Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract: This module contains the internal directory change routines
Author: Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 16-Jan-1995
#include "TsunamiP.Hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "issched.hxx"
#include "dbgutil.h"
#include <lonsi.hxx>
// Manifests
// Globals
HANDLE g_hChangeWaitThread = NULL; LONG g_nTsunamiThreads = 0;
// Local prototypes
#if DBG
VOID DumpCacheStructures( VOID ); #endif
// The cache lock must always be taken before the root lock
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection ); EnterCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots );
pVrm = (VIRTUAL_ROOT_MAPPING *) lpo->hEvent; ASSERT( pVrm->Signature == VIRT_ROOT_SIGNATURE ); ASSERT( pVrm->cRef > 0 );
// Is this item still active?
if ( pVrm->fDeleted ) { IF_DEBUG( DIRECTORY_CHANGE ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Got APC for root that has been removed\n" )); }
DereferenceRootMapping( pVrm ); goto Exit; }
pDci = ( PDIRECTORY_CACHING_INFO )( pVrm + 1 );
// It's possible (though unlikely) we received a notification for the
// same item that was removed then added before we did a wait on the
// new item. This is the old notify event then.
if ( !pDci->fOnSystemNotifyList ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Old APC notification for %s\n", pVrm->pszDirectoryA ));
goto Exit; }
ASSERT( pVrm->fCachingAllowed );
IF_DEBUG( DIRECTORY_CHANGE ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Got APC thing for %s.\n", pVrm->pszDirectoryA )); }
// Convert NotifyInfo from Unicode to Ansi
if ( dwBytesWritten ) { for ( pNI = &pDci->NotifyInfo, pMax = (LPBYTE)pNI + sizeof(pDci->NotifyInfo) + sizeof(pDci->szPathNameBuffer) ;; ) { CHAR achAnsi[MAX_PATH+1];
pNI->FileNameLength = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK, pNI->FileName, pNI->FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR), achAnsi, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL ); memcpy( pNI->FileName, achAnsi, pNI->FileNameLength );
if ( pNI->NextEntryOffset ) { pNI = (FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION*)(((LPBYTE)pNI) + pNI->NextEntryOffset); } else { break; } } }
for ( pEntry = pDci->listCacheObjects.Flink; pEntry != &pDci->listCacheObjects; pEntry = pNextEntry ) { pNextEntry = pEntry->Flink;
pCache = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, DirChangeList );
if ( dwBytesWritten && ( pCache->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_OPEN_FILE || pCache->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO ) ) { for ( pNI = &pDci->NotifyInfo ;; ) { if ( pCache->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO ? ( ((PW3_URI_INFO)(pCache->pbhBlob+1))->cchName - pVrm->cchDirectoryA -1 == pNI->FileNameLength && !_memicmp( (LPSTR)pNI->FileName, ((PW3_URI_INFO)(pCache->pbhBlob+1))->pszName + pVrm->cchDirectoryA + 1, pNI->FileNameLength ) ) : ( pCache->cchLength - pVrm->cchDirectoryA -1 == pNI->FileNameLength && !_memicmp( pCache->szPath + pVrm->cchDirectoryA + 1, pNI->FileName, pNI->FileNameLength ) ) ) { IF_DEBUG( DIRECTORY_CHANGE ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Expired entry for: %s.\n", pCache->szPath )); }
bSuccess = DeCache( pCache, FALSE );
ASSERT( bSuccess );
break; }
if ( pNI->NextEntryOffset ) { pNI = (FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION*)(((LPBYTE)pNI) + pNI->NextEntryOffset); } else { break; } } } else if ( pCache->iDemux != RESERVED_DEMUX_PHYSICAL_OPEN_FILE ) { IF_DEBUG( DIRECTORY_CHANGE ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Expired entry for: %s.\n", pCache->szPath )); }
bSuccess = DeCache( pCache, FALSE );
ASSERT( bSuccess ); } }
INC_COUNTER( pVrm->dwServiceID, FlushesFromDirChanges );
if ( !pfnReadDirChangesW( pDci->hDirectoryFile, (VOID *) &pDci->NotifyInfo, sizeof( FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION ) + sizeof( pDci->szPathNameBuffer ), TRUE, FILE_NOTIFY_VALID_MASK & ~FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS, NULL, &pDci->Overlapped, // hEvent used as context
