Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Internet Properties base classes definitions
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
#ifndef _INETPROP_H_
#define _INETPROP_H_
// CDialog parameters
// InitializeAndFetch parameters
// SSL Port number to use if SSL is not enabled
#define SSL_NOT_ENABLED (0)
// Bandwidth and compression definitions
#define INFINITE_BANDWIDTH (0xffffffff)
#define KILOBYTE (1024L)
#define MEGABYTE (1024L * KILOBYTE)
// Arbitrary help IDs for user browser dialogs
#define IDHELP_USRBROWSER (0x30000)
#define IDHELP_MULT_USRBROWSER (0x30100)
// Attribute crackers
#define IS_VROOT(dwAttributes) ((dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY) != 0)
#define IS_DIR(dwAttributes) ((dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0)
// Metabase constants
COMDLL extern const LPCTSTR g_cszTemplates; COMDLL extern const LPCTSTR g_cszCompression; COMDLL extern const LPCTSTR g_cszMachine; COMDLL extern const LPCTSTR g_cszMimeMap; COMDLL extern const LPCTSTR g_cszRoot; COMDLL extern const LPCTSTR g_cszSep; COMDLL extern const TCHAR g_chSep;
// Utility Functions
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// Forward Definitions
class CIPAddress;
BOOL COMDLL GetIUsrAccount( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, IN CWnd * pParent, OUT CString & str );
// Build registry key name
COMDLL LPCTSTR GenerateRegistryKey( OUT CString & strBuffer, IN LPCTSTR lpszSubKey = NULL );
// Get server comment
COMDLL NET_API_STATUS GetInetComment( IN LPCTSTR lpwstrServer, IN DWORD dwServiceMask, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN int cchComment, OUT LPTSTR lpszComment );
// Get current service status
COMDLL NET_API_STATUS QueryInetServiceStatus( LPCTSTR lpszServer, LPCTSTR lpszService, int * pnState );
// Change service state
COMDLL NET_API_STATUS ChangeInetServiceState( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN int nNewState, IN int * pnCurrentState );
// Determine if the given server name refers to the local machine
COMDLL BOOL IsServerLocal( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer );
// Determine the given server name exists on the network
COMDLL BOOL DoesServerExist( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer );
// Compare server name against the local machine
// if local, return NULL. Otherwise return machine name
COMDLL LPCTSTR NormalizeServerName( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName );
// Get volume information system flags for the given path
COMDLL BOOL GetVolumeInformationSystemFlags( IN LPCTSTR lpszPath, OUT DWORD * pdwSystemFlags );
// Alloc string using ISM allocator
COMDLL LPTSTR ISMAllocString( IN CString & str );
// Determine if the currently logged-in user us an administrator
// or operator in the virtual server provided
COMDLL DWORD DetermineIfAdministrator( IN CMetaInterface * pInterface, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance, OUT BOOL* pfAdministrator );
// Utility classes
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
class COMDLL CBlob /*++
Class Description:
Binary large object class, which owns its pointer
Public Interface:
CBlob : Constructors ~CBlob : Destructor
SetValue : Assign the value GetSize : Get the byte size GetData : Get pointer to the byte stream
--*/ { //
// Constructors/Destructor
public: //
// Initialize empty blob
// Initialize with binary data
CBlob( IN DWORD dwSize, IN PBYTE pbItem, IN BOOL fMakeCopy = TRUE );
// Copy constructor
CBlob(IN const CBlob & blob);
// Destructor destroys the pointer
// Operators
public: CBlob & operator =(const CBlob & blob); BOOL operator ==(const CBlob & blob) const; BOOL operator !=(const CBlob & blob) const { return !operator ==(blob); }
// Access
public: //
// Clean up internal data
void CleanUp();
// Set the current value of the blob
void SetValue( IN DWORD dwSize, IN PBYTE pbItem, IN BOOL fMakeCopy = TRUE );
// TRUE if the blob is currently empty
BOOL IsEmpty() const { return m_dwSize == 0L; }
// Return the size of the blob in bytes
DWORD GetSize() const { return m_dwSize; }
// Get a pointer to the byte stream
PBYTE GetData();
private: DWORD m_dwSize; PBYTE m_pbItem; };
class CMaskedDWORD /*++
Class Description:
A masked DWORD class. This class performs assignments and comparison on a masked range of the DWORD value. For example, if a mask of 0x000000FF is set, any comparisons or assignments will only involve the least significant byte. A comparison against another DWORD will only compare that least significant byte, and an assignment will only set the least significant byte, leaving the rest untouched.
