<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="directives.inc" -->
<!--#include file="calendar.str"-->
On Error Resume Next Dim blurcntrl, datecntrl, Dy, Mo, Yr, nextmonth, startwith, thisMo, thisYr, thisDate Dim prevMonthLastDate, currMonthLastDate, i, j, lastnum, AnyDate
datecntrl= Request("cntrl") blurcntrl= Request("blurcntrl")
if( blurcntrl = "" ) then blurcntrl=datecntrl end if
Dy = CInt(Request("Dy")) Mo = CInt(Request("Mo")) Yr = CInt(Request("Yr"))
nextmonth = false %>
<!--#include file="iisetfnt.inc"-->
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE><%= L_CALENDARTITLE_TEXT %></TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function setDate(Dy,Mo,Yr) { self.location.href="calendar.asp?cntrl=<%= datecntrl %>&Dy=" + Dy + "&Mo=" + Mo + "&Yr=" + Yr + "&blurcntrl=" + "<%= blurcntrl %>"; } function saveDate() { top.opener.<%= datecntrl %>.value ="<%= Mo & "/" & Dy & "/" & Yr %>"
//force execution of onblur event proc on output field.. if( <%= blurcntrl %> != "" ) { top.opener.<%= blurcntrl %>.focus(); top.opener.<%= blurcntrl %>.blur(); } top.window.close(); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" LINK="Navy"> <FORM NAME="userform"> <TABLE WIDTH = 100% CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0> <TR> <TD ALIGN="left"> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= writeMonths(Mo) %> </FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN="right"> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= writeYears(Yr) %> </FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>
function nextDate(startwith, maxdays) startwith = startwith + 1 if startwith > maxdays then startwith = 1 end if nextDate = startwith end function function GetLastDay(Mo,Yr) if Mo=2 then if (Yr Mod 4)=0 then GetLastDay = 29 else GetLastDay = 28 end if elseif ((Mo = 0) OR (Mo = 1) OR (Mo = 3) OR (Mo = 5) OR (Mo = 7) OR (Mo = 8) OR (Mo = 10) OR (Mo = 12)) then GetLastDay = 31 else GetLastDay = 30 end if end function function GetFirstDayOffset(Mo,Yr) GetFirstDayOffset = weekday(Mo & "/01/" & Yr)-1 end function function writeMonths(selMo) dim i, selstr selstr = "<SELECT NAME='Months' onChange='setDate(" & Dy & ",this.selectedIndex+1," & Yr & ");'>" for i=1 to 12 if selMo = i then selstr = selstr & "<OPTION SELECTED>" & MonthName(i) else selstr = selstr & "<OPTION>" & MonthName(i) end if next selstr = selstr & "</SELECT>" writeMonths = selstr end function function writeYears(selYear) dim i, selstr selstr = "<SELECT NAME='Years' onChange='setDate(" & Dy & "," & Mo & ",this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);'>" for i=1900 to 2100 if selYear = i then selstr = selstr & "<OPTION SELECTED VALUE=" & i & ">" & i else selstr = selstr & "<OPTION VALUE=" & i & ">" & i end if next selstr = selstr & "</SELECT>" writeYears = selstr end function
prevMonthLastDate=GetLastDay((Mo-1),Yr) currMonthLastDate=GetLastDay(Mo,Yr) startwith=(prevMonthLastDate-GetFirstDayOffset(Mo, Yr))
%> <TR> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BGCOLOR="Gray" BORDERCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" > <%= sFont("","","#FFFFFF",True) %><B><%= L_CALSHORTSUN_TEXT %></B></FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BGCOLOR="Gray" BORDERCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" > <%= sFont("","","#FFFFFF",True) %><B><%= L_CALSHORTMON_TEXT %></B></FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BGCOLOR="Gray" BORDERCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" > <%= sFont("","","#FFFFFF",True) %><B><%= L_CALSHORTTUE_TEXT %></B></FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BGCOLOR="Gray" BORDERCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" > <%= sFont("","","#FFFFFF",True) %><B><%= L_CALSHORTWED_TEXT %></B></FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BGCOLOR="Gray" BORDERCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" > <%= sFont("","","#FFFFFF",True) %><B><%= L_CALSHORTTHU_TEXT %></B></FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BGCOLOR="Gray" BORDERCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" > <%= sFont("","","#FFFFFF",True) %><B><%= L_CALSHORTFRI_TEXT %></B></FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BGCOLOR="Gray" BORDERCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" style="font-family: Helv,Arial; font-size: 10pt;"> <%= sFont("","","#FFFFFF",True) %><B><%= L_CALSHORTSAT_TEXT %></B></FONT> </TD> </TR> <% For j = 1 to 6 %> <TR> <% For i = 1 to 7 %> <% if j = 1 then %> <% startwith = nextDate(startwith, prevMonthLastDate) %> <% if startwith = Dy and startwith < 7 then %> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BGCOLOR="#AAAAAA" BORDERCOLOR="#AAAAAA" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#AAAAAA" > <% else %> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BORDERCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" > <% end if %> <% thisYr = Yr %> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <% if startwith < 7 then %> <B>
<% thisMo = Mo %> <% else %> <% thisMo = Mo - 1 %> <% if thisMo = 0 then %> <% thisMo = 12 %> <% thisYr = Yr-1 %> <% end if %> <% end if %> <A HREF="javascript:setDate( <%= startwith %>, <%= thisMo %>,<%= thisYr %>);"> <% response.write startwith %> </A> </FONT> </TD> <% else %> <% lastnum = startwith %> <% startwith = nextDate(startwith, currMonthLastDate) %> <% if lastnum > startwith then%> <% nextmonth = true %> <% end if %> <% if startwith = Dy and not nextmonth then %> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BGCOLOR="#AAAAAA" BORDERCOLOR="#AAAAAA" BORDERCOLORDARK="#AAAAAA" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFFFFF" > <% else %> <TD WIDTH = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> HEIGHT = <%= L_CALENDARCELL_NUM %> BORDERCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" BORDERCOLORDARK="#FFFFFF" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" > <% end if %> <% thisYr = Yr %> <% if not nextmonth then %> <B> <% thisMo = Mo %> <% else %> <% thisMo = Mo + 1 %> <% if thisMo = 13 then %> <% thisMo = 1 %> <% thisYr = Yr+1 %> <% end if %> <% end if %> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <A HREF="javascript:setDate(<%= startwith %>, <%= thisMo %>, <%= thisYr %>);"> <% response.write startwith %> </A> </FONT> </TD> <% end if %> <% Next %> </TR> <% Next %> </TABLE> <P> <CENTER> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="<%= L_CALENDAROK_TEXT %>" onClick="saveDate();"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="<%= L_CALENDARCANCEL_TEXT %>" onClick="top.window.close();"> </CENTER> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>