// admin.cpp : Implementation of CnntpadmApp and DLL registration.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "nntpcmn.h"
#include "oleutil.h"
#include "cmultisz.h"
#include "metautil.h"
#include "metakey.h"
#include "admin.h"
#include "version.h"
#define DEFAULT_SERVER_BINDINGS _T(":119:\0")
#define DEFAULT_SECURE_BINDINGS _T(":563:\0")
// Must define THIS_FILE_* macros to use NntpCreateException()
#define THIS_FILE_PROG_ID _T("Nntpadm.Admin.1")
#define THIS_FILE_IID IID_INntpAdmin
// Metabase key strings used by CreateNewInstance:
const WCHAR * g_cszFeeds = _T("Feeds"); const WCHAR * g_cszExpires = _T("Expires"); const WCHAR * g_cszRoot = _T("Root"); const WCHAR * g_cszBindingPoints = _T("BindingPoints"); const WCHAR * g_cszDDropCLSID = _T("{8b4316f4-af73-11d0-b0ba-00aa00c148be}"); const WCHAR * g_cszBindings = _T("Bindings"); const WCHAR * g_cszDDrop = _T("ddrop"); const WCHAR * g_cszDescription = _T("Description"); const WCHAR * g_cszPriority = _T("Priority"); const WCHAR * g_cszProgID = _T("ProgID"); const WCHAR * g_cszDDropDescription = _T("NNTP Directory Drop"); const WCHAR * g_cszDDropPriority = _T("4"); const WCHAR * g_cszDDropProgID = _T("DDropNNTP.Filter");
CNntpAdmin::CNntpAdmin () : m_dwServiceVersion ( 0 ), m_dwServiceInstance ( 0 ) // CComBSTR's are initialized to NULL by default.
{ InitAsyncTrace ( ); }
CNntpAdmin::~CNntpAdmin () { // All CComBSTR's are freed automatically.
TermAsyncTrace ( ); }
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(REFIID riid) { static const IID* arr[] = { &IID_INntpAdmin, };
for (int i=0;i<sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);i++) { if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*arr[i],riid)) return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; }
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::get_ServiceAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
CComPtr<INntpService> pINntpService;
hr = StdPropertyHandoffIDispatch ( CLSID_CNntpService, IID_INntpService, &pINntpService, ppIDispatch ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Error; }
// Set default properties:
hr = pINntpService->put_Server ( m_strServer ? m_strServer : _T("") ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) { goto Error; }
return hr;
Error: SAFE_RELEASE ( *ppIDispatch ); *ppIDispatch = NULL;
return hr;
// Destructor releases pINntpAdminExpiration
} */
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::get_ServerAdmin ( IDispatch ** ppIDispatch ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
CComPtr<INntpVirtualServer> pINntpVirtualServer;
hr = StdPropertyHandoffIDispatch ( CLSID_CNntpVirtualServer, IID_INntpVirtualServer, &pINntpVirtualServer, ppIDispatch ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Error; }
// Set default properties:
hr = pINntpVirtualServer->put_Server ( m_strServer ? m_strServer : _T("") ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) { goto Error; }
hr = pINntpVirtualServer->put_ServiceInstance ( m_dwServiceInstance ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) { goto Error; }
return hr;
Error: SAFE_RELEASE ( *ppIDispatch ); *ppIDispatch = NULL;
return hr;
// Destructor releases pINntpVirtualServer
// Which service to configure:
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::get_Server ( BSTR * pstrServer ) { return StdPropertyGet ( m_strServer, pstrServer ); }
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::put_Server ( BSTR strServer ) { return StdPropertyPutServerName ( &m_strServer, strServer ); }
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::get_ServiceInstance ( long * plServiceInstance ) { return StdPropertyGet ( m_dwServiceInstance, plServiceInstance ); }
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::put_ServiceInstance ( long lServiceInstance ) { return StdPropertyPut ( &m_dwServiceInstance, lServiceInstance ); }
// Versioning:
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::get_HighVersion ( long * plHighVersion ) { *plHighVersion = HIGH_VERSION; return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::get_LowVersion ( long * plLowVersion ) { *plLowVersion = LOW_VERSION; return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::get_BuildNum ( long * plBuildNumber ) { *plBuildNumber = CURRENT_BUILD_NUMBER; return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::get_ServiceVersion ( long * plServiceVersion ) { *plServiceVersion = m_dwServiceVersion; return NOERROR; }
// Methods:
// CNntpAdmin::EnumerateInstances
// Description:
// Returns a list of the virtual servers on the given machine.
