Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : wamobj.cxx
Abstract: This module implements the WAM (web application manager) object
Author: David Kaplan ( DaveK ) 26-Feb-1997
Environment: User Mode - Win32
Project: Wam DLL
* Include Headers ************************************************************/ #include <isapip.hxx>
#include "setable.hxx"
# include "isapi.hxx"
# include "WamW3.hxx"
#include "wamobj.hxx"
#include "iwr.h"
#include "iwr_i.c"
# include "timer.h"
#include <irtlmisc.h>
#include <ooptoken.h>
// UNDONE where do these belong?
extern PSE_TABLE g_psextensions;
class CComContextHelper /*++
Class description:
Stack based helper class to enable calls to CoInitialize inside ISAPI. Replaces member functions PrepareCom/UnprepareCom in WAM_EXEC_INFO. These had to be replaced because WAM_EXEC_INFO will persist beyond the initial ISAPI call in the async case and keeping the call context in member data would leak and overrelease under certain conditions.
Public Interface:
PrepareCom : For OOP get the call context and use our private interface to enable coinit calls. UnprepareCom : Release the call context.
--*/ { public: CComContextHelper( BOOL fInProcess ) : m_fInProcess( fInProcess ), m_pComContext( NULL ), m_pComInitsCookie( NULL ) { }
~CComContextHelper( void ) { UnprepareCom(); }
HRESULT PrepareCom() /*++
Routine Description:
Prepare com before call into ISAPI. For OOP get the call context and use our private interface to enable coinit calls.
--*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
// Never call twice.
DBG_ASSERT( NULL == m_pComInitsCookie ); DBG_ASSERT( NULL == m_pComContext ); if( !m_fInProcess ) { // Save COM Call Context in MTS case
hr = CoGetCallContext( IID_IComDispatchInfo, (void **)&m_pComContext ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = m_pComContext->EnableComInits( &m_pComInitsCookie ); } } return hr; }
void UnprepareCom() /*++
Routine Description:
Restores com state after call into ISAPI. Release call context.
--*/ { // Restore COM Call Context
if( m_pComContext ) { DBG_ASSERT( !m_fInProcess ); DBG_ASSERT( m_pComInitsCookie );
m_pComContext->DisableComInits( m_pComInitsCookie ); m_pComContext->Release();
m_pComContext = NULL; m_pComInitsCookie = NULL; } }
private: //NO-OP
CComContextHelper() {} CComContextHelper( const CComContextHelper & ref ) {}
BOOL m_fInProcess; IComDispatchInfo * m_pComContext; void * m_pComInitsCookie;
Routine Description: Initializes this WAM.
Arguments: See below
Return Value: HRESULT
*/ STDMETHODIMP WAM::InitWam ( BOOL fInProcess, // are we in-proc or out-of-proc?
BOOL fInPool, // !Isolated
BOOL fEnableTryExcept, // catch exceptions in ISAPI calls?
int pt, // PLATFORM_TYPE - are we running on Win95?
DWORD *pPID // Process Id of the process the wam was created in
IF_DEBUG( INIT_CLEAN ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "\n ********** WAM(%08x)::InitWam() *****\n", this)); }
INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION( &m_csWamExecInfoList ); InitializeListHead( &m_WamExecInfoListHead );
m_fInProcess = fInProcess; m_fInPool = fInPool;
DBG_ASSERT( pt != PtInvalid ); m_pt = (PLATFORM_TYPE) pt;
// Get the process id of the current process so we can return it to w3svc
*pPID = GetCurrentProcessId();
// Acquire a reference to the SE_TABLE object
DBG_REQUIRE( g_psextensions->AddRefWam() > 0);
IF_DEBUG( INIT_CLEAN) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "\n************Leaving WAM::InitWam ...\n" )); }
// UNDONE: See the DoGlobalInitializations() for details.
hr = DoGlobalInitializations( fInProcess, fEnableTryExcept);
return (hr); } // WAM::InitWam()
Routine Description: Phase 1 of shutdown process. Set the shutdown flag on the WAM object Loop for small duration checking if all WAM_EXEC_INFO's have drained. At the end of loop initiate the first phase of TerminateExtension()
NOTE: TerminateExtension() - currently have been tested only for the MUST_UNLOAD option => there is no two-phase operation there. So, we will rely on calling it once only.
