#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
void ShowHelp(void); LPSTR StripWhitespace(LPSTR pszString); LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromAnsi(UINT uiCodePage, LPSTR psz); int Ansi2Unicode(TCHAR * szAnsiFile_input,TCHAR * szUnicodeFile_output,UINT iCodePage); int IsFileUnicode(TCHAR * szFile_input); int StripControlZfromUnicodeFile(TCHAR * szFilePath1,TCHAR * szFilePath2);
//* purpose: main
int __cdecl main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int iRet = 0; int argno; char * pArg = NULL; char * pCmdStart = NULL; TCHAR szFilePath1[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilePath2[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szParamString_C[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szParamString_H[50]; TCHAR szParamString_M[_MAX_PATH];
int iDoAnsi2Unicode = FALSE; int iDoIsUnicodeCheck = FALSE; int iDoUnicodeStripControlZ = FALSE; int iDoVersion = FALSE; int iGotParamC = FALSE; int iGotParamH = FALSE; int iGotParamM = FALSE;
*szFilePath1 = '\0'; *szFilePath2 = '\0'; *szParamString_C = '\0'; *szParamString_H = '\0'; *szParamString_M = '\0'; _tcscpy(szFilePath1,_T("")); _tcscpy(szFilePath2,_T("")); _tcscpy(szParamString_C,_T("")); _tcscpy(szParamString_H,_T("")); _tcscpy(szParamString_M,_T("")); for(argno=1; argno<argc; argno++) { if ( argv[argno][0] == '-' || argv[argno][0] == '/' ) { switch (argv[argno][1]) { case 'a': case 'A': iDoAnsi2Unicode = TRUE; break; case 'i': case 'I': iDoIsUnicodeCheck = TRUE; break; case 'z': case 'Z': iDoUnicodeStripControlZ = TRUE; break; case 'v': case 'V': iDoVersion = TRUE; break; case 'c': case 'C': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { char szTempString[_MAX_PATH];
pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) szParamString_C, _MAX_PATH); #else
_tcscpy(szParamString_C,szTempString); #endif
iGotParamC = TRUE; } break; case 'h': case 'H': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { char szTempString[_MAX_PATH];
pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) szParamString_H, _MAX_PATH); #else
_tcscpy(szParamString_H,szTempString); #endif
iGotParamH = TRUE; } break; case 'm': case 'M': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { char szTempString[_MAX_PATH];
pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) szParamString_M, _MAX_PATH); #else
_tcscpy(szParamString_M,szTempString); #endif
iGotParamM = TRUE; } break;
case '?': goto main_exit_with_help; break; } } else { if (_tcsicmp(szFilePath1, _T("")) == 0) { // if no arguments, then get the filename portion
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, argv[argno], -1, (LPTSTR) szFilePath1, _MAX_PATH); #else
_tcscpy(szFilePath1,argv[argno]); #endif
} else { if (_tcsicmp(szFilePath2, _T("")) == 0) { // if no arguments, then get the filename portion
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, argv[argno], -1, (LPTSTR) szFilePath2, _MAX_PATH); #else
_tcscpy(szFilePath2,argv[argno]); #endif
} } } }
// Check what were supposed to do
if (TRUE == iDoAnsi2Unicode) { UINT iCodePage = 1252;
// check for required parameters
if (_tcsicmp(szFilePath1, _T("")) == 0) { _tprintf(_T("[-a] parameter missing filename1 parameter\n")); goto main_exit_with_help; }
if (_tcsicmp(szFilePath2, _T("")) == 0) { _tprintf(_T("[-a] parameter missing filename2 parameter\n")); goto main_exit_with_help; }
// check for optional parameter
if (TRUE == iGotParamC) { if (_tcsicmp(szParamString_C, _T("")) == 0) { // convert it to a number.