// Parameters:
// ppsaInstances - Returned SAFEARRAY of instance IDs.
// Must be freed by caller.
// pErr - Error return code.
// Returns:
// Error code in *pErr.
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::EnumerateInstances ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsaInstances) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::EnumerateInstances" );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> pMetabase; SAFEARRAY * psaEmpty = NULL; SAFEARRAYBOUND sabound[1];
// Check parameters:
_ASSERT ( ppsaInstances != NULL ); _ASSERT ( IS_VALID_OUT_PARAM ( ppsaInstances ) );
if ( ppsaInstances == NULL ) { FatalTrace ( 0, "Bad return pointer" ); hr = E_POINTER; goto Exit; }
// Zero the out parameters:
*ppsaInstances = NULL;
// Set the return array to an empty array:
sabound[0].lLbound = 0; sabound[0].cElements = 0;
psaEmpty = SafeArrayCreate ( VT_I4, 1, sabound ); if ( psaEmpty == NULL ) { FatalTrace ( (LPARAM) this, "Out of memory" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
*ppsaInstances = psaEmpty;
// Get the metabase pointer:
hr = m_mbFactory.GetMetabaseObject ( m_strServer, &pMetabase ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Exit; }
// Enumerate the instances:
hr = QueryMetabaseInstances ( pMetabase, ppsaInstances ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Exit; }
Exit: if ( FAILED(hr) ) { _VERIFY ( SUCCEEDED (SafeArrayDestroy ( psaEmpty )) ); if (ppsaInstances) *ppsaInstances = NULL; }
TRACE_HRESULT ( hr ); TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::EnumerateInstancesVariant ( SAFEARRAY ** ppsaInstances) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::EnumerateInstancesVariant" );
HRESULT hr; SAFEARRAY * psaInstances = NULL;
hr = EnumerateInstances ( &psaInstances ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = LongArrayToVariantArray ( psaInstances, ppsaInstances ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
Exit: TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
// CNntpAdmin::CreateInstance
// Description:
// Creates a new NNTP virtual server on the given machine.
// Parameters:
// strNntpFileDirectory - Directory where all the hash files go.
// strHomeDirectory - Path of the home directory vroot.
// plInstanceId - The new virtual server ID.
// pErr - Resulting error code.
// Returns:
// Error condition in *pErr.
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::CreateInstance ( BSTR strNntpFileDirectory, BSTR strHomeDirectory, BSTR strProgId, BSTR strMdbGuid, long * plInstanceId ) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::CreateInstance" );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> pMetabase;
// Check parameters:
_ASSERT ( IS_VALID_STRING ( strNntpFileDirectory ) ); _ASSERT ( IS_VALID_STRING ( strHomeDirectory ) ); _ASSERT ( IS_VALID_OUT_PARAM ( plInstanceId ) );
if ( !strNntpFileDirectory || !strHomeDirectory ) { FatalTrace ( 0, "Bad String Pointer" ); hr = E_POINTER; goto Exit; }
if ( !plInstanceId ) { FatalTrace ( 0, "Bad return pointer" ); hr = E_POINTER; goto Exit; }
// Zero the out parameter:
*plInstanceId = 0;
// Get the metabase pointer:
hr = m_mbFactory.GetMetabaseObject ( m_strServer, &pMetabase ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Exit; }
// Create a new instance:
hr = CreateNewInstance ( pMetabase, strNntpFileDirectory, strHomeDirectory, strProgId, strMdbGuid, plInstanceId ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Exit; }
Exit: TRACE_HRESULT(hr); TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
// CNntpAdmin::DestroyInstance
// Description:
// Removes the given virtual server.