Apc_ChangeHandler )) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[ApchChangeHandler] ReadDirectoryChanges returned %d\n", GetLastError() ));
// Disable caching for this directory 'cause we aren't going to get any
// more change notifications
pVrm->fCachingAllowed = FALSE;
// Decrement the ref-count as we'll never get an APC notification
DereferenceRootMapping( pVrm ); }
Exit: LeaveCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
} // Apc_ChangeHandler
InterlockedIncrement( &g_nTsunamiThreads ); ahEvents[0] = g_hQuit; ahEvents[1] = g_hNewItem;
do { //
// Loop through the list looking for any directories which haven't
// been added yet
EnterCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots );
for ( pEntry = GlobalVRootList.Flink; pEntry != &GlobalVRootList; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) {
pDci = ( PDIRECTORY_CACHING_INFO )( pVrm + 1 );
if ( !pDci->fOnSystemNotifyList ) {
// call change notify, this indicates we want change notifications
// on this set of handles. Note the wait is a one shot deal,
// once a dir has been notified, it must be readded in the
// context of this thread.
IF_DEBUG( DIRECTORY_CHANGE ) DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Trying to wait on %S\n", pVrm->pszDirectoryA ));
// Use the hEvent field of the overlapped structure as the
// context to pass to the change handler. This is allowed
// by the ReadDirectoryChanges API
pDci->Overlapped.hEvent = (HANDLE) pVrm;
// If the memory cache size is zero, don't worry about
// change notifications
if ( !pfnReadDirChangesW( pDci->hDirectoryFile, (VOID *) &pDci->NotifyInfo, sizeof( FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION ) + sizeof( pDci->szPathNameBuffer ), TRUE, FILE_NOTIFY_VALID_MASK & ~FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS, NULL, &pDci->Overlapped, // Not used
Apc_ChangeHandler )) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[ChangeWaitThread] ReadDirectoryChanges" " returned %d\n", GetLastError() ));
DBG_ASSERT( pVrm->fCachingAllowed == FALSE );
if ( pDci->hDirectoryFile ) { CLOSE_DIRECTORY_HANDLE( pDci ); DereferenceRootMapping( pVrm ); }
// We don't shrink the buffer because we use the
// fOnSystemNotifyList flag which is in portion we
// would want to shrink (and it doesn't give us a whole
// lot).
} else { pVrm->fCachingAllowed = TRUE; }
// Indicate we've attempted to add the entry to the system
// notify list. Used for new items getting processed the 1st
// time
pDci->fOnSystemNotifyList = TRUE; } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots );
Rewait: dwWaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx( 2, ahEvents, FALSE, INFINITE, TRUE );
if ( dwWaitResult == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION ) { //
// Nothing to do, the APC routine took care of everything
goto Rewait;
} } while ( dwWaitResult == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) );
ASSERT( dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 );
// free the handles and all the heap.
EnterCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots );
for ( pEntry = GlobalVRootList.Flink; pEntry != &GlobalVRootList; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) { pVrm = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, VIRTUAL_ROOT_MAPPING, GlobalListEntry );
if ( pVrm->fCachingAllowed ) {
pDci = (PDIRECTORY_CACHING_INFO) (pVrm + 1); pVrm->fDeleted = TRUE; CLOSE_DIRECTORY_HANDLE( pDci ); }
pEntry = pEntry->Blink; RemoveEntryList( pEntry->Flink ); DereferenceRootMapping( pVrm ); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots );
InterlockedDecrement( &g_nTsunamiThreads ); return( 0 );
} // ChangeWaitThread
BOOL TsDecacheVroot( DIRECTORY_CACHING_INFO * pDci ) /*++
This function decouples all of the items that need to be decached from the associated tsunami data structures and derefences the cache obj. This routine used to schedule this off to a worker thread but this is no longer necessary as this only is called during vroot destruction.
