Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : isplocal.cxx
Abstract: This module declares the functions for Local ISAPI handler as well as the global table of all ISAPI applications loaded
Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 17-July-1996
User Mode - Win32
W3 Services DLL
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
# include <isapip.hxx>
# include <irtlmisc.h>
# include "isapidll.hxx"
# include "setable.hxx"
# include "gip.h"
# include "iwr.h"
# include "WamW3.hxx"
* Global Data ************************************************************/
// Generic mapping for Application access check
* Functions ************************************************************/
BOOL CallChildCompletionProc( IN WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo, DWORD dwBytes, DWORD dwLastError ) /*++
Routine Description:
Call the async IO completion routine of the child ISA.
pWamExecInfo - WAM_EXEC_INFO of the child dwBytes - Bytes for read/write dwLastError - Last error (used for status of IO request)
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
DBG_ASSERT( pWamExecInfo->_AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO != NULL);
__try { (*pWamExecInfo->_AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO)( &(pWamExecInfo->ecb), pWamExecInfo->_AsyncIoInfo._pvHseIOContext, dwBytes, dwLastError ); } __except ( g_fEnableTryExcept ? WAMExceptionFilter( GetExceptionInformation(), WAM_EVENT_EXTENSION_EXCEPTION, pWamExecInfo ) : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ) { fRet = FALSE; }
return fRet; }
* Member functions of HSE_APPDLL **************************************************/
/* class static */ PHSE HSE_APPDLL::LoadModule( IN const char * pchModuleName, IN HANDLE hImpersonation, IN BOOL fCache ) { PFN_HTTPEXTENSIONPROC pfnSEProc; HMODULE hMod; PFN_GETEXTENSIONVERSION pfnGetExtVer; PFN_TERMINATEEXTENSION pfnTerminate; HSE_VERSION_INFO ExtensionVersion; HSE_APPDLL * pExtension = NULL;
hMod = LoadLibraryEx( pchModuleName, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH );
if ( hMod == NULL ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[SEGetEntryPoint] LoadLibrary %s failed with error %d\n", pchModuleName, GetLastError()));
return NULL; }
// check machine type from header
// skip possible DOS header
if ( ((IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)pImg)->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE ) { pImg += ((IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)pImg)->e_lfanew; }
// test only if NT header detected
if ( !TsIsWindows95() ) { if ( *(DWORD*)pImg == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE && ( ((IMAGE_FILE_HEADER*)(pImg+sizeof(DWORD)))->Machine < USER_SHARED_DATA->ImageNumberLow || ((IMAGE_FILE_HEADER*)(pImg+sizeof(DWORD)))->Machine > USER_SHARED_DATA->ImageNumberHigh ) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[SEGetEntryPoint] LoadLibrary loaded bad " " format exe type %d, valid range %d-%d\n", ((IMAGE_FILE_HEADER*)(pImg+sizeof(DWORD)))->Machine, USER_SHARED_DATA->ImageNumberLow, USER_SHARED_DATA->ImageNumberHigh ));
SetLastError( ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT ); FreeLibrary( hMod );
return NULL; } }
// Retrieve the entry points
pfnGetExtVer = (PFN_GETEXTENSIONVERSION) GetProcAddress( hMod, SE_INIT_ENTRY ); //
// Note that there is no harm done
// even if ISAPI is old and does not have TerminateExtension
pfnTerminate = (PFN_TERMINATEEXTENSION) GetProcAddress( hMod, SE_TERM_ENTRY );
// Revert our security context, so that GetExtensionVersion()
// can be called in the system context
if ( !pfnSEProc || !pfnGetExtVer || !pfnGetExtVer( &ExtensionVersion )) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "SE_TABLE::LoadModule() GetExtVer failed, Error %d\n", GetLastError() ));
FreeLibrary( hMod ); return NULL; }
// Re-impersonate before for Loading ACLs which is called in
// the constructor of HSE_APPDLL
if ( !ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( hImpersonation )) {
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
// since this call is not implemented on win95, ignore it.
