// vroots.h : Declaration of the CNntpVirtualRoot & CNntpVirtualRoots classes.
// Dependencies:
#include "nntptype.h"
#include "nntpapi.h"
#include "metafact.h"
class CMetabaseKey;
// A simple VRoot class:
class CVRoot { public: CVRoot ();
CComBSTR m_strNewsgroupSubtree; CComBSTR m_strDirectory; DWORD m_dwWin32Error; DWORD m_bvAccess; DWORD m_bvSslAccess; BOOL m_fLogAccess; BOOL m_fIndexContent; CComBSTR m_strUNCUsername; CComBSTR m_strUNCPassword; CComBSTR m_strDriverProgId; CComBSTR m_strGroupPropFile; CComBSTR m_strMdbGuid; DWORD m_dwUseAccount; BOOL m_fDoExpire; BOOL m_fOwnModerator;
HRESULT SetProperties ( INntpVirtualRoot * pVirtualRoot ); inline HRESULT SetProperties ( const CVRoot & VRoot ) { return SetProperties ( VRoot.m_strNewsgroupSubtree, VRoot.m_strDirectory, VRoot.m_dwWin32Error, VRoot.m_bvAccess, VRoot.m_bvSslAccess, VRoot.m_fLogAccess, VRoot.m_fIndexContent, VRoot.m_strUNCUsername, VRoot.m_strUNCPassword, VRoot.m_strDriverProgId, VRoot.m_strGroupPropFile, VRoot.m_dwUseAccount, VRoot.m_fDoExpire, VRoot.m_fOwnModerator, VRoot.m_strMdbGuid ); }
HRESULT GetFromMetabase ( CMetabaseKey * pMB, LPCWSTR wszKey, DWORD dwInstanceId, LPWSTR wszVRootPath ); HRESULT SendToMetabase ( CMetabaseKey * pMB, LPCWSTR wszKey );
private: HRESULT SetProperties ( BSTR strNewsgroupSubtree, BSTR strDirectory, DWORD dwWin32Error, DWORD bvAccess, DWORD bvSslAccess, BOOL fLogAcccess, BOOL fIndexContent, BSTR strUNCUsername, BSTR strUNCPassword, BSTR strDriverProgId, BSTR strGroupPropFile, DWORD dwUseAccount, BOOL fDoExpire, BOOL fOwnModerator, BSTR strMdbGuid );
// Don't call this:
const CVRoot & operator= ( const CVRoot & ); };
// The VRoot Object
class CNntpVirtualRoot : public CComDualImpl<INntpVirtualRoot, &IID_INntpVirtualRoot, &LIBID_NNTPADMLib>, public ISupportErrorInfo, public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass<CNntpVirtualRoot,&CLSID_CNntpVirtualRoot> { friend class CNntpVirtualRoots; friend class CNntpVirtualServer;
public: CNntpVirtualRoot(); virtual ~CNntpVirtualRoot (); BEGIN_COM_MAP(CNntpVirtualRoot) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(INntpVirtualRoot) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) END_COM_MAP() //DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(CNntpVirtualRoot)
// Remove the comment from the line above if you don't want your object to
// support aggregation. The default is to support it
// ISupportsErrorInfo
STDMETHOD(InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo)(REFIID riid);
DECLARE_REGISTRY(CNntpVirtualRoot, _T("Nntpadm.VirtualRoot.1"), _T("Nntpadm.VirtualRoot"), IDS_NNTPVIRTUALROOT_DESC, THREADFLAGS_BOTH) // INntpVirtualRoot
// Properties:
STDMETHODIMP get_NewsgroupSubtree ( BSTR * pstrNewsgroupSubtree ); STDMETHODIMP put_NewsgroupSubtree ( BSTR strNewsgroupSubtree );
STDMETHODIMP get_Directory ( BSTR * pstrDirectory ); STDMETHODIMP put_Directory ( BSTR strDirectory );
STDMETHODIMP get_Win32Error ( long * plWin32Error );
STDMETHODIMP get_AllowPosting ( BOOL * pfAllowPosting ); STDMETHODIMP put_AllowPosting ( BOOL fAllowPosting );
STDMETHODIMP get_RestrictGroupVisibility ( BOOL * pfRestrictGroupVisibility ); STDMETHODIMP put_RestrictGroupVisibility ( BOOL fRestrictGroupVisibility );
STDMETHODIMP get_LogAccess ( BOOL * pfLogAccess ); STDMETHODIMP put_LogAccess ( BOOL fLogAccess );
STDMETHODIMP get_IndexContent ( BOOL * pfIndexContent ); STDMETHODIMP put_IndexContent ( BOOL fIndexContent );
STDMETHODIMP get_RequireSsl ( BOOL * pfRequireSsl ); STDMETHODIMP put_RequireSsl ( BOOL fRequireSsl );