This routine assumes the cache table lock and virtual root lock are taken
pDci - Directory change blob that needs to have its contents decached
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE if any failure.
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; CACHE_OBJECT * pCacheTmp;
while ( !IsListEmpty( &pDci->listCacheObjects )) { pEntry = pDci->listCacheObjects.Flink;
pCacheTmp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, DirChangeList ); ASSERT( pCacheTmp->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE );
if ( pCacheTmp->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_PHYSICAL_OPEN_FILE ) { continue; }
// Removes this cache item from all of the lists. It had better be
// on the cache lists otherwise somebody is mucking with the list
// without taking the lock.
if ( !RemoveCacheObjFromLists( pCacheTmp, FALSE ) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); continue; }
TsDereferenceCacheObj( pCacheTmp, FALSE ); }
return TRUE; } // TsDecacheVroot
VOID TsFlushTimedOutCacheObjects( VOID ) /*++
This function walks all cache objects and decrements the TTL of the object. When the TTL reaches zero, the object is removed from the cache.
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; LIST_ENTRY * pNextEntry; CACHE_OBJECT * pCacheTmp; LIST_ENTRY ListHead;
InitializeListHead( &ListHead );
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection ); EnterCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots );
#if DBG
IF_DEBUG( CACHE ) { DumpCacheStructures(); } #endif
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.MruList.Flink; pEntry != &CacheTable.MruList; pEntry = pNextEntry ) {
pNextEntry = pEntry->Flink;
ASSERT( pCacheTmp->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE );
if ( pCacheTmp->iDemux == RESERVED_DEMUX_PHYSICAL_OPEN_FILE ) { continue; }
// If the object hasn't been referenced since the last TTL, throw
// it out now
if ( pCacheTmp->TTL == 0 ) {
// Removes this cache item from all of the lists. It had better be
// on the cache lists otherwise somebody is mucking with the list
// without taking the lock. We put it on a temporary list that
// we'll traverse after we release the locks
if ( !RemoveCacheObjFromLists( pCacheTmp, FALSE ) ) { ASSERT( FALSE ); continue; }
InsertTailList( &ListHead, &pCacheTmp->DirChangeList ); } else { pCacheTmp->TTL--; } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
// Now do the dereferences which may actually close the objects now that
// we don't have to hold the locks
for ( pEntry = ListHead.Flink; pEntry != &ListHead; pEntry = pNextEntry ) {
pNextEntry = pEntry->Flink; pCacheTmp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, DirChangeList );
ASSERT( pCacheTmp->Signature == CACHE_OBJ_SIGNATURE );
TsDereferenceCacheObj( pCacheTmp, TRUE ); }
} // TsFlushTimedOutCacheObjects
#if DBG
VOID DumpCacheStructures( VOID ) { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; DWORD cItemsOnBin = 0; DWORD cTotalItems = 0; DWORD i, c;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[DumpCacheStructures] CacheTable at 0x%lx, MAX_BINS = %d\n", &CacheTable, MAX_BINS ));
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BINS; i++ ) { for ( pEntry = CacheTable.Items[i].Flink, cItemsOnBin = 0; pEntry != &CacheTable.Items[i]; pEntry = pEntry->Flink, cItemsOnBin++, cTotalItems++ ) { ; }
if ( cItemsOnBin > 0) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Bin[%3d] %4d\n", i, cItemsOnBin )); } }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Total Objects in bins: %d\n", cTotalItems ));
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "=====================================================\n" ));
