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Microsoft Denali
Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Component: Globals
File: glob.h
Owner: AndrewS
Useful globals ===================================================================*/
#ifndef __Glob_H
#define __Glob_H
#include "util.h"
#include <schnlsp.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <iadmw.h>
extern "C" {
#define SECURITY_WIN32
#include <sspi.h> // Security Support Provider APIs
class CMDGlobConfigSink : public IMSAdminBaseSinkW { private: INT m_cRef; public:
CMDGlobConfigSink () {m_cRef = 1;};
}; #define IGlob_LogErrorRequests 0x0
#define IGlob_ScriptFileCacheSize 0x1
#define IGlob_ScriptEngineCacheMax 0x2
//#define IGlob_MemFreeFactor 0x3
//#define IGlob_MinUsedBlocks 0x4
//#define IGlob_StartConnectionPool 0x5
#define IGlob_ExceptionCatchEnable 0x3
#define IGlob_TrackThreadingModel 0x4
#define IGlob_AllowOutOfProcCmpnts 0x5
// IIS5.0
#define IGlob_EnableAspHtmlFallback 0x6
#define IGlob_EnableChunkedEncoding 0x7
#define IGlob_EnableTypelibCache 0x8
#define IGlob_ErrorsToNtLog 0x9
#define IGlob_ProcessorThreadMax 0xa
#define IGlob_RequestQueueMax 0xb
#define IGlob_ThreadGateEnabled 0xc
#define IGlob_ThreadGateTimeSlice 0xd
#define IGlob_ThreadGateSleepDelay 0xe
#define IGlob_ThreadGateSleepMax 0xf
#define IGlob_ThreadGateLoadLow 0x10
#define IGlob_ThreadGateLoadHigh 0x11
#define IGlob_PersistTemplateMaxFiles 0x12
#define IGlob_PersistTemplateDir 0x13
#define IGlob_MAX 0x14
//forward declaration
class CAppConfig; // Glob data object
class CGlob { private: // Friends that can access the private data, they are the functions setting the global data.
friend HRESULT CacheStdTypeInfos(); friend HRESULT ReadConfigFromMD(CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq, CAppConfig *pAppConfig, BOOL fLoadGlob); friend HRESULT SetConfigToDefaults(CAppConfig *pAppConfig, BOOL fLoadGlob);
//Private Data
ITypeLib *m_pITypeLibDenali; // Denali's type library
BOOL m_fWinNT; // TRUE if this is Windows NT; false otherwise
DWORD m_dwNumberOfProcessors; BOOL m_fInited; BOOL m_fMDRead; // Has Metadata been read at least once
BOOL m_fNeedUpdate; // FALSE, needs reload config data from metabase
// Metadata configuration settings per dll
DWORD m_dwScriptEngineCacheMax; DWORD m_dwScriptFileCacheSize; BOOL m_fLogErrorRequests; BOOL m_fExceptionCatchEnable; BOOL m_fAllowDebugging; BOOL m_fAllowOutOfProcCmpnts; BOOL m_fTrackThreadingModel; DWORD m_dwMDSinkCookie; CMDGlobConfigSink *m_pMetabaseSink; IMSAdminBase *m_pMetabase;
BOOL m_fEnableAspHtmlFallBack; BOOL m_fEnableTypelibCache; BOOL m_fEnableChunkedEncoding; BOOL m_fDupIISLogToNTLog; DWORD m_dwRequestQueueMax; DWORD m_dwProcessorThreadMax; BOOL m_fThreadGateEnabled; DWORD m_dwThreadGateTimeSlice; DWORD m_dwThreadGateSleepDelay; DWORD m_dwThreadGateSleepMax; DWORD m_dwThreadGateLoadLow; DWORD m_dwThreadGateLoadHigh;
LPSTR m_pszPersistTemplateDir; DWORD m_dwPersistTemplateMaxFiles;
CRITICAL_SECTION m_cs; // Glob Strings need to be protected by CriticalSection
// Functions Pointers for WINNT & WIN95 singal binary compatibility
//Private functions
HRESULT SetGlobValue(unsigned int index, BYTE *lpByte);
public: CGlob();
HRESULT MDInit(void); HRESULT MDUnInit(void);
