Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains code that implements the service location apis.
Madan Appiah (madana) 15-May-1995
User Mode - Win32
Revision History: MuraliK 11-July-1995 Extended to discover any service besides Gateway
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <svcloc.h>
// consists of information map from service name to other details
typedef struct _SERVICE_INFO { LPCSTR pszName; ULONGLONG ulMask; } SERVICE_INFO;
SERVICE_INFO g_Services[] = { { "gopher", INET_GOPHER_SERVICE}, { "http", INET_W3_SERVICE}, { "w3", INET_W3_SERVICE}, { "ftp", INET_FTP_SERVICE}, { "gate", INET_GATEWAY_SERVICE}, { "msn", INET_MSN_SERVICE} };
# define NUM_SERVICES ( sizeof(g_Services)/ sizeof( SERVICE_INFO))
ULONGLONG GetUlMaskForService( IN LPSTR pszServiceName) { DWORD i;
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_SERVICES; i++) {
if ( !stricmp( pszServiceName, g_Services[i].pszName)) {
return ( g_Services[i].ulMask); } }
return ( 0); } // GetUlMaskForService()
VOID PrintServerInfo( DWORD Index, LPINET_SERVER_INFO ServerInfo ) { DWORD j, k;
printf("%ld. ServerName = %s \n ", Index+1, ServerInfo->ServerName ); printf(" ServicesMask = %lx \n", (DWORD)ServerInfo->ServicesMask ); printf(" NumServices = %ld \n", ServerInfo->Services.NumServices );
for( j = 0; j < ServerInfo->Services.NumServices; j++ ) {
ServiceInfo = ServerInfo->Services.Services[j];
printf("\n"); printf(" %ld. ServiceMask = %ld \n", j+1, (DWORD)ServiceInfo->ServiceMask );
printf(" ServiceState = %ld \n", (DWORD)ServiceInfo->ServiceState );
printf(" ServiceComment = %s \n", (DWORD)ServiceInfo->ServiceComment );
printf(" NumBindings = %ld \n", ServiceInfo->Bindings.NumBindings );
for( k = 0; k < ServiceInfo->Bindings.NumBindings; k++) {
BindInfo = &ServiceInfo->Bindings.BindingsInfo[k];
printf(" %ld. Bind (%ld) = %s\n", k+1, BindInfo->Length, (LPWSTR)BindInfo->BindData ); }
} printf("\n");
return; }
VOID PrintServersInfoList( IN LPINET_SERVERS_LIST pServersList) { DWORD i;
for( i = 0; i < pServersList->NumServers; i++ ) {
PrintServerInfo( i, pServersList->Servers[i] ); }
return; } // PrintServersInfoList()
VOID PrintUsageMessage(IN LPCSTR pszProgName) { int i;
printf( "Usage: %s [ -tTimeToWait] [ -sServerName] { service-names }\n", pszProgName);
printf("\t Services supported are:\n"); for (i = 0; i < NUM_SERVICES; i++) {
printf( "\t\t %s\n", g_Services[i].pszName); }
} // PrintUsageMessage()
DWORD DiscoverServerInfo( LPSTR ServerName, ULONGLONG ulMask, DWORD dwWaitTime ) { DWORD Error; LPINET_SERVER_INFO ServerInfo = NULL;
if( dwWaitTime == 0 ) {
Error = INetGetServerInfo( ServerName, ulMask, SVC_DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME, &ServerInfo ); } else {
Error = INetGetServerInfo( ServerName, ulMask, 0, &ServerInfo );
if( (Error != ERROR_BAD_NETPATH ) && (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) ) { return( Error ); }
// display server info if it is found.
if( ServerInfo != NULL ) {
// display server info.
PrintServerInfo( 0, ServerInfo ); INetFreeServerInfo( &ServerInfo ); return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
// wait for server response.
Sleep( dwWaitTime * 1000 );
Error = INetGetServerInfo( ServerName, ulMask, 0, &ServerInfo ); }
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return( Error ); }
if( ServerInfo != NULL ) { PrintServerInfo( 0, ServerInfo ); } else { printf( "INetGetServerInfo found no relevant servers\n"); }
// free server info structure.
INetFreeServerInfo( &ServerInfo ); return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
DWORD DiscoverInetServers( ULONGLONG ulMask, DWORD dwWaitTime ) { DWORD Error; LPINET_SERVERS_LIST ServersList = NULL;
if( dwWaitTime == 0 ) {
Error = INetDiscoverServers( ulMask, SVC_DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME, &ServersList ); } else {
Error = INetDiscoverServers( ulMask, 0, &ServersList );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return( Error ); }
// ignore first enum, must have zero entry.
INetFreeDiscoverServersList( &ServersList );
Sleep( dwWaitTime * 1000 );
Error = INetDiscoverServers( ulMask, 0, &ServersList ); }
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return( Error ); }
// list server info.
if ( ServersList->NumServers != 0) {
PrintServersInfoList( ServersList ); } else {
printf( "INetDiscoverServers() found no relevant servers\n"); }
// free server info structure.
INetFreeDiscoverServersList( &ServersList ); return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
VOID __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { DWORD Error; ULONGLONG ulMask = 0; int iArgs = 1; DWORD dwWaitTime = 0; LPSTR ServerName = NULL;
while ( argv[iArgs] != NULL ){
if( argv[iArgs][0] == '-' ) {
switch ( argv[iArgs][1] ) { case 't': // get the wait time
dwWaitTime = strtoul( argv[iArgs] + 2, NULL, 0); break;
case 's': // get the server name.
ServerName = argv[iArgs] + 2; break;
default: PrintUsageMessage(argv[0]); exit(1); } }
iArgs++; // skip one more argument
// form the mask for all services
for ( iArgs = 1; iArgs < argc; iArgs++) {
ulMask = ulMask | GetUlMaskForService( argv[iArgs]); } // for
if ( ulMask == 0) {
PrintUsageMessage(argv[0]); exit(1); }
if( ServerName != NULL ) { Error = DiscoverServerInfo( ServerName, ulMask, dwWaitTime ); } else { Error = DiscoverInetServers( ulMask, dwWaitTime ); }
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("%s failed with error, %ld.\n", argv[0], Error ); return; }
printf( "Command completed successfully.\n" ); return;
} // main()
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