Public Interface:
CMaskedDWORD : Constructor operator == : Comparison operator operator != : Comparison operator operator = : Assignment operator operator DWORD : Cast to the value void SetMask : Set the mask
--*/ { //
// Constructor/Destructor
public: CMaskedDWORD( IN DWORD dwValue = 0L, IN DWORD dwMask = 0xFFFFFFFF ) : m_dwValue(dwValue), m_dwMask(dwMask) { }
public: BOOL operator ==(DWORD dwValue) const; BOOL operator !=(DWORD dwValue) const { return !(operator ==(dwValue)); }
CMaskedDWORD & operator =(DWORD dwValue); operator DWORD() const { return m_dwValue; } operator DWORD &() { return m_dwValue; } void SetMask(DWORD dwMask) { m_dwMask = dwMask; }
private: DWORD m_dwValue; DWORD m_dwMask; };
// Forward Definitions
class CIPAddress;
template <class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> class CMPProp { public: CMPProp(ARG_TYPE value); CMPProp(); operator ARG_TYPE() const; CMPProp<TYPE, ARG_TYPE> & operator =(ARG_TYPE value); BOOL m_fDirty; TYPE m_value; };
template <class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> inline CMPProp<TYPE, ARG_TYPE>::CMPProp(ARG_TYPE value) : m_value(value), m_fDirty(FALSE) { }
template <class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> inline CMPProp<TYPE, ARG_TYPE>::CMPProp() : m_value(), m_fDirty(FALSE) { }
template <class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> inline CMPProp<TYPE, ARG_TYPE>::operator ARG_TYPE() const { return (ARG_TYPE)m_value; }
template <class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> inline CMPProp<TYPE, ARG_TYPE> & CMPProp<TYPE, ARG_TYPE>::operator =(ARG_TYPE value) { if (m_value != value) { m_value = value; m_fDirty = TRUE; } return *this; }
// MP Access (use operators where possible!)
#define MP_V(x) (x.m_value)
#define MP_D(x) (x.m_fDirty)
// Common property types
typedef CMPProp<CBlob, CBlob&> MP_CBlob; typedef CMPProp<CString, LPCTSTR> MP_CString; typedef CMPProp<CStringListEx, CStringListEx &> MP_CStringListEx; typedef CMPProp<CILong, LONG> MP_CILong; typedef CMPProp<int, int> MP_int; typedef CMPProp<DWORD, DWORD> MP_DWORD; typedef CMPProp<BOOL, BOOL> MP_BOOL; typedef CMPProp<CMaskedDWORD, DWORD> MP_CMaskedDWORD;
// CODEWORK: Turns these into proper methods
{ \ HRESULT hr = S_OK; \ do \ { \ m_dwaDirtyProps.RemoveAll(); \
#define META_WRITE(id, value)\
if(MP_D(value)) \ { \ if (!IsOpen()) \ { \ hr = OpenForWriting(); \ if (FAILED(hr)) break; \ } \ hr = SetValue(id, MP_V(value)); \ if (FAILED(hr)) break; \ MP_D(value) = FALSE; \ m_dwaDirtyProps.AddTail(id); \ } \
#define META_WRITE_INHERITANCE(id, value, foverride)\
if(MP_D(value)) \ { \ if (!IsOpen()) \ { \ hr = OpenForWriting(); \ if (FAILED(hr)) break; \ } \ hr = SetValue(id, MP_V(value), &foverride);\ if (FAILED(hr)) break; \ MP_D(value) = FALSE; \ m_dwaDirtyProps.AddTail(id); \ } \
#define META_DELETE(id)\
FlagPropertyForDeletion(id); \
#define END_META_WRITE(err)\
POSITION pos; \ pos = m_dwaDeletedProps.GetHeadPosition();\ while(pos != NULL) \ { \ DWORD dwID = m_dwaDeletedProps.GetNext(pos);\ if (!IsOpen()) \ { \ hr = OpenForWriting(FALSE); \ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) \ { \ TRACEEOLID("Deleting #" << dwID);\ hr = DeleteValue(dwID); \ m_dwaDirtyProps.AddTail(dwID); \ } \ } \ } \ m_dwaDeletedProps.RemoveAll(); \ if (IsOpen()) Close(); \ pos = m_dwaDirtyProps.GetHeadPosition();\ hr = S_OK; \ while(pos != NULL) \ { \ hr = CheckDescendants(m_dwaDirtyProps.GetNext(pos), m_strServerName, m_strMetaRoot); \ if (FAILED(hr)) break; \ } \ } \ while(FALSE); \ err = hr; \ }
// Binding helper macros. Place calls that allow rebinding
// between these blocks
{ \ BOOL fRepeat; \ do \ { \ fRepeat = FALSE; \
if (err.Win32Error() == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) \ { \ err = COMDLL_RebindInterface( \ pInterface, \ &fRepeat, \ CANCEL_ERROR \ ); \ } \ } \ while(fRepeat); \ }
/* ABSTRACT */ class COMDLL CMetaProperties : public CMetaKey /*++
Class Description:
Abstract base class that reads all metadata at a specific metabase path.