Arguments: None
Return Value: HRESULT
*/ STDMETHODIMP WAM::StartShutdown( ) { DWORD i;
IF_DEBUG( WAM ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM(%08x)::StartShutdown() %d Active Requests\n", this, QueryWamStats().QueryCurrentWamRequests() )); }
// Set the Shutting down flag to true now
DBG_REQUIRE( FALSE == InterlockedExchange((LPLONG)&m_fShuttingDown, (LONG)TRUE) );
for ( i = 0; ( (i < 10) && (QueryWamStats().QueryCurrentWamRequests()) ); i++ ) { # ifndef SHUTOFF_AFTER_BETA
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "[%d] WAM(%08x) has %d requests waiting for cleanup\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, QueryWamStats().QueryCurrentWamRequests() ) ); # endif // SHUTOFF_AFTER_BETA
Sleep( 200 ); // sleep for a while before restarting the check again
} // for
// Release the reference to the SE_TABLE object
return NOERROR; } // WAM::StartShutdown()
Routine Description: Phase 2 of shutdown process.
Arguments: None
Return Value: HRESULT NOERROR on success E_FAIL if there are any pending items to be deleted still
*/ STDMETHODIMP WAM::UninitWam() { //
// If there are any pending requests being processed, wait for them
// to be drained off from this WAM
IF_DEBUG( WAM ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM(%08x)::UninitWam() %d Active Requests\n", this, QueryWamStats().QueryCurrentWamRequests() )); }
if ( QueryWamStats().QueryCurrentWamRequests() != 0 ) { IF_DEBUG( ERROR) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM(%08x)::UninitWam() Error - " " Failed with active requests! (%d active)\n", this, QueryWamStats().QueryCurrentWamRequests() )); }
// Enumerate and dump information on all requests that are hanging
// and the associated ISAPI DLLs
while ( QueryWamStats().QueryCurrentWamRequests() > 0) {
DBGPRINTF( ( DBG_CONTEXT, "\n\n[Thd %d]WAM(%08x) has %d requests waiting ... \n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this, QueryWamStats().QueryCurrentWamRequests() ) );
// sleep for a while before restarting the check again
Sleep( 1000 ); } // while
// return failure, since we failed to shutdown gracefully!
// NYI: Should I ignore the fact that some long-hanging connections
// are okay?
// Shouldn't I be forcing the exit now?
DBG_ASSERT( QueryWamStats().QueryCurrentWamRequests() == 0); // return ( E_FAIL);
DeleteCriticalSection( &m_csWamExecInfoList );
return NOERROR; } // WAM::UninitWam()
WAM::ProcessAsyncIO Completes an async i/o process for a given wam request.
Return Value: HRESULT
*/ STDMETHODIMP WAM::ProcessAsyncIO ( #ifdef _WIN64
UINT64 pWamExecInfoIn, // WAM_EXEC_INFO *
DWORD dwStatus, DWORD cbWritten ) { return ProcessAsyncIOImpl( pWamExecInfoIn, dwStatus, cbWritten );
} // WAM::ProcessAsyncIO
STDMETHODIMP WAM::ProcessAsyncReadOop ( #ifdef _WIN64
UINT64 pWamExecInfoIn, #else
DWORD_PTR pWamExecInfoIn, #endif
DWORD dwStatus, DWORD cbRead, unsigned char * lpDataRead ) /*++
Routine Description: Handle callback for out of process AsyncRead
pWamExecInfoIn - The smuggled pointer to the WAM_EXEC_INFO dwStatus - IO status cbRead - Number of bytes read lpDataRead - Marshalled data read
Return Value:
The initial design for AsyncRead was inadequate when the isapi is running out of process. The problem was that the data buffer was marshalled over to inetinfo and back during the AsyncRead call. Since the completion will happen on another thread the ISAPI could get the completion before the data was completely marshalled back or the address in inetinfo could be invalidated before the read was complete. The solution is to add a separate path for oop async reads and marshall the data on the io completion and copy it into the client's buffer then.
