<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="directives.inc" -->
' This script adds, deletes, and sets state on adsi objects, as appropriate, ' based upon the value of the action parameter. ' It does some error checking... ' Only instance may be started, stopped, paused or resumed.
<!--#include file="iiaction.str"--> <% Const CSTART="2" Const CSTOP="4" Const CPAUSE="6" Const CCONT="0"
<% On Error Resume Next
Dim action, path, vtype,stype,sel,pos,newADspath, dirname, keytype Dim dirnamelen, baseobj, svc,key, keyname, newname, vdir, sname Dim service, inst, nextinst, FileSystem, parenttype, newobj Dim currentobj, rootobj, adminobj, objerr, delmetanode, bindings Dim defaultinst, admininst, a Dim bkupName, bkupVer, dirpath, delpath Dim isolateCreateApp
action=Request.QueryString("a") sel=Request.QueryString("sel") path = Request.QueryString("path") 'save off our original action... a = action
Select Case action Case "del"
path=Request.QueryString("path") getTypes
' path - the path of the node we want to delete ' baseobject - the path of our parent node ' stype - "ftp" or "www" ' vtype - "server", "vdir", "dir" ' dirname - the last part of this node's path ' keytype - admin KeyType for this node delmetanode = True
' Special case dir, because this is the only instance when ' we remove directories from the server. At the end of of these ' blocks currentobj keytype and dirname should be set correctly to do ' the delete. if vtype = "dir" then
' Directories may not be in the metabase Set currentobj = GetObject( path ) if err.Number = MD_PATH_NOT_FOUND then delmetanode = False err.Clear end if ' Do the file system delete delpath = strMBPathToFSPath( baseobj ) if delpath <> "" then delpath = delpath & "\" & dirname Set FileSystem=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") FileSystem.DeleteFolder delpath end if elseif vtype = "server" and stype = "www" then ' Special case for web servers, they support NotDeletable so that ' we don't do something foolish and wack the Admin site. Set currentobj = GetObject( path ) if currentobj.NotDeletable = True or err.Number <> 0 then objerr=L_NOTDELETABLE_ERR delmetanode = False end if end if
if delmetanode then ' Delete called from parent of the object that we want to delete Set currentobj = GetObject(baseobj) currentobj.Delete keytype, dirname currentobj.SetInfo end if
if err.Number <> 0 then objerr=L_DELETE_ERR & "(" & err & "-" & err.description & ")" end if
' End of Case "del" Case CSTART action = "setstate" path=Request.QueryString("path") Set currentobj=GetObject(path) bindings = currentobj.ServerBindings if UBound(bindings) < 1 and bindings(0) = "" then objerr = L_NOBINDINGS_ERR else currentobj.Start if err.Number <> 0 then objerr= L_CANTSTART_TEXT end if end if Case CSTOP action = "setstate" path=Request.QueryString("path") Set currentobj=GetObject(path) currentobj.Stop if err.Number <> 0 then objerr=L_STOP_ERR & "(" & err & "-" & err.description & ")" end if Case CPAUSE action = "setstate" path=Request.QueryString("path") Set currentobj=GetObject(path) currentobj.Pause if err.Number <> 0 then objerr=L_PAUSE_ERR & "(" & err & "-" & err.description & ")" end if Case CCONT action = "setstate" path=Request.QueryString("path") Set currentobj=GetObject(path) currentobj.Continue if err.Number <> 0 then objerr=L_CONT_ERR & "(" & err & "-" & err.description & ")" end if Case "CreateApp" path=Session("path") if Right(path,1) = "/" then path = Mid(path,1,Len(path)-1) end if Set currentobj=GetObject(path)
' Response.write currentobj.ADsPath & "<BR>" ' Response.write currentobj.Class & "<BR>" isolateCreateApp = Request.QueryString("isolate") if isolateCreateApp = "" then isolateCreateApp = IISAO_APPROT_POOL end if
currentobj.AppCreate2 CInt(isolateCreateApp) ' Response.write "currentobj.AppCreate2" & isolateCreateApp & "<BR>" if err.Number <> 0 then objerr=L_APPCREATE_ERR & "(" & err & "-" & err.description & ")" end if
currentobj.SetInfo ' Response.write currentobj.Get("AppRoot") & "<BR>" Case "RemoveApp" path=Session("approot") if Right(path,1) = "/" then path = Mid(path,1,Len(path)-1) end if
