Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
wamxinfo.cxx (formerly seinfo.cxx)
Implementation of WAM_EXEC_INFO object.
Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 18-July-1996 David Kaplan ( DaveK ) 10-July-1997
User Mode - Win32
Wam DLL --*/
* Include Headers ************************************************************/ # include <isapip.hxx>
# include "wamxinfo.hxx"
# include "WReqCore.hxx"
# include "setable.hxx"
# include "gip.h"
# include "WamW3.hxx"
// MIDL-generated
# include "iwr.h"
// allocation cache for the WAM_EXEC_INFO objects
ALLOC_CACHE_HANDLER * WAM_EXEC_INFO::sm_pachExecInfo; # define WAM_EXEC_INFO_CACHE_THRESHOLD (400) // UNDONE: Empirically vary
#if DBG
PTRACE_LOG WAM_EXEC_INFO::sm_pDbgRefTraceLog; #endif
// Ref count trace log sizes for per-request log and global log
// (used for debugging ref count problems)
// NOTE these are large because WAM_EXEC_INFO can have a lot of
// ref/deref activity
* Functions ************************************************************/
Arguments: pWam - ptr to wam
Returns: Nothing
*/ WAM_EXEC_INFO::WAM_EXEC_INFO( PWAM pWam ) { _cRefs = 1; m_pWam= pWam; _psExtension = NULL; _FirstThread = FT_NULL; m_dwSignature = WAM_EXEC_INFO_SIGNATURE;
DBG_ASSERT( m_pWam );
m_fInProcess = m_pWam->FInProcess(); m_fInPool = m_pWam->FInPool(); m_fDisconnected = FALSE;
InitializeListHead( &_ListEntry);
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p) Ctor : %d -> %d\n", this, _cRefs-1, _cRefs ));
#if DBG
// create ref trace log
m_pDbgRefTraceLog = CreateRefTraceLog( C_REFTRACES_PER_REQUEST, 0 ); #endif
Arguments: None
Returns: Nothing
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p) Dtor \n" , this )); }
#if DBG
// write thread id into second dword of this object's memory
// (alloc cache stores next-ptr in 1st dword, so we use 2nd slot)
*( (DWORD *)this + 1 ) = GetCurrentThreadId();
// destroy ref trace log
if( m_pDbgRefTraceLog != NULL ) { DestroyRefTraceLog( m_pDbgRefTraceLog ); }
#define WRC_F _WamReqCore.m_WamReqCoreFixed
WAM_EXEC_INFO::InitWamExecInfo Initializes the wamexec info
Arguments: cbWrcStrings - number of bytes required by strings buffer dwChildFlags - flags for child execution (HSE_EXEC_???)
Returns: HRESULT
*/ HRESULT WAM_EXEC_INFO::InitWamExecInfo ( IWamRequest * pIWamRequest, DWORD cbWrcStrings, OOP_CORE_STATE * pOopCoreState ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
DBG_ASSERT( pIWamRequest );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p)::InitWamExecInfo " "pIWamRequest(%p) " "cbWrcStrings(%d) " "m_fInProcess(%d) " "\n" , this , pIWamRequest , cbWrcStrings , m_fInProcess ));
if ( FAILED( hr = InitWamExecBase( pIWamRequest ) ) ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "InitWamExecBase failed " "hr(%x) " "\n" , hr ));
goto LExit; }
// Init wamreq core - contains stuff needed by ecb
if ( FAILED( hr = _WamReqCore.InitWamReqCore( cbWrcStrings , pIWamRequest , pOopCoreState , m_fInProcess ) ) ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "InitWamReqCore failed " "hr(%x) " "\n" , hr ));
goto LExit; }
// If this is a child ISA, set appropriate flags
_dwChildExecFlags = _WamReqCore.m_WamReqCoreFixed.m_dwChildExecFlags;
Print(); }
// begin Reset_Code
// [the following code was formerly WAM_EXEC_INFO::Reset]
_dwFlags = SE_PRIV_FLAG_IN_CALLBACK; _AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO = NULL; _AsyncIoInfo._pvHseIOContext = NULL; _AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO = ASYNC_IO_TYPE_NONE; _AsyncIoInfo._cbLastAsyncIO = 0; _AsyncIoInfo._pvAsyncReadBuffer = NULL;
// we are either inproc-valid or oop-valid, not both
DBG_ASSERT( ( m_fInProcess && AssertInpValid() && !AssertOopValid() ) || (!m_fInProcess && !AssertInpValid() && AssertOopValid() ) );
ecb.cbSize = sizeof(EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK);
// dwVersion is hardcoded because the iisext.h file that defines
// HSE_VERSION_MAJOR and HSE_VERSION_MINOR is shipped as a part of
// the SDK, and the compiler variable that distinguishes 5.1 from
// 6.0 builds is internal. The #if directive wouldn't make sense
// in a file exposed to the public.