// Parameters:
// lInstanceId - The ID of the virtual server to delete.
// pErr - Resulting error code.
// Returns:
// Error code in *pErr.
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::DestroyInstance ( long lInstanceId ) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::DestroyInstance" );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CComPtr<IMSAdminBase> pMetabase;
if ( lInstanceId == 0 ) { hr = NntpCreateException ( IDS_NNTPEXCEPTION_SERVICE_INSTANCE_CANT_BE_ZERO ); goto Exit; }
if ( lInstanceId == 1 ) { hr = NntpCreateException ( IDS_NNTPEXCEPTION_CANT_DELETE_DEFAULT_INSTANCE ); goto Exit; }
// Get the metabase pointer:
hr = m_mbFactory.GetMetabaseObject ( m_strServer, &pMetabase ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Exit; }
// Delete the instance:
hr = DeleteInstance ( pMetabase, lInstanceId ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Exit; }
Exit: TRACE_HRESULT(hr); TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
// CNntpAdmin::ErrorToString
// Description:
// Translates an NNTP_ERROR_CODE to a readable string.
// Parameters:
// lErrorCode - Win32 error code.
// pstrError - the readable error string.
// Returns:
// The error string in *pstrError.
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::ErrorToString ( long lErrorCode, BSTR * pstrError ) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::ErrorToString" );
_ASSERT ( IS_VALID_OUT_PARAM ( pstrError ) );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; WCHAR wszError [ 1024 ];
if ( pstrError == NULL ) { FatalTrace ( (LPARAM) this, "Bad return pointer" ); hr = E_POINTER; goto Exit; }
Win32ErrorToString ( lErrorCode, wszError, 1024 );
*pstrError = ::SysAllocString( wszError );
if ( *pstrError == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
Exit: TRACE_HRESULT(hr); TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
// CNntpAdmin::Tokenize
// Description:
// Makes the given string safe for HTML & Javascript
// Parameters:
// strIn - the input string
// strOut - the resulting string with appropriate escape sequences.
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::Tokenize ( BSTR strIn, BSTR * pstrOut ) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::Tokenize" );
*pstrOut = NULL;
pDst = new WCHAR [ 3 * lstrlen ( strIn ) + 1 ]; if ( pDst == NULL ) { FatalTrace ( (LPARAM) this, "Out of memory" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
for ( pSrcCur = pSrc, pDstCur = pDst; *pSrcCur; pSrcCur++ ) { switch ( *pSrcCur ) { case L'\\': *(pDstCur++) = L'%'; *(pDstCur++) = L'5'; *(pDstCur++) = L'c'; break;
case L' ': *(pDstCur++) = L'+'; break;
case L':': *(pDstCur++) = L'%'; *(pDstCur++) = L'3'; *(pDstCur++) = L'a'; break;
case L'/': *(pDstCur++) = L'%'; *(pDstCur++) = L'2'; *(pDstCur++) = L'f'; break;
default: *(pDstCur++) = *pSrcCur; } } *pDstCur = L'\0';
*pstrOut = ::SysAllocString ( pDst ); if ( *pstrOut == NULL ) { FatalTrace ( (LPARAM) this, "Out of memory" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
Exit: delete pDst;
TRACE_HRESULT(hr); TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
// CNntpAdmin::Truncate
// Description:
// Cuts off a string to a certain length using '...'
// Parameters:
// strIn - The input string.
// cMaxChars - The maximum characters allowed in the resulting string.
// pstrOut - The resulting (possibly truncated) string.