if ( !TsIsWindows95() ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "SE_TABLE::LoadModule() Re-impersonation failed," " Error %d\n", GetLastError() ));
// tell the extension that we are shutting down :(
if ( pfnTerminate ) { pfnTerminate( HSE_TERM_MUST_UNLOAD ); }
FreeLibrary( hMod); SetLastError( dwError); return ( NULL); } }
pExtension = new HSE_APPDLL( pchModuleName, hMod, pfnSEProc, pfnTerminate, fCache );
if ( !pExtension || !pExtension->IsValid()) {
if ( pfnTerminate ) { pfnTerminate( HSE_TERM_MUST_UNLOAD ); }
if ( pExtension != NULL) { delete pExtension; pExtension = NULL; }
FreeLibrary( hMod ); return NULL; }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "SE_TABLE::LoadModule() Loaded extension %s, " " description \"%s\"\n", pchModuleName, ExtensionVersion.lpszExtensionDesc ));
return ( (HSE_BASE * ) pExtension); } // HSE_APPDLL::LoadModule()
HSE_APPDLL::~HSE_APPDLL(VOID) { Unload(); if ( _hMod) { DBG_REQUIRE( FreeLibrary( _hMod ) ); _hMod = NULL; }
BOOL HSE_APPDLL::LoadAcl(VOID) { DWORD cbSecDesc = _buffSD.QuerySize();
DBG_ASSERT( IsValid());
// Force an access check on the next request
SetLastSuccessfulUser( NULL );
// Chicago does not have GetFileSecurity call
if ( TsIsWindows95() ) { return(TRUE); }
if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { return FALSE; }
TryAgain: if ( !_buffSD.Resize( cbSecDesc ) || !GetFileSecurity( QueryModuleName(), (OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION | GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION | DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION), _buffSD.QueryPtr(), cbSecDesc, &cbSecDesc )) { //
// A new ACL may have been written since we checked the old
// one, so try it again
if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { goto TryAgain; }
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } // HSE_APPDLL::LoadAcl()
BOOL HSE_APPDLL::AccessCheck( IN HANDLE hImpersonation, IN BOOL fCacheImpersonation ) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
// NOTE we call IsKindaValid() because caller may dereference before calling us
// (causing IsValid() to return false).
DBG_ASSERT( IsKindaValid() );
// Optimize for the anonymous user and only do the access
// check if this is a different user then the last successful
// user
if ( !TsIsWindows95() ) { if ( !fCacheImpersonation || (hImpersonation != QueryLastSuccessfulUser()) ) {
DWORD dwGrantedAccess; BYTE PrivSet[400]; DWORD cbPrivilegeSet = sizeof(PrivSet); BOOL fAccessGranted;
fRet = ( ::AccessCheck( QuerySecDesc(), hImpersonation, FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE, &sg_FileGenericMapping, (PRIVILEGE_SET *) &PrivSet, &cbPrivilegeSet, &dwGrantedAccess, &fAccessGranted ) && fAccessGranted); if ( fRet && fCacheImpersonation ) { SetLastSuccessfulUser( hImpersonation ); } }
return ( fRet);
} // HSE_APPDLL::AccessCheck()
DWORD HSE_APPDLL::ExecuteRequest( WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo ) { DWORD dwIsaRet; // return value from ISA
DBG_ASSERT( pWamExecInfo );
EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb = &(pWamExecInfo->ecb);
pecb->GetServerVariable= GetServerVariable; pecb->WriteClient = WriteClient; pecb->ReadClient = ReadClient; pecb->ServerSupportFunction = ServerSupportFunction;
DBG_ASSERT( IsValid());
// addref the context before we hand it to ISA
DBG_WAMREQ_REFCOUNTS(( "HSE_APPDLL::ExecuteRequest before ISA call ...", pWamExecInfo ));
// call the extension proc ...
dwIsaRet = ( _pfnEntryPoint( pecb ) );
// release the context upon return from ISA
pWamExecInfo->Release( );
DBG_WAMREQ_REFCOUNTS(( "HSE_APPDLL::ExecuteRequest after ISA call ...", pWamExecInfo ));
return dwIsaRet;
} // HSE_APPDLL::ExecuteRequest()
return (TRUE);
} // HSE_APPDLL::Cleanup()
DWORD HSE_APPDLL::Unload(VOID) { // Unload can be called before the ref count hits zero
// This will force all the requests inside ISAPI DLL to exit
// DBG_ASSERT( RefCount() == 0);
DBG_REQUIRE( Cleanup());
if ( _pfnTerminate ) {
// From the old code :(
// The return value from Terminate() is ignored!
_pfnTerminate( HSE_TERM_MUST_UNLOAD ); _pfnTerminate = NULL; }
SetValid( FALSE);
return (NO_ERROR);
} // HSE_APPDLL::Unload()
Support for ISAPI Callback Functions */
Gets the ISA context from the ISA-supplied connection handle.
