoot;
while (cSlashes < 4 && *lpszSrc) { if ((*lpszDst++ = *lpszSrc++) == '\\') { ++cSlashes; } }
if (!*lpszSrc) { *lpszDst++ = '\\'; }
*lpszDst = '\0'; } else { ::wsprintf(szRoot, _T("%c:\\"), *lpszPath); }
TRACE("Root path is %s\n", szRoot); return ::GetVolumeInformation( szRoot, NULL, 0, NULL, &dwMaxComponentLength, pdwSystemFlags, szFileSystem, sizeof(szFileSystem) / sizeof(TCHAR) ); }
LPCTSTR GenerateRegistryKey( OUT CString & strBuffer, IN LPCTSTR lpszSubKey OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Generate a registry key name based on the current app, and a provided subkey (optional)
CString & strBuffer : Buffer to create registry key name into. LPCTSTR lpszSubKey : Subkey name or NULL
Return Value:
Pointer to the registry key value
--*/ { try { //
// Use the app name as the primary registry name
CString app_name; app_name.LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_APP_TITLE); strBuffer.Format(SZ_REG_KEY_BASE, app_name);
if (lpszSubKey) { strBuffer += _T("\\"); strBuffer += lpszSubKey; }
TRACE("Registry key is %s\n", strBuffer); } catch(std::bad_alloc) { TRACEEOLID("!!!exception building regkey"); return NULL; }
return strBuffer; }
static int CountCharsToDoubleNull( IN LPCTSTR lp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Count TCHARS up to and including the double NULL.
Return Value:
Number of chars up to and including the double NULL
--*/ { int cChars = 0;
for(;;) { ++cChars;
if (lp[0] == _T('\0') && lp[1] == _T('\0')) { return ++cChars; }
++lp; } }
CStringListEx::CStringListEx() : std::list<CString> () { }
CStringListEx::~CStringListEx() { }
void CStringListEx::PushBack(LPCTSTR str) { push_back(str); }
void CStringListEx::Clear() { clear(); }
DWORD CStringListEx::ConvertFromDoubleNullList(LPCTSTR lpstrSrc, int cChars) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert a double null terminate list of null terminated strings to a more manageable CStringList
LPCTSTR lpstrSrc : Source list of strings int cChars : Number of characters in double NULL list. if -1, autodetermine length
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the list was converted properly ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the list was empty ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY if there was a mem exception
if (lpstrSrc == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (cChars < 0) { //
// Calculate our own size. This might be off if multiple
// blank linkes (0) appear in the multi_sz, so the character
// size is definitely preferable
cChars = CountCharsToDoubleNull(lpstrSrc); }
try { clear();
if (cChars == 2 && *lpstrSrc == _T('\0')) { //
// Special case: MULTI_SZ containing only
// a double NULL are in fact blank entirely.
// N.B. IMHO this is a metabase bug -- RonaldM
--cChars; }
// Grab strings until only the final NULL remains
while (cChars > 1) { CString strTmp = lpstrSrc; push_back(strTmp); lpstrSrc += (strTmp.GetLength() + 1); cChars -= (strTmp.GetLength() + 1); } } catch(std::bad_alloc) { TRACEEOLID("!!! exception building stringlist"); err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
return err; }
DWORD CStringListEx::ConvertToDoubleNullList( OUT DWORD & cchDest, OUT LPTSTR & lpstrDest ) /*++
Routine Description:
Flatten the string list into a double null terminated list of null terminated strings.
CStringList & strlSrc : Source string list DWORD & cchDest : Size in characters of the resultant array (including terminating NULLs) LPTSTR & lpstrDest : Allocated flat array.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the list was converted properly ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the list was empty ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY if there was a mem exception
--*/ { cchDest = 0; lpstrDest = NULL; BOOL fNullPad = FALSE;
// Compute total size in characters
CStringListEx::iterator it = begin();
while (it != end()) { CString & str = (*it++);
cchDest += str.GetLength() + 1; }
if (!cchDest) { //
// Special case: A totally empty MULTI_SZ
// in fact consists of 2 (final) NULLS, instead
// of 1 (final) NULL. This is required by the
// metabase, but should be a bug. See note
// at reversal function above.
++cchDest; fNullPad = TRUE; }
// Remember final NULL
cchDest += 1;
lpstrDest = new TCHAR[cchDest]; if (lpstrDest == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
LPTSTR pch = lpstrDest; it = begin(); while (it != end()) { CString & str = (*it++);
lstrcpy(pch, (LPCTSTR)str); pch += str.GetLength(); *pch++ = _T('\0'); }
*pch++ = _T('\0');
if (fNullPad) { *pch++ = _T('\0'); }
// CBlob Implementation
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
CBlob::CBlob() /*++
Routine Description:
NULL constructor
Return Value:
--*/ : m_pbItem(NULL), m_dwSize(0L) { }
CBlob::CBlob( IN DWORD dwSize, IN PBYTE pbItem, IN BOOL fMakeCopy ) /*++
Routine Description:
DWORD dwSize : Size of memory block PBYTE pbItem : Pointer to memory block BOOL fMakeCopy : If TRUE, makes a copy of the memory block. If FALSE, takes ownership of the pointer.
Return Value:
--*/ : m_pbItem(NULL), m_dwSize(0L) { SetValue(dwSize, pbItem, fMakeCopy); }
CBlob::CBlob( IN const CBlob & blob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Copy constructor
const CBlob & blob : Source blob
Return Value:
This contructor makes a copy of the memory block in question.
--*/ : m_pbItem(NULL), m_dwSize(0L) { SetValue(blob.GetSize(), blob.m_pbItem, TRUE); }
void CBlob::SetValue( IN DWORD dwSize, IN PBYTE pbItem, IN BOOL fMakeCopy OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Assign the value to this binary object. If fMakeCopy is FALSE, the blob will take ownership of the pointer, otherwise a copy will be made.
DWORD dwSize : Size in bytes PBYTE pbItem : Byte streadm BOOL fMakeCopy : If true, make a copy, else assign pointer
Return Value:
--*/ { ASSERT_READ_PTR2(pbItem, dwSize);
if (!IsEmpty()) { TRACEEOLID("Assigning value to non-empty blob. Cleaning up"); CleanUp(); }
if (dwSize > 0L) { //
// Make private copy
m_dwSize = dwSize;
if (fMakeCopy) { m_pbItem = new BYTE[m_dwSize]; if (NULL != m_pbItem) CopyMemory(m_pbItem, pbItem, dwSize); } else { m_pbItem = pbItem; } } }
void CBlob::CleanUp() /*++
Routine Description:
Delete data pointer, and reset pointer and size.
Return Value:
--*/ { if (m_pbItem) { delete [] m_pbItem; }
m_pbItem = NULL; m_dwSize = 0L; }
CBlob & CBlob::operator =( IN const CBlob & blob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Assign values from another CBlob.
const CBlob & blob : Source blob
Return Value:
Reference to this object
--*/ { //
// Make copy of data
SetValue(blob.GetSize(), blob.m_pbItem, TRUE);
return *this; }
BOOL CBlob::operator ==( IN const CBlob & blob ) const /*++
Routine Description: Compare two binary large objects. In order to match, the objects must be the same size, and byte identical.
const CBlob & blob : Blob to compare against.
Return Value:
TRUE if the objects match, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { if (GetSize() != blob.GetSize()) { return FALSE; }
return memcmp(m_pbItem, blob.m_pbItem, GetSize()) == 0; }