dim quote,isAdmin,disabletextstart,disableintstart,disabletextend dim bUpdateGlobal
bUpdateGlobal = true
disabletextstart= "<TABLE BORDER=1 BORDERCOLORLIGHT=" & quote & "#000000" & quote & " BORDERCOLORMEDIUM=" & quote & "#000000" & quote & " BORDERCOLORDARK=" & quote & "Gray" & quote & "><TR><TD BGCOLOR=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & " BORDERCOLOR=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & " BORDERCOLORLIGHT=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & " BORDERCOLORMEDIUM=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & " BORDERCOLORDARK=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & "WIDTH=300>" disableintstart= "<TABLE BORDER=1 BORDERCOLORLIGHT=" & quote & "#000000" & quote & " BORDERCOLORMEDIUM=" & quote & "#000000" & quote & " BORDERCOLORDARK=" & quote & "Gray" & quote & "><TR><TD BGCOLOR=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & " BORDERCOLOR=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & " BORDERCOLORLIGHT=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & " BORDERCOLORMEDIUM=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & " BORDERCOLORDARK=" & quote & "#C0C0C0" & quote & "WIDTH=75>" disabletextend="</TD></TR></TABLE>"
function checkboxmask(fieldname, fieldmask, onclickproc, adminonly) On Error Resume Next Dim val if mid(fieldname,1,1)="!" then fieldname=mid(fieldname,2) val=not (currentobj.Get(fieldname) and fieldmask) else val=(currentobj.Get(fieldname) and fieldmask) end if
checkboxmask = writeCheckboxVal(err, val, fieldname, fieldmask, onclickproc, adminonly) end function
function checkbox(fieldname, onclickproc, adminonly) On Error Resume Next Dim val
if mid(fieldname,1,1)="!" then fieldname=mid(fieldname,2) val=not currentobj.Get(fieldname) else val=currentobj.Get(fieldname) end if checkbox = checkboxVal(err,val,"chk" & fieldname,onclickproc,adminonly)
end function
function checkboxVal(err, val, fieldname, onclickproc, adminonly) On Error Resume Next checkboxVal = writeCheckboxVal(err, val, fieldname, "", onclickproc, adminonly) end function
function writeCheckboxVal(err, val, fieldname,fieldmask, onclickproc, adminonly) On Error Resume Next Dim outputStr
if err <> 0 then outputStr="<INPUT NAME='" & fieldname & "' TYPE='CHECKBOX'>" alertuser fieldname else if (not adminonly) or isAdmin then if val then outputStr="<INPUT NAME='" & fieldname & "' TYPE='CHECKBOX' CHECKED" else outputStr="<INPUT NAME='" & fieldname & "' TYPE='CHECKBOX' " end if if fieldmask <> "" then outputStr = outputStr & " VALUE=" & fieldmask end if outputStr = outputStr & " OnClick=" & quote if bUpdateGlobal then outputStr = outputStr & "top.title.Global.updated=true;" end if
if onclickproc <> "" then outputStr = outputStr & onclickproc & quote & ">" else outputStr = outputStr & quote & ">" end if else if Session("hasDHTML") then if val then outputStr="<INPUT NAME='" & fieldname & "' TYPE='CHECKBOX' CHECKED DISABLED>" else outputStr="<INPUT NAME='" & fieldname & "' TYPE='CHECKBOX' CHECKED DISABLED>" end if else if val then outputStr="<IMG ALIGN=middle SRC=" & quote & "images/checkon.gif" & quote & ">" else outputStr="<IMG ALIGN=middle SRC=" & quote & "images/checkoff.gif" & quote & ">" end if end if end if end if writeCheckboxVal = outputStr end function
function printoption(selected, text, adminonly) 'On Error Resume Next if selected then printoption="<OPTION SELECTED>" & text else if (isadmin or not adminonly) then printoption="<OPTION>" & text end if end if
end function
function getoption(fieldname,value, adminonly) 'On Error Resume Next Dim val val=currentobj.Get(fieldname) if err <> 0 then val = False alertuser fieldname end if getoption = printoption((value=val),value,adminonly) end function
function radio(fieldname,value, onclickproc, adminonly) On Error Resume Next Dim val val=currentobj.Get(fieldname) if err <> 0 then radio=(printradio(fieldname, False,onclickproc,adminonly)) alertuser "rdo" & fieldname else if (typename(val)="Boolean") then output=printradio(fieldname, (val=value),onclickproc,adminonly) else if mid(value,1,1)="!" then output=printradio(fieldname, (val <> mid(value,2)),onclickproc,adminonly) else output=printradio(fieldname, (val=value),onclickproc,adminonly) end if end if radio=output end if end function
function printradio(fieldname, checked, onclickproc,adminonly) Dim output, chkstr if checked then chkstr="CHECKED" else chkstr="" end if if ((not adminonly) or isAdmin) then output="<INPUT NAME=" & quote & "rdo" & fieldname & quote & " TYPE=" & quote & "RADIO" & quote & " " & chkstr output=output & " OnClick=" & quote
if bUpdateGlobal then output = output & "top.title.Global.updated=true;" end if if onclickproc <> "" then printradio=output & onclickproc & quote & ">" else printradio=output & quote & ">" end if else if checked then printradio="<IMG SRC=" & quote & "images/radioon.gif" & quote & ">" else printradio="<IMG SRC=" & quote & "images/radiooff.gif" & quote & ">" end if end if