STDMETHODIMP get_Require128BitSsl ( BOOL * pfRequire128BitSsl ); STDMETHODIMP put_Require128BitSsl ( BOOL fRequire128BitSsl );
STDMETHODIMP get_UNCUsername ( BSTR * pstrUNCUsername ); STDMETHODIMP put_UNCUsername ( BSTR strUNCUsername );
STDMETHODIMP get_UNCPassword ( BSTR * pstrUNCPassword ); STDMETHODIMP put_UNCPassword ( BSTR strUNCPassword );
STDMETHODIMP get_DriverProgId( BSTR *pstrDriverProgId ); STDMETHODIMP put_DriverProgId( BSTR strDriverProgId );
STDMETHODIMP get_GroupPropFile( BSTR *pstrGRoupPropFile ); STDMETHODIMP put_GroupPropFile( BSTR strGroupPropFile );
STDMETHODIMP get_MdbGuid( BSTR *pstrMdbGuid ); STDMETHODIMP put_MdbGuid( BSTR strMdbGuid );
STDMETHODIMP get_UseAccount( DWORD *pdwUseAccount ); STDMETHODIMP put_UseAccount( DWORD dwUseAccount );
STDMETHODIMP get_OwnExpire( BOOL *fOwnExpire ); STDMETHODIMP put_OwnExpire( BOOL fOwnExpire );
STDMETHODIMP get_OwnModerator( BOOL *fOwnModerator ); STDMETHODIMP put_OwnModerator( BOOL fOwnModerator );
// Data:
inline HRESULT SetProperties ( BSTR strNewsgroupSubtree, BSTR strDirectory ) { return m_vroot.SetProperties ( strNewsgroupSubtree, strDirectory ); } */
inline HRESULT SetProperties ( const CVRoot & VRoot ) { return m_vroot.SetProperties ( VRoot ); }
// Property variables:
CVRoot m_vroot; };
// The VRoots Object
typedef HRESULT (* VROOT_ITERATOR) ( CMetabaseKey * pMB, LPCWSTR wszPath, LPARAM lParam );
class CNntpVirtualRoots : public CComDualImpl<INntpVirtualRoots, &IID_INntpVirtualRoots, &LIBID_NNTPADMLib>, public ISupportErrorInfo, public CComObjectRoot { friend class CNntpVirtualRoot; friend class CNntpVirtualServer;
public: CNntpVirtualRoots(); virtual ~CNntpVirtualRoots (); BEGIN_COM_MAP(CNntpVirtualRoots) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(INntpVirtualRoots) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) END_COM_MAP() //DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(CNntpVirtualRoots)
// Remove the comment from the line above if you don't want your object to
// support aggregation. The default is to support it
// ISupportsErrorInfo
STDMETHOD(InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo)(REFIID riid);
// INntpVirtualRoots
// Properties:
STDMETHODIMP get_Server ( BSTR * pstrServer ); STDMETHODIMP put_Server ( BSTR strServer );
STDMETHODIMP get_ServiceInstance ( long * plServiceInstance ); STDMETHODIMP put_ServiceInstance ( long lServiceInstance );
STDMETHODIMP get_Count ( long * pdwCount );
// Methods:
STDMETHODIMP Enumerate ( ); STDMETHODIMP Item ( long index, INntpVirtualRoot ** ppVRoot ); STDMETHODIMP ItemDispatch ( long index, IDispatch ** ppVRoot ); STDMETHODIMP Add ( INntpVirtualRoot * pVRoot ); STDMETHODIMP AddDispatch ( IDispatch * pVRoot ); STDMETHODIMP Set ( long index, INntpVirtualRoot * pVRoot ); STDMETHODIMP SetDispatch ( long index, IDispatch * pVRoot ); STDMETHODIMP Remove ( long index ); STDMETHODIMP Find ( BSTR strNewsgroupSubtree, long * pIndex );
private: HRESULT Init ( BSTR strServer, DWORD dwServiceInstance );
// Data:
// Property variables:
long m_dwCount; CVRoot * m_rgVRoots;
// Which service are we talking to:
CComBSTR m_strServer; DWORD m_dwServiceInstance;
// Metabase values:
CMetabaseFactory m_mbFactory;
HRESULT GetVRootsFromMetabase ( IMSAdminBase * pMetabase );
static HRESULT IterateOverVroots ( CMetabaseKey * pMB, VROOT_ITERATOR fpIterator, LPARAM lParam, LPCWSTR wszPath = _T("") );
void GetMDVRootPath ( LPWSTR wszPath ); void GetVRootName ( LPWSTR wszDisplayName, LPWSTR wszPathName ); };