NOTE caller must balance calls to GetISAContext and ReleaseISAContext
Arguments: See below
Returns: BOOL
*/ BOOL GetISAContext( IN HCONN hConn, OUT EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK ** ppecb, OUT WAM_EXEC_INFO ** ppWamExecInfo, OUT IWamRequest ** ppIWamRequest ) {
IF_DEBUG( MISC ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "GetISAContext(%08x)\n", hConn )); }
*ppecb = (EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *) hConn; *ppWamExecInfo = (WAM_EXEC_INFO *) hConn;
DBG_ASSERT( *ppecb ); DBG_ASSERT( *ppWamExecInfo );
if ( !*ppecb || (*ppecb)->cbSize != sizeof(EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK) ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[GetISAContext]: Invalid ECB\r\n"));
if ( !( (*ppWamExecInfo)->IsValid() ) ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[GetISAContext]: Invalid WAM_EXEC_INFO.\r\n"));
// Get iwamreq
if ( FAILED( (*ppWamExecInfo)->GetIWamRequest( ppIWamRequest ) ) ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[GetISAContext]: GetIWamRequest failed.\r\n"));
// Addref wamexec-info
DBG_ASSERT( *ppIWamRequest ); return TRUE;
} // GetISAContext
Releases the ISA context.
NOTE caller must balance calls to GetISAContext and ReleaseISAContext
Arguments: See below
Returns: Nothing
*/ VOID ReleaseISAContext( OUT EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK ** ppecb, OUT WAM_EXEC_INFO ** ppWamExecInfo, OUT IWamRequest ** ppIWamRequest ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "ReleaseISAContext(%08x)\n" , *ppecb ));
DBG_ASSERT( *ppecb ); DBG_ASSERT( *ppWamExecInfo ); DBG_ASSERT( *ppIWamRequest );
// Release iwamreq - balances Get in GetISAContext
(*ppWamExecInfo)->ReleaseIWamRequest( *ppIWamRequest );
// Release wamexec-info - balances Addref in GetISAContext
*ppIWamRequest = NULL; *ppWamExecInfo = NULL; *ppecb = NULL;
} // ReleaseISAContext
* ISAPI Callback Functions ************************************************************/
Routine Description:
This method handles a gateway request to a server extension DLL
hConn - Connection context (pointer to WAM_EXEC_INFO) dwHSERequest - Request type lpvBuffer - Buffer for request lpdwSize - lpdwDataType
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
*/ BOOL WINAPI ServerSupportFunction( HCONN hConn, DWORD dwHSERequest, LPVOID lpvBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwSize, LPDWORD lpdwDataType ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; // this function's return value
BOOL fNotSupportedOOP = FALSE; // is the hse request supported OOP?
EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb = NULL; WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo = NULL; IWamRequest * pIWamRequest = NULL; HANDLE hCurrentUser = NULL;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "ServerSupportFunction:\n\t" "hConn = (%p)\t" "dwHSERequest = (%p)\t" "lpvBuffer = (%p)\t" "lpdwSize = (%p)\t" "lpdwDataType = (%p)\t" "\n" , hConn, dwHSERequest, lpvBuffer, lpdwSize, lpdwDataType )); }
// Get ISA context from connection handle - bail if bogus
// - if this succeeds, we have usable WAM_EXEC_INFO and IWamRequest ptrs
// - if this fails, GetISAContext calls SetLastError so we don't need to
if( !GetISAContext( hConn, &pecb, &pWamExecInfo, &pIWamRequest ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !pWamExecInfo->QueryPWam()->FInProcess() ) { hCurrentUser = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// Fast path send response headers - will be called on almost every
// request
// New send-header api. Fixes send-header/keep-alive bug.
// Also recommended for best performance.
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; goto LExit; }
if ( pWamExecInfo->NoHeaders() ) {
fReturn = TRUE; goto LExit; }
HSE_SEND_HEADER_EX_INFO * pSendHeaderExInfo = reinterpret_cast<HSE_SEND_HEADER_EX_INFO *>( lpvBuffer );
// null strings are permitted
// (preserves semantics of old send-header api)
DWORD cchStatus = ( pSendHeaderExInfo->cchStatus ? pSendHeaderExInfo->cchStatus + 1 : pSendHeaderExInfo->pszStatus ? lstrlen( pSendHeaderExInfo->pszStatus ) + 1 : 0 );
DWORD cchHeader = ( pSendHeaderExInfo->cchHeader ? pSendHeaderExInfo->cchHeader + 1 : pSendHeaderExInfo->pszHeader ? lstrlen( pSendHeaderExInfo->pszHeader ) + 1 : 0 );
// set keep-conn state explicitly based on caller's boolean
// (since boolean itself is explicit)
if ( pSendHeaderExInfo->fKeepConn == FALSE ) {
pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn = KEEPCONN_FALSE;
} else {
pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn = KEEPCONN_TRUE;
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->SendHeader( (unsigned char *) pSendHeaderExInfo->pszStatus , cchStatus , (unsigned char *) pSendHeaderExInfo->pszHeader , cchHeader , pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn )); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
goto LExit; }
// Old send-header api, exists purely for back-compatibility
// Not recommended because ISA has no way to communicate
// its keep-conn strategy to us before we send headers.