iCodePage = _ttoi(szParamString_C); } }
// call the function
Ansi2Unicode(szFilePath1,szFilePath2,iCodePage); iRet = 0; } else { if (TRUE == iDoUnicodeStripControlZ) { // check for required parameters
if (_tcsicmp(szFilePath1, _T("")) == 0) { _tprintf(_T("[-z] parameter missing filename1 parameter\n")); goto main_exit_with_help; }
if (_tcsicmp(szFilePath2, _T("")) == 0) { _tprintf(_T("[-z] parameter missing filename2 parameter\n")); goto main_exit_with_help; }
// call the function.
iRet = StripControlZfromUnicodeFile(szFilePath1,szFilePath2); if (1 == iRet) { _tprintf(_T("control-z removed and saved to new file\n")); } iRet = 0; } }
if (TRUE == iDoIsUnicodeCheck) { iRet = 0;
// check for required parameters
if (_tcsicmp(szFilePath1, _T("")) == 0) { _tprintf(_T("[-i] parameter missing filename1 parameter\n")); goto main_exit_with_help; }
// call the function.
// return 2 if the file is unicode
// return 1 if the file is not unicode
iRet = IsFileUnicode(szFilePath1); if (2 == iRet) { _tprintf(_T("%s is unicode\n"),szFilePath1); } else if (1 == iRet) { _tprintf(_T("%s is not unicode\n"),szFilePath1); } else { _tprintf(_T("error with file %s\n"),szFilePath1); } }
if (TRUE == iDoVersion) { // output the version
iRet = 10; goto main_exit_gracefully; }
if (TRUE == iGotParamH) { // Output hex number
if (_tcsicmp(szParamString_H, _T("")) != 0) { DWORD dwMyDecimal = _ttoi(szParamString_H);
if (iGotParamM && (_tcsicmp(szParamString_M, _T("")) != 0)) { _tprintf(szParamString_M,dwMyDecimal); } else { // convert it to a hex number
_tprintf(_T("%x\n"),dwMyDecimal); } goto main_exit_gracefully; } }
if (_tcsicmp(szFilePath1, _T("")) == 0) { goto main_exit_with_help; }
goto main_exit_gracefully; main_exit_gracefully: exit(iRet);
main_exit_with_help: ShowHelp(); exit(iRet); }
//* purpose: ?
void ShowHelp(void) { TCHAR szModuleName[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilename_only[_MAX_PATH];
// get the modules full pathed filename
if (0 != GetModuleFileName(NULL,(LPTSTR) szModuleName,_MAX_PATH)) { // Trim off the filename only.
_tsplitpath(szModuleName, NULL, NULL, szFilename_only, NULL); _tprintf(_T("Unicode File Utility\n\n")); _tprintf(_T("%s [-a] [-i] [-v] [-z] [-c:codepage] [-h:number] [-m:printf format] [drive:][path]filename1 [drive:][path]filename2\n\n"),szFilename_only); _tprintf(_T("[-a] paramter -- converting ansi to unicode file:\n")); _tprintf(_T(" -a required parameter for this functionality\n")); _tprintf(_T(" -c:codepage specifies the codepage to use (optional,defaults to 1252 (usa ascii))\n")); _tprintf(_T(" filename1 ansi filename that should be converted\n")); _tprintf(_T(" filename2 unicode filename that result will be saved to\n\n")); _tprintf(_T("[-i] parameter -- is specified file unicode:\n")); _tprintf(_T(" -i required paramter for this functionality\n")); _tprintf(_T(" filename1 filename to check if unicode. if unicode ERRORLEVEL=2, if not unicode ERRORLEVEL=1.\n")); _tprintf(_T("[-z] parameter -- removing trailing control-z from end of unicode file:\n")); _tprintf(_T(" -z required paramter for this functionality\n")); _tprintf(_T(" filename1 unicode filename that should have control-z removed from\n")); _tprintf(_T(" filename2 unicode filename that result will be saved to\n\n"));
_tprintf(_T("[-h] parameter -- displaying version:\n")); _tprintf(_T(" -h:decimalnum required paramter for this functionality, input decimal number, get hex back.\n")); _tprintf(_T("[-m] parameter -- printf format for -h function:\n")); _tprintf(_T(" -m:%%x required paramter for this functionality.. eg:%%x,0x%%x,x%%08lx,x8%%07lx\n"));
