<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="directives.inc" -->
<% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "" then %> <!--#include file="iito.inc"--> <% else %> <!--#include file="iimnu.str"-->
On Error Resume Next Set FTPObj = GetObject("IIS://localhost/MSFTPSVC") FTPINSTALLED = (err = 0) err.Clear
Function MenuIcon(gif) if gif = "" then gif = "cube.gif" end if MenuIcon = "<img align='middle' src='images/" & gif & "' border='0'> " End Function %>
<!--#include file="iisetfnt.inc"-->
<html> <head>
<script language="javascript">
// set the default helpfile name... top.title.Global.helpFileName="iipxmain";
// instance state constants START=2 STOP=4 PAUSE=6 CONT=0 <!--#include file="iijsfuncs.inc"-->
function connect(){ var theList=top.title.nodeList; //connect is a global function in iihd.asp theList[0].connect(); } function master(){ // loads the master www & ftp property pages (ie for the service). var path; var thetype=document.mnuform.MSvcType.options[document.mnuform.MSvcType.selectedIndex].value; var sel=0; top.body.iisstatus.location.href=("iistat.asp?thisState=Loading");
path="stype=" + thetype; path=path + "&vtype=" + "svc"
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top.title.Global.selSType=thetype top.title.Global.selVType="svc"
//set up our session variables... page="iiset.asp?"+path; top.connect.location.href=(page); }
function add(){ //add calls worker script iiaction.asp //which intern calls the global insertitem function //that inserts the new item in the cachedList theList=top.title.nodeList; gVars=top.title.Global; sel=gVars.selId;
if (sel == -1) { alert("<%= L_MAKESELECTION_TEXT %>"); } else { setPath("ParentADSPath",theList[sel].path, sel); popBox('CreateWizard', <%= Session("BrowserHScalePct")/100 * L_WIZWIDTH %>,<%= Session("BrowserHScalePct")/100 * L_WIZHEIGHT %>, 'iiwiznew', true); } } function cert(){ //add calls worker script iiaction.asp //which intern calls the global insertitem function //that inserts the new item in the cachedList theList=top.title.nodeList; gVars=top.title.Global; sel=gVars.selId;
if (sel == -1) { alert("<%= L_MAKESELECTION_TEXT %>"); } else { setPath("ADSPath",theList[sel].path, sel); popBox('test', <%= Session("BrowserHScalePct")/100 * L_WIZWIDTH %>,<%= Session("BrowserHScalePct")/100 * L_WIZHEIGHT %>, 'iiwizcert', true); } } function sec(){ //add calls worker script iiaction.asp //which intern calls the global insertitem function //that inserts the new item in the cachedList theList=top.title.nodeList; gVars=top.title.Global; sel=gVars.selId;
if (sel == -1) { alert("<%= L_MAKESELECTION_TEXT %>"); } else { if (theList[sel].vtype=="comp"){ alert("<%= L_PERMWIZNOTALLOWED_TEXT %>"); } else { setPath("ADSPath",theList[sel].path, sel); popBox('SecWizard', <%= Session("BrowserHScalePct")/100 * L_WIZWIDTH %>,<%= Session("BrowserHScalePct")/100 * L_WIZHEIGHT %>, 'iiwizsec', true); } } } function setPath(pathname,parentpath, selID) { var theList = top.title.nodeList; var loc = "iisess.asp?" + pathname + "=" + escape(parentpath);
loc += "&ParentID=" + escape(selID); loc += "&stype=" + theList[selID].stype; loc += "&vtype=" + theList[selID].vtype;
top.connect.location.href = loc; }
function edit(){ var theList=top.title.nodeList; //global function located in iihd.asp theList[0].openLocation(); } function renameItem(){ var theList=top.title.nodeList; gVars=top.title.Global; sel=gVars.selId; if (theList[sel].vtype=="comp"){ alert("<%= L_RENAMENOTALLOWED_TEXT %>"); } else{ if (theList[sel].vtype=="dir"){ alert("<%= L_NORENAME_TEXT %>"); } else{ nodename=prompt("<%= L_ENTERNEWNAME_TEXT %>",theList[sel].title); if( (nodename != "") && (nodename != null) && (nodename != theList[sel].title) ){ thispath=escape(theList[sel].path); path = "sel=" + sel + "&path=" + thispath + "&nodename=" + escape(nodename); top.connect.location.href="iirename.asp?"+path; } } } }
function deleteItem(){ //delete item calls worker script iiaction.asp //which intern calls the global delete function //that marks the item in the cached list as deleted. theList=top.title.nodeList; gVars=top.title.Global; sel=gVars.selId;
<% if Session("isAdmin") then %>
if (theList[sel].vtype=="comp"){ alert("<%= L_DELETENOTALLOWED_TEXT %>"); } else{
if (theList[sel].vtype=="server"){ alerttext="<%= L_DELETESITE_TEXT %>"; } <% else %> if (theList[sel].vtype=="server"){ alert("<%= L_DELETENOTALLOWED_TEXT %>"); } else{ <% end if %> if (theList[sel].vtype=="vdir"){ alerttext="<%= L_DELETEVDIR_TEXT %>"; } if (theList[sel].vtype=="dir"){ alerttext="<%= L_DELETEDIR_TEXT %>"; }
if (confirm(alerttext)){ thispath=escape(theList[sel].path); path="a=del&path="+thispath+"&stype="+theList[sel].stype+"&vtype="+theList[sel].vtype+"&sel=" + sel; top.connect.location.href="iiaction.asp?"+path; } } }
