Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : setable.cxx
Abstract: This module declares the SE_TABLE object which consists of all the extensions for W3 service
Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 18-July-1996
User Mode - Win32
W3 Services DLL
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
# include <isapip.hxx>
# include "isapidll.hxx"
# include "setable.hxx"
# include <issched.hxx>
* Global Data ************************************************************/
PSE_TABLE g_psextensions; // all extensions
static BOOL g_fExtInitialized = FALSE;
* Member functions of SESD_LIST **************************************************/
SESD_LIST::SESD_LIST(VOID) : m_idWorkItem( 0) { INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION( &m_csLock); InitializeListHead( &m_Head); } // SESD_LIST::SESD_LIST()
SESD_LIST::~SESD_LIST(VOID) { // Should be all done
DBG_ASSERT( 0 == m_idWorkItem); DBG_ASSERT( IsListEmpty( &m_Head)); DeleteCriticalSection( &m_csLock);
VOID SESD_LIST::ScheduleExtensionForDeletion( IN PHSE psExt ) { Lock();
// add to the list
InsertHeadList( &m_Head, &psExt->m_ListEntry);
if ( 0 == m_idWorkItem) { // schedule the work item if not scheduled one already
m_idWorkItem = ScheduleWorkItem( SchedulerCallback, this, 0); DBG_ASSERT( 0 != m_idWorkItem); }
return; } // SESD_LIST::ScheduleExtensionForDeletion()
VOID SESD_LIST::WaitTillFinished(VOID) { Lock();
// wait until nothing is scheduled
while ( 0 != m_idWorkItem) {
// let it drain itself while in the unlocked state
Unlock(); Sleep( 200 ); Lock(); }
return; } // SESD_LIST::WaitTillFinished()
VOID WINAPI SESD_LIST::SchedulerCallback( void *pvContext ) { DBG_ASSERT( NULL != pvContext);
((SESD_LIST *)pvContext)->DeleteScheduledExtensions();
return; } // SESD_LIST::SchedulerCallback()
VOID SESD_LIST::DeleteScheduledExtensions(VOID) { PHSE psExt; Lock();
// If it is scheduled there better be a reason why
DBG_ASSERT( 0 != m_idWorkItem);
while ( !IsListEmpty( &m_Head)) {
// extract extension from the list and delete it
psExt = CONTAINING_RECORD( m_Head.Flink, HSE_BASE, m_ListEntry );
RemoveEntryList( &psExt->m_ListEntry ); InitializeListHead( &psExt->m_ListEntry);
delete psExt; } // while
// reset to 0 to indicate that we are done
m_idWorkItem = 0;
return; } // SESD_LIST::DeleteScheduledExtensions()
* Member functions of SE_TABLE **************************************************/
SE_TABLE::SE_TABLE(VOID) : m_cRefWams ( 0) { IF_DEBUG( INIT_CLEAN) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Constructing SE_TABLE(%08x)\n", this)); }
INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION( &m_csLock); InitializeListHead( &m_ExtensionHead);
SE_TABLE::~SE_TABLE(VOID) { IF_DEBUG( INIT_CLEAN) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Deleteing SE_TABLE(%08x) cWamRef=%d\n", this, m_cRefWams)); }
// unload all the extensions if not already done
DBG_REQUIRE( UnloadExtensions());
// No WAM should be holding ref to the SE_TABLE
DBG_ASSERT( 0 == m_cRefWams);
DeleteCriticalSection( &m_csLock); DBG_ASSERT( IsListEmpty( &m_ExtensionHead));
VOID SE_TABLE::Print(VOID) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; int i = 0;
// NYI: I need to write code to print out data here.