// We infer it from header string, which is slow.
if ( pWamExecInfo->NoHeaders() ) {
fReturn = TRUE; goto LExit; }
// lpvBuffer points to status string
// status string is optional (null is permitted)
DWORD cchStatus = ( lpvBuffer ? lstrlen( (char *) lpvBuffer ) + 1 : 0 );
// lpdwDataType points to header string
// header string is optional (null is permitted)
DWORD cchHeader = ( lpdwDataType ? lstrlen( (char *) lpdwDataType ) + 1 : 0 );
// if status or header string contains "Content-Length:",
// we assume ISA wants connection kept alive.
// NOTE we don't set keep-conn state false in opposite case,
// since old caller may not intend to close connection.
if ( (lpvBuffer && stristr((const char *)lpvBuffer, "Content-Length:")) || (lpdwDataType && stristr((const char *)lpdwDataType, "Content-Length:")) ) {
pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn = KEEPCONN_TRUE;
} else {
pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn = KEEPCONN_FALSE;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "SSF SendHeader: " "Status = %s " "Header = %s " "Keep-conn = %d " "\n" , (unsigned char *) lpvBuffer , (unsigned char *) lpdwDataType , pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn )); }
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->SendHeader( (unsigned char *) lpvBuffer , cchStatus , (unsigned char *) lpdwDataType , cchHeader , pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn )); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
goto LExit; }
// Handle the server extension's request
switch ( dwHSERequest ) {
// IO Completion routine is provided.
// We don't check the pointer because we dont' want to mask
// application coding errors
if ( lpvBuffer != NULL) {
// Set the callback function and its ecb ptr argument
// NOTE setting the ptr seems a bit cheesy, but is probably the quickest way
// to make new out-of-proc wam suport our old code path
pWamExecInfo->_AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO = (PFN_HSE_IO_COMPLETION ) lpvBuffer; }
pWamExecInfo->_AsyncIoInfo._pvHseIOContext = (PVOID ) lpdwDataType;
fReturn = TRUE; break;
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
// NOTE lpvBuffer == pHseTfInfo
fReturn = pWamExecInfo->TransmitFile((LPHSE_TF_INFO ) lpvBuffer); break;
DWORD dwFlags;
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL || lpdwSize == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
dwFlags = lpdwDataType ? *lpdwDataType : HSE_IO_ASYNC;
fReturn = pWamExecInfo->AsyncReadClient( lpvBuffer, lpdwSize, dwFlags );
break; }
// Descrption:
// Send an URL redirect message to the browser client
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - pointer to buffer that contains the location to
// redirect the client to.
// lpdwSize - pointer to DWORD containing size (UnUsed)
// lpdwDataType - Unused
// Return:
// None
// Notes:
// Works In-Process and Out-Of-Process
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
// bug 117107: don't change keep-conn setting
// on redirected responses.
// NOTE old behavior had been that we closed
// the connection by default
pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn = KEEPCONN_DONT_CHANGE;
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->SendURLRedirectResponse( (unsigned char *) lpvBuffer ) ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); break; } // case HSE_REQ_SEND_URL_REDIRECT_RESP:
// HSE_REQ_SEND_URL functionality is broken (especially if the URL
// to be sent is another ISA. In this case, we are overwriting state of
// the parent ISA by the child )
// For now, just treat HSE_REQ_SEND_URL as a redirect. If enough people
// complain, then a new HTTP_REQUEST object must be created in order to
// handle the new request.
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
// bug 117107: don't change keep-conn setting
// on redirected responses.
// NOTE old behavior had been that we closed
// the connection by default
pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn = KEEPCONN_DONT_CHANGE;
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->SendRedirectMessage( (unsigned char *) lpvBuffer ) );
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
break; } // case HSE_REQ_SEND_URL:
// This is an async callback from the extension dll indicating
// they are done with the socket
DBG_WAMREQ_REFCOUNTS(( "ServerSupportFunction DONE_WITH_SESSION", pWamExecInfo));
// DBG_ASSERT( pWamExecInfo->_AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO == FALSE);
// A multi-threaded extension may indicate they
// are done before returning pending.
// Thus, we always return success.
fReturn = TRUE;
// Remember if the ISA wanted to keep the session open
if ( lpvBuffer && *((DWORD *) lpvBuffer) == HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS_AND_KEEP_CONN ) {
pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn = KEEPCONN_TRUE; }
// FDisconnected is only true for ASP when it is sending a buffered
// oop response. That call has already been made when we
// get here and the flag is either set (cleanup has already
// happened) or not (cleanup needs to happen here)
if( !pWamExecInfo->FDisconnected() ) { //
// Figure out whether mainline thread or this callback thread
// hit its cleanup code first.
