// This program was created to mirror the functions of the spiisupd.js file,
// but as a standalone EXE, due to problems with AV programs and wscript
// initialization during clean installs.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntverp.h>
#define countof( a ) ( sizeof( (a) ) / sizeof( (a)[ 0 ] ) )
CHAR BadString1[] = "\tdocument.write('<A HREF=\"' + urlresult + '\">' + displayresult + \"</a>\");"; /* fixed again to NewString9
CHAR NewString1[] = "\tdocument.write( '<A HREF=\"' + escape(urlresult) + '\">\' + displayresult + \"</a>\");"; */
CHAR BadString2[] = " Response.Write \"?\" & Left(Request.QueryString, (lngPos - 1))"; CHAR NewString2[] = " Response.Write \"?\" & Server.HTMLEncode(Left(Request.QueryString, (lngPos - 1)))";
CHAR BadString13[] = "<%= Request.ServerVariables(\"HTTP_USER_AGENT\") %>"; CHAR NewString13[] = "<%= Server.HTMLEncode(Request.ServerVariables(\"HTTP_USER_AGENT\")) %>";
// fix query.asp by shipping its new version
// string 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are from query.asp
CHAR BadString4[] = " No documents matched the query <%=SearchString%>.<br><br>"; CHAR NewString4[] = " No documents matched the query <%=Server.HTMLEncode(SearchString)%>.<br><br>";
CHAR BadString5[] = "*<%=CompSearch%>*"; CHAR NewString5[] = "*<%=Server.HTMLEncode(CompSearch)%>*";
CHAR BadString6[] = " Session(\"SearchStringDisplay\")=SearchString"; CHAR NewString6[] = " Session(\"SearchStringDisplay\")=Server.HTMLEncode(SearchString)";
CHAR BadString7[] = " <INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"SearchString\" VALUE=\"<%=SearchString%>\">"; CHAR NewString7[] = " <INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"SearchString\" VALUE=\"<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SearchString)%>\">";
CHAR BadString8[] = "\t<UL><LI>Let us know about this <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=<%=SearchString%>-search%20term%20not%20matched&body=The%20term%20'<%=SearchString%>'%20produced%20no%20matches.\">(mailto:[email protected])</a> so that we can improve Search in future releases."; CHAR NewString8[] = "\t<UL><LI>Let us know about this <a href=\"mailto:[email protected]?subject=<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SearchString)%>-search%20term%20not%20matched&body=The%20term%20'<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SearchString)%>'%20produced%20no%20matches.\">(mailto:[email protected])</a> so that we can improve Search in future releases.";
//{ WinSE 26475: CSS bug in custom error pages
CHAR BadString9[] = "\tdocument.write( '<A HREF=\"' + escape(urlresult) + '\">' + displayresult + \"</a>\");"; CHAR NewString9[] = "\tInsertElementAnchor(urlresult, displayresult);";
CHAR InsertCodeBefore1[] = "//-->"; CHAR InsertCodeBefore2[] = "</script>";
CHAR InsertCode9[] = "\r\n" "function HtmlEncode(text)\r\n" "{\r\n" " return text.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/'/g, '"').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>');\r\n" "}\r\n" "\r\n" "function TagAttrib(name, value)\r\n" "{\r\n" " return ' '+name+'=\"'+HtmlEncode(value)+'\"';\r\n" "}\r\n" "\r\n" "function PrintTag(tagName, needCloseTag, attrib, inner){\r\n" " document.write( '<' + tagName + attrib + '>' + HtmlEncode(inner) );\r\n" " if (needCloseTag) document.write( '</' + tagName +'>' );\r\n" "}\r\n" "\r\n" "function URI(href)\r\n" "{\r\n" " IEVer = window.navigator.appVersion;\r\n" " IEVer = IEVer.substr( IEVer.indexOf('MSIE') + 5, 3 );\r\n" "\r\n" " return (IEVer.charAt(1)=='.' && IEVer >= '5.5') ?\r\n" " encodeURI(href) :\r\n" " escape(href).replace(/%3A/g, ':').replace(/%3B/g, ';');\r\n" "}\r\n" "\r\n" "function InsertElementAnchor(href, text)\r\n" "{\r\n" " PrintTag('A', true, TagAttrib('HREF', URI(href)), text);\r\n" "}\r\n" "\r\n";
//} WinSE 26475
//{ German fixes
CHAR BadGoto[] = " on error go to 0"; CHAR NewGoto[] = " on error goto 0";
CHAR BadThen[] = " If objASPError.ASPDescription > \"\" Then Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objASPError.ASPDescription) & \"<br>\""; CHAR NewThen[] = " If objASPError.ASPDescription > \"\" Then\r\n\tResponse.Write Server.HTMLEncode(objASPError.ASPDescription) & \"<br>\"";
//{ winse 29084: css fixes for admin/document pages
// these are partial lines
CHAR BadDoc1[] = "= Request("; CHAR BadDoc2[] = "= Request.Form("; CHAR BadDoc3[] = "= Request.QueryString("; CHAR BadDoc4[] = "= Request.Cookies("; CHAR BadDoc5[] = "=Request("; CHAR BadDoc6[] = "=Request.Form("; CHAR BadDoc7[] = "=Request.QueryString("; CHAR BadDoc8[] = "=Request.Cookies("; CHAR BadDoc9[] = "= request.QueryString("; CHAR BadDoc10[] = "& Request.QueryString("; CHAR BadDoc11[] = "Response.write Request.Querystring";
CHAR FixDocCall1[] = "= NoAngles(Request("; CHAR FixDocCall2[] = "= NoAngles(Request.Form("; CHAR FixDocCall3[] = "= NoAngles(Request.QueryString("; CHAR FixDocCall4[] = "= NoAngles(Request.Cookies("; #define FixDocCall5 FixDocCall1
#define FixDocCall6 FixDocCall2
#define FixDocCall7 FixDocCall3
#define FixDocCall8 FixDocCall4
#define FixDocCall9 FixDocCall3
CHAR FixDocCall10[] = "& NoAngles(Request.QueryString("; CHAR FixDocCall11[] = ""; // delete this junk
CHAR FixDocCallEnd[] = ")"; // place it after original ")" after Request call
CHAR FixDocNewFuncName[] = "NoAngles(str)"; CHAR FixDocNewFunc[] = // place it at the end of the file if the above line isn't found in file
"\r\n<%\r\n" "function NoAngles(str)\r\n" " NoAngles = replace( replace(str, \"<\", \"\"), \">\", \"\")\r\n" "end function\r\n" "%>\r\n";
CHAR * DocFilesToFix[] = {
// file list is different for XP and Win2K, and NTOP
// list for IIS 5.1 (WinXP)
"system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmpwd\\aexp2.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmpwd\\aexp2b.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmpwd\\aexp4.asp",
#elif (VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W == 0x400)
// list for IIS 4
"Help\\iis\\htm\\asp\\iiatmd1.asp", "Help\\iis\\htm\\asp\\iiatmd2.asp", "Help\\iis\\htm\\asp\\iiatmd3.asp", "Help\\iis\\htm\\asp\\iiselect.asp", "Help\\iis\\htm\\asp\\script1.asp", "Help\\iis\\htm\\asp\\script1a.asp", "Help\\iis\\htm\\tutorial\\script1.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\default.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iiaction.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iicache.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iichkpath.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iihdn.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iipop.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iipophd.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iirename.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iirtels.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iiscript.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iisess.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iiset.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iislider.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iistat.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\jsbrowser\\jsbrwpop.asp",
// list for Win2K
"Help\\iisHelp\\iis\\htm\\asp\\iiatmd1.asp", "Help\\iisHelp\\iis\\htm\\asp\\iiatmd2.asp", "Help\\iisHelp\\iis\\htm\\asp\\iiatmd3.asp", "Help\\iisHelp\\iis\\htm\\asp\\iiselect.asp", "Help\\iisHelp\\iis\\htm\\tutorial\\script1.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\default.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iiaddnew.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iicache.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iicache2.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iichknname.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iichkpath.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iichkuser.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iihdn.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iipop.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iipophd.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iirename.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iiscript.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iisess.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iiset.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iislider.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\iistat.asp", "system32\\inetsrv\\iisadmin\\jsbrowser\\jsbrwpop.asp",
CHAR BadKanaler[] = "<h2><a name=\"H2_37780216\"><a name=\"channels\">Skapa dynamiska analer</a></a></h2>"; CHAR NewKanaler[] = "<h2><a name=\"H2_37780216\"><a name=\"channels\">Skapa dynamiska kanaler</a></a></h2>";
CHAR KanalerPath[ MAX_PATH ] = { '\0' };
void LogMessage( CHAR *msg, ...) { static char buf[200]; va_list args; va_start(args, msg); vsprintf(buf, msg, args); OutputDebugString(buf); }
class TextFile {
TextFile( void ); BOOL Open( CHAR * pszFileName ); BOOL GetLine( CHAR * pszBuffer, int cchBuffer ); void Close( void ); ~TextFile();
FILE * m_File; BOOL m_fUnicode; };
TextFile::TextFile( void ) { m_File = NULL; }
TextFile::~TextFile() { Close(); }
void TextFile::Close( void ) { if ( m_File != NULL ) {
fclose( m_File ); m_File = NULL; } }
BOOL TextFile::Open( CHAR * pszFileName ) { Close();
m_File = fopen( pszFileName, "rb" );
if ( m_File == NULL ) {
return( FALSE ); }
if (( fgetc( m_File ) == 0xFF ) && ( fgetc( m_File ) == 0xFE )) {
m_fUnicode = TRUE; } else {
fseek( m_File, 0, SEEK_SET ); m_fUnicode = FALSE; }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL TextFile::GetLine( CHAR * pszBuffer, int cchBuffer ) { int c = EOF; int fSomethingRead = FALSE;
if (( m_File == NULL ) || ( cchBuffer == 0 )) {
return FALSE; }
while ( cchBuffer > 1 ) {
c = fgetc( m_File );
if ( m_fUnicode && ( c != EOF )) {
c += ( fgetc( m_File ) << 8 ); }
if (( c == EOF ) || ( c == '\n' )) {
break; }
if ( c == '\r' ) {
continue; }
*pszBuffer++ = (CHAR) c; cchBuffer--; fSomethingRead = TRUE; }
*pszBuffer = '\0';
if ( c == EOF ) {
return( fSomethingRead ); }
return( TRUE ); }
void TrimString( CHAR * StrLine ) { CHAR * StrOut = StrLine; BOOL fQuoted = FALSE;
while ( *StrLine ) {
switch ( *StrLine ) {
case '"':
*StrOut++ = *StrLine++; fQuoted = !fQuoted; break;
case ' ': case '\t':
if ( fQuoted ) {
*StrOut++ = *StrLine++; }
else {
StrLine++; } break;
case ';':
if ( fQuoted ) {
*StrOut++ = *StrLine++; }
else {
*StrLine = '\0'; } break;
case '\r': case '\n':
*StrLine = '\0'; break;
*StrOut++ = *StrLine++; } }
*StrOut = '\0';
return; }
CHAR * GetErrLocation( CHAR * WinDir ) { CHAR filename[ MAX_PATH ];
strcpy( filename, WinDir ); strcat( filename, "\\inf\\iis.inf" );
CHAR FoundPath[ MAX_PATH ] = { '\0' };
TextFile objFile;
if ( objFile.Open( filename ) ) {
CHAR StrLine[ 3000 ]; BOOL SectionOpened = FALSE;
while ( objFile.GetLine( StrLine, sizeof( StrLine ))) {
TrimString( StrLine );
_strlwr( StrLine );
if ( ! SectionOpened ) {
if ( strcmp( StrLine, "[destinationdirs]" ) == 0 ) {
SectionOpened = TRUE; } }
else {
if ( StrLine[ 0 ] == '[' ) {
SectionOpened = FALSE; break; }
if ( strncmp( StrLine, "iisdoc_files_common=18,", 23 ) == 0 ) {
strcpy( FoundPath, StrLine + 23 ); }
if ( strncmp( StrLine, "iisdoc_files_asp=18,", 20 ) == 0 ) {
strcpy( KanalerPath, WinDir ); strcat( KanalerPath, "\\help\\" ); strcat( KanalerPath, StrLine + 20 ); } } }
objFile.Close(); }
static CHAR szResult[ MAX_PATH ];
strcpy( szResult, WinDir ); strcat( szResult, "\\help\\" ); strcat( szResult, FoundPath );
return( szResult ); }
CHAR ** GetErrArray( CHAR * WinDir ) { CHAR filename[ MAX_PATH ];
strcpy( filename, WinDir ); strcat( filename, "\\inf\\iis.inf" );
static CHAR * ArrayFiles[ 50 ];
int i = 0;
TextFile objFile;
if ( objFile.Open( filename ) ) {
CHAR StrLine[ 3000 ]; BOOL SectionOpened = FALSE;
while ( objFile.GetLine( StrLine, sizeof( StrLine ))) {
TrimString( StrLine );
_strlwr( StrLine );
if ( ! SectionOpened ) {
if ( strcmp( StrLine, "[iis_www_files_custerr]" ) == 0 ) {
SectionOpened = TRUE; } }
else {
if ( StrLine[ 0 ] == '[' ) {
SectionOpened = FALSE; break; }
CHAR * Comma = strchr( StrLine, ',' );
if ( Comma != NULL ) {
*Comma = '\0';
if ( strcmp( StrLine, "htmla.htm" ) != 0 ) {
ArrayFiles[ i++ ] = _strdup( StrLine );
if ( i >= ( countof( ArrayFiles ) - 1 )) {
break; } } } } }
objFile.Close(); }
ArrayFiles[ i ] = NULL;
return ArrayFiles; }
#define MATCHED( BadText ) \
\ (( LineLength == strlen( BadText )) && \ ( strncmp( LineStart, BadText, strlen( BadText )) == 0 )) \
#define REPLACE( BadText, GoodText ) { \
\ int NetChange = int(strlen( GoodText ) - strlen( BadText )); \ int FileRemaining = int(FileEnd - LineEnd); \ \ memmove( LineEnd + NetChange, \ LineEnd, \ FileRemaining + 1 \ ); \ \ memmove( LineStart, \ GoodText, \ strlen( GoodText ) \ ); \ \ FileSize += NetChange; \ LineEnd += NetChange; \ FileEnd += NetChange; \ }
#define INSERT( NewText ) { \
\ int NetChange = int(strlen( NewText )); \ int FileRemaining = int(FileEnd - LineStart); \ \ memmove( LineStart + NetChange, \ LineStart, \ FileRemaining + 1 \ ); \ \ memmove( LineStart, \ NewText, \ strlen( NewText ) \ ); \ \ FileSize += NetChange; \ LineEnd += NetChange; \ FileEnd += NetChange; \ }
DWORD ReadTargetFile( CHAR * Base, CHAR * Filename, CHAR * buffer, DWORD size) { DWORD fileSize=0; DWORD readSize=0;
CHAR filename[ MAX_PATH ];
strcpy( filename, Base ); strcat( filename, "\\" ); strcat( filename, Filename );
LogMessage( "Reading :%s\n", filename );
FILE * objFile = fopen( filename, "rb" );
if ( objFile != NULL ) {
fileSize = _filelength( _fileno( objFile ));
if (( fileSize > 0 ) && ( fileSize < size-2000 ) && ( fileSize != -1L )) {
buffer[ fileSize ] = 0;
if ( fread( buffer, 1, fileSize, objFile ) == fileSize ) { readSize = fileSize+1; // one byte for null terminator
} }
fclose(objFile); }
return readSize; }
bool WriteTargetFile( CHAR * Base, CHAR * Filename, CHAR * content, DWORD size) { if (size == 0) return false; size--; // exclude null terminator
CHAR filename[ MAX_PATH ];
strcpy( filename, Base ); strcat( filename, "\\" ); strcat( filename, Filename );
LogMessage( "Writing :%s\n", filename );
FILE *objFile = fopen( filename, "wb" );
if ( objFile != NULL ) {
fwrite( content, 1, size, objFile ); fclose( objFile ); return true; }
else {
LogMessage( "Unable to open %s\n", filename ); return false; } }
bool PatchFile( CHAR * Base, CHAR * Filename, CHAR * BadStrings[], CHAR * NewStrings[] ) { long FileSize; CHAR FileBuffer[41000]; // max file to patch: 40K
FileSize = ReadTargetFile(Base, Filename, FileBuffer, sizeof(FileBuffer));
if (FileSize==0) return false;
BOOL FoundBad = FALSE; int Insert9 = 0;
CHAR * LineStart = FileBuffer; CHAR * FileEnd = FileBuffer + FileSize;
while ( LineStart < FileEnd ) {
while (( LineStart < FileEnd ) && (( *LineStart == '\r' ) || ( *LineStart == '\n' ))) {
LineStart++; }
CHAR * LineEnd = LineStart;
while (( LineEnd < FileEnd ) && ( *LineEnd != '\r' ) && ( *LineEnd != '\n' )) {
LineEnd++; }
if ( LineEnd < FileEnd ) {
DWORD LineLength = int(LineEnd - LineStart);
CHAR **Bad = BadStrings; CHAR **New = NewStrings;
while (*Bad) { if ( MATCHED( *Bad )) {
REPLACE( *Bad, *New );
FoundBad = TRUE;
// replacing bad strings #9 require us to insert function
if (*New == NewString9) { Insert9 |= 1; }
break; }
Bad++; New++; } if (! *Bad) { // insert code at the end of script block, if we have code to insert
if (Insert9==1) { if ( MATCHED( InsertCodeBefore1 ) || MATCHED( InsertCodeBefore2 ) ) { INSERT( InsertCode9 );
// flag as inserted
Insert9=2; } } }
LineStart = LineEnd; }
if ( FoundBad ) { return WriteTargetFile(Base, Filename, FileBuffer, FileSize); }
return true; }
bool PatchFile2( CHAR * Base, CHAR * Filename, CHAR * BadStrings[], CHAR * NewStrings[], CHAR * newStringAtEndCall, CHAR * newFunctionName, CHAR * newFunction ) { bool foundBad = false;
CHAR content[41000]; // max file size to patch: 40K
DWORD fileSize = ReadTargetFile(Base, Filename, content, sizeof(content));
if (fileSize==0) return false;
bool newFuncExists = (strstr(content, newFunctionName)!=NULL);
CHAR ** pBad = BadStrings; CHAR ** pFix = NewStrings;
while (*pBad!=NULL) { int sizeOld = strlen( *pBad ); int sizeNew = strlen( *pFix ); int sizeDiff = sizeNew - sizeOld;
// scan through the whole content
char *p = content;
while ( (p=strstr(p, *pBad)) != NULL) { foundBad = true;
// replace old string with new string
memmove(p+sizeNew, p+sizeOld, fileSize-(p+sizeOld-content)); memmove(p, *pFix, sizeNew); fileSize += sizeDiff;