end function
function text(fieldname,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly) On Error Resume Next Dim val val=currentobj.Get(fieldname) text=inputbox(err,"text",fieldname,val,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,false) end function
function pword(fieldname,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly) On Error Resume Next Dim val val=currentobj.Get(fieldname) if ((not adminonly) or isAdmin) then pword=inputbox(err,"password",fieldname,val,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,false) else pword=disabletextstart & "*******" & disabletextend end if end function
function writehidden(fieldname) On Error Resume Next writehidden=inputbox(0,"hidden",fieldname,currentobj.Get(fieldname),"","","","",false,false,false) end function
function inputbox(err,fieldtype,fieldname,val,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,readonly) inputbox = writeinputbox(err,fieldtype,fieldname,val,fieldsize,"",onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,readonly,false) end function
function inputboxfixed(err,fieldtype,fieldname,val,fieldsize,maxfieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,readonly) inputboxfixed = writeinputbox(err,fieldtype,fieldname,val,fieldsize,maxfieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,readonly,false) end function
function disabledbox(err,fieldtype,fieldname,val,fieldsize,maxfieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly) disabledbox = writeinputbox(err,fieldtype,fieldname,val,fieldsize,maxfieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,false,true) end function
function writeinputbox(err,fieldtype,fieldname,val,fieldsize,maxfieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly,readonly,disabled) On Error Resume Next Dim textstr if err <> 0 then textstr="<INPUT TYPE=" & quote & fieldtype & quote & " NAME=" & quote & fieldname & quote & " SIZE=" & fieldsize & ">" alertuser fieldname else if ((not adminonly) or isAdmin) then textstr="<INPUT TYPE=" & quote & fieldtype & quote textstr=textstr & " NAME=" & quote & fieldname & quote if fieldsize <> "" then textstr = textstr & " SIZE = " & (Session("BrowserTBScalePct") * fieldsize/100) else end if if maxfieldsize <> "" then textstr=textstr & " MAXLENGTH=" & maxfieldsize else end if textstr=textstr & " VALUE=" & quote & val & quote textstr=textstr & " OnChange=" & quote if bUpdateGlobal then textstr = textstr & "top.title.Global.updated=true;" end if if onchangeproc <> "" then textstr=textstr & onchangeproc & quote else textstr=textstr & quote end if if onfocusproc <> "" then textstr=textstr & " OnFocus=" & quote & onfocusproc & quote end if if onblurproc <> "" then textstr=textstr & " OnBlur=" & quote & onblurproc & quote end if if readonly then textstr=textstr & " READONLY" end if if disabled then textstr=textstr & " DISABLED" end if if Session("hasStyles") then textstr=textstr & Session("DEFINPUTSTYLE") end if textstr=textstr & ">" if hidden then textstr=textstr & " <INPUT TYPE=" & quote & "hidden" & quote & " NAME=" & quote & "hdn" & fieldname & quote & " VALUE=" & quote & val & quote & ">" end if else if Session("hasDHTML") then textstr="<INPUT TYPE=" & quote & fieldtype & quote & " NAME=" & quote & fieldname & quote & " SIZE=" & fieldsize & " VALUE='" & val & "' DISABLED FACE=" & quote & Session("FONTFACE") & quote & ">" else if val = "" then val = " " else if len(val) > 50 then val = Left(val,50) & "..." end if end if if fieldsize < 15 then textstr=disableintstart & "<FONT FACE='" & Session("FONTFACE") & "' SIZE='" & Session("FONTPOINT") & "'>"& val & "</FONT>" & disabletextend else textstr=disabletextstart & "<FONT FACE='" & Session("FONTFACE") & "' SIZE='" & Session("FONTPOINT") & "'>"& val & "</FONT>" & disabletextend end if end if end if end if writeinputbox=textstr end function
function writeSelect(selName, size, onChange, isMultiSel) dim textstr textstr = "<SELECT NAME='" & selName & "'" if size <> "" then textstr = textstr & " Size='" & size & "'" end if if onChange <> "" then textstr = textstr & " OnChange='" & onChange & "'" end if if isMultiSel then textstr = textstr & " MULTIPLE" end if if Session("hasStyles") then textstr=textstr & Session("DEFINPUTSTYLE") end if textstr = textstr & ">" writeSelect = textstr end function
function minVal(thisval, min) if thisval < min then thisval = min end if minVal = thisval end function
Sub alertuser(fieldname) 'Response.Write "<SCRIPT>alert(" & quote & "Could not retrieve a value for " & fieldname & ". (" & err & ":" & err.description & ")" & quote & ");</SCRIPT>" Response.Write "<FONT COLOR=red><B>*</B></FONT>" End Sub