ecb.dwVersion = MAKELONG( 1, 5 );
// keep in sync with HT_OK in basereq.hxx
#define HT_OK 200
ecb.dwHttpStatusCode = HT_OK; ecb.lpszLogData[0] = '\0'; //
// note that function pointers are set in isplocal.cxx before
// executing the request using ECB
ecb.ConnID = (HCONN) this; ecb.lpszMethod = _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_METHOD ); ecb.lpszQueryString = _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_QUERY ); ecb.lpszPathInfo = _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_PATHINFO ); ecb.lpszContentType = _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_CONTENTTYPE ); ecb.lpszPathTranslated = _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_PATHTRANS ); ecb.cbTotalBytes = WRC_F.m_cbClientContent;
// Clients can send more bytes then are indicated in their
// Content-Length header. Adjust byte counts so they match
ecb.cbAvailable = (WRC_F.m_cbEntityBody > WRC_F.m_cbClientContent) ? WRC_F.m_cbClientContent : WRC_F.m_cbEntityBody ;
ecb.lpbData = _WamReqCore.m_pbEntityBody;
// end Reset_Code
// [the preceding code was formerly WAM_EXEC_INFO::Reset]
LExit: return hr;
} // WAM_EXEC_INFO::InitWamExecInfo
HRESULT WAM_EXEC_INFO::GetInfoForName ( IWamRequest * pIWamRequest, const unsigned char * szVarName, unsigned char * pchBuffer, DWORD cchBuffer, DWORD * pcchRequired ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; BOOL fCacheHit = FALSE;
if( !m_fInProcess ) { // Lookup server variable in the cache.
DBG_ASSERT( sm_pSVCacheMap ); LPCSTR szTempVarName = (LPSTR)szVarName; DWORD dwOrdinal; if( sm_pSVCacheMap->FindOrdinal( szTempVarName, strlen(szTempVarName), &dwOrdinal ) ) { DBG_ASSERT( dwOrdinal < SVID_COUNT );
DWORD dwOffset = _WamReqCore.m_rgSVOffsets[dwOrdinal];
if( dwOffset != SV_DATA_INVALID_OFFSET ) { DBG_ASSERT( _WamReqCore.m_pbSVData );
// We have a value cached.
fCacheHit = TRUE;
if( SUCCEEDED(dwOffset) ) { // The offset is an actual offset into our data buffer iff
// the high bit isn't set.
LPSTR szValue = (LPSTR)(_WamReqCore.m_pbSVData + dwOffset); DWORD cchValue = strlen( szValue ) + 1;
if( cchValue > cchBuffer || pchBuffer == NULL ) { // Insufficient buffer
SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } else { CopyMemory( pchBuffer, szValue, cchValue ); } *pcchRequired = cchValue; } else { //
// In the event that HTTP_REQUEST::GetInfoForName
// failed because of missing data the error code
// returned is stored in dwOffset.
DBG_ASSERT( FAILED(dwOffset) ); // Rely on BoolFromHresult to do the SetLastError...
hr = dwOffset; } } } }
if( !fCacheHit ) { // Moved from isplocal.cxx - GetServerVariable()
HANDLE hCurrentUser = NULL; if( !m_fInProcess ) { hCurrentUser = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
hr = pIWamRequest->GetInfoForName( szVarName, pchBuffer, cchBuffer, pcchRequired );
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); }
return hr; }
This function transmits the file contents as specified in the pHseTfi. It also sets up the call back functions for processing the request when it completes.
Arguments: pHseTfi - pointer to Server Extension Transmit File information
Returns: TRUE on success and FALSE on failure
*/ BOOL WAM_EXEC_INFO::TransmitFile( IN LPHSE_TF_INFO pHseTfi ) {
BOOL fReturn = FALSE; IWamRequest * pIWamRequest = NULL;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p)::TransmitFile " "pHseTfi(%p) " "\n" , this , pHseTfi ));
// It is unlikely that ISAPI applications will post
// multiple outstanding IOs. However we have the state
// pAsyncIoInfo->_fOutstandingIO to secure ourselves against this.
// I have not used any critical sections to protect against
// multiple threads for performance reasons.
// Today we support only Async IO transfers
if ( pHseTfi == NULL || _AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO || ((pHseTfi->dwFlags & HSE_IO_ASYNC) == 0) ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ( FALSE ); }
if ( pHseTfi->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ); return ( FALSE ); }
// If there is no file being transfered, then having a non-zero
// offset or BytesToWrite will be bad.
if( (pHseTfi->hFile == NULL) && (pHseTfi->BytesToWrite != 0 || pHseTfi->Offset != 0) ) { // Consider: We could just set these to 0, ie ignore them
// if the hFile is NULL.
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ( FALSE ); }
// Record the number of bytes to complete the IO with
if ( pHseTfi->BytesToWrite > 0 ) {
DBG_ASSERT( pHseTfi->hFile );
_AsyncIoInfo._cbLastAsyncIO = pHseTfi->BytesToWrite;
} else {
// If a zero-size was passed in, get size from file
if( pHseTfi->hFile ) {
if ( !GetFileInformationByHandle( pHseTfi->hFile, &hfi )) {
// CONSIDER something besides ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE???
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ); return ( FALSE ); }
if ( hfi.nFileSizeHigh ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); return ( FALSE ); }
_AsyncIoInfo._cbLastAsyncIO = hfi.nFileSizeLow; } else { // We want to allow TransmitFile without a file handle
_AsyncIoInfo._cbLastAsyncIO = 0; }
// Set the callback function. Override old one
if ( pHseTfi->pfnHseIO != NULL) {
_AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO = pHseTfi->pfnHseIO; }
if ( NULL == _AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO) {
// No callback specified. return error
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ( FALSE ); }
if ( pHseTfi->pContext != NULL) {
// Override the old context
_AsyncIoInfo._pvHseIOContext = pHseTfi->pContext; }
if ( FAILED( GetIWamRequest( &pIWamRequest ) ) ) {
DBG_ASSERT( pIWamRequest );
// Finally, call appropriate transmit-file version
// based on in-proc vs. oop.
// First, we init async i/o processing. In normal (success) case,
// i/o completion thread will call balancing uninit. In failure
// case, we call it below.