Public Interface:
QueryResult : Get result code from construction QueryMetaPath : Get the metabase path
Virtual Interface:
ParseFields : Break up data into member variables
--*/ { //
// Constructor/Destructor
protected: //
// Constructor which creates new interface
CMetaProperties( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, IN LPCTSTR lpszService = NULL, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN LPCTSTR lpszParentPath = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL );
// Construct with existing interface
CMetaProperties( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface, IN LPCTSTR lpszService = NULL, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN LPCTSTR lpszParentPath = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL );
// Construct with open key
CMetaProperties( IN const CMetaKey * pKey, IN LPCTSTR lpszMDPath );
// Construct with open key (specifically for instances)
CMetaProperties( IN const CMetaKey * pKey, IN DWORD dwPath );
// Destructor
public: //
// GetAllData()
virtual HRESULT LoadData(); virtual HRESULT WriteDirtyProps(); void FlagPropertyForDeletion(DWORD dwID);
virtual HRESULT CMetaProperties::QueryResult() const; LPCTSTR QueryMetaRoot() const { return m_strMetaRoot; }
protected: //
// Call derived class
/* PURE */ virtual void ParseFields() = 0;
// Clean up
void Cleanup();
// Open for writing. Optionally creates the path
HRESULT OpenForWriting(BOOL fCreate = TRUE);
protected: BOOL m_fInherit; HRESULT m_hResult; CString m_strMetaRoot; DWORD m_dwMDUserType; DWORD m_dwMDDataType; CList<DWORD, DWORD> m_dwaDirtyProps; CList<DWORD, DWORD> m_dwaDeletedProps;
// Read all values
DWORD m_dwNumEntries; DWORD m_dwMDDataLen; PBYTE m_pbMDData; };
// Machine Properties object
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
class CMachineProps : public CMetaProperties /*++
Class Description:
Global machine properties
Public Interface:
CMachineProps : Constructor
WriteDirtyProps : Write dirty properties
--*/ { public: CMachineProps( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName );
CMachineProps( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface );
public: //
// Write Data if dirty
HRESULT WriteDirtyProps();
protected: virtual void ParseFields();
public: MP_CILong m_nMaxNetworkUse; };
// Compression Properties Object
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
class COMDLL CIISCompressionProps : public CMetaProperties /*++
Class Description:
Compression settings
Public Interface:
CIISCompressionProps : Constructor
WriteIfDirty : Write data if dirty
--*/ { public: CIISCompressionProps( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, IN LPCTSTR lpszService = SZ_MBN_WEB, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL );
public: //
// Write Data if dirty
virtual HRESULT WriteDirtyProps();
// Load data
virtual HRESULT LoadData();
public: MP_BOOL m_fEnableStaticCompression; MP_BOOL m_fEnableDynamicCompression; MP_BOOL m_fLimitDirectorySize; MP_DWORD m_dwDirectorySize; MP_CString m_strDirectory;
protected: virtual void ParseFields();
private: BOOL m_fPathDoesNotExist; };
class COMDLL CMimeTypes : public CMetaProperties /*++
Class Description:
A list of mime types.
Public Interface:
CMimeTypes : Constructor
WriteIfDirty : Write properties if dirty
--*/ { public: //
// Constructor that creates new interface
CMimeTypes( LPCTSTR lpszServerName, LPCTSTR lpszService = NULL, DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, LPCTSTR lpszParent = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL );
// Constructor that uses an existing interface
CMimeTypes( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface, LPCTSTR lpszService = NULL, DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, LPCTSTR lpszParent = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL );
public: //
// Write the data;
virtual HRESULT WriteDirtyProps();
protected: virtual void ParseFields();
public: MP_CStringListEx m_strlMimeTypes; };
class COMDLL CServerCapabilities : public CMetaProperties /*++
Class Description:
Server capabilities object
Public Interface:
CServerCapabilities : Constructor
--*/ { public: //
// Constructor
CServerCapabilities( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, IN LPCTSTR lpszService = NULL, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE );
public: BOOL IsSSLSupported() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_SSL_SUPPORT) != 0L; } BOOL IsSSL128Supported() const { return (m_dwConfiguration & MD_SERVER_CONFIG_SSL_128) != 0L; } BOOL HasMultipleSites() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_MULTIPLE_INSTANCE) != 0L; } BOOL HasBwThrottling() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_BW_THROTTLING) != 0L; } BOOL Has10ConnectionLimit() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_10_CONNECTION_LIMIT) != 0L; } BOOL HasIPAccessCheck() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_IP_ACCESS_CHECK) != 0L; } BOOL HasOperatorList() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_OPERATORS_LIST) != 0L; } BOOL HasFrontPage() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_FP_INSTALLED) != 0L; } BOOL HasCompression() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_SERVER_COMPRESSION) != 0L; } BOOL HasCPUThrottling() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_CPU_AUDITING) != 0L; } BOOL HasDAV() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_DAV) != 0L; } BOOL HasDigest() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_DIGEST_SUPPORT) != 0L; } BOOL HasNTCertMapper() const { return (m_dwCapabilities & IIS_CAP1_NT_CERTMAP_SUPPORT) != 0L; } DWORD QueryMajorVersion() const { return m_dwVersionMajor; } DWORD QueryMinorVersion() const { return m_dwVersionMinor; }
protected: virtual void ParseFields();
private: //
// Capabilities fields
MP_DWORD m_dwPlatform; MP_DWORD m_dwVersionMajor; MP_DWORD m_dwVersionMinor; MP_DWORD m_dwCapabilities; MP_DWORD m_dwConfiguration; };
class COMDLL CInstanceProps : public CMetaProperties /*++
Class Description:
Generic instance properties. Construct with lightweight = TRUE to fetch enough information for enumeration only.
Public Interface:
CInstanceProps: : Constructor
Add : static method to create new instance Remove : static method to remove instance ChangeState : Change the state of a property QueryError : Get the win32 error GetDisplayText : Generate display name of instance FillInstanceInfo : Fill ISMINSTANCE_INFO struct
--*/ { public: //
// Public method to convert instance info to display text
static LPCTSTR GetDisplayText( OUT CString & strName, IN LPCTSTR szComment, IN LPCTSTR szHostHeaderName, IN LPCTSTR szServiceName, IN CIPAddress & ia, IN UINT uPort, IN DWORD dwID );
public: //
// Constructor that creates an interface
CInstanceProps( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, // e.g. "W3SVC"
IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN UINT nDefPort = 0U );
// Constructor that reuses existing interface
CInstanceProps( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, // e.g. "W3SVC"
IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN UINT nDefPort = 0U );
// Constructor that uses an open parent key,
// open at the service level
CInstanceProps( IN CMetaKey * pKey, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN UINT nDefPort = 0U );
public: //
// Parse the binding string into component parts
static void CrackBinding( IN CString lpszBinding, OUT CIPAddress & iaIpAddress, OUT UINT & nTCPPort, OUT CString & strDomainName );
// Parse the secure binding string into component parts
static void CrackSecureBinding( IN CString lpszBinding, OUT CIPAddress & iaIpAddress, OUT UINT & nSSLPort );
// Find the SSL port applicable to the given
// IP Address. Return the index where this SSL port
// was found, or -1 if it was not found.