Set currentobj = GetObject(path) ' Response.write currentobj.ADsPath & "<BR>" ' Response.write currentobj.Class & "<BR>"
currentobj.AppDeleteRecursive ' Response.write "currentobj.AppCreate2" & isolateCreateApp & "<BR>" if err.Number <> 0 then objerr=L_APPREMOVE_ERR & "(" & err & "-" & err.description & ")" end if Case "Backup"
dim vVersionOut, vLocationOut, vDateOut, i bkupName = Request.Querystring("bkupName") Set currentobj=GetObject("IIS://localhost") currentobj.Backup bkupName, MD_BACKUP_NEXT_VERSION, "1" if err.Number <> 0 then objerr=L_BACKUP_ERR end if
Case "BackupRmv" bkupName = Request.Querystring("bkupName") bkupVer = Request.Querystring("bkupVer") if bkupVer = "" then bkupVer = "0" end if ' Response.Write bkupname & " " & bkupVer Set currentobj=GetObject("IIS://localhost") currentobj.DeleteBackup bkupName, cLng(bkupVer) if err.Number <> 0 then objerr=L_BACKUPRMV_ERR & "(" & err & "-" & err.description & ")" end if Case Else
'debug only.. no need to localize... ' Response.Write "No Action" ' Response.write Request.Querystring End Select
Sub getTypes() vtype=Request.QueryString("vtype") stype=Request.QueryString("stype") pos=InStr(7, path, "/") newADspath=Mid(path, Pos + 1) dirname=newADsPath Do While InStr(dirname,"/") dirname=Mid(dirname,InStr(dirname,"/")+1) Loop dirnamelen=len(dirname)+1 baseobj=Mid(path,1,len(path)-dirnamelen) if stype="www" then svc="w3svc" key="Web" elseif stype="ftp" then svc="msftpsvc" key="Ftp" end if Select Case vtype Case "dir" keytype="IIs" & key & "Directory" newname=dirname Case "vdir" keytype="IIs" & key & "VirtualDir" newname=dirname Case "server" keytype="IIs" & key & "Server" End Select vdir="IIs" & key & "VirtualDir"
End Sub
' Converts a metabase path to the approprate file system path ' ' We kinda assume that strMBPath is a valid metabase path and that the ' MB contains a vdir entry somewhere along the path, these should ' be safe assumptions for paths that are being displayed in the ' treeview, but error handling should work in case we are passed somthing ' wierd Function strMBPathToFSPath( strMBPath ) On Error Resume Next Dim strFSPath, intSlashPos, strParentPath, strSubDir, strKeyType, bFoundMBDir Dim objCurrent strFSPath = "" strParentPath = strMBPath strSubDir = "" bFoundMBDir = False
' We need to travel up the strMBPath until we hit a virtual directory, ' that's where our file system base path is stored. do Set objCurrent = GetObject( strParentPath )
if err.Number = 0 then strKeyType = objCurrent.KeyType elseif err.Number = MD_PATH_NOT_FOUND then strKeyType = "" err.Clear else ' Some unexpected ADSI/MB error exit do end if if Instr( strKeyType, "VirtualDir" ) = 0 then ' Get the parent MB path and the sub directory intSlashPos = InStrRev( strParentPath, "/" ) if intSlashPos = 0 then ' We ran out of path. strMBPath was not valid ' Should set an error here but we need a description exit do end if
strSubDir = "\" & Mid( strParentPath, intSlashPos + 1 ) & strSubDir strParentPath = Left( strParentPath, intSlashPos - 1 ) else ' We found a VirtualDir parent bFoundMBDir = True err.Clear strFSPath = objCurrent.Path & strSubDir end if loop until bFoundMBDir = True strMBPathToFSPath = strFSPath End Function
'debug only Sub print(str) ' Response.Write str if err <> 0 and err <> "" then ' Response.Write "<FONT COLOR=red> (" & err & ":" & err.description & ")</FONT>" end if Response.Write "<P>" End Sub
// Now that we've set it in the object, we need to update our client cachedList: <% if objerr="" then %> <% Select Case action %> <% Case "del" %> top.title.nodeList[<%= sel %>].deleteItem(); top.title.Global.selId = 0; <% Case "setstate" %> top.title.nodeList[<%= sel %>].displaystate=top.title.Global.displaystate[<%= a %>]; top.title.nodeList[<%= sel %>].state=<%= a %>; top.body.list.location.href="iisrvls.asp"; <% Case "Backup" %> top.main.head.location.href = top.main.head.location.href; <% Case "BackupRmv" %> top.main.head.location.href = top.main.head.location.href; <% End Select %> <% else %> alert("<%= objerr%>"); <% end if %>
if (top.body != null){ top.body.iisstatus.location.href="iistat.asp?thisState="; }