// AuthCtl.cpp : Implementation of the CCertAuthCtrl OLE control class.
// Doing CertificateRequest and Authority Mapping/management.
#include "stdafx.h"
//#include "Util.h"
#include "certmap.h"
#include "AuthCtl.h"
#include "AuthPpg.h"
#include "Reg.h"
#include "nLocEnrl.h"
# include "wizard.h" // implement Wizard97 look and feel
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
//#include <unicode.h>
//#include <base64.h>
//#include <pvk.h>
//need the CLSID and IID for xEnroll
#include <ole2.h>
#include "xenroll.h"
#include <certrpc.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <wintrust.h>
#include "wrapmb.h"
#include "NKWelcom.h" // for class CNKWelcome
#include "NKMuxPg.h" // for class CNKMuxPg -- for new certs
#include "NKMuxPg2.h" // for class CNKMuxPg2 -- for OOB finish ops
#include "NKMuxPg3.h" // for class CNKMuxPg3 -- for Mod Existing ops
#define _CRYPT32_
// persistence and mapping includes
extern "C" { #include <wincrypt.h>
#include <sslsp.h>
} #include "Iismap.hxx"
#include "Iiscmr.hxx"
#include "CrackCrt.h"
#include "ListRow.h"
#include "ChkLstCt.h"
#include "IssueDlg.h"
// include header files for the dialog pages
#include "KeyObjs.h"
//#include "WizSheet.h"
#include "NKChseCA.h"
#include "NKDN.h"
#include "NKDN1.h"
#include "NKDN2.h"
#include "NKFlInfo.h"
#include "NKKyInfo.h"
#include "NKUsrInf.h"
#include "CertSel.h"
#include "CompPage.h"
#include "WizError.h"
#include "Creating.h"
#include "CTLWelc.h"
#include "CTLMuxPg.h"
#include "NKChseCA.h"
#include "NKWelcom.h" // for class CNKWelcome
#include "NKMuxPg.h" // for class CNKMuxPg
#include "KeyRImpt.h" // for class CKeyImpt -- the 1st KeyRing Import page
#include "KeyRFile.h" // for the second KeyRing Import page that asks
// the user to confirm they want to do the import
#include "FinCImpt.h" // for the first Cert-Finish an offline-request
// Wizard page -- class CFinCertImport
#include "FinCFin.h" // for the second Cert-Finish an offline-request
// Wizard page -- class CFinCertImport
#include "NKMuxPg3.h"
#include "DelCert.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Message map
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CCertAuthCtrl, COleControl) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CCertAuthCtrl)
// NOTE - ClassWizard will add and remove message map entries
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
// Dispatch map
BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CCertAuthCtrl, COleControl) //{{AFX_DISPATCH_MAP(CCertAuthCtrl)
// Event map
BEGIN_EVENT_MAP(CCertAuthCtrl, COleControl) //{{AFX_EVENT_MAP(CCertAuthCtrl)
// Property pages
// TODO: Add more property pages as needed. Remember to increase the count!
// Initialize class factory and guid
IMPLEMENT_OLECREATE_EX(CCertAuthCtrl, "CERTMAP.CertmapCtrl.2", 0x996ff6f, 0xb6a1, 0x11d0, 0x92, 0x92, 0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb6, 0x67, 0x8b)
// Type library ID and version
IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(CCertAuthCtrl, _tlid, _wVerMajor, _wVerMinor)
// Interface IDs
const IID BASED_CODE IID_DCertAuth = { 0x996ff6d, 0xb6a1, 0x11d0, { 0x92, 0x92, 0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb6, 0x67, 0x8b } }; const IID BASED_CODE IID_DCertAuthEvents = { 0x996ff6e, 0xb6a1, 0x11d0, { 0x92, 0x92, 0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb6, 0x67, 0x8b } };
// Control type information
// CCertAuthCtrl::CCertAuthCtrlFactory::UpdateRegistry -
// Adds or removes system registry entries for CCertAuthCtrl
BOOL CCertAuthCtrl::CCertAuthCtrlFactory::UpdateRegistry(BOOL bRegister) { // TODO: Verify that your control follows apartment-model threading rules.
// Refer to MFC TechNote 64 for more information.
// If your control does not conform to the apartment-model rules, then
// you must modify the code below, changing the 6th parameter from
// afxRegApartmentThreading to 0.
if (bRegister) return AfxOleRegisterControlClass( AfxGetInstanceHandle(), m_clsid, m_lpszProgID, IDS_CERTAUTH, IDB_CERTAUTH, afxRegApartmentThreading, _dwCertAuthOleMisc, _tlid, _wVerMajor, _wVerMinor); else return AfxOleUnregisterClass(m_clsid, m_lpszProgID); }
// CCertAuthCtrl::CCertAuthCtrl - Constructor
CCertAuthCtrl::CCertAuthCtrl(): m_fUpdateFont( FALSE ), m_hAccel( NULL ), m_cAccel( 0 ) { InitializeIIDs(&IID_DCertAuth, &IID_DCertAuthEvents); }
// CCertAuthCtrl::~CCertAuthCtrl - Destructor
CCertAuthCtrl::~CCertAuthCtrl() { if ( m_hAccel ) DestroyAcceleratorTable( m_hAccel );
m_hAccel = NULL;
// CCertAuthCtrl::OnDraw - Drawing function
void CCertAuthCtrl::OnDraw( CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid) { CFont* pOldFont;
// select the stock font, recording the old one
pOldFont = SelectStockFont( pdc );
// do the superclass draw
DoSuperclassPaint(pdc, rcBounds);
// restore the old font - sneakily getting the correct font object
pOldFont = pdc->SelectObject(pOldFont);
// we want the button window to continue drawing in the correct font even
// when we are not using OnDraw. i.e. when it is being pushed down. This
// means we need to set the CWnd::SetFont() method.
