#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
int __cdecl main(int ,char *argv[]); void ShowHelp(void); int DoesFileExist(char *input_filespec); int ProcessFile(char szTheFileName[]); DWORD CallProcedureInDll(LPCTSTR lpszDLLFile, LPCTSTR lpszProcedureToCall, BOOL bInitOleFlag);
int g_Param_A = FALSE; int g_Param_B = FALSE;
// purpose: main
int __cdecl main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int argno; int nflags=0; char szTempFileName1[_MAX_PATH]; char szTempFileName2[_MAX_PATH]; int iLen = 0;
szTempFileName1[0] = '\0'; szTempFileName2[0] = '\0';
// process command line arguments
for(argno=1; argno<argc; argno++) { if ( argv[argno][0] == '-' || argv[argno][0] == '/' ) { nflags++; switch (argv[argno][1]) { case 'a': g_Param_A = TRUE; break; case 'b': g_Param_B = TRUE; break; case '?': goto exit_with_help; break; } } // if switch character found
else { if ( *szTempFileName1 == '\0' ) { strcpy(szTempFileName1, argv[argno]); } else { if ( *szTempFileName2 == '\0' ) { strcpy(szTempFileName2, argv[argno]); }
} } // non-switch char found
} // for all arguments
// check if filename was specified
if ( *szTempFileName1 == '\0') { _tprintf("Too few arguments, argc=%d\n\n",argc); goto exit_with_help; }
// Check if the file exists!
if (FALSE == DoesFileExist(szTempFileName1)) { _tprintf("File '%s', does not exist!\r\n", szTempFileName1); goto exit_gracefully; }
if (g_Param_A) { if ( *szTempFileName2 == '\0') { _tprintf("Calling DllRegisterServer() in %s\r\n",szTempFileName1); CallProcedureInDll(szTempFileName1,_T("DllRegisterServer"),TRUE); } else { _tprintf("Calling %s() in %s\r\n", szTempFileName2,szTempFileName1); CallProcedureInDll(szTempFileName1,szTempFileName2,TRUE); } } else { // run the function to do everything
ProcessFile(szTempFileName1); }
exit_gracefully: _tprintf("Done.\n"); return TRUE;
exit_with_help: ShowHelp(); return FALSE; }
// purpose:
int ProcessFile(char szTheFileName[]) { HINSTANCE hLibHandle; if ( ( hLibHandle = LoadLibrary( szTheFileName ) ) != NULL ) { _tprintf("LoadLibarary Successfull.\n"); { FreeLibrary(hLibHandle); return TRUE; } } else { _tprintf("LoadLibarary Failed.\n"); return FALSE; }
// purpose:
void ShowHelp() { _tprintf("\n"); _tprintf("LoadLib - does a loadlibrary call on the specified file.\n"); _tprintf("Usage: LoadLib <input file> \n"); return; }
// purpose:
int DoesFileExist(char *input_filespec) { if (GetFileAttributes(input_filespec) == -1) {return(FALSE);} return (TRUE); }
BOOL IsFileExist(LPCTSTR szFile) { // Check if the file has expandable Environment strings
LPTSTR pch = NULL; pch = _tcschr( (LPTSTR) szFile, _T('%')); if (pch) { TCHAR szValue[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szValue,szFile); if (!ExpandEnvironmentStrings( (LPCTSTR)szFile, szValue, sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR))) {_tcscpy(szValue,szFile);}
return (GetFileAttributes(szValue) != 0xFFFFFFFF); } else { return (GetFileAttributes(szFile) != 0xFFFFFFFF); } }
int iOleInitialize(void) { int iBalanceOLE = FALSE; HRESULT hInitRes = NULL; hInitRes = OleInitialize(NULL); if ( SUCCEEDED(hInitRes) || hInitRes == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE ) { if ( SUCCEEDED(hInitRes)) { iBalanceOLE = TRUE; } else { _tprintf("iOleInitialize failed 1\n"); } } else { _tprintf("iOleInitialize failed 2\n"); }
return iBalanceOLE; }
void iOleUnInitialize(int iBalanceOLE) { if (iBalanceOLE) { OleUninitialize(); } return; }
void InetGetFilePath(LPCTSTR szFile, LPTSTR szPath) { // if UNC name \\computer\share\local1\local2
if (*szFile == _T('\\') && *(_tcsinc(szFile)) == _T('\\')) { TCHAR szTemp[_MAX_PATH], szLocal[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *p = NULL; int i = 0;
_tcscpy(szTemp, szFile); p = szTemp; while (*p) { if (*p == _T('\\')) i++; if (i == 4) { *p = _T('\0'); p = _tcsinc(p); // p is now pointing at local1\local2
break; } p = _tcsinc(p); } _tcscpy(szPath, szTemp); // now szPath contains \\computer\share
if (i == 4 && *p) { // p is pointing the local path now
_tcscpy(szLocal, p); p = _tcsrchr(szLocal, _T('\\')); if (p) *p = _T('\0'); _tcscat(szPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szPath, szLocal); // szPath contains \\computer\share\local1
} } else { // NOT UNC name
TCHAR *p; if (GetFullPathName(szFile, _MAX_PATH, szPath, &p)) { p = _tcsrchr(szPath, _T('\\')); if (p) { TCHAR *p2 = NULL; p2 = _tcsdec(szPath, p); if (p2) { if (*p2 == _T(':') ) {p = _tcsinc(p);} } *p = _T('\0'); } } else { _tprintf("InetGetFilePath failed\n"); } }
return; }
typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK *HCRET)(void);
DWORD CallProcedureInDll(LPCTSTR lpszDLLFile, LPCTSTR lpszProcedureToCall, BOOL bInitOleFlag) { TCHAR szErrorString[100];
// Diferent function prototypes...
