<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="../directives.inc" --> <!-- #include file="jsbrowser.str"--> <% Const TDIR = 0 Const TFILE = 1 Const FIXEDDISK = 2 Const HIDDEN = 2 Const MAX_FS_OBJS = 200 'Maximum number of JavaScript browser objects before heap overflow
Dim i, newid, path, f, sc, fc, fl, FileSystem, iFldrCntr, iFileCntr Dim btype, drive, drives, bToManyFSObjects, primarydrive
bToManyFSObjects = False newid = 0 bType = CInt(Request.Querystring("btype")) iFldrCntr = 1 'Count from 1 to MAX_FS_OBJS
Set FileSystem=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set drives = FileSystem.Drives
For Each drive In drives primarydrive = drive 'Exit after the first FIXEDDISK if there is one... If drive.DriveType = FIXEDDISK Then Exit For End If Next primarydrive = primarydrive & L_SLASH_TEXT If Request.QueryString("path") <> "" Then path = Request.QueryString("path") If FileSystem.FolderExists(path) Then Response.Cookies("HTMLA")("LASTPATH")=path End If Else path = Request.Cookies("HTMLA")("LASTPATH") End If
If path = "" Then Response.Cookies("HTMLA")("LASTPATH")=primarydrive path = primarydrive End If %>
var DRIVE = 0 var FOLDER = 1 var FILE = 2 <%
If path = ":" Then 'Path %> top.main.head.cachedList = new Array(); cachedList = top.main.head.cachedList; <% For Each drive In drives 'exit after the first FIXEDDISK if there is one... If drive.DriveType = FIXEDDISK Then %> cachedList[<%= newid %>]= new top.main.head.listObj("<%= drive.Path & L_DBLSLASH_TEXT %>","<%= drive.DriveLetter %>","","","<%= drive.DriveType %>","","",DRIVE); <% newid = newid +1 End If Next %> top.main.head.listFunc.selIndex=0; top.main.list.location.href ="JSBrwLs.asp"; <%
Else If FileSystem.FolderExists(path) Then 'FileSystem %> top.main.head.cachedList = new Array(); cachedList = top.main.head.cachedList; <% Set f=FileSystem.GetFolder(path) Set sc = f.SubFolders For Each i In sc 'Do not print more than the MAX_FS_OBJS limit If iFldrCntr > MAX_FS_OBJS Then bToManyFSObjects = True Exit For End If 'Print out only those i that are not hidden. If Not (i.Attributes AND HIDDEN) = HIDDEN Then %> cachedList[<%= newid %>]= new top.main.head.listObj("<%= Replace(i,L_SLASH_TEXT,L_DBLSLASH_TEXT) %>","<%= i.name %>","","","<%= i.Type %>","<%= CLng(10000*i.DateLastModified) %>","<%= CStr(i.DateLastModified) %>",FOLDER); <% newid = newid +1 iFldrCntr = iFldrCntr + 1 End If Next 'Make sure that !printed MAX_FS_OBJS If bType = TFILE And bToManyFSObjects = False Then Set fc = f.Files iFileCntr = iFldrCntr 'Start counting where iFldrCntr left off For Each fl In fc If iFileCntr > MAX_FS_OBJS Then bToManyFSObjects = True Exit For End If 'Print out only those fl that are not hidden. If Not (fl.Attributes AND HIDDEN) = HIDDEN Then %> cachedList[<%= newid %>]= new top.main.head.listObj("<%= Replace(i,L_SLASH_TEXT,L_DBLSLASH_TEXT) %>","<%= fl.name %>","","<%= fl.size %>","<%= fl.Type %>","<%= CLng(10000*fl.DateLastModified) %>","<%= CStr(fl.DateLastModified) %>",FILE); <% newid = newid +1 iFileCntr = iFileCntr + 1 End If Next End If %> top.main.head.listFunc.selIndex=0; top.main.list.location.href ="JSBrwLs.asp"; <% If bToManyFSObjects = True Then %> alert(top.main.head.document.userform.currentPath.value + "\r\r<%= L_TOMANYFSOBJECTS_TEXT %>"); <% End If Else %> alert(top.main.head.document.userform.currentPath.value+"\r\r<%= L_PATHNOTFOUND_TEXT %>"); top.main.head.document.userform.currentPath.value = "<%= Replace(Request.Cookies("HTMLA")("LASTPATH"),L_SLASH_TEXT,L_DBLSLASH_TEXT) %>"; <% End If 'FileSystem End If 'Path %> </SCRIPT>
</HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="silver"> </BODY> </HTML>