// This protects somewhat against isapis that disobey the async
// rules. The isapi should be in one of two modes:
// 1. It return HSE_STATUS_PENDING in the mainline thread and
// always calls HSE_DONE_WITH_SESSION.
// 2. It returns any other status code from the mainline and
// Unfortunately isapi writers frequently do bad things to good
// servers. This code will prevent an AV (accessing a deleted
// ecb when the isapi calls HSE_DONE_WITH_SESSION from the
// the mainline thread. If the call occurs on another thread
// then all bets are off and only thread scheduling can save
// us.
// This protection was disabled for a while, but some internal
// ISAPI writers were having problems.
// NOTE return value is initial value of the destination
if( FirstThread == (LONG) FT_NULL ) { // Do nothing. Save the final release for the
// mainline thread.
; } else { //
// Mainline thread executed first, so this callback thread
// now must cleanup the wamreq and release wamexecinfo.
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
pIWamRequest->CleanupWamRequest( (unsigned char*) pecb->lpszLogData , lstrlen( pecb->lpszLogData ) + 1 , pecb->dwHttpStatusCode , pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
pWamExecInfo->Release( ); } } else { // we do need to release even if asp is disconnected
pWamExecInfo->Release( ); }
break; } // case HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION:
// Descrption:
// SSI Execute functions
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - pointer to the URL (or Command string)
// to be executed.
// lpdwSize - NULL or points to verb to do request under
// lpdwDataType - Points to DWORD containing flags
// Flags (OR'd) and their meanings:
// HSE_EXEC_NO_HEADERS - When set, suppresses sending of the
// child request's headers. Needed to
// be set if the parent request sends
// its own headers.
// HSE_EXEC_COMMAND - When set, lpvBuffer contains command
// string to execute, as opposed to URL.
// SSINC uses it for <!--#EXEC CMD=...
// - When set, disables wildcard ISAPI
// file extension mapping during the
// child execution. DAVFS sets this flag
// to avoid recursions.
// - Set to indicate that this is a custom
// error URL. DAV code uses this junk.
// Return:
// Notes:
// Works In-Process and Out-Of-Process
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL || lpdwDataType == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
DWORD dwExecFlags = *lpdwDataType;
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->SSIncExec( (unsigned char *)lpvBuffer, dwExecFlags, lpdwSize ? (unsigned char *)lpdwSize : NULL ) ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); break; } // case HSE_REQ_EXECUTE_CHILD
// These are Microsoft specific extensions
// Descrption:
// Simple api for looking up path-translated for a vroot
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - ptr to buffer which contains URL
// (will contain path-translated on return)
// lpdwDataType - ignored
// lpdwSize - ptr to buffer size
// Return:
// lpvBuffer - contains path-translated on return
// lpdwDataType - ignored, unchanged
// lpdwSize - unchanged
DWORD cchRequired = 0;
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL || lpdwSize == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->LookupVirtualRoot( (unsigned char *) lpvBuffer, (*lpdwSize), &cchRequired ) );
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
*lpdwSize = cchRequired;
// Descrption:
// Extended api for looking up path-translated for a vroot
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - ptr to buffer which contains URL
// lpdwDataType - ptr to HSE_URL_MAPEX_INFO struct (see iisext.x)
// lpdwSize - (optional) ptr to buffer size
// Return:
// lpvBuffer - unchanged
// lpdwDataType - ptr to HSE_URL_MAPEX_INFO struct, which now has
// its parameters filled in
// lpdwSize - if supplied, ptr to size of returned buffer
// within HSE_URL_MAPEX_INFO struct
DWORD cchRequired = 0; HSE_URL_MAPEX_INFO * purlmap = (HSE_URL_MAPEX_INFO *) lpdwDataType;
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL || lpdwDataType == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->LookupVirtualRootEx( (unsigned char *) lpvBuffer, // [in] szURL
(unsigned char *)purlmap->lpszPath, // [out] pchBuffer
sizeof( purlmap->lpszPath ), &cchRequired, &purlmap->cchMatchingPath, &purlmap->cchMatchingURL, &purlmap->dwFlags ) );
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
if ( lpdwSize != NULL ) { *lpdwSize = cchRequired; }
if ( fReturn ) {
// Bug38264 - Don't reflect a trailing backslash
// in the URL in the cchMatchingURL value. This
// check must be done against the original URL in
// lpvBuffer because the string doesn't exist in
// any of the HSE_URL_MAPEX_INFO members.