// Now print the contents of each bin
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BINS; i++ ) { PCACHE_OBJECT pcobj;
if ( IsListEmpty( &CacheTable.Items[i] )) continue;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "================== Bin %d ==================\n", i ));
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.Items[i].Flink, cItemsOnBin = 0; pEntry != &CacheTable.Items[i]; pEntry = pEntry->Flink, cItemsOnBin++ ) { pcobj = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, BinList );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "CACHE_OBJECT[0x%lx] Service = %d, Instance = %d iDemux = 0x%lx ref = %d, TTL = %d\n" " hash = 0x%lx, cchLength = %d\n" " %s\n", pcobj, pcobj->dwService, pcobj->dwInstance, pcobj->iDemux, pcobj->references, pcobj->TTL, pcobj->hash, pcobj->cchLength, pcobj->szPath )); } } }
#endif //DBG
VOID TsDumpCacheToHtml( OUT CHAR * pchBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbBuffer ) { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; DWORD cItemsOnBin = 0; DWORD cTotalItems = 0; DWORD i, c, cb;
EnterCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection ); EnterCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots );
DBG_ASSERT( lpcbBuffer != NULL && pchBuffer != NULL); DBG_ASSERT( *lpcbBuffer > 10240);
cb = wsprintf( pchBuffer, " CacheTable at 0x%lx, MAX_BINS=%d<br>" "<TABLE BORDER> <TR> <TH> Bin Number </TH> " // " <TH> # Items </TH> "
, &CacheTable, MAX_BINS);
// Generate the column headings for the bins
// 0, 1, 2, ..... 9
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if ( *lpcbBuffer >= cb + 20) { cb += wsprintf( pchBuffer +cb, "<TH>%d</TH>", i); } } // for
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BINS; i++ ) {
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.Items[i].Flink, cItemsOnBin = 0; pEntry != &CacheTable.Items[i]; pEntry = pEntry->Flink, cItemsOnBin++ ) { // count the number of items in this bin
; } cTotalItems += cItemsOnBin;
if ( *lpcbBuffer >= cb + 60) { if ( i % 10 == 0) { //
// start a new row
cb += wsprintf( pchBuffer + cb, "</TR><TR><TH>[%3d] </TH>", i); } if ( cItemsOnBin > 0) { cb += wsprintf( pchBuffer + cb, "<TD>%4d</TD>", cItemsOnBin); } else {
// Dump nothing for zero slots
cb += wsprintf( pchBuffer + cb, "<TD><font color=\"0x80808080\"> </font></TD>", cItemsOnBin); } } } // for all bins
if ( *lpcbBuffer >= cb + 50) { cb += wsprintf( pchBuffer + cb, "</TR></TABLE><p>" "Total Objects in bins: %d; OpenFilesInUse(%d);" " Max Allowed=%d. <br> <hr>" " The cached objects: " , cTotalItems, CacheTable.OpenFileInUse, CacheTable.MaxOpenFileInUse ); }
// Now print the contents of each bin
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BINS; i++ ) {
if ( IsListEmpty( &CacheTable.Items[i] )) continue;
if ( *lpcbBuffer >= cb + 60) { cb += wsprintf( pchBuffer + cb, "<hr><b>============ Bin %d ==========</b><br>", i ); }
for ( pEntry = CacheTable.Items[i].Flink, cItemsOnBin = 0; pEntry != &CacheTable.Items[i]; pEntry = pEntry->Flink, cItemsOnBin++ ) { pcobj = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, CACHE_OBJECT, BinList );
if ( *lpcbBuffer >= cb + 300) { cb += wsprintf( pchBuffer + cb, "[0x%lx] Svc:Inst = %d:%d; " "iDemux=0x%lx; ref=%d; TTL=%d; " " hash=0x%lx; " " (%d) %s<br>", pcobj, pcobj->dwService, pcobj->dwInstance, pcobj->iDemux, pcobj->references, pcobj->TTL, pcobj->hash, pcobj->cchLength, pcobj->szPath ); } } // for each item in bin
} // for each bin
LeaveCriticalSection( &csVirtualRoots ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CacheTable.CriticalSection );
*lpcbBuffer = cb;
return; } // TsDumpCacheToHtml()