Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="" -->
<!--#include file="iimime.str"--> <!--#include file="iimimels.str"--> <!--#include file=""-->
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function chgStatus(sel){ parent.head.listFunc.sel=sel; <% if Session("Browser") = "IE3" then %> self.location.href="iimimels.asp#here"; <% else %> self.location.href="iimimels.asp"; <% end if %> }
function SetUpdated(){ //check to see if our event was triggered by a delete. if so, we don't //want to set the cached object values, or we'll be overwriting //the wrong item.
if (parent.head.listFunc.noupdate){ parent.head.listFunc.noupdate = false; } else{ i = parent.head.listFunc.sel parent.head.cachedList[i].app =; parent.head.cachedList[i].ext = document.listform.editMe.value; parent.head.cachedList[i].updated = true; } } </SCRIPT> </HEAD>
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editOK=false; sel=eval(parent.head.listFunc.sel); var writestr = "<TABLE WIDTH =<%= L_MIMETABLEWIDTH_NUM %> BORDER=0 CELLPADDING = 2 CELLSPACING = 0>" for (var i=0;i < parent.head.cachedList.length; i++) { if (!parent.head.cachedList[i].deleted) { if (sel!=i) { if( parent.head.cachedList[i].ext != "" && parent.head.cachedList[i].app != "" ) { writestr += "<TR>"; if (i+4 == sel) { writestr += parent.head.listFunc.writeCol(1,<%= L_EXTCOLWIDTH_NUM %>,"<A NAME='here'></A><A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + crop(parent.head.cachedList[i].ext,20) + "</A>",""); } else { writestr += parent.head.listFunc.writeCol(1,<%= L_EXTCOLWIDTH_NUM %> ,"<A HREF='javascript:chgStatus("+i+");'>" + crop(parent.head.cachedList[i].ext,20) + "</A>",""); } writestr += parent.head.listFunc.writeCol(1,<%= L_CONENTTYPECOLWIDTH_NUM %>,parent.head.cachedList[i].app,""); writestr += "</TR>"; } else { parent.head.cachedList[i].deleted = true; } } else { editOK=true; writestr += "<TR BGCOLOR=#DDDDDD>"; writestr += parent.head.listFunc.writeCol(1,<%= L_EXTCOLWIDTH_NUM %>,"<INPUT NAME='editMe' SIZE = 10 VALUE='" + parent.head.cachedList[i].ext + "' onBlur='SetUpdated();' <%= Session("DEFINPUTSTYLE") %>>",""); writestr += parent.head.listFunc.writeCol(1,<%= L_CONENTTYPECOLWIDTH_NUM %>,"<INPUT NAME='app' SIZE = 20 VALUE='" + parent.head.cachedList[i].app + "' onBlur='SetUpdated();' <%= Session("DEFINPUTSTYLE") %>>",""); writestr += "</TR>"; } } } writestr += "</TABLE>"; document.write(writestr); </SCRIPT>
</FORM> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <% if Session("isAdmin") then %> if (editOK){ document.listform.editMe.focus(); } <% end if %> </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>