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( lpDataRead != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( !m_fInProcess );
return ProcessAsyncIOImpl( pWamExecInfoIn, dwStatus, cbRead, lpDataRead ); }
HRESULT WAM::ProcessAsyncIOImpl ( #ifdef _WIN64
UINT64 pWamExecInfoIn, #else
DWORD_PTR pWamExecInfoIn, #endif
DWORD dwStatus, DWORD cb, LPBYTE lpDataRead // = NULL
) { HRESULT hrRet; CComContextHelper callContext( m_fInProcess );
WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo = reinterpret_cast<WAM_EXEC_INFO *>(pWamExecInfoIn);
// NOTE we assert because we believe the pointer can never be null
// AND we fail gracefully if it is null because there is a long
// code path across many threads between setting the pointer
// and here, and you never know ...
DBG_ASSERT ( pWamExecInfo != NULL );
if ( pWamExecInfo == NULL ) {
// Note: The AddRef/Release calls may not be necessary anymore.
// Make sure that UnprepareCom has valid WamInfo
if( lpDataRead == NULL ) { // Doing an out of process async read
hrRet = HresultFromBool( pWamExecInfo->ProcessAsyncIO( dwStatus, cb ) ); } else { // All other async io completions
hrRet = HresultFromBool( pWamExecInfo->ProcessAsyncReadOop( dwStatus, cb, lpDataRead ) ); }
callContext.UnprepareCom(); //
// Balance AddRef() above
return hrRet; }
WAM::ProcessRequest Processes a WAM request.
Arguments: pIWamRequest - pointer to IWamRequest interface cbWrcStrings - Count of bytes for wamreq core strings pfHandled - Indicates we handled this request pfFinished - Indicates no further processing is required
Return Value: HRESULT
*/ STDMETHODIMP WAM::ProcessRequest ( IWamRequest * pIWamRequest, DWORD cbWrcStrings, OOP_CORE_STATE * pOopCoreState, BOOL * pfHandled ) { HRESULT hrRet = NOERROR; // this function's return value
HRESULT hr; int iretInvokeExt; // return value from InvokeExtension
BOOL fFreeContext = TRUE;// do we need to free up wamex-info?
WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo = NULL; BOOL fImpersonated = FALSE; BYTE * pbEntityBody = NULL; DWORD cbEntityBody = 0; CComContextHelper callContext( m_fInProcess );
DBG_ASSERT( pIWamRequest ); IF_DEBUG( WAM) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM(%08x)::ProcessRequest(%08x, %08x, ... )\n", this, pIWamRequest )); }
if ( m_fShuttingDown ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM(%08x) shutting down. " "Request(%08x) will be aborted.\n" , this , pIWamRequest )); }
// UNDONE something besides E_FAIL?
return E_FAIL;
// create, init the wamexec-info and add it to list
pWamExecInfo = new WAM_EXEC_INFO( this ); if( NULL == pWamExecInfo ) { hrRet = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto LError; }
// Update the statistics counters
if ( FAILED( hrRet = pWamExecInfo->InitWamExecInfo( pIWamRequest, cbWrcStrings, pOopCoreState ) ) ) { goto LError; }
if( !m_fInProcess ) { //
// This test shouldn't really be necessary. In the case where com plus
// activates us in process even if we are marked to run in the
// surrogate, we will fail the app creation.