if ( m_fInProcess ) {
// call in-proc interface (fastest)
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->TransmitFileInProc( #ifdef _WIN64
(UINT64) this #else
(ULONG_PTR) this #endif
, (unsigned char *) pHseTfi ) );
} else {
// call out-of-proc interface
unsigned char * pszStatusCode = NULL; DWORD cbStatusCode = 0;
// if send-headers flag is set, get status code from struct
if ( pHseTfi->dwFlags & HSE_IO_SEND_HEADERS ) {
DBG_ASSERT( pHseTfi->pszStatusCode );
pszStatusCode = (unsigned char *) pHseTfi->pszStatusCode; cbStatusCode = lstrlen( pHseTfi->pszStatusCode ) + 1; }
HANDLE hCurrentUser = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->TransmitFileOutProc( #ifdef _WIN64
(UINT64) this , (UINT64) pHseTfi->hFile #else
(ULONG_PTR) this , (ULONG_PTR) pHseTfi->hFile #endif
, pszStatusCode , cbStatusCode , pHseTfi->BytesToWrite , pHseTfi->Offset , (unsigned char *) pHseTfi->pHead , pHseTfi->HeadLength , (unsigned char *) pHseTfi->pTail , pHseTfi->TailLength , pHseTfi->dwFlags ) ); UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
if ( !fReturn ) {
UninitAsyncIO(); }
ReleaseIWamRequest( pIWamRequest );
return fReturn;
} // WAM_EXEC_INFO::TransmitFile()
This function performs an async read of client (browser) data on behalf of the ISA
pvBuff - Data buffer to read into pcbToRead - Number of bytes to read, set to number of bytes read if request is not Async dwFlags - Receive flags
Notes: The initial design for AsyncRead was inadequate when the isapi is running out of process. The problem was that the data buffer was marshalled over to inetinfo and back during the AsyncRead call. Since the completion will happen on another thread the ISAPI could get the completion before the data was completely marshalled back or the address in inetinfo could be invalidated before the read was complete. The solution is to add a separate path for oop async reads and marshall the data on the io completion and copy it into the client's buffer then. Returns:
TRUE on success and FALSE on failure
*/ BOOL WAM_EXEC_INFO::AsyncReadClient( IN OUT PVOID pvBuff , IN OUT DWORD *pcbToRead , IN DWORD dwFlags ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
DBG_ASSERT( pvBuff ); DBG_ASSERT( pcbToRead );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p)::AsyncReadClient\t" "Bytes to read = %d\n" , this , *pcbToRead )); }
// It is unlikely that ISAPI applications will post
// multiple outstanding IOs. However we have the state
// _AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO to secure ourselves against such cases.
// I have not used any critical sections to protect against
// multiple threads for performance reasons.
// Today we support only Async IO transfers
if ( _AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO || ((dwFlags & HSE_IO_ASYNC) == 0) ) {
if ( NULL == _AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO) {
// No callback specified. return error
// Setup stage for and execute AsyncReadClient operation
// If callback function exists and flags indicate Async IO, do it.
// Also there should be no outstanding Async IO operation.
if ( dwFlags & HSE_IO_ASYNC) {
// 1. Set Request state to be async IO from ISAPI client
// 2. Submit Async IOP
// 3. return to the ISAPI application
IWamRequest * pIWamRequest = NULL;
if ( FAILED( GetIWamRequest( &pIWamRequest ) ) ) {
return FALSE; }
if( m_fInProcess ) { fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->AsyncReadClientExt( #ifdef _WIN64
(UINT64) this #else
(ULONG_PTR) this #endif
, (unsigned char *) pvBuff , *pcbToRead ) ); } else { DBG_ASSERT( _AsyncIoInfo._pvAsyncReadBuffer == NULL ); _AsyncIoInfo._pvAsyncReadBuffer = pvBuff;
fReturn = BoolFromHresult( pIWamRequest->AsyncReadClientOop( #ifdef _WIN64
(UINT64) this #else
(ULONG_PTR) this #endif
, *pcbToRead ) ); if( !fReturn ) { _AsyncIoInfo._pvAsyncReadBuffer = NULL; } }
ReleaseIWamRequest( pIWamRequest );
if ( !fReturn ) { UninitAsyncIO(); }
} else {
return ( fReturn); } // WAM_EXEC_INFO::AsyncReadClient()
Completes an async i/o by calling the ISA's i/o completion callback
Returns: BOOL
*/ BOOL WAM_EXEC_INFO::ProcessAsyncIO( DWORD dwStatus , DWORD cbWritten ) {
DBG_ASSERT( _AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO ); DBG_ASSERT( _AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_EXEC_INFO[%p]::ProcessAsyncIO(IOStatus=%d, %d bytes)\n" , this, dwStatus, cbWritten )); }
// 1.
// We are in the return from an async io completion.
// We will be making a call into the ISAPI DLL to notify that
// the IO operation completed.