if ( m_fUpdateFont ) { m_fUpdateFont = FALSE; CWnd::SetFont( pOldFont ); } }
// CCertAuthCtrl::DoPropExchange - Persistence support
void CCertAuthCtrl::DoPropExchange(CPropExchange* pPX) { ExchangeVersion(pPX, MAKELONG(_wVerMinor, _wVerMajor)); COleControl::DoPropExchange(pPX); }
// CCertAuthCtrl::OnResetState - Reset control to default state
void CCertAuthCtrl::OnResetState() { COleControl::OnResetState(); // Resets defaults found in DoPropExchange
// CCertAuthCtrl::AboutBox - Display an "About" box to the user
void CCertAuthCtrl::AboutBox() { // CDialog dlgAbout(IDD_ABOUTBOX_CERTAUTH);
// dlgAbout.DoModal();
// CCertAuthCtrl message handlers
BOOL CCertAuthCtrl::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { if ( cs.style & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS ) cs.style ^= WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; cs.lpszClass = _T("BUTTON"); return COleControl::PreCreateWindow(cs); }
// CAppsCtrl::IsSubclassedControl - This is a subclassed control
BOOL CCertAuthCtrl::IsSubclassedControl() { return TRUE; }
// OnOcmCommand - Handle command messages
LRESULT CCertAuthCtrl::OnOcmCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { #ifdef _WIN32
WORD wNotifyCode = HIWORD(wParam); #else
WORD wNotifyCode = HIWORD(lParam); #endif
// TODO: Switch on wNotifyCode here.
return 0; }
HRESULT CCertAuthCtrl::LaunchCommonCTLDialog (CCTL* pCTL) { ASSERT (pCTL); CRYPTUI_VIEWCTL_STRUCT vcs; HWND hwndParent=0; // //
// // Success codes defined for HRESULTS:
// //
// #define S_OK ((HRESULT)0x00000000L)
// #define S_FALSE ((HRESULT)0x00000001L)
HRESULT hResult= S_OK;
::ZeroMemory (&vcs, sizeof (vcs)); vcs.dwSize = sizeof (vcs); vcs.hwndParent = hwndParent; vcs.dwFlags = 0; vcs.pCTLContext = pCTL->GetCTLContext ();
BOOL bResult = ::CryptUIDlgViewCTL (&vcs); if ( bResult ) { }
return hResult; }
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
// checkSanityMFC is used only for debugging some strange MFC problem
// where MFC loses it state!
// Method: 20 times ask MFC to get out application name that
// should be "certmap" --> if we fail we throw assert + return FALSE
// OTHERWISE we return TRUE;
BOOL checkSanityMFC() {
for (int i=0; i<20; i++) { CString szCaption = AfxGetAppName(); // for debug, we now print it out
ASSERT( STRICMP(szCaption, _T("certmap"))==0); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif
// OnClick - process a click event. This will be called by the IIS admin
// API to launch us! [people get here by clicking on our control]
// PARAMS: iButton an IN param. tells what "logical button" fired our control:
// value
// ------
// 1 Call CertWiz
// 2 Call CTL Wiz
extern void test__non2Rons_WizClasses();
void CCertAuthCtrl::OnClick(USHORT iButton) {
AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ());
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
if (DebugTestEnv(_T("MFC")) && YesNoMsgBox(_T("Shall we run: test__non2Rons_WizClasses"))) { test__non2Rons_WizClasses(); } #endif
#if defined(DEBUGGING) && defined(SHOW_TRACE_INFO)
Trace t( _T("CCertAuthCtrl::OnClick")); #endif
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
checkSanityMFC(); #endif
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
(void) ShallWeShowDebugMsgs(); // the purpose of this call is to make sure
// that we properly initialize [if we are
// to emit debug stmts, even though we have
// a debug build]. We currently look in Reg:
// "Software\\Microsoft\\CertMap\\Debug" under
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER for a Key with:
// name: "Enabled" and set to "TRUE".
// If we find that we produce debug stmts.
// See file Debug.cpp and Debug.h for more info
// m_szMachineName currently has the machine we were told to operate upon
// "We currently do not support remote administration of Web servers."
// ComputerNameMatchesOurMachineName(IN OUT CString& remoteHostname)
// After trimming [remoteHostname] see if its naming this
// machine. We look for a direct case-independent match
// or "localhost"
// RETURNS: T: iff the name passed in matches the machine we are
// running on.
// NOTE: remoteHostname is an IN OUT. OUT since we trim any white
// space off of it.
if (FALSE == ComputerNameMatchesOurMachineName(m_szMachineName)) { if (FALSE == m_szMachineName.IsEmpty() ) { MessageBeep(0); MsgBox( IDS_WE_CURRENTLY_DONT_SUPPORT_REMOTE_ADMIN_OF_SERVERS ); return ; } }
// The following bucnch of code's sole purpose is to set the application's
// name properly
// in case there are any errors, prepare the error string
// We store the following in our class: CString m_szOurApplicationTitle;
// set the name of the application correctly
// Use our Fancy Debugging "Load String" found in Easy::CString
Easy::CString::LoadStringInto( m_szOurApplicationTitle, IDS_ERR_CERTWIZ_TITLE ); // tompop: tjp: do we need a different string than
// what CertMap uses? They use: IDS_ERR_CERTMAP_TITLE
// should we use the same? They say "Certificate Mapping"
// as the title; we say "Server Certificate Wizard"
// Testing needs different titles for the error popups.
// IDS_ERR_CERTWIZ_TITLE="Server Certificate Wizard" our std title by design.
// So if somebody has set Env=TitleCertWizError, we give CertWiz as the title
// so that we can pick them off in automatic tests
if (DebugTestEnv(_T("TitleCertWizError"))) { m_szOurApplicationTitle = _T("CertWiz"); // used in automatic tests
} // free the existing name, and copy in the new one
// tjp: you should compare if the old name matches the current name
// and only then free and malloc the new name -- chances are that
// the names are the same +++ all the free/malloc can fragment mem.
free((void*)AfxGetApp()->m_pszAppName); AfxGetApp()->m_pszAppName = _tcsdup(m_szOurApplicationTitle); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// this is why we are here
// this is the whole purpose of the control
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
DODBG MsgBox( _T("DBG: finished our call to RunDialogs4OnClick") ); #endif
*/ // we are not in the business of telling the host to do
// something here, so just don't fire anything off.