DBG_ASSERT( CWamOopTokenInfo::HasInstance() ); if( CWamOopTokenInfo::HasInstance() ) { hrRet = CWamOopTokenInfo::QueryInstance()->ModifyTokenForOop ( WRC_GET_FIX.m_hUserToken );
if( FAILED(hrRet) ) { goto LError; } } }
this->InsertIntoList( &pWamExecInfo->_ListEntry);
DBG_WAMREQ_REFCOUNTS(( "WAM::ProcessRequest right after wrc construction ...", pWamExecInfo ));
if ( !FWin95() ) { if ( !ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( WRC_GET_FIX.m_hUserToken ) ) { IF_DEBUG( ERROR ) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM(%08x) ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(%08x)" "failed[err %d]\n", this, WRC_GET_FIX.m_hUserToken, GetLastError())); }
hrRet = HresultFromGetLastError(); goto LError; } fImpersonated = TRUE; }
pWamExecInfo->_psExtension = NULL;
if ( ! g_psextensions->GetExtension( WRC_GET_SZ( WRC_I_ISADLLPATH ), WRC_GET_FIX.m_hUserToken, WRC_GET_FIX.m_fAnonymous, WRC_GET_FIX.m_fCacheISAPIApps, &(pWamExecInfo->_psExtension ) ) ) {
hrRet = HresultFromGetLastError( ); goto LError;
// Add a reference to ensure that wamexec is valid until we hit the
// cleanup code. Don't put any goto LError after this or the wamexec
// will leak.
// Invoke the server extension
callContext.PrepareCom(); iretInvokeExt = InvokeExtension( pWamExecInfo->_psExtension, WRC_GET_SZ( WRC_I_ISADLLPATH ), pWamExecInfo ); callContext.UnprepareCom();
if ( fImpersonated ) { ::RevertToSelf( ); fImpersonated = FALSE; }
pWamExecInfo->_dwFlags &= ~SE_PRIV_FLAG_IN_CALLBACK;
switch ( iretInvokeExt ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM(%08x)::ProcessRequest case HSE_STATUS_PENDING\n" , this )); }
DBG_WAMREQ_REFCOUNTS(( "WAM::ProcessRequest case HSE_STATUS_PENDING ", pWamExecInfo )); }
// Figure out whether this mainline thread or callback thread
// hit its cleanup code first
// This protects us against isapis that disobey the async rules.
// The isapi should be in one of two modes:
// 1. It return HSE_STATUS_PENDING in the mainline thread and
// always calls HSE_DONE_WITH_SESSION.
// 2. It returns any other status code from the mainline and
// Unfortunately isapi writers frequently do bad things to good
// servers.
// is initial value of the destination
if( FirstThread == (LONG) FT_CALLBACK ) {
// If we made it here, then we need to do cleanup, meaning:
// - SSF HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION callback has already run
// - we set fFreeContext TRUE to trigger cleanup below
fFreeContext = TRUE;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "\tSession done.\n" )); }
} else {
DBG_ASSERT( FirstThread == (LONG) FT_NULL );
// If we made it here, then we can't cleanup yet, meaning:
// - SSF HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION callback will cleanup
// when it runs
// - we set fFreeContext FALSE to avoid cleanup below
fFreeContext = FALSE;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "\tSession NOT done.\n" )); } }
// If fFreeContext is FALSE at this point, we may not use
// pWamExecInfo from this point on - callback thread can
// invalidate it at any time.