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, " SE_TABLE(%08x) ListHead=%08x [%08x:%08x] cRefWams=%d\n", this, &m_ExtensionHead, m_ExtensionHead.Flink, m_ExtensionHead.Blink, m_cRefWams ));
for ( pEntry = m_ExtensionHead.Flink; (pEntry != &m_ExtensionHead); pEntry = pEntry->Flink, i++ ) { HSE_BASE * pExtension = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, HSE_BASE, m_ListEntry );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, " Dll(%d): HSE_BASE = %08x [%08x:%08x]; Module=%s\n", i, pExtension, pExtension->m_ListEntry.Flink, pExtension->m_ListEntry.Blink, pExtension->QueryModuleName())); } // for all entries in table
return; } // SE_TABLE::Print()
BOOL SE_TABLE::GetExtension( IN const CHAR * pchModuleName, IN HANDLE hImpersonation, IN BOOL fCacheImpersonation, IN BOOL fCache, OUT PHSE * ppsExt ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieves an extension's DLL entry point
The appropriate user should be impersonated before calling this function
pchModuleName - Extension DLL module name hImpersonation - Impersonation token of user making this call fCacheImpersonation - if TRUE, the hImpersonation can be cached fCache - TRUE if this item should be cached, FALSE otherwise ppsExt - pointer to the Extensions handler object
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE on error
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; HSE_BASE * pExtension = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[GetEntryPoint] Looking for module %s\n", pchModuleName ));
// NYI: Optimize the locked section here - reduce time spent inside
// the locked block.
// Check cache to see if DLL is already loaded
DWORD cchModuleName = strlen( pchModuleName);
for ( pEntry = m_ExtensionHead.Flink; pEntry != &m_ExtensionHead; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) { pExtension = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, HSE_BASE, m_ListEntry );
if ( pExtension->IsMatch( pchModuleName, cchModuleName)) { //
// Already Loaded, return the extension object after access check
fRet = TRUE; break; } // a match
} // for all entries in table
IF_DEBUG( BGI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[GetEntryPoint] Lookup module %s => fRet =%d\n", pchModuleName, fRet )); }
if ( !fRet) {
// The module is not loaded. Load the module now.
// The module name refers to an ISAPI application.
// Try ISAPI app loader now...
pExtension = HSE_APPDLL::LoadModule( pchModuleName, hImpersonation, fCache);
fRet = (pExtension != NULL); if (fRet) { if ( !fCache) {
// Temporarily the ref count will drop to 0, but the code below
// will bump this up to 1.
pExtension->Dereference(); } else { // add this extension to the list of cached extensions
InsertIntoListWithLock( pExtension); } } else { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "LoadModule failed with %x\n",GetLastError())); } }
if ( fRet ) {
if ( pExtension->AccessCheck( hImpersonation, fCacheImpersonation)) {
DBG_ASSERT( pExtension != NULL);
if ( ppsExt != NULL) { // ref the object before giving ptr away
pExtension->Reference(); *ppsExt = pExtension; } } else { fRet = FALSE; } }
return fRet; } // SE_TABLE::GetExtension()
BOOL SE_TABLE::RefreshAcl( IN const CHAR * pchDLL ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function reloads the ACL on an ISAPI Application .dll after that .dll has already been loaded.
pchDLL - pointer to the ISAPI DLL for which ACL has to be refreshed.
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; PHSE pExtension; BOOL fRet = FALSE; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
IF_DEBUG( BGI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[RefreshISAPIAcl] Rereading ACL for %s\n", pchDLL ));
// Check cache to see if the DLL is loaded
DWORD cchDll = strlen( pchDLL);
for ( pEntry = m_ExtensionHead.Flink; pEntry != &m_ExtensionHead; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) { pExtension = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, HSE_BASE, m_ListEntry );
if ( pExtension->IsMatch( pchDLL, cchDll) ) { //
// Force an access check on the next request with the new ACL
fRet = pExtension->LoadAcl(); fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if ( !fFound) { SetLastError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); }
return (fRet); } // SE_TABLE::RefreshAcl()
BOOL SE_TABLE::RefreshAcl( IN DWORD dwId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function reloads the ACL on an ISAPI Application .dll after that .dll has already been loaded.
pchDLL - pointer to the ISAPI DLL for which ACL has to be refreshed.