DWORD cchOriginalURL = lstrlen( (LPSTR)lpvBuffer ); if ( cchOriginalURL < purlmap->cchMatchingURL ) { purlmap->cchMatchingURL = cchOriginalURL; }
purlmap->dwFlags &= HSE_URL_FLAGS_MASK; purlmap->dwReserved1 = 0; purlmap->dwReserved2 = 0;
// Descrption:
// request an abortive close on disconnect for this connection
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->RequestAbortiveClose() ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
break; } // case HSE_REQ_ABORTIVE_CLOSE
// Descrption:
// close the connection socket
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->CloseConnection() ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
// this call is obsolete - use HSE_REQ_GET_CERT_INFO_EX instead
fReturn = FALSE; break; } // case HSE_REQ_GET_CERT_INFO:
// Descrption:
// Returns the first cert in the request's cert-chain,
// only used if using an SSPI package
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - ISA-provided struct
// NOTE ISA must allocate buffer within struct
// Notes:
// Works in-proc or out-of-proc
// cast ISA-provided ptr to our cert struct
CERT_CONTEXT_EX * pCertContextEx = reinterpret_cast <CERT_CONTEXT_EX *> ( lpvBuffer );
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
// pass struct members as individual parameters
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->GetClientCertInfoEx( pCertContextEx->cbAllocated, &( pCertContextEx->CertContext.dwCertEncodingType ), pCertContextEx->CertContext.pbCertEncoded, &( pCertContextEx->CertContext.cbCertEncoded ), &( pCertContextEx->dwCertificateFlags ) ) );
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
break; } // case HSE_REQ_GET_CERT_INFO_EX:
// Descrption:
// Retrieves the SSPI context and credential handles, only used if
// using an SSPI package
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - pointer to buffer that will contain the CtxtHandle
// on return
// lpdwSize - pointer to DWORD containing size (UnUsed)
// lpdwDataType - pointer to buffer that will contain the
// CredHandle on return
// Return:
// CtxtHandle - in *lpvBuffer
// CredHandle - in *lpdwDataType
// Notes:
// Works In-Process
// Fails out-of-process, by design
// (security 'handles' won't duplicate cross-process)
// NOTE: ISA must ensure that lpvBuffer & lpdwDataType point to buffers
// of appropriate sizes sizeof(CtxtHandle) & sizeof(CredHandle)
if( !pWamExecInfo->QueryPWam()->FInProcess() ) { fNotSupportedOOP = TRUE; break; }
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL || lpdwDataType == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->GetSspiInfo( 8 /* UNDONE sizeof( CtxtHandle) */ , (PBYTE ) lpvBuffer , 8 /* UNDONE sizeof( CredHandle) */ , (PBYTE ) lpdwDataType )); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
break; } // case HSE_REQ_GET_SSPI_INFO:
// Descrption:
// Appends a certain string to the log record written out.
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - string containing the log data to be appended
// lpdwSize - pointer to DWORD containing size (UnUsed)
// lpdwDataType - pointer to Data type value (Unused)
// Return:
// None
// Notes:
// Works Out-Of-Process & In-Process
// Good candidate for being marshalled into calling process.
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->AppendLogParameter( (unsigned char *) lpvBuffer ) ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); break;
// Descrption:
// Refreshes the ACLs for the ISAPI dll specified
// It forces the server to re-read the ACL for the ISAPI dll
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - string containing the name of the ISAPI dll
// lpdwSize - pointer to DWORD containing size (UnUsed)
// lpdwDataType - pointer to Data type value (Unused)
// Return:
// None
// Notes:
// This is local to the WAM process
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
fReturn = (g_psextensions->RefreshAcl( (LPSTR) lpvBuffer )); break;
// Descrption:
// Obtains the state if this connection is keep-alive or not.
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - pointer to BOOL which will contain the state on return
// lpdwSize - pointer to DWORD containing size (UnUsed)
// lpdwDataType - pointer to Data type value (Unused)
// Return:
// *lpvBuffer contains the value (TRUE=>keep-alive, FALSE=>non-KA)
// Notes:
// Works Out-Of-Process & In-Process
// Good candidate for being marshalled into calling process.
// We need this function here in ServerSupportFunction
// (vs. fetching the BOOL up front) because a script, for example,
// could change the state of keep-conn then later query it.
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
DBG_ASSERT( NULL != lpvBuffer ); DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->IsKeepConnSet( (LPBOOL)lpvBuffer ) ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); break;
// Descrption:
// Obtains the impersonation token for the current user
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - pointer to HANDLE that will contain the impersonation
// token on return
// lpdwSize - pointer to DWORD containing size (UnUsed)
// lpdwDataType - pointer to Data type value (Unused)
// Return:
// *lpvBuffer contains the value
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
*((HANDLE *)lpvBuffer) = WRC_GET_FIX.m_hUserToken; fReturn = TRUE; break;
// Descrption:
// Obtains the impersonation token for the specified virtual path
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - points to virtual path for which UNC impersonation
// token is sought
// lpdwSize - points to a HANDLE which will be set on return
// lpdwDataType - pointer to Data type value (Unused)
// Return:
// *lpdwSize contains the token
if( lpvBuffer == NULL || lpdwSize == NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; }
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->GetVirtualPathToken( (unsigned char *) lpvBuffer, #ifdef _WIN64
(UINT64 *)lpdwSize ) ); #else
(ULONG_PTR *)lpdwSize ) ); #endif
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); break;
// Description:
// Attempts to determine if the if the client is still connected.