function SetState(x) { //setState calls worker script iiaction.asp //which calls the sets the state on the item in the cached list var theList=top.title.nodeList; var gVars=top.title.Global; var sel=gVars.selId; if (theList[sel].restricted != "") { alert(theList[sel].restricted); } else { if (theList[sel].vtype=="server"){ if (theList[sel].state != x){ if (theList[sel].isWorkingServer){ alert("<%= L_WORKINGSERVER_TEXT %>"); } else{ doaction = true; if (x==START){ if (theList[sel].state == PAUSE){ x = CONT } else{ parent.iisstatus.location.href="iistat.asp?thisState=" + escape("<%= L_STARTING_TEXT %>") + "&moving=yes"; } } if (x==STOP){ parent.iisstatus.location.href="iistat.asp?thisState=" + escape("<%= L_STOPPING_TEXT %>")+ "&moving=yes"; } if (x==PAUSE){ if (theList[sel].state == STOP){ alert("<%= L_SERVICEALREADYSTOPPED_TEXT %>"); doaction = false; } else{ parent.iisstatus.location.href="iistat.asp?thisState=" + escape("<%= L_PAUSING_TEXT %>")+ "&moving=yes"; } } if (x==CONT){ if (theList[sel].state == START){ alert("<%= L_SERVICEALREADYSTARTED_TEXT %>"); doaction = false; } else{ if (theList[sel].state == STOP){ x=START } parent.iisstatus.location.href="iistat.asp?thisState=" + escape("<%= L_CONTING_TEXT %>")+ "&moving=yes"; } } if (doaction){ thispath=escape(theList[sel].path); path="a="+x+"&path="+thispath+"&stype="+theList[sel].stype+"&vtype="+theList[sel].vtype + "&sel=" + sel; top.connect.location.href="iiaction.asp?"+path } } } else{ if (x==START) { alert("<%= L_SERVICEALREADYSTARTED_TEXT %>"); } if (x==STOP) { alert("<%= L_SERVICEALREADYSTOPPED_TEXT %>"); } if (x==CONT) { alert("<%= L_SERVICEALREADYSTARTED_TEXT %>"); } if (x==PAUSE) { alert("<%= L_SERVICEALREADYPAUSED_TEXT %>"); } } parent.list.location.href=parent.list.location.href; } else{ alert("<%= L_ONLYSERVER_TEXT %>"); } } }
function backup(){ popBox("Backup",<%= L_IIBKUP_W %>,<%= L_IIBKUP_H %>,"iibkup",true); }
<%= Session("MENUBODY") %>
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<tr> <td width="50" valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:add();"><%= MenuIcon("new.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:add();"><%= L_NEW_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:deleteItem();"><%= MenuIcon("remv.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:deleteItem();"><%= L_DELETE_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:renameItem();"><%= MenuIcon("rename.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:renameItem();"><%= L_RENAME_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:edit();"><%= MenuIcon("edit.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:edit();"><%= L_PROPS_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="middle"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b> </b></font> </td> </tr>
<% if isAdmin then %> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:SetState(START);"><%= MenuIcon("next.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:SetState(START);"><%= L_START_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:SetState(STOP);"><%= MenuIcon("stop.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:SetState(STOP);"><%= L_STOP_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:SetState(PAUSE);"><%= MenuIcon("pause.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:SetState(PAUSE);"><%= L_PAUSE_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:SetState(CONT);"><%= MenuIcon("roll.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:SetState(CONT);"><%= L_RESUME_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="middle"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b> </b></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:sec();"><%= MenuIcon("perm.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:sec();"><%= L_PERMWIZ_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td colspan="2" valign="middle"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b> </b></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:master();"><%= MenuIcon("master.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:master();"><%= L_MASTER_TEXT %></a></b></font> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0> <TR> <% if Session("IsIE") then %> <TD> <% else %> <TD BGCOLOR="Gray" ALIGN="Center" VALIGN="Center"> <% end if %> <select name="MSvcType" size="1" style="color:black; font-family:<%=Session("MENUFONT")%>;font-size:10pt;"> <option selected value="www"><%= L_WEB_TEXT %>... <% if FTPINSTALLED then %><option value="ftp"><%= L_FTP_TEXT %>...<% end if %> </select> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td colspan="2" valign="middle"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b> </b></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:backup();"><%= MenuIcon("save.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:backup();"><%= L_BACKUP_TEXT %></a></b></font> </td> </tr>
<% if false then%> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="middle"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b> </b></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="middle"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b> </b></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <a href="javascript:backup();"><%= MenuIcon("save.gif") %></a> </td> <td valign="top"> <%= sFont(Session("MENUFONTSIZE"),Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %><b><a href="javascript:cert();">Certificate Wizard</a></b></font> </td> </tr> <% end if%>
<% end if %>
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