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; PHSE pExtension; BOOL fRet = FALSE; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
IF_DEBUG( BGI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[RefreshISAPIAcl] Rereading ACL for %d\n", dwId ));
// Check cache to see if the DLL is loaded
for ( pEntry = m_ExtensionHead.Flink; pEntry != &m_ExtensionHead; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) { pExtension = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, HSE_BASE, m_ListEntry );
if ( pExtension->GetDirMonitorId() == dwId ) { //
// Force an access check on the next request with the new ACL
fRet = pExtension->LoadAcl(); fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if ( !fFound) { SetLastError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); }
return (fRet); } // SE_TABLE::RefreshAcl()
BOOL SE_TABLE::FlushAccessToken( IN HANDLE hAccTok ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reset last successfull user it same as hAccTok
hAccTok - access token to remove from cache
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { LIST_ENTRY * pEntry; HSE_APPDLL * pExtension; BOOL fRet = FALSE; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
IF_DEBUG( BGI ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[FlushAccessToken] removing handle %x from cache\n", hAccTok ));
// Check cache for access token
for ( pEntry = m_ExtensionHead.Flink; pEntry != &m_ExtensionHead; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) { pExtension = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, HSE_APPDLL, m_ListEntry );
if ( pExtension->QueryLastSuccessfulUser() == hAccTok ) { //
// Force an access check on the next request for this token
pExtension->SetLastSuccessfulUser( NULL ); } }
return TRUE; } // SE_TABLE::RefreshAcl()
BOOL SE_TABLE::UnloadExtensions(VOID) { PHSE psExt;
DBG_ASSERT( m_cRefWams == 0);
while ( !IsListEmpty( &m_ExtensionHead )) {
psExt = CONTAINING_RECORD( m_ExtensionHead.Flink, HSE_BASE, m_ListEntry );
// Move from the current list to the UnloadList
RemoveEntryList( &psExt->m_ListEntry ); InitializeListHead( &psExt->m_ListEntry); // Cleanup
IF_DEBUG( INIT_CLEAN) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Deref of HSE_APPDLL(%08x) = %s. Ref=%d\n", psExt, psExt->QueryModuleName(), psExt->RefCount())); }
// Cause an Unload of the ISAPI DLL
// Ugly cast should be cleaned up post-beta2
DBG_REQUIRE( ((HSE_APPDLL * )psExt)->Unload() == NO_ERROR);
// Decrement the life reference count of the ISAPI DLL structure
if ( !psExt->Dereference()) {
delete psExt; } } // while
// Drain the list of non-cached extensions scheduled for deletion
return (TRUE); } // SE_TABLE::UnloadExtensions()
VOID SE_TABLE::PrintRequestCounts(VOID) /*++
Description: Prints a summary of all the ISAPI Dlls loaded and the # requests pending in each of them primarily for debugging purposes.
Arguments: None
Return: None --*/ { PHSE psExt; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry;
Lock(); if( m_ExtensionHead.Flink != &m_ExtensionHead ) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "SE_TABLE::Printing refs for all loaded ISAPI\n") );
for ( pEntry = m_ExtensionHead.Flink; pEntry != &m_ExtensionHead; pEntry = pEntry->Flink ) {
psExt = CONTAINING_RECORD( pEntry, HSE_BASE, m_ListEntry );
RemoveEntryList( &psExt->m_ListEntry );
DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, " \'%s\') has RefCount = %d\n", psExt->QueryModuleName(), psExt->RefCount() ) ); } // for
DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "-------------------------------\n") ); } // if
return; } // SE_TABLE::PrintRequestCounts()
VOID SE_TABLE::ReleaseExtension( IN PHSE psExt) { // decrement ref count and remove from table if needed
if ( !psExt->Dereference()) {
if ( psExt->IsCached()) { RemoveFromList( psExt); delete psExt; } else { // non cached ISAPIs should be deleted (TerminateExtension
// call should be called) from a different thread because
// this thread could be an ISAPI thread (in case of pended
// ISAPI this could be the DONE_WITH_SESSION thread)
m_sesdExtensions.ScheduleExtensionForDeletion( psExt); } }
return; } // SE_TABLE::ReleaseExtension()
APIERR InitializeHseExtensions( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes the extension list cache
Return Value:
0 on success, win32 error on failure
--*/ { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, " InitExtensions() entered \n"));
DWORD err = NO_ERROR; // UNDONE needs to move into wam.dll DllInit
if ( err == NO_ERROR ) {
// initialize other objects
g_psextensions = new SE_TABLE();
if ( (g_psextensions == NULL) ) {
err = (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); if ( g_psextensions != NULL ) { delete (g_psextensions); g_psextensions = NULL; }
} else { g_fExtInitialized = TRUE; } }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, " Leaving InitExtensions().\n" ));
return ( err);
} // InitializeHseExtensions()
VOID CleanupHseExtensions( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Walks list and unloads each extension. No clients should be in an extension at this point
--*/ { DWORD i;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, " TerminateExtensions() called \n" ));
if ( !g_fExtInitialized ) return;
DBG_ASSERT( g_psextensions != NULL);
delete g_psextensions;
return; } // CleanupHseExtensions()
/************************ End of File ***********************/