// Works by doing a "peek" on the socket.
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - pointer to BOOL which will contain the state on return
// lpdwSize - pointer to DWORD containing size (UnUsed)
// lpdwDataType - pointer to Data type value (Unused)
// Return:
// *lpvBuffer contains the value
// TRUE connected
// FALSE socket closed or unreadable
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
DBG_ASSERT( NULL != lpvBuffer ); DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->TestConnection( (LPBOOL)lpvBuffer ) ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); break; case HSE_REQ_GET_EXECUTE_FLAGS: //
// Descrption:
// Gets the execute descriptor flags used for this request
// Input:
// None
// Return:
// *lpdwDataType contains the flags
if ( lpdwDataType == NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; } *lpdwDataType = pWamExecInfo->_dwChildExecFlags; fReturn = TRUE; break;
// Description:
// Notify any filters waiting on SF_NOTIFY_EXTENSION_TRIGGER
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - Context pointer
// lpdwDataType - Points to trigger type
// Only works in-proc.
if ( !lpdwDataType ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; } if ( !pWamExecInfo->QueryPWam()->FInProcess() ) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); fReturn = FALSE; break; } fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->ExtensionTrigger( (unsigned char*) lpvBuffer, *lpdwDataType ) ); break;
// These are private services
// Descrption:
// Following is a list of options that only work in-process
// and are mostly backdoor hand-off of pointers to ill-behaved
// applications! A big hack!
// Input:
// lpvBuffer - pointer to location that will contain the returned value
// lpdwSize - pointer to DWORD containing size (UnUsed)
// lpdwDataType - pointer to Data type value (Unused)
// Return:
// *lpvBuffer contains the value
// Notes:
// Works In-Process
// Fails gracefully Out-Of-Process
if( !pWamExecInfo->QueryPWam()->FInProcess() ) { fNotSupportedOOP = TRUE; break; }
if ( lpvBuffer == NULL ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; }
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->GetPrivatePtr( dwHSERequest, (unsigned char **) &lpvBuffer ) );
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); break; } // case HSE_PRIV_REQ_TSVCINFO: et al
default: { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fReturn = FALSE; break; } // case default:
} // switch ( dwHSERequest )
if (fNotSupportedOOP) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION ); fReturn = FALSE; }
// Release isa context
// Balances GetISAContext at top of this function
ReleaseISAContext( &pecb , &pWamExecInfo , &pIWamRequest );
return ( fReturn );
} // ServerSupportFunction()
BOOL WINAPI GetServerVariable( HCONN hConn, LPSTR szVarName, LPVOID lpvBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwSize ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb = NULL; WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo = NULL; IWamRequest * pIWamRequest = NULL;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "GetServerVariable:\n\t" "hConn = (%08x)\t" "szVarName = %s\t" "lpvBuffer = (%08x)\t" "*lpdwSize = %d\t" "\n" , hConn, szVarName, lpvBuffer, lpdwSize ? *lpdwSize : -1 ));
// Validate ISA-supplied input parameters
if ( szVarName == NULL || lpdwSize == NULL ) {
// Get ISA context from connection handle - bail if bogus
// - if this succeeds, we have usable WAM_EXEC_INFO and IWamRequest ptrs
// - if this fails, GetISAContext calls SetLastError so we don't need to
if( !GetISAContext( hConn, &pecb, &pWamExecInfo, &pIWamRequest ) ) { return FALSE; }
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pWamExecInfo->GetInfoForName( pIWamRequest, (unsigned char *) szVarName, (unsigned char *) lpvBuffer, *lpdwSize, lpdwSize ) ); //
// Release isa context
// Balances GetISAContext at top of this function
ReleaseISAContext( &pecb , &pWamExecInfo , &pIWamRequest );
return ( fReturn );
} // GetServerVariable()
Routine Description: Writes to the http client on behalf of the ISA
Arguments: hConn - Connection context (pointer to WAM_EXEC_INFO) Buffer - pointer to the buffer containing the data to be sent to the client lpdwBytes - pointer to DWORD that contains the size of data to be sent out to client when this function is called. On return, if this is a synchronous write, then this location will contain the number of bytes actually sent out. dwReserved - Reserved set of flags For now, HSE_IO_ASYNC - indicates that Async Write should be done HSE_IO_SYNC - (default) indicates that Sync. Write should be done.