_tprintf(_T("[-v] parameter -- displaying version:\n")); _tprintf(_T(" -v required paramter for this functionality, sets ERRORLEVEL=version num of this binary.\n")); _tprintf(_T("\n")); _tprintf(_T("Examples:\n")); _tprintf(_T("%s -a -c:1252 c:\\MyGroup\\MyFileAnsi.txt c:\\MyGroup\\MyFileUnicode.txt\n"),szFilename_only); _tprintf(_T("%s -i c:\\MyGroup\\MyFileUnicode.txt\n"),szFilename_only); _tprintf(_T("%s -z c:\\MyGroup\\MyFileUnicode.txt c:\\MyGroup\\MyFileUnicode.txt\n"),szFilename_only); } return; }
//* purpose:
LPSTR StripWhitespace( LPSTR pszString ) { LPSTR pszTemp = NULL;
if ( pszString == NULL ) { return NULL; }
while ( *pszString == ' ' || *pszString == '\t' ) { pszString += 1; }
// Catch case where string consists entirely of whitespace or empty string.
if ( *pszString == '\0' ) { return pszString; }
pszTemp = pszString;
pszString += lstrlenA(pszString) - 1;
while ( *pszString == ' ' || *pszString == '\t' ) { *pszString = '\0'; pszString -= 1; }
return pszTemp; }
//* purpose: return back a Alocated wide string from a ansi string
//* caller must free the returned back pointer with GlobalFree()
LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromAnsi(UINT uiCodePage, LPSTR psz) { LPWSTR pwsz; int i;
// make sure they gave us something
if (!psz) { return NULL; }
// compute the length
i = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0); if (i <= 0) return NULL;
// allocate memory in that length
pwsz = (LPWSTR) GlobalAlloc(GPTR,i * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pwsz) return NULL;
// clear out memory
memset(pwsz, 0, wcslen(pwsz) * sizeof(WCHAR));
// convert the ansi string into unicode
i = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, (LPSTR) psz, -1, pwsz, i); if (i <= 0) { GlobalFree(pwsz); pwsz = NULL; return NULL; }
// make sure ends with null
pwsz[i - 1] = 0;
// return the pointer
return pwsz; }
//* purpose: converts the ansi file to a unicode file
int Ansi2Unicode(TCHAR * szAnsiFile_input,TCHAR * szUnicodeFile_output,UINT iCodePage) { int iReturn = FALSE; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwFileSize = 0; unsigned char *pInputFileBuf = NULL; WCHAR * pwOutputFileBuf = NULL; DWORD dwBytesReadIn = 0; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; BYTE bOneByte = 0;
// open the input file with read access
hFile = CreateFile((LPCTSTR) szAnsiFile_input, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tprintf(_T("Unable to open input file:%s,err=0x%x\n"),szAnsiFile_input,GetLastError()); goto Ansi2Unicode_Exit; } // getfile size so we know how much memory we should allocate
dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if (dwFileSize == 0) { _tprintf(_T("input file:%s is empty\n"),szAnsiFile_input); goto Ansi2Unicode_Exit; } // allocate the memory the size of the file
if ( ( pInputFileBuf = (unsigned char *) malloc( (size_t) dwFileSize + 1 ) ) == NULL ) { _tprintf(_T("Out of memory\n")); goto Ansi2Unicode_Exit; } // clear buffer we just created
memset(pInputFileBuf, 0, dwFileSize + 1);
// Read all the data from the file into the buffer
if ( ReadFile( hFile, pInputFileBuf, dwFileSize, &dwBytesReadIn, NULL ) == FALSE ) { _tprintf(_T("Readfile:%s, error=%s\n"),szAnsiFile_input,strerror(errno)); goto Ansi2Unicode_Exit; }
// if the amount of data that we read in is different than
// what the file size is then get out... we didn't read all of the data into the buffer.
if (dwFileSize != dwBytesReadIn) { _tprintf(_T("Readfile:%s, error file too big to read into memory\n"),szAnsiFile_input); goto Ansi2Unicode_Exit; }
// check if the input file is already unicode!