static int FindMatchingSecurePort( IN CStringList & strlBindings, IN CIPAddress & iaIpAddress, OUT UINT & m_nSSLPort );
// Find ip address/port combo
static BOOL IsPortInUse( IN CStringList & strlBindings, IN CIPAddress & iaIPAddress, IN UINT nPort );
// Build binding string
static void BuildBinding( OUT CString & strBinding, IN CIPAddress & iaIpAddress, IN UINT & nTCPPort, IN CString & lpszDomainName );
// Build secure binding string
static void BuildSecureBinding( OUT CString & strBinding, IN CIPAddress & iaIpAddress, IN UINT & nSSLPort );
// Create new instance
static HRESULT Add( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN LPCTSTR lpszHomePath, IN LPCTSTR lpszUserName = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszPassword = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszDescription = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszBinding = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszSecureBinding = NULL, IN DWORD * pdwPermissions = NULL, IN DWORD * pdwDirBrowsing = NULL, IN DWORD * pwdAuthFlags = NULL, OUT DWORD * pdwInstance = NULL );
// Remove existing instance
static HRESULT Delete( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance );
// Access
public: //
// Change the running state of the instance
HRESULT ChangeState( IN int nNewState // INet definition
// Get the WIN32 error
DWORD QueryError() const { return m_dwWin32Error; }
// Get the instance number
DWORD QueryInstance() const { return m_dwInstance; }
// Check to see if this is a deletable instance
BOOL IsDeletable() const { return !m_fNotDeletable; }
// Check to see if this is a cluster enabled instance
BOOL IsClusterEnabled() const { return m_fCluster; }
// Get ISM state value
int QueryISMState() const { return m_nISMState; }
// Get the friendly name for this instance
LPCTSTR GetDisplayText( OUT CString & strName, IN LPCTSTR szServiceName );
// Fill instance info structure
void FillInstanceInfo( OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS );
// Get the complete metabase path to the home directory
LPCTSTR GetHomePath(OUT CString & str);
// Write Data if dirty
virtual HRESULT WriteDirtyProps();
protected: virtual void ParseFields();
// Helper to convert state constants
void SetISMStateFromServerState();
public: DWORD m_dwInstance;
public: //
// Meta values
MP_BOOL m_fNotDeletable; MP_BOOL m_fCluster; MP_CStringListEx m_strlBindings; MP_CString m_strComment; MP_DWORD m_dwState; MP_DWORD m_dwWin32Error;
// Derived Values
UINT m_nTCPPort; CIPAddress m_iaIpAddress; CString m_strDomainName; int m_nISMState; };
class COMDLL CChildNodeProps : public CMetaProperties { /*++
Class Description:
Generic child node properties. Could be a vdir, a dir or a file.
Public Interface:
CChildNodeProps : Constructor
Add : Create new virtual directory Delete : Delete virtual directory Rename : Rename virtual directory
QueryError : Get the win32 error IsPathInherited : Return TRUE if the path was inherited FillInstanceInfo : Fill instance info structure FillChildInfo : Fill child info structure
--*/ public: //
// Constructors
CChildNodeProps( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL, IN BOOL fInherit = WITHOUT_INHERITANCE, IN BOOL fPathOnly = FALSE );
CChildNodeProps( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL, IN BOOL fInherit = WITHOUT_INHERITANCE, IN BOOL fPathOnly = FALSE );
CChildNodeProps( IN const CMetaKey * pKey, IN LPCTSTR lpszPath = NULL, IN BOOL fInherit = WITHOUT_INHERITANCE, IN BOOL fPathOnly = FALSE );
public: //
// Create new virtual directory
static HRESULT Add( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParentPath, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias, OUT CString & strAliasCreated, IN DWORD * pdwPermissions = NULL, IN DWORD * pdwDirBrowsing = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszVrPath = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszUserName = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszPassword = NULL, IN BOOL fExactName = TRUE );
// Delete virtual directory
static HRESULT Delete( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance, OPTIONAL IN LPCTSTR lpszParentPath, OPTIONAL IN LPCTSTR lpszNode );
// Rename virtual directory
static HRESULT Rename( IN const CMetaInterface * pInterface, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance, OPTIONAL IN LPCTSTR lpszParentPath, OPTIONAL IN LPCTSTR lpszOldName, IN LPCTSTR lpszNewName );
public: //
// TRUE, if this is an enabled application
BOOL IsEnabledApplication() { return m_fIsAppRoot; }
// Get the alias name
LPCTSTR QueryAlias() const { return m_strAlias; } CString & GetAlias() { return m_strAlias; }
// Get the error
DWORD QueryWin32Error() const { return m_dwWin32Error; }
// This is how to separate file/dir props from vdirs
BOOL IsPathInherited() const { return m_fPathInherited; }
// Empty the path if it was inherited
void RemovePathIfInherited();
// CODEWORK: Ugly solution.
