Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the Completion handling code for SPUD.
John Ballard (jballard) 11-Nov-1996
Revision History:
Keith Moore (keithmo) 04-Feb-1998 Cleanup, added much needed comments.
#include "spudp.h"
// Private prototypes.
VOID SpudpCompleteRequest( IN PKAPC Apc, IN PKNORMAL_ROUTINE *NormalRoutine, IN PVOID *NormalContext, IN PVOID *SystemArgument1, IN PVOID *SystemArgument2 );
VOID SpudpNormalApcRoutine( IN PVOID NormalContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2 );
VOID SpudpRundownRoutine( IN PKAPC Apc );
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SpudpCompleteRequest )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SpudpNormalApcRoutine )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SpudpRundownRoutine )
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- SpudCompleteRequest #endif
// Public functions.
VOID SpudCompleteRequest( IN PSPUD_AFD_REQ_CONTEXT SpudReqContext )
Routine Description:
Common completion routine for XxxAndRecv IRPs.
SpudReqContext - The request context associated with the request to be completed.
Return Value:
{ PIRP irp; PETHREAD thread; PFILE_OBJECT fileObject;
// Snag the IRP from the request context, clear the MDL from the
// IRP so IO won't chock. (The MDL is also stored in the request
// context and will be freed in the APC below.)
irp = SpudReqContext->Irp; irp->MdlAddress = NULL;
// Snag the target thread and file object from the IRP. The APC
// will be queued against the target thread, and the file object
// will be a parameter to the APC.
thread = irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread; fileObject = irp->Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject;
// We must pass in a non-NULL function pointer for the NormalRoutine
// parameter to KeInitializeApc(). This is necessary to keep the APC
// a "normal" kernel APC. If we were to pass a NULL NormalRoutine, then
// this would become a "special" APC that could not be blocked via the
// KeEnterCriticalRegion() and KeLeaveCriticalRegion() functions.
KeInitializeApc( &irp->Tail.Apc, // Apc
(PKTHREAD)&thread, // Thread
irp->ApcEnvironment, // Environment
SpudpCompleteRequest, // KernelRoutine
SpudpRundownRoutine, // RundownRoutine
SpudpNormalApcRoutine, // NormalRoutine
KernelMode, // ProcessorMode
NULL // NormalContext
KeInsertQueueApc( &irp->Tail.Apc, // Apc
SpudReqContext, // SystemArgument1
fileObject, // SystemArgument2
} // SpudCompleteRequest
// Private functions.
// PREFIX Bug 57653. No way do we want to mess with this. This is
// not on a path that we should be executing based on an initial
// look and the likelyhood of mucking this up with any changes is
// quite high.
/* #pragma INTRINSA suppress=all */ VOID SpudpCompleteRequest( IN PKAPC Apc, IN PKNORMAL_ROUTINE *NormalRoutine, IN PVOID *NormalContext, IN PVOID *SystemArgument1, IN PVOID *SystemArgument2 )
Routine Description:
Kernel APC for SPUD IO completion. This routine is responsible for writing any final status back to the user-mode code, then signalling the completion port.
Apc - The APC that is firing. Since we always use the APC embedded in the IRP, we can use this pointer to get back to the completing IRP.
NormalRoutine - Indirect pointer to the normal APC routine. We'll use this to "short circuit" normal routine invocation.
NormalContext - Indirect pointer to the normal APC routine context (unused).
SystemArgument1 - Actually an indirect pointer to the SPUD request context.
SystemArgument2 - Actually an indirect pointer to the file object that's being completed.
Return Value:
// Sanity check.
#if DBG
if( KeAreApcsDisabled() ) { DbgPrint( "SPUD: Thread %08lx has non-zero APC disable\n", KeGetCurrentThread() );
KeBugCheckEx( 0xbaadf00d, (ULONG_PTR)KeGetCurrentThread(), 0x77, (ULONG_PTR)*SystemArgument1, (ULONG_PTR)*SystemArgument2 ); } #endif // DBG
// Setting *NormalRoutine to NULL tells the kernel to not
// dispatch the normal APC routine.
*NormalRoutine = NULL; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( NormalContext );
// Snag the IRP from the APC pointer, then retrieve our parameters
// from the SystemArgument pointers.
irp = CONTAINING_RECORD( Apc, IRP, Tail.Apc ); SpudReqContext = *SystemArgument1; fileObject = *SystemArgument2; reqContext = SpudReqContext->AtqContext;
// We're done with the file object.
TRACE_OB_DEREFERENCE( fileObject ); ObDereferenceObject( fileObject );
// Try to write the final completion status back to the user-mode
// buffer.
try { reqContext->IoStatus1 = SpudReqContext->IoStatus1; reqContext->IoStatus2 = SpudReqContext->IoStatus2; reqContext->KernelReqInfo = SPUD_INVALID_REQ_HANDLE; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { //
// There's nothing we can do here other than drop the request
// on the floor. We cannot return the exception code to the
// user-mode code. This is OK, as the application will itself
// throw an exception when it tries to touch the request context.
// Cleanup the request context.
SpudFreeRequestContext( SpudReqContext );
// Post the IRP to the I/O completion port.
irp->Tail.CompletionKey = reqContext; irp->Tail.Overlay.CurrentStackLocation = NULL; irp->IoStatus.Status = 0; irp->IoStatus.Information = 0xffffffff; irp->Overlay.AsynchronousParameters.UserApcContext = NULL; IopDequeueThreadIrp( irp );
KeInsertQueue( (PKQUEUE)SpudCompletionPort, &irp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry );
} // SpudpCompleteRequest
VOID SpudpNormalApcRoutine( IN PVOID NormalContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2 )
Routine Description:
"Normal" APC routine for our completion APC. This should never be invoked.
NormalContext - Unused.
SystemArgument1 - Unused.
SystemArgument2 - Unused.
Return Value:
// This routine should never be called. The "*NormalRoutine = NULL"
// line in SpudpCompleteRequest() prevents the kernel from invoking
// this routine.
} // SpudpNormalApcRoutine
VOID SpudpRundownRoutine( IN PKAPC Apc )
Routine Description:
Rundown routine invoked if our APC got queued to a thread, but the thread terminated before the APC could be delivered.
Apc - The orphaned APC.
Return Value:
{ PKNORMAL_ROUTINE normalRoutine; PVOID normalContext; PVOID systemArgument1; PVOID systemArgument2;
// This routine is invoked by the kernel if an APC is in a thread's
// queue when the thread terminates. We'll just call through to the
// "real" APC routine and let it do its thang (we still want to
// post the request to the completion port, free resources, etc).
normalRoutine = Apc->NormalRoutine; normalContext = Apc->NormalContext; systemArgument1 = Apc->SystemArgument1; systemArgument2 = Apc->SystemArgument2;
SpudpCompleteRequest( Apc, &normalRoutine, &normalContext, &systemArgument1, &systemArgument2 );
} // SpudpRundownRoutine