<% Response.Expires = 0 %> <!-- edit display list or sort list ( as used by raid2.asp )
QueryString : type=sort|list if sort then Session("FieldSort") is updated otherwise Session("FieldList")
--> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .st1 {color:red} .act {color:menutext; background:menu; cursor:default} .list {cursor:hand;} .list UL {list-style-type:none; margin-left:2pt; margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt} .list UL LI {margin-top:0pt; margin-bottom:0pt} .list UL LI.selected {background:navy; color:white} .ac {width:60pt} </style>
<% Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set Comm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Conn.Open "DSN=Windows NT Bugs:Raid4;UID=ntbugRW;PWD=ntbugRW" Comm.CommandText = "Select DBColName,FriendlyName,Type from flds Order by DBColName" Set Comm.ActiveConnection = Conn Set RS.Source = Comm RS.Open FldArray = RS.GetRows() RS.Close Conn.Close if Request.QueryString("type") = "sort" then fl = "," & Session("FieldSort") & "," Response.Write "<title>Field sort order</title>" fSort = TRUE sClick = "setorder('dest');" else fl = "," & Session("FieldList") & "," Response.Write "<title>Field list</title>" fSort = FALSE sClick = "" end if
Response.Write "<script language=" & chr(34) & "JavaScript" & chr(34) & ">" Response.Write "var FldDBName = new Array(" for i = 0 to UBound(FldArray,2) if FldArray(2,i) < 12 then if i > 0 then Response.Write "," end if Response.Write chr(34) & FldArray(0,i) & chr(34) end if next Response.Write ");" %>
// set asc/desc radio button based on current selected option
function setorder( dest ) { var elDest = document.all[dest];
for ( i = 0 ; i < elDest.options.length ; ++i ) if ( elDest.options[i].selected ) { if ( elDest.options[i].value.indexOf(" Desc") != -1 ) { bl.Asce.checked = false; bl.Desc.checked = true; } else { bl.Asce.checked = true; bl.Desc.checked = false; } break; } }
// update option order info
function updord( dest, va ) { var elDest = document.all[dest];
for ( i = 0 ; i < elDest.options.length ; ++i ) if ( elDest.options[i].selected ) { p = elDest.options[i].value.indexOf(" "); if ( p == -1 ) s = elDest.options[i].value + " "; else s = elDest.options[i].value.substring(0,p+1) elDest.options[i].value = s + va; break; } }
function copy(src, dest, va ) {
if ( va != null && va != "" ) { var elSrc = document.all[src]; var elDest = document.all[dest]; var elOption = new Option;
elOption.value = va;
for ( i = 0 ; i < elSrc.options.length ; ++i ) { if ( elSrc.options[i].value == elOption.value ) { elOption.text = elSrc.options[i].text; elSrc.options.remove( i ); break; } }
for ( i = 0 ; i < elDest.options.length ; ++i ) if ( elDest.options[i].selected ) break; elDest.options.add(elOption,i); } }
function trans() { var elDest = document.all['dest'];
s = "";
for ( i = 0 ; i < elDest.options.length ; ++i ) { if ( i != 0 ) s = s + ","; s = s + elDest.options[i].value; }
window.returnValue = s; event.returnValue = false; window.close(); }
function moveup() { var elDest = document.all['dest'];
for ( i = 1 ; i < elDest.options.length ; ++i ) if ( elDest.options[i].selected ) { elOption = elDest.options[i]; elDest.options.remove(i); elDest.options.add(elOption,i-1); elDest.options[i-1].selected = true; break; } }
function movedown() { var elDest = document.all['dest'];
for ( i = 0 ; i < elDest.options.length - 1; ++i ) if ( elDest.options[i].selected ) { elOption = elDest.options[i]; elDest.options.remove(i); elDest.options.add(elOption,i+1); elDest.options[i+1].selected = true; break; } }
</script> </head> <body bgcolor=#c0c0c0> <FORM action="bl.asp" method=POST ID=bl> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ID="fl"></INPUT> <TABLE> <TR> <TD> <DIV CLASS="list"> <SELECT ID="src" SIZE=8 ONDBLCLICK="copy('src', 'dest', event.srcElement.value);"> <% ix = 0 for i = 0 to UBound(FldArray,2) if FldArray(2,i) < 12 then if instr(1,fl,"," & FldArray(0,i)) = 0 then Response.Write "<OPTION VALUE=" & chr(34) & FldArray(0,i) if fSort then Response.Write " Asc" end if Response.Write chr(34) & ">" & FldArray(0,i) end if ix = ix + 1 end if next %> </SELECT> </DIV> </TD><TD> <BR><br> <P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="->" ONCLICK="copy('src', 'dest', src.value );"> <P><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="<-" ONCLICK="copy('dest', 'src', dest.value );"> <BR><BR><br> </TD><TD> <DIV class="list"> <SELECT ID="dest" SIZE=8 ONDBLCLICK="copy('dest','src', event.srcElement.value);" ONCLICK="<%=sClick%>"> <% ix = 1 do while true nx = instr(ix,fl,",") if nx = 0 then exit do end if if nx > 1 then Response.Write "<OPTION ORDER=" & chr(34) & ">" & chr(34) & " VALUE=" & chr(34) & mid(fl,ix,nx-ix) & chr(34) & ">" if fSort then Response.Write mid(fl,ix,instr(ix,fl," ")-ix) else Response.Write mid(fl,ix,nx-ix) end if end if ix = nx + 1 loop %> </SELECT> </DIV> </TD> <td align="center"> <INPUT class="ac" TYPE=BUTTON onclick="trans()" VALUE="OK"></INPUT><br> <INPUT class="ac" TYPE=RESET onclick="window.close();" VALUE="Cancel"></INPUT><br> <% if fSort then Response.Write "<INPUT name=" & chr(34) & "AscDes" & chr(34) & " id=" & chr(34) & "Asce" & chr(34) & " class=" & chr(34) & "ac" & chr(34) & " TYPE=RADIO VALUE=" & chr(34) & "Asc" & chr(34) Response.Write " CHECKED onclick=" & chr(34) & "updord('dest','Asc');" & chr(34) Response.Write ">Ascending</INPUT><br>" Response.Write "<INPUT name=" & chr(34) & "AscDes" & chr(34) & " id=" & chr(34) & "Desc" & chr(34) & " class=" & chr(34) & "ac" & chr(34) & " TYPE=RADIO VALUE=" & chr(34) & "Desc" & chr(34) Response.Write " onclick=" & chr(34) & "updord('dest','Desc');" & chr(34) Response.Write ">Descending</INPUT><br>" end if %> <INPUT class="ac" TYPE=BUTTON onclick="moveup()" VALUE="Move Up"></INPUT><br> <INPUT class="ac" TYPE=BUTTON onclick="movedown()" VALUE="Move Down"></INPUT><br> </td> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </BODY> </html>