// Call this method to override the inheritance status of the
// http redirect path
void MarkRedirAsInherit(BOOL fInherit) { m_fInheritRedirect = fInherit; }
// Get the path
CString & GetPath() { return MP_V(m_strPath); }
// Get the redirected path
CString & GetRedirectedPath() { return m_strRedirectPath; }
// Get the access perms
DWORD QueryAccessPerms() const { return m_dwAccessPerms; }
// Get dir browsing bits
DWORD QueryDirBrowsing() const { return m_dwDirBrowsing; }
// True if the child is redirected
BOOL IsRedirected() const { return !m_strRedirectPath.IsEmpty(); }
void FillInstanceInfo(OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii);
// Fill ISMCHILDINFO fields
void FillChildInfo(OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii);
// Write Data if dirty
virtual HRESULT WriteDirtyProps();
protected: //
// Break out GetAllData() data to data fields
virtual void ParseFields();
// Break down redirect statement into component paths
void ParseRedirectStatement();
// Reverse the above -- reassemble the redirect statement
void BuildRedirectStatement();
protected: //
// Redirect tags
static const TCHAR s_chTagSep; static const LPCTSTR s_cszExactDestination; static const LPCTSTR s_cszChildOnly; static const LPCTSTR s_cszPermanent;
public: BOOL m_fIsAppRoot; BOOL m_fPathInherited; BOOL m_fInheritRedirect; BOOL m_fExact; // Redirect tag
BOOL m_fChild; // Redirect tag
BOOL m_fPermanent; // Redirect tag
CString m_strAlias; CString m_strFullMetaPath; CString m_strRedirectPath; // Redirect _path_
public: MP_BOOL m_fAppIsolated; MP_DWORD m_dwWin32Error; MP_DWORD m_dwDirBrowsing; MP_CString m_strPath; MP_CString m_strRedirectStatement; // Path + tags
MP_CString m_strAppRoot; MP_CMaskedDWORD m_dwAccessPerms; };
// ISM Helper Functions
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline HRESULT COMDLL_ISMBind( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, OUT HANDLE * phServer ) { ASSERT(lpszServer != NULL); ASSERT(phServer != NULL);
// Use a metainterface pointer for the handle
CMetaKey * pKey = new CMetaKey(lpszServer); *phServer = pKey;
return *phServer ? S_OK : CError::HResult(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
inline HRESULT COMDLL_ISMUnbind( IN HANDLE hServer ) { CMetaKey * pKey = (CMetaKey *)hServer;
if (pKey) { delete pKey; return S_OK; }
return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); }
inline CMetaKey * GetMetaKeyFromHandle(IN HANDLE hServer) { ASSERT(hServer != NULL); return (CMetaKey *)hServer; }
inline LPCTSTR GetServerNameFromHandle(IN HANDLE hServer) { ASSERT(hServer != NULL); return ((CMetaKey *)hServer)->QueryServerName(); }
// Rebind the interface
HRESULT COMDLL COMDLL_RebindInterface( OUT IN CMetaInterface * pInterface, OUT BOOL * pfContinue, IN DWORD dwCancelError );
// Enumerate Instances
HRESULT COMDLL COMDLL_ISMEnumerateInstances( IN CMetaInterface * pInterface, OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, OUT IN HANDLE * phEnum, IN LPCTSTR lpszService );
// Enumerate Child Nodes
HRESULT COMDLL COMDLL_ISMEnumerateChildren( IN CMetaInterface * pInterface, OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, OUT IN HANDLE * phEnum, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent );
class COMDLL CInetPropertySheet : public CPropertySheet /*++
Class Description:
IIS Configuration property sheet class
Public Interface:
CInetPropertySheet : Constructor ~CInetPropertySheet : Destructor
cap : Get capabilities
--*/ { DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CInetPropertySheet)
// Construction/destruction
public: CInetPropertySheet( IN UINT nIDCaption, IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, IN LPCTSTR lpszService = NULL, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL, IN CWnd * pParentWnd = NULL, IN LPARAM lParam = 0L, IN LONG_PTR handle = 0L, IN UINT iSelectPage = 0 );