// if it is then just copy the damn file to the new filename!
if (0xFF == pInputFileBuf[0] && 0xFE == pInputFileBuf[1]) { // file is already unicode!
if (FALSE == CopyFile((LPCTSTR)szAnsiFile_input,(LPCTSTR)szUnicodeFile_output, FALSE)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to copy file %s to %s\n"),szAnsiFile_input,szUnicodeFile_output); } // we copied the file to the new filename
// we're done
goto Ansi2Unicode_Exit; } // close handle to file#1
CloseHandle(hFile);hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Take the ansi string and convert it to unicode
pwOutputFileBuf = (LPWSTR) MakeWideStrFromAnsi(iCodePage,(LPSTR) pInputFileBuf); if(NULL == pwOutputFileBuf) { _tprintf(_T("Out of memory\n")); goto Ansi2Unicode_Exit; }
// Create a new unicode file
hFile = CreateFile((LPCTSTR) szUnicodeFile_output, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tprintf(_T("CreateFile:%s,error=0x%x\n"),szUnicodeFile_output,GetLastError()); goto Ansi2Unicode_Exit; }
// Write the BOF header to say that this is infact a unicode file
bOneByte = 0xFF; WriteFile(hFile,(LPCVOID) &bOneByte, 1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); bOneByte = 0xFE; WriteFile(hFile,(LPCVOID) &bOneByte, 1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
// Append our data to the file
if ( WriteFile( hFile, pwOutputFileBuf, wcslen(pwOutputFileBuf) * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) == FALSE ) { _tprintf(_T("WriteFile:%s,error=%s\n"),szUnicodeFile_output,strerror(errno)); goto Ansi2Unicode_Exit; }
iReturn = TRUE;
Ansi2Unicode_Exit: if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) {CloseHandle(hFile);hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;} if (pInputFileBuf) {free(pInputFileBuf);pInputFileBuf=NULL;} if (pwOutputFileBuf) {GlobalFree(pwOutputFileBuf);pwOutputFileBuf=NULL;} return iReturn; }
// returns 2 if the file is unicode
// returns 1 if the file is not unicode
// returns 0 on error
int IsFileUnicode(TCHAR * szFile_input) { int iReturn = 0; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwBytesToRead = 2; unsigned char *pInputFileBuf = NULL; DWORD dwBytesReadIn = 0;
// open the input file with read access
hFile = CreateFile((LPCTSTR) szFile_input, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tprintf(_T("Unable to open input file:%s,err=0x%x\n"),szFile_input,GetLastError()); goto IsFileUnicode_Exit; } // allocate the memory the size of the file
if ( ( pInputFileBuf = (unsigned char *) malloc( (size_t) dwBytesToRead) ) == NULL ) { _tprintf(_T("Out of memory\n")); goto IsFileUnicode_Exit; } // clear buffer we just created
memset(pInputFileBuf, 0, dwBytesToRead);
// Read all the data from the file into the buffer
if ( ReadFile( hFile, pInputFileBuf, dwBytesToRead, &dwBytesReadIn, NULL ) == FALSE ) { _tprintf(_T("Readfile:%s, error=%s\n"),szFile_input,strerror(errno)); goto IsFileUnicode_Exit; }
// if the amount of data that we read in is different than
// what the file size is then get out... we didn't read all of the data into the buffer.
