<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="directives.inc" -->
<% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "" then %> <!--#include file="iito.inc"--> <% else %> <!--#include file="iifvddir.str"--> <%
On Error Resume Next
Dim path, currentobj, spath, instobj
if spath = "" then spath = Mid(path,1,InStr(path,"/ROOT")-1) Session("spath")=spath end if
Set currentobj=GetObject(path) Set instobj=GetObject(spath)
Session("SpecObj")=spath Session("SpecProps")="MSDosDirOutput"
function writeFSPath(fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly) On Error Resume Next Dim thispath, fspath, parenttype, parentobj if Session("vtype") = "dir" then thispath = Session("dpath") fspath = "" parenttype = "" Do Until Instr(parenttype, "VirtualDir") <> 0 'we need clear our path not found error.. err = 0 'add our initial whack... fspath = "/" + fspath 'and cyle through the baseobj till we find the next whack, 'building up the path in new name as we go Do Until Right(thispath,1) = "/" fspath = Right(thispath,1) & fspath thispath = Mid(thispath,1,Len(thispath)-1) Loop 'once we're out, we need to lop off the last whack... thispath = Mid(thispath,1,Len(thispath)-1) 'and try to set the object again... Set parentobj=GetObject(thispath) if err <> 0 then parenttype = "" else parenttype=parentobj.KeyType end if Loop fspath = parentobj.Path & "\" & Replace(fspath,"/","\") writeFSPath = fspath else writeFSPath = text("Path",fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly) end if
end function
<!--#include file="iiset.inc"--> <!--#include file="iisetfnt.inc"--> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<% if Session("vtype") = "svc" or Session ("vtype") = "server" then %> top.title.Global.helpFileName="iipz_5"; <% else %> top.title.Global.helpFileName="iipz_3"; <% end if %> var Global=top.title.Global;
<!--#include file="iijsfuncs.inc"--> function disableDefault(dir,fromCntrl, toCntrl){ if (!dir){ if (fromCntrl.value !=""){ toCntrl.value=fromCntrl.value; fromCntrl.value=""; } } else{ if (toCntrl.value !=""){ fromCntrl.value=toCntrl.value; toCntrl.value=""; } } }
function enableDefault(chkCntrl){ chkCntrl.checked=true; } function setLog(chkCntrl){ if (chkCntrl.checked){ document.userform.DontLog.value = "False"; } else{ document.userform.DontLog.value = "True"; } }
function SetBool(){ if (document.userform.rdohdnMSDOSDirOutput[0].checked){ document.userform.MSDOSDirOutput.value="False" } else{ document.userform.MSDOSDirOutput.value="True" } }
function listFuncs(){ this.writeList=buildListForm; }
function buildListForm(){ <% if Session("vtype") <> "dir" then %> //if (document.userform.Path.value !="<%= currentobj.path %>"){ //top.title.nodeList[0].deCache(); //} <% end if %> } function chkPath(pathCntrl){ if (pathCntrl.value != ""){ top.connect.location.href = "iichkpath.asp?path=" + escape(pathCntrl.value); } }
listFunc=new listFuncs();
<% if Session("canBrowse") then %> <SCRIPT SRC="JSDirBrowser/JSBrowser.js"> </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> JSBrowser = new BrowserObj(null,false,TDIR,<%= Session("FONTSIZE") %>); function setPath(cntrl){ JSBrowser = new BrowserObj(cntrl,POP,TDIR,<%= Session("FONTSIZE") %>) } </SCRIPT>
<% end if %> </HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" TOPMARGIN=5 TEXT="#000000" LINK="#FFFFFF" >
<%= sFont("","","",True) %> <HR> <FORM NAME="userform" onSubmit="return false"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0> <TR> <TD VALIGN="middle"> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_PATH_TEXT %> </FONT> </TD> <TD VALIGN="middle"> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= writeFSPath(45,"chkPath(this);","","",false,true) %> </FONT> </TD> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <% if Session("canBrowse") then %> <% if Session("IsAdmin") then %> <% if Session("vtype") <> "dir" then %> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hdnBrowser" VALUE="<%= L_BROWSE_TEXT %>" OnClick="setPath(document.userform.Path);"> <% end if %> <% end if %> <% end if %> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR HEIGHT= 4> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= checkbox("AccessRead","",false) %> <%= L_READ_TEXT %><BR> <%= checkbox("AccessWrite","",false) %> <%= L_WRITE_TEXT %><BR> <% if currentobj.DontLog then %> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="hdnDontLog" OnClick="top.title.Global.updated=true;setLog(this);"> <%= L_LOGACCESS_TEXT %><BR> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DontLog" VALUE="True"> <% else %> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="hdnDontLog" CHECKED OnClick="top.title.Global.updated=true;setLog(this);"> <%= L_LOGACCESS_TEXT %><BR> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DontLog" VALUE="False"> <% end if %> </FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>
<% if Session("vtype") = "svc" or Session("vtype") = "server" then%>
<!-- set the current object = to the instance level object for MSDOSDirOutput -->
<P> <IMG SRC="images/hr.gif" WIDTH=5 HEIGHT=2 BORDER=0 ALIGN="middle"> <%= L_DIRECTORYSTYLE_TEXT %> <IMG SRC="images/hr.gif" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=2 BORDER=0 ALIGN="middle"> <P> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH = 200> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= printradio("hdnMSDOSDirOutput", not instobj.MSDOSDirOutput, "SetBool();",false) %> <%= L_UNIX_TEXT %>® </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= printradio("hdnMSDOSDirOutput", instobj.MSDOSDirOutput, "SetBool();",false) %> <%= L_MSDOS_TEXT %>® <% if instobj.MSDOSDirOutput then %> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="MSDOSDirOutput" VALUE="True"> <% else %> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="MSDOSDirOutput" VALUE="False"> <% end if %> </FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <% end if %> </FORM> </BLOCKQUOTE> </FONT> </BODY>
<%end if %>