CInetPropertySheet( IN LPCTSTR lpszCaption, IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, IN LPCTSTR lpszService = NULL, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL, IN CWnd * pParentWnd = NULL, IN LPARAM lParam = 0L, IN LONG_PTR handle = 0L, IN UINT iSelectPage = 0 );
virtual ~CInetPropertySheet();
// Overrides
protected: //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CInetPropertySheet)
// Access
public: CServerCapabilities & cap() { return m_cap; } CString & GetServerName() { return m_strServer; } LPCTSTR QueryServerName() const { return m_strServer; } LPCTSTR QueryService() const { return m_strService; } DWORD QueryInstance() const { return m_dwInstance; } BOOL IsMasterInstance() const { return IS_MASTER_INSTANCE(m_dwInstance); } LPCTSTR QueryAlias() const { return m_strAlias; } LPCTSTR QueryParent() const { return m_strParent; } BOOL IsLocal() const { return m_fLocal; } BOOL HasAdminAccess() const { return m_fHasAdminAccess; }
public: void AddRef(); void Release(); void NotifyMMC(); void SetModeless(); BOOL IsModeless() const { return m_bModeless; }
public: virtual void WinHelp(DWORD dwData, UINT nCmd = HELP_CONTEXT);
// Override in derived class to load delayed values
/* PURE */ virtual HRESULT LoadConfigurationParameters() = 0; /* PURE */ virtual void FreeConfigurationParameters() = 0;
// Generated message map functions
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CInetPropertySheet)
void Initialize();
// Attempt to resolve admin/operator access for the given
// instance number
DWORD DetermineAdminAccess( IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance );
protected: BOOL m_fLocal; BOOL m_fHasAdminAccess; DWORD m_dwInstance; CString m_strServer; CString m_strService; CString m_strAlias; CString m_strParent; INT m_refcount; CServerCapabilities m_cap;
private: BOOL m_bModeless; LONG_PTR m_hConsole; LPARAM m_lParam; };
// Metabase Helpers
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// Get record data size
inline DWORD RecordDataSize( IN METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecord, IN int iIndex ) { return pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDDataLen; }
// Fetch data at index as DWORD
inline void FetchMetaValue( IN METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecord, IN int iIndex, OUT DWORD & dwValue ) { ASSERT(RecordDataSize(pAllRecord, iIndex) == sizeof(DWORD)); dwValue = *((DWORD UNALIGNED *)((PBYTE)pAllRecord + pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDDataOffset)); }
// Fetch data at index as UINT
inline void FetchMetaValue( IN METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecord, IN int iIndex, OUT UINT & uValue ) { ASSERT(RecordDataSize(pAllRecord, iIndex) == sizeof(DWORD)); uValue = (UINT)*((DWORD UNALIGNED *)((PBYTE)pAllRecord + pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDDataOffset)); }
// Fetch data at index as int
inline void FetchMetaValue( IN METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecord, IN int iIndex, OUT int & iValue ) { ASSERT(RecordDataSize(pAllRecord, iIndex) == sizeof(DWORD)); iValue = (int)*((DWORD UNALIGNED *)((PBYTE)pAllRecord + pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDDataOffset)); }
// Fetch data at index as a CString
inline void FetchMetaValue( IN METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecord, IN int iIndex, OUT CString & strValue ) { strValue = (LPTSTR)((PBYTE)pAllRecord + pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDDataOffset); }
// Fetch data at index as a CStringList
inline void FetchMetaValue( IN METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecord, IN int iIndex, OUT CStringList & strlValue ) { ConvertDoubleNullListToStringList( ((LPCTSTR)((PBYTE)pAllRecord + pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDDataOffset)), strlValue, (RecordDataSize(pAllRecord, iIndex)) / sizeof(TCHAR) ); }