if (dwBytesToRead != dwBytesReadIn) { _tprintf(_T("Readfile:%s, error file too big to read into memory\n"),szFile_input); goto IsFileUnicode_Exit; }
// check if the input file is unicode
iReturn = 1; if (0xFF == pInputFileBuf[0] && 0xFE == pInputFileBuf[1]) { iReturn = 2; } IsFileUnicode_Exit: if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) {CloseHandle(hFile);hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;} if (pInputFileBuf) {free(pInputFileBuf);pInputFileBuf=NULL;} return iReturn; }
int StripControlZfromUnicodeFile(TCHAR * szFile_input,TCHAR * szFile_output) { // open the input file
// if it's unicode, then see if it ends with a control Z
int iReturn = 0; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwFileSize = 0; unsigned char *pInputFileBuf = NULL; DWORD dwBytesReadIn = 0; int iFileIsUnicode = FALSE; int iWeNeedMakeChange = FALSE;
// open the input file with read access
hFile = CreateFile((LPCTSTR) szFile_input, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tprintf(_T("Unable to open input file:%s,err=0x%x\n"),szFile_input,GetLastError()); goto StripControlZfromUnicodeFile_Exit; }
// getfile size so we know how much memory we should allocate
dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); if (dwFileSize == 0) { _tprintf(_T("input file:%s is empty\n"),szFile_input); goto StripControlZfromUnicodeFile_Exit; }
// allocate the memory the size of the file
if ( ( pInputFileBuf = (unsigned char *) malloc( (size_t) dwFileSize + 1 ) ) == NULL ) { _tprintf(_T("Out of memory\n")); goto StripControlZfromUnicodeFile_Exit; } // clear buffer we just created
memset(pInputFileBuf, 0, dwFileSize + 1);
// Read all the data from the file into the buffer
if ( ReadFile( hFile, pInputFileBuf, dwFileSize, &dwBytesReadIn, NULL ) == FALSE ) { _tprintf(_T("Readfile:%s, error=%s\n"),szFile_input,strerror(errno)); goto StripControlZfromUnicodeFile_Exit; }
// if the amount of data that we read in is different than
// what the file size is then get out... we didn't read all of the data into the buffer.
if (dwFileSize != dwBytesReadIn) { _tprintf(_T("Readfile:%s, error file too big to read into memory\n"),szFile_input); goto StripControlZfromUnicodeFile_Exit; }
// check if the input file is unicode
if (0xFF == pInputFileBuf[0] && 0xFE == pInputFileBuf[1]) { iFileIsUnicode = TRUE; }
// close the file we opened
CloseHandle(hFile);hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// open file #2
if (TRUE == iFileIsUnicode) { // Check if it has a control-z at the end
if (0x1A == pInputFileBuf[dwFileSize]) { pInputFileBuf[dwFileSize] = 0x0; iWeNeedMakeChange = TRUE; } if (0x1A == pInputFileBuf[dwFileSize-1]) { pInputFileBuf[dwFileSize-1] = 0x0; iWeNeedMakeChange = TRUE; } }
if (TRUE == iWeNeedMakeChange) { DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;
// Create a new unicode file
hFile = CreateFile((LPCTSTR) szFile_output, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tprintf(_T("CreateFile:%s,error=0x%x\n"),szFile_output,GetLastError()); goto StripControlZfromUnicodeFile_Exit; } // write the file out that we fixed
// we have to minus out one byte here
// before:
// 00 0D 00 0A 00 1A
// after
// 00 0D 00 0A 00
if ( WriteFile( hFile, pInputFileBuf, dwBytesReadIn-1, &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) == FALSE ) { _tprintf(_T("WriteFile:%s,error=%s\n"),szFile_output,strerror(errno)); goto StripControlZfromUnicodeFile_Exit; }
// return 1 to say that we had to strip of the control-z
// from the end of the file
iReturn = 1; } else { // just open the file over to the new filename
if (FALSE == CopyFile((LPCTSTR)szFile_input,(LPCTSTR)szFile_output, FALSE)) { _tprintf(_T("Failed to copy file %s to %s\n"),szFile_input,szFile_output); } }
StripControlZfromUnicodeFile_Exit: if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) {CloseHandle(hFile);hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;} if (pInputFileBuf) {free(pInputFileBuf);pInputFileBuf=NULL;}
return iReturn; }