Return Value: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure See GetLastError() for error code
Note: Atmost one async IO operation is permitted at a given time. Atmost one sync IO operation should be made. Multiple sync IO operations may result in unpredictable result. Enforcing one sync IO operation would make every single ISAPI to pay a penalty for a very few insane ones. So we don't do it. */ BOOL WINAPI WriteClient( HCONN hConn, LPVOID Buffer, LPDWORD lpdwBytes, DWORD dwReserved ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb = NULL; WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo = NULL; IWamRequest * pIWamRequest = NULL; HANDLE hCurrentUser = NULL;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WriteClient:\n\t" "hConn = (%08x)\t" "Buffer = (%08x)\t" "*lpdwBytes = %d\t" "\n" , hConn, Buffer, lpdwBytes ? *lpdwBytes : -1 ));
// Return failure when invalid Buffer is supplied
// NOTE we do this before validating ecb
if ( (NULL == Buffer) || (NULL == lpdwBytes) ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ( FALSE); }
// Ignore zero length sends
// NOTE we do this before validating ecb
// so we don't need to release iwamreq ptr
if ( *lpdwBytes == 0 ) { return TRUE; }
// Get ISA context from connection handle - bail if bogus
// - if this succeeds, we have usable WAM_EXEC_INFO and IWamRequest ptrs
// - if this fails, GetISAContext calls SetLastError so we don't need to
if( !GetISAContext( hConn, &pecb, &pWamExecInfo, &pIWamRequest ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !pWamExecInfo->QueryPWam()->FInProcess() ) { hCurrentUser = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// Branch based on Async IO or Synchronous IO operation
if ( (dwReserved & HSE_IO_ASYNC) ) { //
// Check for error condition in the AsyncIO callback path
if ((pWamExecInfo->_AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO == NULL) || (pWamExecInfo->_AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO) ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "%08x::Async WriteClient() requested when IO in progress" " or when Context not supplied.\n", pWamExecInfo));
// Set error code and fall-through
// - so that we will properly release pWamExecInfo
// and WamRequest pointers
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); fReturn = (FALSE); } else {
// 1. Set Request state to be async IO from ISAPI client
// 2. Submit Async IOP
// 3. Return to the ISAPI application
pWamExecInfo->InitAsyncIO( ASYNC_IO_TYPE_WRITE ); pWamExecInfo->_AsyncIoInfo._cbLastAsyncIO = *lpdwBytes; DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->AsyncWriteClient( #ifdef _WIN64
(UINT64) pWamExecInfo, #else
(ULONG_PTR) pWamExecInfo, #endif
(unsigned char *) Buffer, *lpdwBytes, dwReserved ) );
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); if ( !fReturn ) {
pWamExecInfo->UninitAsyncIO(); } }
} else {
// Submit synchronous IO operation
DWORD cbToWrite = *lpdwBytes;
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest-> SyncWriteClient( cbToWrite, (unsigned char *) Buffer, lpdwBytes, dwReserved ) ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); }
// Release isa context
// Balances GetISAContext at top of this function
ReleaseISAContext( &pecb , &pWamExecInfo , &pIWamRequest );
return ( fReturn );
} // WriteClient()
BOOL WINAPI ReadClient( HCONN hConn, LPVOID Buffer, LPDWORD lpdwBytes ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pecb = NULL; WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo = NULL; IWamRequest * pIWamRequest = NULL; HANDLE hCurrentUser = NULL;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "ReadClient:\n\t" "hConn = (%08x)\t" "Buffer = (%08x)\t" "*lpdwBytes = %d\t" "\n" , hConn, Buffer, lpdwBytes ? *lpdwBytes : -1 ));
// Return failure when invalid Buffer is supplied
// NOTE we do this before validating ecb
if ( (NULL == Buffer) || (NULL == lpdwBytes) ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ( FALSE); }
// Get ISA context from connection handle - bail if bogus
// - if this succeeds, we have usable WAM_EXEC_INFO and IWamRequest ptrs
// - if this fails, GetISAContext calls SetLastError so we don't need to
if( !GetISAContext( hConn, &pecb, &pWamExecInfo, &pIWamRequest ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !pWamExecInfo->QueryPWam()->FInProcess() ) { hCurrentUser = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->SyncReadClient( (unsigned char *) Buffer, *lpdwBytes, lpdwBytes) );
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
// Release isa context
// Balances GetISAContext at top of this function
ReleaseISAContext( &pecb , &pWamExecInfo , &pIWamRequest );
return ( fReturn );
} // ReadClient()