public: ITypeLib* pITypeLibDenali() {return m_pITypeLibDenali;}; // Denali's type library
BOOL fWinNT() {return m_fWinNT;}; // TRUE if this is Windows NT; false otherwise
DWORD dwNumberOfProcessors() {return m_dwNumberOfProcessors;}; BOOL fNeedUpdate() {return (BOOLB)m_fNeedUpdate;}; void NotifyNeedUpdate(); DWORD dwScriptEngineCacheMax() {return m_dwScriptEngineCacheMax;}; DWORD dwScriptFileCacheSize() {return m_dwScriptFileCacheSize;}; BOOLB fLogErrorRequests() {return (BOOLB)m_fLogErrorRequests;}; BOOLB fInited() {return (BOOLB)m_fInited;}; BOOLB fMDRead() {return (BOOLB)m_fMDRead;}; BOOLB fTrackThreadingModel() {return (BOOLB)m_fTrackThreadingModel;}; BOOLB fExceptionCatchEnable() {return (BOOLB)m_fExceptionCatchEnable;}; BOOLB fAllowOutOfProcCmpnts() {return (BOOLB)m_fAllowOutOfProcCmpnts;};
BOOL fEnableAspHtmlFallBack() { return m_fEnableAspHtmlFallBack; } BOOL fEnableTypelibCache() { return m_fEnableTypelibCache; } BOOL fEnableChunkedEncoding() { return m_fEnableChunkedEncoding; } // UNDONE: temp.
BOOL fDupIISLogToNTLog() { return m_fDupIISLogToNTLog; } DWORD dwRequestQueueMax() { return m_dwRequestQueueMax; } DWORD dwProcessorThreadMax() { return m_dwProcessorThreadMax; } BOOL fThreadGateEnabled() { return m_fThreadGateEnabled; } DWORD dwThreadGateTimeSlice() { return m_dwThreadGateTimeSlice; } DWORD dwThreadGateSleepDelay() { return m_dwThreadGateSleepDelay; } DWORD dwThreadGateSleepMax() { return m_dwThreadGateSleepMax; } DWORD dwThreadGateLoadLow() { return m_dwThreadGateLoadLow; } DWORD dwThreadGateLoadHigh() { return m_dwThreadGateLoadHigh; }
DWORD dwPersistTemplateMaxFiles(){ return m_dwPersistTemplateMaxFiles; } LPSTR pszPersistTemplateDir() { return m_pszPersistTemplateDir; }
void Lock() {EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs);}; void UnLock() {LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs);}; HRESULT GlobInit(void); HRESULT GlobUnInit(void);
//Used in Scriptmgr for hashing table setup.
DWORD dwThreadMax() {return 10;}; //Used in ScriptKiller for script killer thread to wake up, might rename this to be
DWORD dwScriptTimeout() {return 90;};
HRESULT Update(CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq);
inline HRESULT CGlob::Update(CIsapiReqInfo *pIReq) { Lock(); if (m_fNeedUpdate == TRUE) { InterlockedExchange((LPLONG)&m_fNeedUpdate, 0); } else { UnLock(); return S_OK; } UnLock(); return ReadConfigFromMD(pIReq, NULL, TRUE); }
inline void CGlob::NotifyNeedUpdate(void) { InterlockedExchange((LPLONG)&m_fNeedUpdate, 1); }
typedef class CGlob GLOB; extern class CGlob gGlob;
// General Access functions.(Backward compatibility).
// Any non-friends functions should use and only use the following methods. Same macros as before.
// If elem is a glob string, then, GlobStringUseLock() should be called before the string usage.
// And GlobStringUseUnLock() should be called after. The critical section is supposed to protect
// not only the LPTSTR of global string, but also the memory that LPTSTR points to.
// Making local copy of global string is recommended.
#define Glob(elem) (gGlob.elem())
#define GlobStringUseLock() (gGlob.Lock())
#define GlobStringUseUnLock() (gGlob.UnLock())
#define FIsWinNT() (Glob(fWinNT))
DWORD __stdcall RestartAppln(VOID *pAppln); #endif // __Glob_H