// This callback has to occur within the bounds of ref/deref
// of the WAM_EXEC_INFO otherwise following race condition can occur:
// - isapi's completion function calls done-with-session;
// if that release got rid of last ref, this WAM_EXEC_INFO
// gets destroyed
// - isapi's completion function continues doing other work
// - an unrelated shutdown command comes in asynchronously
// - if isapi has no TerminateExtension (or a non-robust one),
// isapi gets summarily unloaded
// - any of a number of terrible things can happen
// If you HAVE temptations to optimize this,
// please first talk to MuraliK
AddRef(); //
// 2.
// Un-init async i/o - balances init we did before requesting i/o
// NOTE we do this before calling the isapi's completion function
// Reasons:
// WAM_EXEC_INFO maintians state that an async IO operation is going on
// UninitAsyncIO resets this state and other associated ref-counts.
// This way we ensure that any further async IO callbacks made during
// the call to the ISAPI DLL will be honored properly.
// Only call this in success case.
if (dwStatus == 0) { dwIOType = _AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO; UninitAsyncIO(); }
// 3.
// Impersonate before making ISAPI callback
if ( !m_pWam->FWin95() ) { HANDLE hToken = _WamReqCore.m_WamReqCoreFixed.m_hUserToken;
if ( !( fImpersonated = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( hToken ) ) ) {
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p) ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(%x)" "failed[err %d]\n", this, hToken, GetLastError()));
fRet = FALSE; }
// 4.
// call isapi if we are successful so far
if ( fRet ) {
__try {
// Adjust bytes written for async writes -
// otherwise filter adjusted bytes show up
// which confuses some ISAPI Applications
if ( dwIOType == ASYNC_IO_TYPE_WRITE && dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
cbWritten = _AsyncIoInfo._cbLastAsyncIO;
_AsyncIoInfo._cbLastAsyncIO = 0; }
// Make the ISAPI callback to indicate that the I/O completed
(*_AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO)( &ecb, _AsyncIoInfo._pvHseIOContext, cbWritten, dwStatus );
} __except ( g_fEnableTryExcept ? WAMExceptionFilter( GetExceptionInformation(), WAM_EVENT_EXTENSION_EXCEPTION, this ) : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ) { fRet = FALSE; }
// 5.
// Revert back if we were impersonated before making ISAPI DLL callback
if ( fImpersonated ) { ::RevertToSelf( ); fImpersonated = FALSE; }
if (dwStatus != 0) { UninitAsyncIO(); } //
// Complimentary release for the AddRef() done in Step (1) above
return fRet;
} // ProcessAsyncIO()
BOOL WAM_EXEC_INFO::ProcessAsyncReadOop ( DWORD dwStatus, DWORD cbRead, unsigned char * lpDataRead ) /*++
Routine Description: Handle callback for out of process AsyncRead
dwStatus - IO status cbRead - Number of bytes read lpDataRead - Marshalled data read
Return Value:
The initial design for AsyncRead was inadequate when the isapi is running out of process. The problem was that the data buffer was marshalled over to inetinfo and back during the AsyncRead call. Since the completion will happen on another thread the ISAPI could get the completion before the data was completely marshalled back or the address in inetinfo could be invalidated before the read was complete. The solution is to add a separate path for oop async reads and marshall the data on the io completion and copy it into the client's buffer then.
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT( !m_fInProcess ); DBG_ASSERT( _AsyncIoInfo._pvAsyncReadBuffer != NULL );
// Copy the marshalled data into the client's buffer.
if( dwStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { //
// Is there more we can do to protect this?
// We'd have problems anyway if the client's buffer wasn't large
// enough to hold the data and cbRead should always be <= than the
// size the client specified.