// Returns:
STDMETHODIMP CNntpAdmin::Truncate ( BSTR strIn, long cMaxChars, BSTR * pstrOut ) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::Truncate" );
PWCHAR pSrc = strIn; PWCHAR pDst = NULL; DWORD cDst = cMaxChars; HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
*pstrOut = NULL;
if ( wcslen( pSrc ) <= cDst ) { pDst = pSrc; } else { pDst = ::SysAllocStringLen( pSrc, cDst + 1 ); if ( !pDst ) { FatalTrace ( (LPARAM) this, "Out of memory" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
wcscpy( pDst + cDst - 3, L"..." ); }
*pstrOut = pDst;
Exit: TRACE_HRESULT(hr); TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
// CNntpAdmin::QueryMetabaseInstances
// Description:
// Retrieves the list of virtual servers from the metabase
// Parameters:
// pMetabase - the metabase object
// ppsaInstances - resulting array of instance ids.
// pErr - resulting error code.
// Returns:
// Error code in *pErr. If *pErr = 0 then an array of IDs in ppsaInstances.
HRESULT CNntpAdmin::QueryMetabaseInstances ( IMSAdminBase * pMetabase, SAFEARRAY ** ppsaInstances ) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::QueryMetabaseInstances" );
_ASSERT ( IS_VALID_IN_PARAM ( pMetabase ) ); _ASSERT ( IS_VALID_OUT_PARAM ( ppsaInstances ) );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CMetabaseKey mkeyNntp ( pMetabase ); SAFEARRAY * psaResult = NULL; DWORD cValidInstances = 0; SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsaBound[1]; DWORD i; WCHAR wszName[ METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN ]; long index[1]; DWORD dwInstance;
hr = mkeyNntp.Open ( NNTP_MD_ROOT_PATH );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTraceX ( (LPARAM) this, "Failed to open NntpSvc key, %x", hr ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ); goto Exit; }
// pickup the service version number:
hr = mkeyNntp.GetDword ( MD_NNTP_SERVICE_VERSION, &m_dwServiceVersion ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { m_dwServiceVersion = NNTP_DEF_SERVICE_VERSION; }
hr = mkeyNntp.GetIntegerChildCount ( &cValidInstances ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { goto Exit; }
// Allocate the array:
rgsaBound[0].lLbound = 0; rgsaBound[0].cElements = cValidInstances;
psaResult = SafeArrayCreate ( VT_I4, 1, rgsaBound );
if ( psaResult == NULL ) { FatalTrace ( 0, "Out of memory" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
mkeyNntp.BeginChildEnumeration ();
for ( i = 0; i < cValidInstances; i++ ) { hr = mkeyNntp.NextIntegerChild ( &dwInstance, wszName ); _ASSERT ( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
index[0] = i; hr = SafeArrayPutElement ( psaResult, index, &dwInstance ); _ASSERT ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); }
*ppsaInstances = psaResult; _ASSERT ( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
Exit: if ( FAILED (hr) ) { SafeArrayDestroy ( psaResult ); }
TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
HRESULT WriteNntpFileLocation ( CMetabaseKey * pmkeyNntp, LPCWSTR wszSubkey, LPCWSTR wszNntpFileDirectory, LPCWSTR wszFilename, DWORD mdValue ) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR wszFullPath [ MAX_PATH ];
// wsprintf ( wszFullPath, "%s\\%s\\%s", szNntpFileDirectory, szSubkey, szFilename );
wsprintf ( wszFullPath, _T("%s\\%s"), wszNntpFileDirectory, wszFilename );
hr = pmkeyNntp->SetString ( wszSubkey, mdValue, wszFullPath );
return hr; }
// CNntpAdmin::CreateVRoot
// Description:
// Create a vroot for the new instance
// Parameters:
// CMetabaseKey &mkeyNntp - The metabase key object
// BSTR strVPath - The vroot path
// BSTR strProgId - The prog id to identify vroot type
// LPWSTR wszKeyPath - The key path to set values to