p += sizeNew;
// if we have a newStringAtEndCall
// and we are not deleting this string (*pFix is empty string)
if (newStringAtEndCall && *newStringAtEndCall && **pFix) { char *pEndCall = strchr(p, ')');
if ( pEndCall ) { // insert new string at end of function call
++pEndCall; int sizeDiff = strlen(newStringAtEndCall); memmove(pEndCall+sizeDiff, pEndCall, fileSize-(pEndCall-content)); memmove(pEndCall, newStringAtEndCall, sizeDiff); fileSize += sizeDiff;
p = pEndCall+sizeDiff; } } }
pBad++; pFix++; }
if (foundBad) { if (! newFuncExists) { strcat(content, newFunction); fileSize += strlen(newFunction); }
return WriteTargetFile(Base, Filename, content, fileSize); }
return true; }
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd ) { int i;
GetEnvironmentVariable( "WINDIR", StrWINDIR, sizeof( StrWINDIR ) );
CHAR *BadStrings[20]; CHAR *NewStrings[20];
// == fixing custom error pages ==
#if !(VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W == 0x400)
BadStrings[0] = BadString1; NewStrings[0] = NewString9; BadStrings[1] = BadString2; NewStrings[1] = NewString2; BadStrings[2] = BadGoto; NewStrings[2] = NewGoto; BadStrings[3] = BadString9; NewStrings[3] = NewString9; BadStrings[4] = BadString13; NewStrings[4] = NewString13; BadStrings[5] = BadThen; NewStrings[5] = NewThen; BadStrings[6] = NULL;
CHAR * BasePath = GetErrLocation( StrWINDIR ); CHAR ** ArrayNames = GetErrArray( StrWINDIR );
LogMessage( "Processing %s\n", BasePath );
for ( i = 0; ArrayNames[ i ] != NULL; i++ ) {
__try {
PatchFile( BasePath, ArrayNames[ i ], BadStrings, NewStrings ); }
} }
if ( KanalerPath[ 0 ] != '\0' ) {
BadStrings[0] = BadKanaler; NewStrings[0] = NewKanaler; BadStrings[1] = BadGoto; NewStrings[1] = NewGoto; BadStrings[2] = NULL;
LogMessage( "Processing %s\n", KanalerPath );
__try {
PatchFile( KanalerPath, "iiwacont.htm", BadStrings, NewStrings ); }
} }
#endif // !(VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W == 0x400)
// fix query.asp by shipping its new version
BadStrings[0] = BadString4; NewStrings[0] = NewString4; BadStrings[1] = BadString5; NewStrings[1] = NewString5; BadStrings[2] = BadString6; NewStrings[2] = NewString6; BadStrings[3] = BadString7; NewStrings[3] = NewString7; BadStrings[4] = BadString8; NewStrings[4] = NewString8; BadStrings[5] = NULL;
__try {
PatchFile( BasePath, "..\\iis\\misc\\query.asp", BadStrings, NewStrings ); }
} */
// == fixing asp help docs and admin pages ==
BadStrings[0] = BadDoc1; NewStrings[0] = FixDocCall1; BadStrings[1] = BadDoc2; NewStrings[1] = FixDocCall2; BadStrings[2] = BadDoc3; NewStrings[2] = FixDocCall3; BadStrings[3] = BadDoc4; NewStrings[3] = FixDocCall4; BadStrings[4] = BadDoc5; NewStrings[4] = FixDocCall5; BadStrings[5] = BadDoc6; NewStrings[5] = FixDocCall6; BadStrings[6] = BadDoc7; NewStrings[6] = FixDocCall7; BadStrings[7] = BadDoc8; NewStrings[7] = FixDocCall8; BadStrings[8] = BadDoc9; NewStrings[8] = FixDocCall9; BadStrings[9] = BadDoc10; NewStrings[9] = FixDocCall10; BadStrings[10] = BadDoc11; NewStrings[10] = FixDocCall11; BadStrings[11] = NULL;
for (CHAR **pDocFiles=DocFilesToFix; *pDocFiles; pDocFiles++) { __try {
PatchFile2( StrWINDIR, *pDocFiles, BadStrings, NewStrings, FixDocCallEnd, FixDocNewFuncName, FixDocNewFunc ); }
} }
LogMessage( "Done" );
return( 0 ); }