CopyMemory( _AsyncIoInfo._pvAsyncReadBuffer, lpDataRead, cbRead ); }
_AsyncIoInfo._pvAsyncReadBuffer = NULL; return ProcessAsyncIO( dwStatus, cbRead ); }
WAM_EXEC_INFO::InitAsyncIO Initilializes members before requesting async i/o
Arguments: None
Returns: Nothing
*/ VOID WAM_EXEC_INFO::InitAsyncIO( DWORD dwIOType ) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p)::InitAsyncIO " "\n" , this ));
DBG_ASSERT( dwIOType == ASYNC_IO_TYPE_READ || dwIOType == ASYNC_IO_TYPE_WRITE ); DBG_ASSERT( _AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO == ASYNC_IO_TYPE_NONE ); DBG_ASSERT( _AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO != NULL); DBG_ASSERT( _AsyncIoInfo._pvAsyncReadBuffer == NULL );
AddRef(); _AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO = dwIOType; }
WAM_EXEC_INFO::UninitAsyncIO Un-initilializes members before completing async i/o
Arguments: None
Returns: Nothing
*/ VOID WAM_EXEC_INFO::UninitAsyncIO() {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p)::UninitAsyncIO " "\n" , this ));
_AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO = ASYNC_IO_TYPE_NONE; Release();
WAM_EXEC_INFO::IsValid Is this a valid object? Arguments: None
Returns: BOOL */ BOOL WAM_EXEC_INFO::IsValid( ) { //
// CONSIDER more thorough error checking
return (m_dwSignature == WAM_EXEC_INFO_SIGNATURE); }
WAM_EXEC_INFO::AddRef Add refs
Arguments: None
Returns: Ref count
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p) AddRef : %d -> %d\n" , this , _cRefs , _cRefs + 1 )); }
LONG cRefs = InterlockedIncrement( &_cRefs );
#if DBG
// Write to both this request's trace log and global trace log
if( m_pDbgRefTraceLog != NULL ) {
WriteRefTraceLog( m_pDbgRefTraceLog , cRefs , (PVOID) this ); }
if( sm_pDbgRefTraceLog != NULL ) {
WriteRefTraceLog( sm_pDbgRefTraceLog , cRefs , (PVOID) this ); }
return cRefs;
Description: Calls wamreq's (prep)cleanup, then releases this wamexecinfo.
Arguments: None
Returns: Nothing
*/ void WAM_EXEC_INFO::CleanupAndRelease( BOOL fFullCleanup ) {
// Prep wamreq's cleanup
// This method should only be called from the IIS thread
DBG_ASSERT( m_dwThreadIdIIS == GetCurrentThreadId() );
// While on IIS thread m_pIWamReqIIS must be a valid pointer
// The skip wamreq cleanup is only set by ASP after returning
// a status pending
// init hr's to failure - these will drive cleanup logic below,
// but only if calls are successful
HRESULT hrCoInitEx = E_FAIL; HRESULT hrGetIWamReq = E_FAIL; IWamRequest * pIWamRequest = NULL;
if ( m_fInProcess ) {
// inproc case, use our cached ptr.
pIWamRequest = m_pIWamReqIIS;
} else {
// in oop case,
// an isapi might have changed the thread's mode on us
// (for example, by coinit'ing single-threaded).
// if so, we need to get an interface pointer from gip,
// since our cached ptr will no longer be valid.
// NOTE we test this by calling coinit, which is cheap.
// if this succeeds, we plough ahead with our cached ptr.
// else if mode changed, we get an interface ptr from gip.
if ( hrCoInitEx == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE ) {
hrGetIWamReq = GetIWamRequest( &pIWamRequest );
} else {
// NOTE in most cases we are here because we succeeded
// in others we forge ahead and hope for the best ...
// at any rate, we cannot be worse off than before
// we added the above co-init call
pIWamRequest = m_pIWamReqIIS;
if ( pIWamRequest != NULL ) {
HANDLE hCurrentUser = m_fInProcess ? NULL : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
if ( fFullCleanup ) {
// we are doing full cleanup
pIWamRequest->CleanupWamRequest( (unsigned char*) ecb.lpszLogData , lstrlen( ecb.lpszLogData ) + 1 , ecb.dwHttpStatusCode , _dwIsaKeepConn );
} else {
// we are not doing full cleanup, so call 'Prep' only
pIWamRequest->PrepCleanupWamRequest( (unsigned char*) ecb.lpszLogData , lstrlen( ecb.lpszLogData ) + 1 , ecb.dwHttpStatusCode , _dwIsaKeepConn );
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); }
// if we got a ptr from gip, release it
if ( SUCCEEDED( hrGetIWamReq ) ) { ReleaseIWamRequest( pIWamRequest ); }
// if we co-init'ed, co-uninit
if ( hrCoInitEx == S_OK ) { CoUninitialize( ); }
// Release this
Release( );
} // CleanupAndRelease
WAM_EXEC_INFO::Release Releases
Arguments: None
Returns: Ref count
*/ ULONG WAM_EXEC_INFO::Release( )
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p) Release: %d -> %d\n" , this , _cRefs , _cRefs-1 ));
// Write the trace log BEFORE the decrement operation :(
// If we write it after the decrement, we will run into potential
// race conditions in this object getting freed up accidentally
// by another thread
#if DBG
// Write to both this request's trace log and global trace log
if( m_pDbgRefTraceLog != NULL ) {
WriteRefTraceLog( m_pDbgRefTraceLog , _cRefs - 1 // ref count AFTER decrement happens
, (PVOID) this ); }
if( sm_pDbgRefTraceLog != NULL ) {
WriteRefTraceLog( sm_pDbgRefTraceLog , _cRefs - 1 // ref count AFTER decrement happens
, (PVOID) this ); }
LONG cRefs = InterlockedDecrement( &_cRefs );
if( cRefs == 0) {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "... dying ...\n\n" )); }
CleanupWamExecInfo( );
// Finally, delete ourselves.
delete this; return 0;
return cRefs; }
WAM_EXEC_INFO::CleanupWamExecInfo Cleans up this object prior to its destruction
Arguments: None
Returns: Nothing
*/ VOID WAM_EXEC_INFO::CleanupWamExecInfo( )
// remove this from its list
m_pWam->RemoveFromList( &_ListEntry);
if ( !m_fInProcess & !(m_pWam->FWin95()) ) {
// If oop, close the impersonation token
// (dup'ed in w3svc!HGetOopImpersonationToken)
// NOTE ignore if in-proc or win95 because we never dup'ed
// handle in the first place
DBG_ASSERT( _WamReqCore.m_WamReqCoreFixed.m_hUserToken != (HANDLE)0 );
CloseHandle( _WamReqCore.m_WamReqCoreFixed.m_hUserToken ); _WamReqCore.m_WamReqCoreFixed.m_hUserToken = (HANDLE)0; }
if ( _psExtension != NULL) { // release the extension object
g_psextensions->ReleaseExtension( _psExtension); _psExtension = NULL; }
DBG_ASSERT( QueryPWam()); QueryPWam()->QueryWamStats().DecrCurrentWamRequests();
} // WAM_EXEC_INFO::CleanupWamExecInfo
WAM_EXEC_INFO::ISAThreadNotify Notifies WAM_EXEC_BASE that an ISAPI thread is about to start/stop using it. Allows to cache IWamRequest* in the OOP case.
NOTE this method is on WAM_EXEC_INFO (rather than WAM_EXEC_BASE) because it must addref and release.
Arguments: fStart thread start (TRUE) / thread end (FALSE)
Returns: HRESULT
*/ HRESULT WAM_EXEC_INFO::ISAThreadNotify( BOOL fStart ) {
if ( m_fInProcess ) {
// In-proc: no-op
return NOERROR;
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p)::ISAThreadNotify(%d) Thread(%d)\n" , this , fStart , GetCurrentThreadId() )); }
if ( fStart ) {
// Out-of-proc: when starting the ISA's single-thread
// sequence, cache ISA-thread ptr we get from gip-master.