// Returns:
HRESULT CNntpAdmin::CreateVRoot( CMetabaseKey &mkeyNntp, BSTR strVPath, BSTR strProgId, BSTR strMdbGuid, LPWSTR wszKeyPath ) { TraceFunctEnter( "CNntpAdmin::CreateVRoot" );
hr = mkeyNntp.SetString ( wszKeyPath, MD_KEY_TYPE, L"IIsNntpVirtualDir", METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = mkeyNntp.SetString ( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_PATH, strVPath ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if ( NULL == strProgId || *strProgId == 0 || _wcsicmp( strProgId, L"NNTP.FSPrepare" ) == 0 ) { //
// File system driver case
hr = mkeyNntp.SetString ( wszKeyPath, MD_FS_PROPERTY_PATH, strVPath ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if ( *strVPath == L'\\' && *(strVPath+1) == L'\\' ) { // UNC
hr = mkeyNntp.SetDword( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_USE_ACCOUNT, 1 ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr ); } else { // regular file system
hr = mkeyNntp.SetDword( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_USE_ACCOUNT, 0 ); }
hr = mkeyNntp.SetDword( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_DO_EXPIRE, 0 ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
hr = mkeyNntp.SetDword( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_OWN_MODERATOR, 0 ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr ); } else {
// Exchange store driver
hr = mkeyNntp.SetDword( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_USE_ACCOUNT, 0 ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
hr = mkeyNntp.SetDword( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_DO_EXPIRE, 1 ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
hr = mkeyNntp.SetDword( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_OWN_MODERATOR, 1 ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
hr = mkeyNntp.SetString( wszKeyPath, MD_EX_MDB_GUID, strMdbGuid ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE( hr );
if (NULL == strProgId || *strProgId == 0) { hr = mkeyNntp.SetString ( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_DRIVER_PROGID, L"NNTP.FSPrepare" ); } else { hr = mkeyNntp.SetString ( wszKeyPath, MD_VR_DRIVER_PROGID, strProgId ); } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
// CNntpAdmin::CreateNewInstance
// Description:
// Creates a new virtual server in the metabase.
// Parameters:
// pMetabase - The metabase object
// plInstanceId - The new instance ID.
// pErr - The resulting error code
// Returns:
// Resulting error code in *pErr. If *pErr = 0, then the new
// ID in plInstanceId.
HRESULT CNntpAdmin::CreateNewInstance ( IMSAdminBase * pMetabase, BSTR strNntpFileDirectory, BSTR strHomeDirectory, BSTR strProgId, BSTR strMdbGuid, long * plInstanceId ) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::CreateNewInstance" );
_ASSERT ( IS_VALID_IN_PARAM ( pMetabase ) ); _ASSERT ( IS_VALID_IN_PARAM ( strNntpFileDirectory ) ); _ASSERT ( IS_VALID_IN_PARAM ( strHomeDirectory ) ); _ASSERT ( IS_VALID_OUT_PARAM ( plInstanceId ) );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CMetabaseKey mkeyNntp ( pMetabase ); DWORD dwInstance; WCHAR wszInstance [ METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN ]; WCHAR wszHomeDirKey [ METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN ]; WCHAR wszSpecialDirKey[ METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN ]; WCHAR wszSpecialDirectory[ MAX_PATH * 2 ]; WCHAR wszControlDirKey [ METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN ]; WCHAR wszControlDirectory[ MAX_PATH * 2 ]; WCHAR wszBuf [ METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN * 2 ]; WCHAR wszFeedTempDir [ MAX_PATH * 2 ]; CMultiSz mszBindings; DWORD dwLen;
// Zero the out parameter:
*plInstanceId = NULL;
// Convert strings to ascii:
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTraceX ( (LPARAM) this, "Failed to open NntpSvc key, %x", hr ); goto Exit; }
hr = mkeyNntp.CreateIntegerChild ( &dwInstance, wszInstance ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) { goto Exit; }
// Write out the subkeys of the instance key:
wsprintf ( wszBuf, _T("%s/%s"), wszInstance, g_cszFeeds ); hr = mkeyNntp.CreateChild ( wszBuf ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE ( hr );
wsprintf ( wszFeedTempDir, _T("%s\\%s"), strNntpFileDirectory, _T("_temp.files_") ); mkeyNntp.SetString ( wszBuf, MD_FEED_PEER_TEMP_DIRECTORY, wszFeedTempDir ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE ( hr );
wsprintf ( wszBuf, _T("%s/%s"), wszInstance, g_cszExpires ); hr = mkeyNntp.CreateChild ( wszBuf ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE ( hr );
wsprintf ( wszHomeDirKey, _T("%s/%s"), wszInstance, g_cszRoot ); hr = mkeyNntp.CreateChild ( wszHomeDirKey ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE ( hr );
// Set MD_KEY_TYPE for each key:
hr = mkeyNntp.SetString ( wszInstance, MD_KEY_TYPE, _T("IIsNntpServer"), METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE ( hr );
hr = mkeyNntp.SetString ( wszHomeDirKey, MD_KEY_TYPE, _T("IIsNntpVirtualDir"), METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Write out the file locations:
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("descrip.txt"), MD_GROUP_HELP_FILE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("group.lst"), MD_GROUP_LIST_FILE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("groupvar.lst"), MD_GROUPVAR_LIST_FILE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("article.hsh"), MD_ARTICLE_TABLE_FILE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("history.hsh"), MD_HISTORY_TABLE_FILE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("moderatr.txt"), MD_MODERATOR_FILE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("xover.hsh"), MD_XOVER_TABLE_FILE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("pickup"), MD_PICKUP_DIRECTORY ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("failedpickup"), MD_FAILED_PICKUP_DIRECTORY ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("drop"), MD_DROP_DIRECTORY ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = WriteNntpFileLocation ( &mkeyNntp, wszInstance, strNntpFileDirectory, _T("prettynm.txt"), MD_PRETTYNAMES_FILE); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Set the default vroot:
dwLen = wcslen( wszHomeDirKey ); _ASSERT( dwLen > 0 ); if ( dwLen == 0 ) hr = E_INVALIDARG; BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = CreateVRoot( mkeyNntp, strHomeDirectory, strProgId, strMdbGuid, wszHomeDirKey ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Set the special vroots
if ( dwLen + wcslen(L"_slavegroup") >= METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN - 2 ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( RPC_S_STRING_TOO_LONG ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); if ( *(wszHomeDirKey + dwLen - 1 ) == L'/' ) *(wszHomeDirKey + dwLen - 1 ) = 0; wcscpy(wszControlDirKey, wszHomeDirKey); wcscat(wszControlDirKey, L"/control"); wcscat( wszHomeDirKey, L"/_slavegroup" );
// For the special _slavegroup vroot, we need to see if strProgId is "NNTP.ExDriverPrepare"
// If so, we need to re-calculate re-calculate wszSpecialDirectory as follow
if (_wcsicmp(L"NNTP.ExDriverPrepare", strProgId) == 0) { // the default Vroot with the new instance is Exchange Vroot
// re-calculate wszSpecialDirectory