HCRET hProc = NULL; int iTempProcGood = FALSE; HRESULT hRes = 0;
int err = NOERROR;
// Variables to changing and saving dirs
TCHAR szDirName[_MAX_PATH], szFilePath[_MAX_PATH]; // Variable to set error string
TCHAR szErrString[256];
_tcscpy(szDirName, _T("")); _tcscpy(szErrString, _T(""));
_tprintf("CallProcedureInDll start\n");
// If we need to initialize the ole library then init it.
if (bInitOleFlag) { bBalanceOLE = iOleInitialize(); if (FALSE == bBalanceOLE) { hInitRes = OleInitialize(NULL); // Ole Failed.
dwReturn = hInitRes; SetLastError(dwReturn); _tprintf("CallProcedureInDll failed 1\n"); goto CallProcedureInDll_Exit; } }
// Check if the file exists
if (!IsFileExist(lpszDLLFile)) { dwReturn = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; _tprintf("CallProcedureInDll failed 2\n"); SetLastError(dwReturn); goto CallProcedureInDll_Exit; }
// Change Directory
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, szDirName ); InetGetFilePath(lpszDLLFile, szFilePath);
// Change to The Drive.
if (SetCurrentDirectory(szFilePath) == 0) {}
// Try to load the module,dll,ocx.
hDll = LoadLibraryEx(lpszDLLFile, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH ); if (!hDll) { // Failed to load library, Probably because some .dll file is missing.
// Show the error message.
dwReturn = TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY; _tprintf("CallProcedureInDll failed 3\n"); SetLastError(dwReturn);
goto CallProcedureInDll_Exit; } // Ok module was successfully loaded. now let's try to get the Address of the Procedure
// Convert the function name to ascii before passing it to GetProcAddress()
char AsciiProcedureName[255]; #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
// convert to ascii
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, (TCHAR *)lpszProcedureToCall, -1, AsciiProcedureName, 255, NULL, NULL ); #else
// the is already ascii so just copy
strcpy(AsciiProcedureName, lpszProcedureToCall); #endif
iTempProcGood = TRUE; hProc = (HCRET)GetProcAddress(hDll, AsciiProcedureName); if (!hProc){iTempProcGood = FALSE;} if (!iTempProcGood) { // failed to load,find or whatever this function.
dwReturn = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; _tprintf("CallProcedureInDll failed 4\n"); SetLastError(dwReturn); goto CallProcedureInDll_Exit; }
// Call the function that we got the handle to
__try { hRes = (*hProc)(); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { _tprintf(szErrorString, _T("\r\n\r\nException Caught in CallProcedureInDll(). GetExceptionCode()=0x%x.\r\n\r\n"), GetExceptionCode()); _tprintf(szErrorString); } if (FAILED(hRes)) { dwReturn = E_FAIL; _tprintf("CallProcedureInDll failed 5\n"); // this function returns E_FAIL but
// the actual error is in GetLastError()
// set the last error to whatever was returned from the function call
SetLastError(hRes); } else { }
CallProcedureInDll_Exit: if (hDll) { FreeLibrary(hDll); } else { } if (_tcscmp(szDirName, _T("")) != 0){SetCurrentDirectory(szDirName);} // To close the library gracefully, each successful call to OleInitialize,
// including those that return S_FALSE, must be balanced by a corresponding
// call to the OleUninitialize function.
iOleUnInitialize(bBalanceOLE); return dwReturn; }