COleControl::OnClick(iButton); }
// main handler for our dialogs:
// 1. setup the metabase and then,
// 2. call the routine that actually handles the dialogs
// trapping exceptions to protect the metaBase
// Parms: iButton: tells what "logical button" fired our control:
// 0=Get-Cert 1=Edit
BOOL CCertAuthCtrl::RunDialogs4OnClick(USHORT iButton) { #if defined(DEBUGGING) && defined(SHOW_TRACE_INFO)
Trace t( _T("CCertAuthCtrl::RunDialogs4OnClick")); #endif
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
checkSanityMFC(); #endif
/////////////////////// Do a Boydm style m_szServerInstance //
/////////////////////// normalization operation //
// if there is nothing in the MB_Path, default to the first instance
if ( m_szServerInstance.IsEmpty() ) { // we might want to assign a default. We do so in testing.
// otherwise we fail hard!
MsgBox( IDS_NO_SERVER_INSTANCE_SET ); //"The metabase path is not set for the virtual Web server instance. Internal error; exiting"
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
if ( DebugTestEnv() ) // if we are in a debug env, we are forgiving
// if the user forgot to set the instance
{ m_szServerInstance = _T("/LM/W3SVC/1"); // hack!
// let it be the default web site!
} else { return FALSE; } #else
// production env, this instance path needs to be set
return FALSE; #endif
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
DODBG { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Below we some testing hooks for manipulating the machine/path
// that we operate upon.
CEditDialog dlgMach(m_szMachineName, _T("Below is the machine name of the server instance; it corresponds" " to which machine's metabase we will be administrating.\n" "\nFor testing purposes you" " can change it to whatever you want, now. BLANK means local machine.")); dlgMach.DoModal(); CEditDialog dlgPath(m_szServerInstance, _T("Below is the server instance path; it corresponds" " with the path in the metabase. For testing purposes you" " can change it to whatever you want, now\n" "\n" "Note if it is BLANK we work on \"/LM/W3SVC/1\"" ));
} #endif
// prepare the machine name pointer
OLECHAR* poch = NULL; if ( ! m_szMachineName.IsEmpty() ) { // allocate the name buffer
// unicodize the name into the buffer
if ( poch ) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, m_szMachineName, -1, poch, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH * 2 ); } // initialize the metabase wrappings - pass in the name of the target machine
// if one has been specified
IMSAdminBase* pMB = FInitMetabaseWrapper( poch ); if ( !pMB ) { HRESULT hr = GetLastError(); // the bad hr is in GetLastError()
MessageBeep(0); if ( poch ) GlobalFree( poch );
const BOOL bDoErrorMsgPopup = TRUE; if (bDoErrorMsgPopup) { CString szError;
Easy::Load(szError, IDS_COULD_NOT_ACCESS_THE_METABASE); // "Could not access the metabase, where we store state information"
AppendMachineName(szError, m_szMachineName ); AppendHResultErrorString(szError, hr);
MsgBox( szError ); }
return FALSE; // <<=== we failed!
// clean up
if ( poch ) { GlobalFree( poch ); poch = NULL; }
// prepare the metabase wrapper
CWrapMetaBase mbWrap; BOOL f = mbWrap.FInit(pMB); if ( FALSE == f ) { return FALSE; // <<=== we failed!
// Things could (potentially maybe) throw here, so better protect the
// metabase
// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // here is an example of making a CMetaWrapper call,
// // we will typically use GetData calls and grab the meta data Unicode
// // strings also that way since casting a (CONST WCHAR*) into a CString
// // will give us a FREE conversion from WideChar to MultiByte.
// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BOOL CAFX_MetaWrapper::GetString( const CHAR* pszPath,
// DWORD dwPropID, DWORD dwUserType,
// CString &sz, DWORD dwFlags )
// {
// // first, get the size of the data that we are looking for - it
// // will fail because of the NULL,
// // but, the size we need should be in cbData;
// f = GetData( pszPath, dwPropID, dwUserType, STRING_METADATA, NULL, &cbData );
// // check the error - it should be some sort of memory error
// }
// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
try {
// I am assuming that the last character is NOT a '/' Thus, if that is what is
// there, we need to remove it. Otherwise, the path gets messed up later
if ( m_szServerInstance.Right(1) == '/' ) m_szServerInstance = m_szServerInstance.Left( m_szServerInstance.GetLength()-1 );
ADMIN_INFO info(mbWrap); // the info object is the central data
// repository. It also has the meta
// base wrapper in it.
info.szMetaBasePath = m_szServerInstance; // need to store the path
// because we need it for generating
// unique Key Container names, will
// be done in file nLocalEnrl.cpp
info.szMachineName_MetaBaseTarget = m_szMachineName;
// NOTE that this routine will either install or DE-install the metabase
// GUID strings based on its decision that CertServer is present.
// If we find GUID strings in the metabase but can not do a
// CoCreateInstance on ICertConfig:
// we remove them so that the rest of CertWizard will see
// MB Guids iff we can use CertServer.
BOOL bFoundCertServer = MigrateGUIDS( info );
BOOL success = _RunDialogs4OnClick(info,0); // this runs the dialogs
// note that we are passing
// mbWrap not pMB
// save the metabase
#if 0
// close the base object
// ==> we dont really have to do this -- every time we
// go to the MB we open and close it. If closing it again
// a second time does not hurt we can do it -- tompop ToDo
mbWrap.Close(); #endif
} catch ( CException e ) { }
// close the metabase wrappings
return (TRUE); }
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
void test_Reg_GetSetName() { CString newValue=_T("Tommy Boy"); BOOL bSet = Reg::HKEYLM::SetNameValue("Software\\Microsoft\\Keyring\\Parameters", "UserName", newValue); ASSERT( bSet==TRUE );
CString readValue; BOOL bGet = Reg::HKEYLM::GetNameValue("Software\\Microsoft\\Keyring\\Parameters", "UserName", readValue); ASSERT( bSet==TRUE );
DEBUG_MSGBOX( (buff, "After calling SetNameValue/SetNameValue; val=%s" "bSet=%d, bGet=%d", (const char*) readValue, (int)bSet, (int)bGet )); // the above will test the GetName value and read the
} #endif
void test__CEasyFileDialog();
void test__itemsWeDependOn(IN OUT ADMIN_INFO& info, USHORT iButton) {
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
// note that if you need the meta base wrapper directly
// its available as [CWrapMetaBase&] info.mbWrap
#if 0 // ----- use this for testing
BOOL bTest_Reg_GetSetName = FALSE; if (bTest_Reg_GetSetName) { test_Reg_GetSetName(); } #endif //0 ----- use this for testing
#if 0 // ----- use this for testing
/////////////////// this starts the test of Boydm's MetaBaseWrapper ///
BOOL fAnswer = FALSE; PVOID pData = NULL; DWORD cbData = 0;
// attempt to open the object we want to store into
CWrapMetaBase& mbWrap = info.meta.m_mbWrap; BOOL f = mbWrap.Open( m_szServerInstance, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ );
// if opening the metabase worked, load the data
if ( f ) { // first, get the size of the data that we are looking for
pData = mbWrap.GetData( "", 1002, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, STRING_METADATA, &cbData ); // "keytype" is 1002 -- this is just a test
// It uses a BINARY_METADATA is another type
// BINARY_METADATA is another type -- all types are shown
// in the comments below, see file MdDefW.h for details
// { ALL_METADATA = 0,
// };
// if you want you could use our MBPdata_Wrapper to protect
// it automatically
// Util::MBPdata_Wrapper a(mbWrap, pData );
// if we successfully got the data, unserialize it
if ( pData ) { // === the following stuff + the mbWrap setup code came
// from an example in file 'Issudlg.cpp' see that for
// another example.
//PUCHAR pchData = (PUCHAR)pData;
//fAnswer = m_Store.Unserialize( &pchData, &cbData );
// close the object
f = mbWrap.Close();
// cleanup
if ( pData ) mbWrap.FreeWrapData( pData ); } /////////////////// this ends the test of Boydm's MetaBaseWrapper ///
#endif //0 ----- use this for testing
#if 0 // ----- use this for testing
// next we will test our Set/Get Strings on mb prop: MD_SSL_CTL_CONTAINER
const TCHAR* szDATA = _T("Tom"); BOOL f1= SetMetaBaseString ( info, MD_SSL_CTL_CONTAINER, szDATA);
CString szReadTom; BOOL f2= GetMetaBaseString ( info, MD_SSL_CTL_CONTAINER, szReadTom);
BOOL f3= (szReadTom == szDATA);
if ( !( f1 && f2 && f3)) { DEBUG_MSGBOX( (buff, _T("MD_SSL_CTL_CONTAINER prop get/set failed --" "you have trouble in the MB; Details: %s %s %s"), Map::Boolean2String(f1), Map::Boolean2String(f2), Map::Boolean2String(f3) )); } } #endif //0 ----- use this for testing
#if 0 // ----- use this for testing
// lets see if IIS is up by looking for the following metabase props:
// MD_SECURE_BINDINGS is for SECURE server address/port
// MD_SERVER_BINDINGS is for non secure server address/port
{ CString szSecureBindings; CString szServerBindings; if ( (TRUE == GetMetaBaseString ( info, MD_SECURE_BINDINGS, szSecureBindings)) && (TRUE == GetMetaBaseString ( info, MD_SERVER_BINDINGS, szServerBindings))) { DEBUG_MSGBOX( (buff, _T("Looks like IIS is on the machine since we have" "SERVER_BINDINGS of [%s] and SECURE_BINDINGS of [%s]"), szServerBindings, szSecureBindings //Util::StringOrNil(szServerBindings), Util::StringOrNil(szSecureBindings)
)); } }
DODBG if (NoYesMsgBox(_T("Do You Want to CLEAR out the MetaBase History to GROUND ZERO?") )) { ClearHistoryState(info); DisplayInfoStruct(info);
if (NoYesMsgBox(_T("Do You Want to SET ALL the bits in the history that deal" "with historyStateSSS bits? Then see the info printout?") )) { ClearHistoryState(info);
SetCertInstalled(info); SetOOBCertReq(info); SetCTLInstalled(info); SetOutstandingRenewalReq(info);
if (NoYesMsgBox(_T("NEXT Do You Want to CLEAR ALL the bits in the history that deal" "with historyStateSSS bits? Then see the info printout?") )) { ClearCertInstalled(info); ClearOOBCertReq(info); ClearCTLInstalled(info); ClearOutstandingRenewalReq(info); DisplayInfoStruct(info); } } }
BOOL bTest_LoadStrings = FALSE; if (bTest_LoadStrings) Easy::CString::Test_LoadString(); #endif //0 ----- use this for testing
#if 0 // ----- use this for testing
if (YesNoMsgBox(_T("Do You Want to Run the CTL Wizard") ) ) { // Run the CTL Wizard
// v--- was setup in the routine that called RunDialogs4OnClick
// info(mbWrap); // main status board in the
// wizards
//run the create CTL wizard. We start by declaring all the pieces of it
CPropertySheet propsheet_mux(IDS_TITLE_CREATE_CTL_WIZ); CTLWelcome page_welcome; CTLMuxPg page_multiplexer(info); CPropertyPage stubTipsPage(IDD_TIPS_BEFORE__CTL_WIZARD); // clear the help button bits
if ( propsheet_mux.m_psh.dwFlags & PSH_HASHELP ) propsheet_mux.m_psh.dwFlags &= ~PSH_HASHELP; page_welcome.m_psp.dwFlags &= ~(PSP_HASHELP); page_multiplexer.m_psp.dwFlags &= ~(PSP_HASHELP); stubTipsPage.m_psp.dwFlags &= ~(PSP_HASHELP);
// add the pages to the property sheet that says Welcome, and the
// Mux (aka multiplexing) page...
propsheet_mux.AddPage( &page_welcome ); propsheet_mux.AddPage( &page_multiplexer ); propsheet_mux.AddPage( &stubTipsPage ); // set the wizard property
// run the property sheet
int i = IDCANCEL; i = propsheet_mux.DoModal(); if ( i != IDCANCEL ) {
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
DODBG MsgBox( _T("CTL muxer dialog box works and returned OK" ) ); #endif
} }
// if (bCall_test__CEasyFileDialog) test__CEasyFileDialog();
#endif //0 ----- use this for testing
// NKAddPageToWizard -- just like WizMngr::AddPageToWizard in that
// it adds CPropertyPage [CNKPages nkpg2Add] to Wizard [psWizard]
// making sure that the [pg2Add] has its help button
// turned OFF!
// It also binds the wizard property sheet page [psWizard]
// to member [m_pPropSheet] of the CNKPages object.
// This is used to add our pages to the Wizard below
void CCertAuthCtrl::NKAddPageToWizard(IN ADMIN_INFO& info, IN CNKPages* nkpg2Add, IN OUT CPropertySheet* psWizard) { // add the pages to the wizard property sheet AND make no help button
AddPageToWizard(nkpg2Add, psWizard);
nkpg2Add->m_pPropSheet = psWizard; }
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
void test__Rons_WizClasses(IN ADMIN_INFO& info) { CIISWizardSheet propsheet_mux(IDB_BITMAP_STD_LEFT, IDB_BITMAP_TOP); CNKWelcome page_welcome(info); CNKMuxPg page_multiplexer(info); propsheet_mux.AddPage( &page_welcome ); propsheet_mux.AddPage( &page_multiplexer );
DEBUG_MSGBOX( (buff, _T("Get Ready using real Ron's CIISWizardSheet\n")));
int i = propsheet_mux.GetPageCount(); void* p = propsheet_mux.GetPage(i-1);
DEBUG_MSGBOX( (buff, _T("%s %d -- using real Ron's\n" " GetPageCount()=%d GetPage(%d)=%#lx"), __FILE__, __LINE__, i, i-1, (DWORD)p)); } #endif //defined(DEBUGGING)
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
void test__nonRons_WizClasses(IN ADMIN_INFO& info) { CPropertySheet propsheet_mux; CNKWelcome page_welcome(info); CNKMuxPg page_multiplexer(info); propsheet_mux.AddPage( &page_welcome ); propsheet_mux.AddPage( &page_multiplexer );
int i = propsheet_mux.GetPageCount(); void* p = propsheet_mux.GetPage(i-1);
DEBUG_MSGBOX( (buff, _T("%s %d -- using real CPropertySheet\n" " GetPageCount()=%d GetPage(%d)=%#lx\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__, i, i-1, (DWORD)p)); } #endif //defined(DEBUGGING)
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
void test__non2Rons_WizClasses() { DEBUG_MSGBOX( (buff, _T("Sizeof CPropertySheet=%d,CPropertyPage=%d\n"), sizeof(CPropertySheet),sizeof(CPropertyPage)));
CPropertySheet propsheet_mux; CPropertyPage page_welcome; CPropertyPage page_multiplexer; propsheet_mux.AddPage( &page_welcome ); propsheet_mux.AddPage( &page_multiplexer );
int i = propsheet_mux.GetPageCount(); DEBUG_MSGBOX( (buff, _T("Get Ready using real CPropertySheet,CPropertyPage\n"))); void* p = propsheet_mux.GetPage(i-1);
DEBUG_MSGBOX( (buff, _T("%s %d -- using real CPropertySheet,CPropertyPage\n" " GetPageCount()=%d GetPage(%d)=%#lx\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__, i, i-1, (DWORD)p)); } #endif //defined(DEBUGGING)
// _RunDialogs4OnClick -- main handler for our dialogs
// Parms: mbWrap: ref to a MetaBase Wrapper that is properly initialized
// and points to the SERVER node that we are operating in.
// iButton: tells what "logical button" fired our control:
// 0=Get-Cert 1=Edit
BOOL CCertAuthCtrl::_RunDialogs4OnClick(IN OUT ADMIN_INFO& info, USHORT iButton) {
#if defined(DEBUGGING) && defined(SHOW_TRACE_INFO)
Trace t( _T("CCertAuthCtrl::_RunDialogs4OnClick")); #endif
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
checkSanityMFC(); #endif
// EnumCertServerObjects is now our std locate-all-cert-servers available method
// it enumerates CertServers the metabase for CertServers
// that are configured correctly and stores a mapping to GUID
// strings in our 'info.map_CertServerNameToGUIDmap' structure
// The following will call is used to debug what we depend upon
test__itemsWeDependOn(info, iButton);
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
if (DebugTestEnv(_T("MFC")) && YesNoMsgBox(_T("Shall we run: test__Rons_WizClasses"))) { test__Rons_WizClasses(info); } #endif
// ToDo: we need to change this to buttons
// in a particular call
// we should do something like: if (iButton==1)
// for testing you can do YesNoMsgBox(_T("Do You Want to Run the CertWizard"))
{ #if defined(DEBUGGING) && defined(SHOW_TRACE_INFO)
Trace t( _T("In AuthCtl.cpp -- stack frame launching the propsheet_mux wiz.")); #endif
// v--- was setup in the routine that called RunDialogs4OnClick
//ADMIN_INFO info(mbWrap); // main status board in the
// // wizards
//run the create key wizard. We start by declaring all the pieces of it
// propsheet_mux.SetTitle(szIDS_TITLE_CREATE_WIZ);
CPropertySheet propsheet_mux( IDS_TITLE_CREATE_WIZ ); #endif
CNKWelcome page_welcome(info); CNKMuxPg page_multiplexer(info);
// Living within info is 'wizMngr' -- this manages the Wizard. See
// file WizMngr.cpp for more info. We need to instruct it what the
// property sheet is and also where the error page lives. At this
// time the only valid pages are the Welcome + Completion + Error
WizMngr& wizMngr = info.wizMngr; wizMngr.Attach( &propsheet_mux );
wizMngr.SetErrorPageIndex( WZ_PAGE__GENERIC_ERROR_PAGE ); wizMngr.SetDonePageIndex( WZ_PAGE__GENERIC_COMPLETION_PAGE ); // then later info.wizMngr.ShowDonePage(); will display this completion pg.
wizMngr.Enable(0,0); // enable welcome page
wizMngr.Enable(WZ_PAGE__GENERIC_COMPLETION_PAGE, // Enable our generic
WZ_PAGE__GENERIC_ERROR_PAGE); // Completion-Error page
// the following define the new Server pages
CNKChooseCA page_Choose_CA(info); CNKKeyInfo page_Key_Info(info); CNKDistinguishedName page_DN(info); CNKDistinguishedName1 page_DN1(info); CNKDistinguisedName2 page_DN2(info); CNKUserInfo page_User_Info(info); CNKFileInfo page_File_Info(info);
// lets warn the user that crytpo is not enabled, GetMaxKeySize will
// return 0 if no ENCRYPTION is ALLOWED
KeySize keySize; // fncts GetMaxKeySize and ComputeKeyAlgMinMaxStep return
// this as an OUT parameter.
if (0 == page_Key_Info.GetMaxKeySize(OUT keySize) ) { MsgBox( IDS_ENCRYPTION_NOT_ALLOWED_BASED_ON_THE_MACHINE_CONFIG_DATA ); //"Encryption is not allowed based on the machine configuration data."END
return FALSE; }
// the following 2 Classes contain PropertyPages for the Finish the offline/OOB
// cert request
// class CFinCertImport is the 1st & only Property Sheet for "Finish OOB"
// (gathers data). it also verifies and asks the user:
// are you "ready to "FINISH" and do the conversion
CFinCertImport getFileInfoPage(info);
// End the above list of "all possible wizard pages" with the
// completion page then the Error page. Error always has to be last!
// Note also that this completion page is the "default" completion
// page. Some sub-wizard might have a more appropriate specialized
// page for completion
CCompletionPage page_GenericCompletion(info); CWizError page_GenericErrorPage(info);
info.wizErrorDlg = &page_GenericErrorPage; // clear the help button bits on the PropertySheet and all Prop
// pages. We handle the clearing for each page in the funct AddPageToWizard
if ( propsheet_mux.m_psh.dwFlags & PSH_HASHELP ) propsheet_mux.m_psh.dwFlags &= ~PSH_HASHELP;
// add the pages to the property sheet that says Welcome, and the
// Mux (aka multiplexing) page... The AddPageToWizard will do an
// AddPage on the property sheet and also specify that we dont want
// any help buttons
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_welcome, &propsheet_mux ); //index:0:WZ_PAGE__WELCOME
//this is for the New Cert Wizard
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_multiplexer, &propsheet_mux ); //index:1:WZ_PAGE__CERTMUX
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_Choose_CA, &propsheet_mux ); NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_Key_Info, &propsheet_mux ); NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_DN, &propsheet_mux ); NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_DN1, &propsheet_mux ); NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_DN2, &propsheet_mux ); NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_User_Info, &propsheet_mux ); NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_File_Info, &propsheet_mux ); //index:8:WZ_PAGE__SUCCESS_PAGE
//this is for finishing the SELECT_EXISTING_CERT page -- request
CCertSelect page_CertSelect(info); NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_CertSelect, &propsheet_mux ); //index:9:WZ_PAGE__SELECT_EXISTING_CERT_PAGE
//this is for finishing the IMPORT_KEYRING page -- request
CKeyImpt gatherData(info); NKAddPageToWizard(info, &gatherData, &propsheet_mux ); //index:10:WZ_PAGE__IMPORT_KEYRING_CERT_PAGE
//this is for finishing the OOB request
CNKMuxPg2 page_OOBmultiplexer(info); CNKMuxPg FAKE8page_multiplexer(info); NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_OOBmultiplexer, &propsheet_mux );//index:11:WZ_PAGE__OOB_CERTMUX
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &getFileInfoPage, &propsheet_mux ); //index:12:WZ_PAGE__OOB_FINCERT_GETFILENM
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &FAKE8page_multiplexer, &propsheet_mux ); //index:13:WZ_PAGE__OOB_FINCERT_DISREGARD_OOB_REQ
// tompop: we dont need the FAKE8page_multiplexer and need to
// shift everything down
//this is for finishing the MODIFYEXISTING request
CNKMuxPg3 page_modifyExisting_multiplexer(info); //--- this is part of the 3rd mux page for "ModifyExisting|Renew"
CNKChooseCA renewPage_Choose_CA(info);//reuse a pg from ncw
CNKUserInfo renewPage_User_Info(info);//reuse a pg from ncw
// note that the above page plays double duty as it senses
// that its used to renew a cert and displays a finish
// page behavior.
//--- this is part of 3rd mux page for "ModifyExisting|delete-cert"
CDeleteCert page_deleteCert(info); //--- the last part of 3rd mux page, enables the new Cert Wizard!
// it does not have any pages
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_modifyExisting_multiplexer, &propsheet_mux ); //index:13:WZ_PAGE__MODIFYEXISTING_CERTMUX
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &renewPage_Choose_CA, &propsheet_mux ); //index:14:WZ_PAGE__MODIFYEXISTING_CERTRENEW_CA
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &renewPage_User_Info, &propsheet_mux ); //index:15:WZ_PAGE__MODIFYEXISTING_CERTRENEW_Contact
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &renewPage_File_Info, &propsheet_mux ); //index:15:WZ_PAGE__MODIFYEXISTING_CERTRENEW_Contact
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_deleteCert, &propsheet_mux ); //index:16:WZ_PAGE__MODIFYEXISTING_CERTDELETE
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_GenericCompletion, &propsheet_mux );//index:17:WZ_PAGE__GENERIC_COMPLETION_PAGE
NKAddPageToWizard(info, &page_GenericErrorPage , &propsheet_mux );//index:18:WZ_PAGE__GENERIC_ERROR_PAGE
// set the wizard property
//before we start running the Wizard we need to enable exactly
//one of the possible SubWizards
// run the property sheet
#define HR_FAIL_SOME_EXCEPTION_HAPPENED 0x666 // very unlikely value
if ( DebugTestEnv(DebugTestEnv_noTRY) ) {
#if defined(DEBUGGING) && defined(SHOW_TRACE_INFO)
Trace t( _T("propsheet_mux.DoModal() -- running the wizard")); #endif
i = propsheet_mux.DoModal();
} else { try { #if defined(DEBUGGING) && defined(SHOW_TRACE_INFO)
Trace t( _T("propsheet_mux.DoModal() -- running the wizard")); #endif
i = propsheet_mux.DoModal(); } catch (...) { if (i==HR_FAIL_SOME_EXCEPTION_HAPPENED) i=IDCANCEL;
DoDebugBreak(); // see if we should do a debug break
MsgBox( IDS_CAUGHT_AN_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION ); } } if ( i == IDCANCEL ) { #if defined(DEBUGGING)
DODBG MsgBox( _T("Cert muxer dialog box works and returned IDCANCEL" ) ); #endif
} else if ( i != IDOK ) {
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
DODBG MsgBox( _T("Cert muxer dialog box works and returned OK" ) ); #endif
} else {
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
TCHAR szTmp[200]; wsprintf(szTmp, _T("Cert muxer dialog box returned strange return value" " of %d=%#x"), i, i ); DODBG MsgBox( szTmp ); #endif
} //MsgBox( "DBG: done w/ Cert Wiz block");
// // if we want to do a completion page now... [HOWEVER THIS DOES NOT PRODUCE A GOOD LOOKING COMPL.PG]
// int dialogID = IDD_COMPLETION_PAGE;
// {
// CDialog dlg( dialogID );
// dlg.DoModal();
// }
return TRUE; } // test the CryptUIWizBuildCTL functions...
//From CryptUI.h// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
//From CryptUI.h// //
//From CryptUI.h// // CryptUIWizBuildCTL
//From CryptUI.h// //
//From CryptUI.h// // Build a new CTL or modify an existing CTL. The UI for wizard will
//From CryptUI.h// // always show in this case
//From CryptUI.h// //
//From CryptUI.h// //
//From CryptUI.h// // dwFlags: IN Optional: Can be set to the following:
//From CryptUI.h// // is valid only when pBuildCTLDest is set
//From CryptUI.h// // hwndParnet: IN Optional: The parent window handle
//From CryptUI.h// // pwszWizardTitle: IN Optional: The title of the wizard
//From CryptUI.h// // If NULL, the default will be IDS_BUILDCTL_WIZARD_TITLE
//From CryptUI.h// // pBuildCTLSrc: IN Optional: The source from which the CTL will be built
//From CryptUI.h// // pBuildCTLDest: IN Optional: The desination where the newly
//From CryptUI.h// // built CTL will be stored
//From CryptUI.h// // ppCTLContext: OUT Optaionl: The newly build CTL
//From CryptUI.h// //
//From CryptUI.h// //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//From CryptUI.h// BOOL
//From CryptUI.h// WINAPI
//From CryptUI.h// CryptUIWizBuildCTL(
//From CryptUI.h// IN DWORD dwFlags,
//From CryptUI.h// IN OPTIONAL HWND hwndParent,
//From CryptUI.h// IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pwszWizardTitle,
//From CryptUI.h// );
//From CryptUI.h//
//From CryptUI.h// Bugs:
//From CryptUI.h//
//From CryptUI.h// After calling LocalEnroll we get a HRESULT return value of
//From CryptUI.h// 0x80004005
//From CryptUI.h//
// when we finish the enrollment we should see that the Cert gets installed into:
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\Trust\CTLs
class CCertAuthCtrl;
#if defined(DEBUGGING)
void test__CEasyFileDialog() {
CString msg(_T("This will test a Reading EASY CFileDialog")); AfxMessageBox( msg );
CEasyFileDialog readDlg(CEasyFileDialog::Reading, CEasyFileDialog::FileOpen, IDS_KEY_OR_CERT_FILE_FILTER); // The IDS_KEY_OR_CERT_FILE_FILTER string is defined as:
// "Certificate Import or backup file!*.cbk!KeyRing backup!*.krb!Any Certificate File Type!*.*!!"
// and provides a way to locate a keyRing/Cert file to import.
// Users could be ad-hock in how they named the files...
readDlg.SetTitle(_T("This is a test of the CEasyFileDialog:Reading"));
if (readDlg.DoModal() == IDOK) AfxMessageBox( readDlg.GetPathName() );
CEasyFileDialog writeDlg(CEasyFileDialog::Writing, CEasyFileDialog::FileSaveAs, _T("My C Files(*.cpp)!*.cpp!My H Files(*.h)!*.h!!"));
// ::MessageBox(NULL, "Body-- after we constructed the writeDlg: via msgBox", "title", MB_OK );
AfxMessageBox( _T("In this test we are calling 'writeDlg.DoModal()' and" "have coded it so that it will grab the extension of the first" "extension in the list of file specs, i.e. *.cpp so that if you" "dont enter an extension it will use .cpp and append this for you" "give it a try tjp tompop bug: for some reason the dialog is" "not showing the \"Default Extension\" part of the FileDialog box" "\n" "Note also that the default ext is pretty brain dead in that if" "the default extension is *.cpp and you enter a FileName of story.book" "the Dialog will return a file name of \"story.book.cpp\"!!!" "\n\n" "Try picking a .cpp or swich the type and grab a *.h as we use" "the following spec for the file types" "\n" "\t\"My C Files(*.cpp)!*.cpp!My H Files(*.h)!*.h!\"" "\n" "Try entering: foo.h foo.cpp and foo.bak" "\n" "Try entering: foo.h foo.cpp and foo.bak" "\n\n" "Then try just foo once with the \"My H Files\" and" "once w/ your C files and ALL SHOULD WORK."));
if (writeDlg.DoModal() == IDOK) AfxMessageBox( writeDlg.GetPathName() ); } #endif //defined(DEBUGGING)
void CCertAuthCtrl::SetServerInstance(LPCTSTR szServerInstance) { m_szServerInstance = szServerInstance; //MsgBox( m_szServerInstance, _T("m_szServerInstance") );
void CCertAuthCtrl::SetMachineName(LPCTSTR szMachine) { m_szMachineName = szMachine; //MsgBox( m_szMachineName, _T("m_szMachineName") );
void CCertAuthCtrl::OnFontChanged() { m_fUpdateFont = TRUE; COleControl::OnFontChanged(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCertAuthCtrl::OnAmbientPropertyChange(DISPID dispid) { BOOL flag; UINT style;
// do the right thing depending on the dispid
switch ( dispid ) { case DISPID_AMBIENT_DISPLAYASDEFAULT: if ( GetAmbientProperty( DISPID_AMBIENT_DISPLAYASDEFAULT, VT_BOOL, &flag ) ) { style = GetWindowLong( GetSafeHwnd(), // handle of window
GWL_STYLE // offset of value to retrieve
); if ( flag ) style |= BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON; else style ^= BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON; SetWindowLong( GetSafeHwnd(), // handle of window
GWL_STYLE, // offset of value to retrieve
style ); Invalidate(TRUE); } break; };
COleControl::OnAmbientPropertyChange(dispid); }
// an important method where we tell the container how to deal with us.
// pControlInfo is passed in by the container, although we are responsible
// for maintining the hAccel structure
void CCertAuthCtrl::OnGetControlInfo(LPCONTROLINFO pControlInfo) { // do a rudimentary check to see if we understand pControlInfo
if ( !pControlInfo || pControlInfo->cb < sizeof(CONTROLINFO) ) return;
// set the accelerator handle into place
pControlInfo->hAccel = m_hAccel; pControlInfo->cAccel = m_cAccel;
// when we have focus, we do want the enter key
pControlInfo->dwFlags = CTRLINFO_EATS_RETURN; }
// the ole control container object specifically filters out the space
// key so we do not get it as a OnMnemonic call. Thus we need to look
// for it ourselves
void CCertAuthCtrl::OnKeyUpEvent(USHORT nChar, USHORT nShiftState) { if ( nChar == _T(' ') ) { OnClick((USHORT)GetDlgCtrlID()); } COleControl::OnKeyUpEvent(nChar, nShiftState); }
void CCertAuthCtrl::OnMnemonic(LPMSG pMsg) { OnClick((USHORT)GetDlgCtrlID()); COleControl::OnMnemonic(pMsg); }
void CCertAuthCtrl::OnTextChanged() { DWORD i; ACCEL accel; BOOL f; BOOL flag; int iAccel;
// get the new text
CString sz = InternalGetText(); sz.MakeLower();
// if the handle has already been allocated, free it
if ( m_hAccel ) { DestroyAcceleratorTable( m_hAccel ); m_hAccel = NULL; m_cAccel = 0; }
// if there is a & character, then declare the accelerator
iAccel = sz.Find(_T('&')); if ( iAccel >= 0 ) { // fill in the accererator record
accel.fVirt = FALT; accel.key = sz.GetAt(iAccel + 1); accel.cmd = (WORD)GetDlgCtrlID();
m_hAccel = CreateAcceleratorTable( &accel, 1 ); if ( m_hAccel ) m_cAccel = 1; }
// finish with the default handling.
COleControl::OnTextChanged(); }
// FYI ONLY //
// This RunAuthoritiesDialog() is Boydm's old starting point for the //
// original AuthoritiesDialog. //
// //
// //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // run the dialog
// void CCertAuthCtrl::RunAuthoritiesDialog()
// {
// //DebugBreak();
// // prepare the machine name pointer
// OLECHAR* poch = NULL;
// if ( !m_szMachineName.IsEmpty() )
// {
// // allocate the name buffer
// poch = (OLECHAR*)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH * 2 );
// // unicodize the name into the buffer
// if ( poch )
// MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, m_szMachineName, -1,
// }
// // initialize the metabase wrappings - pass in the name of the target machine
// // if one has been specified
// IMSAdminBase* pMB = FInitMetabaseWrapper( poch );
// if ( !pMB )
// {
// MessageBeep(0);
// if ( poch ) GlobalFree( poch );
// return;
// }
// // clean up
// if ( poch )
// {
// GlobalFree( poch );
// poch = NULL;
// }
// // if there is nothing in the MB_Path, default to the first instance
// if ( m_szServerInstance.IsEmpty() )
// m_szServerInstance = "/LM/W3SVC/1";
// // I am assuming that the last character is NOT a '/' Thus, if that is what is
// // there, we need to remove it. Otherwise, the path gets messed up later
// if ( m_szServerInstance.Right(1) == '/' )
// m_szServerInstance = m_szServerInstance.Left( m_szServerInstance.GetLength()-1 );
// // set up the dialog
// CSelectIssuersDlg dlg(pMB);
// dlg.m_pRule = NULL;
// dlg.m_szMBPath = m_szServerInstance + SZ_NAMESPACE_EXTENTION;
// // Use our Fancy Debugging "Load String" found in Easy::CString
// Easy::CString::LoadStringInto(dlg.m_sz_caption, IDS_TRUSTED_AUTHORITIES );
// // run the propdsheet dialog
// // let the host container know that we are putting up a modal dialog
// PreModalDialog();
// // run the dialog
// dlg.DoModal();
// // let the host container know we are done with the modality
// PostModalDialog();
// // close the metabase wrappings
// FCloseMetabaseWrapper(pMB);
// }
// DoClick - process a click event. This will be called by the IIS admin
// API to launch us! [people get here by clicking on our control]
// PARAMS: dwButtonNumber an IN param. tells what "logical button" fired our control:
// value
// ------
// 1 Call CertWiz
// 2 Call CTL Wiz
void CCertAuthCtrl::DoClick(IN long dwButtonNumber) { // TODO: Add your dispatch handler code here
OnClick( (short) dwButtonNumber ); }