wcscpy( wszSpecialDirectory, strNntpFileDirectory ); dwLen = wcslen( wszSpecialDirectory ); if ( dwLen > 0 && *(wszSpecialDirectory + dwLen - 1 ) == L'/' ) *(wszSpecialDirectory + dwLen - 1 ) = 0; wcscpy(wszControlDirectory, wszSpecialDirectory); wcscat( wszControlDirectory, L"\\root\\control" ); wcscat( wszSpecialDirectory, L"\\root\\_slavegroup" ); } else { wcscpy( wszSpecialDirectory, strHomeDirectory ); dwLen = wcslen( wszSpecialDirectory ); if ( dwLen > 0 && *(wszSpecialDirectory + dwLen - 1 ) == L'/' ) *(wszSpecialDirectory + dwLen - 1 ) = 0; wcscpy(wszControlDirectory, wszSpecialDirectory); wcscat( wszControlDirectory, L"\\control" ); wcscat( wszSpecialDirectory, L"\\_slavegroup" ); }
hr = CreateVRoot( mkeyNntp, wszSpecialDirectory, L"NNTP.FSPrepare", NULL, wszHomeDirKey ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Create the control groups on the file system
hr = CreateVRoot( mkeyNntp, wszControlDirectory, L"NNTP.FSPrepare", NULL, wszControlDirKey ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// Write out the default bindings:
StdPutMetabaseProp ( &mkeyNntp, MD_SERVER_BINDINGS, &mszBindings, wszInstance );
// Initialize the server state:
mkeyNntp.SetDword ( wszInstance, MD_SERVER_COMMAND, MD_SERVER_COMMAND_STOP ); mkeyNntp.SetDword ( wszInstance, MD_SERVER_STATE, MD_SERVER_STATE_STOPPED ); mkeyNntp.SetDword ( wszInstance, MD_SERVER_AUTOSTART, FALSE ); mkeyNntp.SetDword ( wszInstance, MD_WIN32_ERROR, ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, METADATA_VOLATILE );
// Save all the changes:
hr = mkeyNntp.Save ( ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr)
mkeyNntp.Close ();
// Now see if the service picked things up successfully:
DWORD dwSleepTotal; DWORD dwWin32Error; WCHAR wszNewInstanceKey [ METADATA_MAX_NAME_LEN * 2 ];
GetMDInstancePath ( wszNewInstanceKey, dwInstance );
for ( dwWin32Error = ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, dwSleepTotal = 0; dwWin32Error == ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT && dwSleepTotal < MAX_SLEEP_INST; dwSleepTotal += SLEEP_INTERVAL ) {
hr2 = mkeyNntp.Open ( wszNewInstanceKey ); _ASSERT ( SUCCEEDED(hr2) );
hr2 = mkeyNntp.GetDword ( MD_WIN32_ERROR, &dwWin32Error ); _ASSERT ( SUCCEEDED(hr2) ); }
if ( dwWin32Error != NOERROR ) { HRESULT hr2;
// The service reported an error.
// Delete the new instance key
hr2 = mkeyNntp.DestroyChild ( wszInstance ); _ASSERT ( SUCCEEDED(hr2) );
hr2 = mkeyNntp.Save (); _ASSERT ( SUCCEEDED(hr2) );
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwWin32Error ); goto Exit; }
*plInstanceId = dwInstance;
Exit: TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
// CNntpAdmin::DeleteInstance
// Description:
// Removes a virtual server from the metabase
// Parameters:
// pMetabase - The metabase object
// lInstanceId - The ID of the virtual server to delete.
// pErr - The resulting error code.
// Returns:
// Resulting error code in *pErr.
HRESULT CNntpAdmin::DeleteInstance ( IMSAdminBase * pMetabase, long lInstanceId ) { TraceFunctEnter ( "CNntpAdmin::CreateNewInstance" );
_ASSERT ( IS_VALID_IN_PARAM ( pMetabase ) );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CMetabaseKey mkeyNntp ( pMetabase );
// Tell U2 to delete any mappings associated with this virtual server:
::DeleteMapping ( m_strServer, (BSTR) MD_SERVICE_NAME, lInstanceId );
// Delete the virtual server from the metabase:
hr = mkeyNntp.Open ( NNTP_MD_ROOT_PATH );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTraceX ( (LPARAM) this, "Failed to open NntpSvc key, %x", GetLastError() ); goto Exit; }
hr = mkeyNntp.DestroyIntegerChild ( (DWORD) lInstanceId ); if ( FAILED (hr) ) { goto Exit; }
hr = mkeyNntp.Save (); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
Exit: TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }