<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% 'Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="../directives.inc" -->
<!--#include file="jsbrowser.str"--> <!--#include file="..\iisetfnt.inc"-->
Dim browserobj, browser Set browserobj=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType") if Instr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),"MSIE") then browser = "IE" & CStr(browserobj.MajorVer) else browser = "OTHER" end if %>
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var DRIVE= 0 var FOLDER = 1 var FILE = 2 function selItem(item) { parent.head.listFunc.selIndex=item; <% if browser = "IE3" then %> self.location.href="JSBrwLs.asp#curItem"; <% else %> self.location.href="JSBrwLs.asp"; <% end if %> } function delve(item) { }
function collapse(item) { parent.head.cachedList[item].open = false; parent.head.listFunc.loadList(); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD>
var theList = parent.head.cachedList; var listLength=theList.length;
document.write("<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BORDER=0 CELLPADDING = 0 CELLSPACING = 0><TR><TD>");
for (i=0; i < listLength; i++) { theParent=theList[i].parentid; if (theParent==null) { writeSelected(theList, i); } else { curParent=theParent; isOpen=true; while(isOpen){ if (theList[curParent].parentid==null) { isOpen=(theList[curParent].open); break; } if (!theList[curParent].open) { isOpen=false; break; } curParent=theList[curParent].parentid; }
if (isOpen) { writeSelected(theList, i); }
} } document.write("</TD></TR></TABLE>"); function getGrandParent(item,numLevels) { var theList = parent.head.cachedList; var theItem=item; for (z=0; z < numLevels; z++) { theItem=theList[theItem].parentid; } return theItem; }
function setIcon(theList,i) { if (theList[i].open) { return theList[i].openicon; } else { return theList[i].icon; } }
function writeIndent(theList, i) { var SPACE_IMG = "space.gif" var LINE_IMG = "line.gif" var dispstr = ""; var theLevel=theList[i].level; for (var x=1; x < theLevel; x++) { var gParent=getGrandParent(i,theLevel-x) if (theList[gParent].lastChild) { dispstr += "<IMG SRC='" + SPACE_IMG + "' WIDTH=16>"; } else { dispstr += "<IMG SRC='" + LINE_IMG + "' WIDTH=16>"; } } return dispstr; } function writeSelected(theList, i) { var REDRAW = "true"; var MINUS_IMG = "minus.gif" var MINUS_LAST_IMG = "minusl.gif" var PLUS_IMG = "plus.gif" var PLUS_LAST_IMG = "plusl.gif" var EMPTY_IMG = "blank.gif" var EMPTY_LAST_IMG = "blankl.gif" var isSelected = (eval(parent.head.listFunc.selIndex)== i); dispstr = "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD>"; dispstr += writeIndent(theList, i) dispstr += "</TD><TD>"; if( i < listLength ) { if (theList[i].open) { dispstr += "<A HREF='javascript:collapse("+i+")'><IMG SRC='"; if (!theList[i].lastChild) { dispstr += MINUS_IMG; } else { dispstr += MINUS_LAST_IMG; } dispstr += "' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=18 Border=0 ALT='<%= L_COLLAPSE_TEXT %>'></A>"; } else { dispstr += "<A HREF='javascript:parent.head.listFunc.expandItem("+i+"," + REDRAW + ")'><IMG SRC='"; if (!theList[i].lastChild) { dispstr += PLUS_IMG; } else { dispstr += PLUS_LAST_IMG; } dispstr += "' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=18 Border=0 ALT='<%= L_EXPAND_TEXT %>'></A></TD>"; } } else { dispstr += "<IMG SRC='"; if (!theList[i].lastChild){ dispstr += EMPTY_IMG; } else{ dispstr += EMPTY_LAST_IMG; } dispstr += "' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=18 Border=0>"; }
dispstr += "</TD>"; if (!isSelected) { dispstr += "<TD><%= sFont("","","",True) %><A HREF='javascript:selItem("+i+");'>"; dispstr += "<IMG BORDER = 0 SRC='" + setIcon(theList,i) + "'></A> </TD>"; dispstr += "<TD><%= sFont("","","",True) %><A HREF='javascript:selItem("+i+");'>"; dispstr += theList[i].fname + "</A></TD></TR>"; } else { if (theList[i].open) { dispstr += "<TD><A NAME='curItem'></A><%= sFont("","","",True) %><A HREF='javascript:collapse("+i+")'>"; dispstr += "<IMG BORDER = 0 SRC='" + setIcon(theList,i) + "'></A> </TD>"; dispstr += "<TD BGCOLOR='#FFCC00'><%= sFont("","","",True) %><A HREF='javascript:collapse("+i+")'>"; dispstr += theList[i].fname + "</A></TD></TR>"; } else { dispstr += "<TD><A NAME='curItem'></A><%= sFont("","","",True) %><A HREF='javascript:parent.head.listFunc.expandItem("+i+"," + REDRAW + ")'>"; dispstr += "<IMG BORDER = 0 SRC='" + setIcon(theList,i) + "'></A> </TD>"; dispstr += "<TD BGCOLOR='#FFCC00'><%= sFont("","","",True) %><A HREF='javascript:parent.head.listFunc.expandItem("+i+"," + REDRAW + ")'>"; dispstr += theList[i].fname + "</A></TD></TR>"; } } dispstr += "</TABLE>" document.write(dispstr); }
<% ' Netscape and IE3 have problems refreshing the list properly. if browser <> "IE3" and browser <> "OTHER" then %> self.location.href = "JSBrwLs.asp#curItem"; <% end if %>