break; } // case HSE_STATUS_PENDING
// in error and success cases we no-op
// remember that ISA asked us to set keep-conn
pWamExecInfo->_dwIsaKeepConn = KEEPCONN_TRUE; break;
break; } // switch()
// Release the ref held by this call
if ( fFreeContext ) {
DBG_ASSERT( pWamExecInfo != NULL);
DBG_WAMREQ_REFCOUNTS(( "WAM::ProcessRequest fFreeContext ...", pWamExecInfo));
pWamExecInfo->CleanupAndRelease( TRUE );
pWamExecInfo = NULL;
} // if ( fFreeContext);
*pfHandled = TRUE; DBG_ASSERT( hrRet == NOERROR );
if ( fImpersonated ) {
::RevertToSelf( ); fImpersonated = FALSE; }
return hrRet;
// release pWamExecInfo on failure case
// NOTE we separate this from normal exit code because wamexecinfo
// must hang around in many non-error cases (status-pending, async i/o)
if ( pWamExecInfo != NULL) {
pWamExecInfo->CleanupAndRelease( FALSE );
pWamExecInfo = NULL; }
goto LExit;
} // WAM::ProcessRequest()
STDMETHODIMP WAM::GetStatistics( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLevel, /*[out, switch_is(Level)]*/ LPWAM_STATISTICS_INFO pWamStatsInfo ) /*++
Description: Obtains the statistics for the given instance of WAM for specified level.
Arguments: dwLevel - specifies the information level. (Currently level 0 is supported) pWamStatsInfo - pointer to the WAM STATISTICS INFO object that will receive the statistics.
Returns: HRESULT - NOERROR on success and E_FAIL on failure. --*/ { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
DBG_ASSERT( pWamStatsInfo != NULL);
IF_DEBUG( API_ENTRY) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM(%08x)::GetStatistics(%d, %08x)\n", this, dwLevel, pWamStatsInfo)); }
switch ( dwLevel) { case 0: { // copy values out of the statistics structure
m_WamStats.CopyToStatsBuffer( &pWamStatsInfo->WamStats0); break; }
default: DBG_ASSERT( FALSE); hr = E_FAIL; break;
} // switch()
return (hr);
} // WAM::GetStatistics()
Routine Description:
Invokes a server extension. NOTE without this cover function, we get a compile error error C2712: Cannot use __try in functions that require object unwinding
psExt - pointer to server extension szISADllPath - Fully qualified path to Module (DLL name) pWamExecInfo - ptr to wamexec info
Return Value:
--*/ DWORD WAM::InvokeExtension ( IN PHSE psExt, const char * szISADllPath, WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo ) {
DWORD ret;
// Protect the call to the server extension so we don't hose the
// server
__try { ret = psExt->ExecuteRequest( pWamExecInfo ); } __except ( g_fEnableTryExcept ? WAMExceptionFilter( GetExceptionInformation(), WAM_EVENT_EXTENSION_EXCEPTION, pWamExecInfo ) : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ) {
// exception caused us to to leave HSE_APPDLL::ExecuteRequest
// with unbalanced AddRef()
return ret; } // WAM::InvokeExtension
Routine Description:
Releases a server extension.
psExt - pointer to server extension.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID WAM::HseReleaseExtension ( IN PHSE psExt ) { g_psextensions->ReleaseExtension( psExt); } // HseReleaseExtension()
* Member Functions of WAM_STATISTICS ************************************************************/
Initializes statistics information for server. --*/ { INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION( & m_csStatsLock); ClearStatistics();
VOID WAM_STATISTICS::ClearStatistics( VOID) /*++
Clears the counters used for statistics information
--*/ { LockStatistics();
memset( &m_WamStats, 0, sizeof(WAM_STATISTICS_0) ); m_WamStats.TimeOfLastClear = GetCurrentTimeInSeconds();
} // WAM_STATISTICS::ClearStatistics()
Description: copies the statistics data from the server statistcs structure to the WAM_STATISTICS_0 structure for RPC access.
Arugments: pStat0 pointer to WAM_STATISTICS_0 object which contains the data on successful return
Returns: Win32 error codes. NO_ERROR on success.
--*/ {
DBG_ASSERT( pStat0 != NULL);
CopyMemory( pStat0, &m_WamStats, sizeof(WAM_STATISTICS_0) );
return ( NO_ERROR);
} // WAM_STATISTICS::CopyToStatsBuffer()
/************************ End of File ***********************/