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr = GetInterfaceForThread( ) ) ) {
AddRef(); }
DBG_ASSERT( AssertSmartISAValid() || (hr != NOERROR) );
} else {
// Out-of-proc: when ending the ISA's single-thread
// sequence, release ISA-thread ptr
hr = ReleaseInterfaceForThread( );
return hr;
} // WAM_EXEC_INFO::ISAThreadNotify
Debug methods
#if DBG
VOID WAM_EXEC_INFO::Print( VOID) const {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p): Method: %s; Query: %s;\n" "PathInfo: %s; PathTrans: %s; ContentType: %s;\n" "URL: %s; ISA DLL path: %s;\n" "In-Proc = %d; m_pIWamReqInproc = %p; " "m_gipIWamRequest = %p; m_pIWamReqSmartISA = %p\n" "Flags = %x; ChildExecFlags = %x; RefCount = %d\n" "Extension = %p; OutstandingIO = %d; " "IoCompletion() = %p; IoContext = %p\n" , this , _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_METHOD ) , _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_QUERY ) , _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_PATHINFO ) , _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_PATHTRANS ) , _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_CONTENTTYPE ) , _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_URL ) , _WamReqCore.GetSz( WRC_I_ISADLLPATH ) , m_fInProcess , m_pIWamReqInproc , m_gipIWamRequest , m_pIWamReqSmartISA , _dwFlags , _dwChildExecFlags , _cRefs , _psExtension , _AsyncIoInfo._dwOutstandingIO , _AsyncIoInfo._pfnHseIO , _AsyncIoInfo._pvHseIOContext ));
return; } // WAM_EXEC_INFO::Print()
VOID WAM_EXEC_INFO::Print( VOID) const { }
#endif //DBG
#if DBG
void DbgWamreqRefcounts ( char* szPrefix, WAM_EXEC_INFO * pWamExecInfo, long cRefsWamRequest, long cRefsWamReqContext ) {
IWamRequest * pIWamRequest = NULL; pWamExecInfo->GetIWamRequest( &pIWamRequest ); DBG_ASSERT( pIWamRequest );
HANDLE hCurrentUser = pWamExecInfo->FInProcess() ? NULL : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser ); if( cRefsWamRequest != -1) {
DBG_ASSERT( cRefsWamRequest == (long) pIWamRequest->DbgRefCount() ); }
if( cRefsWamReqContext != -1) { DBG_ASSERT( cRefsWamReqContext == (long) pWamExecInfo->DbgRefCount() ); }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "IWamRequest(%p): RefCount = %d\n" , pIWamRequest , pIWamRequest->DbgRefCount() ));
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "WAM_EXEC_INFO(%p): RefCount = %d\n" , pWamExecInfo, pWamExecInfo->DbgRefCount() ));
UndoRevertHack( &hCurrentUser );
pWamExecInfo->ReleaseIWamRequest( pIWamRequest );
} // WAM_EXEC_INFO::DbgWamreqRefcounts
#endif // DBG
* Static Member Functions of WAM_EXEC_INFO ************************************************************/
if ( NULL != sm_pachExecInfo) {
// already initialized
return ( TRUE ); }
hr = g_GIPAPI.Init(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "GIPAPI::Init Failed: %8.8x\n", hr) ); return ( FALSE ); }
sm_pachExecInfo = new ALLOC_CACHE_HANDLER( "WamExecInfo", &acConfig);
#if DBG
sm_pDbgRefTraceLog = CreateRefTraceLog( C_REFTRACES_GLOBAL, 0 ); #endif
return ( NULL != sm_pachExecInfo); } // WAM_EXEC_INFO::InitClass()
hr = g_GIPAPI.UnInit(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "GIPAPI::UnInit returned %8.8x\n", hr ) ); }
if ( NULL != sm_pachExecInfo) {
delete sm_pachExecInfo; sm_pachExecInfo = NULL; }
#if DBG
DestroyRefTraceLog( sm_pDbgRefTraceLog ); #endif
return; } // WAM_EXEC_INFO::CleanupClass()
void * WAM_EXEC_INFO::operator new( size_t s) { DBG_ASSERT( s == sizeof( WAM_EXEC_INFO));
// allocate from allocation cache.
DBG_ASSERT( NULL != sm_pachExecInfo); return (sm_pachExecInfo->Alloc()); } // WAM_EXEC_INFO::operator new()
void WAM_EXEC_INFO::operator delete( void * psi) { DBG_ASSERT( NULL != psi);
// free to the allocation pool
DBG_ASSERT( NULL != sm_pachExecInfo); DBG_REQUIRE( sm_pachExecInfo->Free(psi));
return; } // WAM_EXEC_INFO::operator delete()
/************************ End of File *********************************/