Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="" -->
<!-- Document that displays the tree-structured TOC-->
<% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "" then %> <!--#include file=""--> <% else %>
<% ' Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation ' ' Module Name: ' iisrvls.asp ' Abstract: ' Displays the tree view list stored by iihd.asp ' Author: ' Lara Dillingham (larad) ' Revision History: ' 30-Oct-1998 taylorw added support for multi-select
<!--#include file="iisrvls.str"--> <!--#include file=""--> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000000" VLINK="#000000" ALINK="#000000">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var theList = top.title.nodeList; var gVars = top.title.Global; var gListInterface = top.title.nodeListInterface var listLength = theList.length; document.write("<TABLE WIDTH='" + gVars.tblWdith + "' BORDER=0><TR><TD>");
for (i=0; i < listLength; i++) { if (!theList[i].deleted){ theParent=theList[i].parent; theLevel=theList[i].level; if (theParent==null) { writeSelected(theList[i].selected); } else{ curParent=theParent; isOpen=true; while(isOpen){ if (theList[curParent].parent==null){ isOpen=(theList[curParent].open); break; } if (!theList[curParent].open){ isOpen=false; break; } curParent=theList[curParent].parent; } if (isOpen){ writeSelected(theList[i].selected); } } } } document.write("</TD></TR></TABLE>");
// This will cause the browser window to activate on IE5. // To workaround we can just pass in a query string parameter but this // isn't show-stopped for B3 so we won't do it now. self.location.href="iisrvls.asp#here";
function writeSelected(isSelected){ writeStr = "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD>";
for (x=1; x < theLevel; x++) {
gParent=getGrandParent(i,theLevel-x) if (theList[gParent].lastChild){ writeStr += "<IMG SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' WIDTH=16>"; } else{ writeStr += "<IMG SRC='"+gVars.lineImg+"' WIDTH=16>"; } }
writeStr += "</TD><TD>";
if (((i+1) < listLength) && (theList[i+1].parent==i) && (!theList[i+1].deleted) || (!theList[i].isCached)) { if (theList[i].open){ writeStr += "<A HREF='javascript:expand("+i+")'><IMG SRC='"; if (!theList[i].lastChild){ writeStr += gVars.minusImg; } else{ writeStr += gVars.minusImgLast; } writeStr += "' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=18 Border=0 ALT='<%= L_COLLAPSE_TEXT %>'></A>"; } else{ writeStr += "<A HREF='javascript:expand("+i+")'><IMG SRC='"; if (!theList[i].lastChild){ writeStr += gVars.plusImg; } else{ writeStr += gVars.plusImgLast; } writeStr += "' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=18 Border=0 ALT='<%= L_EXPAND_TEXT %>'></A>"; } } else{ writeStr += "<IMG SRC='"; if (theList[i].lastChild){ writeStr += gVars.emptyImgLast; } else{ writeStr += gVars.emptyImg; } writeStr += "' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=18 Border=0>"; }
writeStr += "</TD>";
if (isSelected){ if( gVars.selCount == 1 ) { writeStr += "<TD><A NAME='here'></A><A HREF='javascript:editItem("+i+")'"; } else { writeStr += "<TD><A NAME='here'></A><A HREF='javascript:selectItem("+i+")'"; } <% if Session(STR_SUPPORT_MULTI_SELECT) then %> writeStr += " onClick='handleClickEvent(" + i + ")'"; <% end if %> writeStr += ">" if (theList[i].icon !=""){
if (theList[i].isCached){ writeStr += "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='"+theList[i].icon+theList[i].state+".gif'><IMG BORDER=0 SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' HSPACE="+gVars.hSpace+"></TD>"; } else{ writeStr += "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='"+theList[i].icon+theList[i].state+".gif' ALT='<%= L_CACHE_TEXT %>'><IMG BORDER=0 SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' HSPACE="+gVars.hSpace+"></TD>"; } } writeStr += "</A></TD>"; writeStr += "<TD BGCOLOR='Silver'>"; writeStr += "<%= sFont("","","",True) %>"; if( gVars.selCount == 1 ) { writeStr += "<A HREF='javascript:editItem("+i+")'"; } else { writeStr += "<A HREF='javascript:selectItem("+i+")'"; } <% if Session(STR_SUPPORT_MULTI_SELECT) then %> writeStr += " onClick='handleClickEvent(" + i + ")'"; <% end if %> writeStr += ">" writeStr += theList[i].title; if (theList[i].vtype == "server"){writeStr += " " + gVars.displaystate[theList[i].state];} writeStr += "</A>" writeStr += "</TD>"; } else{ writeStr += "<TD><A HREF='javascript:selectItem("+i+")'"; <% if Session(STR_SUPPORT_MULTI_SELECT) then %> writeStr += " onClick='handleClickEvent(" + i + ")'"; <% end if %> writeStr += ">" if (theList[i].icon !=""){ if (theList[i].isCached){ writeStr += "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='"+theList[i].icon+theList[i].state+".gif'><IMG BORDER=0 SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' HSPACE="+gVars.hSpace+"></TD>"; } else{ writeStr += "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC='"+theList[i].icon+theList[i].state+".gif' ALT='<%= L_CACHE_TEXT %>'><IMG BORDER=0 SRC='"+gVars.spaceImg+"' HSPACE="+gVars.hSpace+"></TD>"; } } writeStr += "</A></TD>"; writeStr += "<TD>"; writeStr += "<%= sFont("","","",True) %>"; writeStr += "<A HREF='javascript:selectItem("+i+")'"; <% if Session(STR_SUPPORT_MULTI_SELECT) then %> writeStr += " onClick='handleClickEvent(" + i + ")'"; <% end if %> writeStr += ">" writeStr += theList[i].title; if (theList[i].vtype == "server"){writeStr += " " + gVars.displaystate[theList[i].state];} writeStr += "</A></TD>"; }
writeStr += "</TR></TABLE>"; document.write(writeStr); }
function getGrandParent(item,numLevels){ var theItem=item; for (z=0; z < numLevels; z++) { theItem=theList[theItem].parent; } return theItem; }
function expand(item) { gListInterface.selectItem(item); if (theList[item].isCached) { theList[item].open=!(theList[item].open); self.location.href="iisrvls.asp"; } else { theList[item].cache(item); } }
function selectItem(item) { <% if Not Session(STR_SUPPORT_MULTI_SELECT) then %> gListInterface.selectItem(item); <% end if %> self.location.href="iisrvls.asp"; } <% if Session(STR_SUPPORT_MULTI_SELECT) then %> function handleClickEvent( item ) { if( event.ctrlKey ) { gListInterface.selectMulti(item); } else { gListInterface.selectItem(item); } } <% end if %> function editItem(item) { if( gVars.selCount == 1 ) { theList[item].openLocation(); } } </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> <% end if %>