<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% 'Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="directives.inc" --> <!--#include file="iierrhd.str"-->
<!--#include file="iisetfnt.inc"--> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" LINK="#000000" VLINK="#000000" TEXT="#000000" > <FORM NAME="userform"> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <B><%= L_CERR_TEXT %></B> <P> <TABLE WIDTH=490 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3 > <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_CUSTOMERR_TEXT %> <BR> </FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>
<!--#include file="iijsfuncs.inc"--> <!--#include file="iijsls.inc"-->
function loadList(){ parent.list.location.href = "iierrls.asp";
} function buildListForm(){ numrows=0; for (var i=0; i < cachedList.length; i++) { if (cachedList[i].outType !=""){ numrows=numrows + 1; } }
qstr="numrows="+numrows; qstr=qstr+"&cols=HttpErrors";
<% 'the list values will be grabbed by the hiddenlistform script... %> }
function SetListVals(){
listForm = parent.parent.hlist.document.hiddenlistform; j=0; for (var i=0; i < cachedList.length; i++) { if (cachedList[i].outType !=""){ if (cachedList[i].Subcode == 0){ sc = "*"; } else{ sc = cachedList[i].Subcode; } listForm.elements[j++].value=cachedList[i].error+","+sc+","+cachedList[i].outType+","+cachedList[i].msgPath; } cachedList[i].updated=false; } }
function listObj(i,e,s,o,p,d,t){ this.id = i; this.deleted=false; this.newitem=false; this.updated=false; this.error=initParam(e,""); this.Subcode=initParam(s,""); this.outType=initParam(o,""); this.msgPath=initParam(p,""); this.msgDefault=initParam(d,""); this.types=initParam(t,""); //lookup from Custom_Error_Desc if (s !=0){ this.errcode=e +":" + s; } else{ this.errcode=e } this.displayPath = crop(this.msgPath,50); } listFunc=new listFuncs("error","",top); cachedList=new Array()
<% On Error Resume Next Dim path, currentobj, infoobj, i, ErrItem, thisErr Dim aErrs, aErrDescs path=Session("dpath") Session("path")=path Session("SpecObj")="" Session("SpecProps")="" Set currentobj=GetObject(path) Set infoobj=GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/info")
aErrs=currentobj.GetEx("HttpErrors") aErrDescs=infoobj.GetEx("CustomErrorDescriptions")
if err <> 0 then %>cachedList[0]=new listObj("","","","","","");<% else i = 0 For Each ErrItem in aErrDescs thisErr=getError(ErrItem,aErrs) %>cachedList[<%= i %>]=new listObj(<%= i %>, "<%= thisErr(0) %>","<%= thisErr(1) %>","<%= thisErr(2) %>","<%= thisErr(3) %>","<%= thisErr(4) %>", <%= thisErr(5) %>);<% i = i+1 Next Response.write "loadList();" end if
function getError(errstr,aErrs) On Error Resume Next Dim i, one, two, three, four, five, error Dim Subcode, errtext, Subcodetext, def, path, otype, thistype Dim CErr, aCErr
one=Instr(errstr,",") two=Instr((one+1),errstr,",") three=Instr((two+1),errstr,",") four=Instr((three+1),errstr,",") five=Instr((four+1),errstr,",") otype=0 error=Mid(errstr,1,(one-1)) subcode=Mid(errstr,(one+1),((two-one)-1)) errtext=Mid(errstr,(two+1), (three-two)-1) subcodetext=Mid(errstr,(three+1), (four-three)-1) otype=Mid(errstr,(four+1)) path=errtext & " " & Subcodetext
def=path thistype="" if aErrs(0) <> "" then
For Each CErr in aErrs aCErr=getCustomErr(CErr) if ((error=aCErr(0)) and (subcode=replace(aCErr(1),"*","0"))) then thistype=aCErr(2) path=aCErr(3) exit for end if i = i + 1 Next end if getError=Array(error, subcode, thistype,path,def,otype) end function
function getCustomErr(errstr) Dim one, two, three, code, Subcode, src, path one=Instr(errstr,",") two=Instr((one+1),errstr,",") three=Instr((two+1),errstr,",") code=Mid(errstr,1,(one-1)) Subcode=Mid(errstr,(one+1),((two-one)-1)) src=Mid(errstr,(two+1), (three-two)-1) path=Mid(errstr,(three+1))
getCustomErr=Array(code, Subcode, src, path) end function