// Fetch binary data as a blob
inline void FetchMetaValue( IN METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecord, IN int iIndex, OUT CBlob & blob ) { blob.SetValue( RecordDataSize(pAllRecord, iIndex), ((PBYTE)pAllRecord + pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDDataOffset)); }
inline void FetchMetaValue( IN METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecord, IN int iIndex, OUT CILong & ilValue ) { ilValue = (LONG)*((DWORD UNALIGNED *)((PBYTE)pAllRecord + pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDDataOffset)); }
// Fetch data at index as CString, and check inheritance status
inline void FetchInheritedMetaValue( IN METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecord, IN int iIndex, OUT CString & strValue, OUT BOOL & fIsInherited ) { strValue = (LPTSTR)((PBYTE)pAllRecord + pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDDataOffset); fIsInherited = (pAllRecord[iIndex].dwMDAttributes & METADATA_ISINHERITED) != 0; }
// Flag Operations
#define IS_FLAG_SET(dw, flag) ((((dw) & (flag)) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE)
#define SET_FLAG(dw, flag) dw |= (flag)
#define RESET_FLAG(dw, flag) dw &= ~(flag)
#define SET_FLAG_IF(cond, dw, flag)\
if (cond) \ { \ SET_FLAG(dw, flag); \ } \ else \ { \ RESET_FLAG(dw, flag); \ }
// Meta record crackers
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#define BEGIN_PARSE_META_RECORDS(dwNumEntries, pbMDData)\
{ \ METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pAllRecords = \ (METADATA_GETALL_RECORD *)pbMDData; \ ASSERT(pAllRecords != NULL); \ \ for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwNumEntries; ++i) \ { \ METADATA_GETALL_RECORD * pRec = &pAllRecords[i];\ switch(pRec->dwMDIdentifier) \ {
#define HANDLE_META_RECORD(id, value)\
case id: \ FetchMetaValue(pAllRecords, i, MP_V(value));\ break;
#define HANDLE_INHERITED_META_RECORD(id, value, fIsInherited)\
case id: \ FetchInheritedMetaValue(pAllRecords, i, MP_V(value), fIsInherited);\ break;
} \ } \ }
// Sheet -> page crackers
#define BEGIN_META_INST_READ(sheet)\
{ \ sheet * pSheet = (sheet *)GetSheet(); \ do \ { \ if (FAILED(pSheet->QueryInstanceResult())) \ { \ break; \ }
value = pSheet->GetInstanceProperties().value; \ TRACEEOLID(value);
#define END_META_INST_READ(err)\
\ } \ while(FALSE); \ }
#define BEGIN_META_DIR_READ(sheet)\
{ \ sheet * pSheet = (sheet *)GetSheet(); \ do \ { \ if (FAILED(pSheet->QueryDirectoryResult())) \ { \ break; \ }
value = pSheet->GetDirectoryProperties().value; \ TRACEEOLID(value);
#define END_META_DIR_READ(err)\
\ } \ while(FALSE); \ }
#define BEGIN_META_INST_WRITE(sheet)\
{ \ sheet * pSheet = (sheet *)GetSheet(); \ \ do \ { \
#define STORE_INST_DATA_ON_SHEET(value)\
pSheet->GetInstanceProperties().value = value;
#define STORE_INST_DATA_ON_SHEET_REMEMBER(value, dirty)\
pSheet->GetInstanceProperties().value = value; \ dirty = MP_D(((sheet *)GetSheet())->GetInstanceProperties().value);
#define END_META_INST_WRITE(err)\
\ } \ while(FALSE); \ \ err = pSheet->GetInstanceProperties().WriteDirtyProps(); \ }
#define BEGIN_META_DIR_WRITE(sheet)\
{ \ sheet * pSheet = (sheet *)GetSheet(); \ \ do \ { \
#define STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET(value)\
pSheet->GetDirectoryProperties().value = value;
#define STORE_DIR_DATA_ON_SHEET_REMEMBER(value, dirty)\
pSheet->GetDirectoryProperties().value = value; \ dirty = MP_D(pSheet->GetDirectoryProperties().value);
#define INIT_DIR_DATA_MASK(value, mask)\
#define END_META_DIR_WRITE(err)\
\ } \ while(FALSE); \ \ err = pSheet->GetDirectoryProperties().WriteDirtyProps(); \ }
class COMDLL CInetPropertyPage : public CPropertyPage { /*++
Class Description:
IIS Configuration property page class
Public Interface:
CInetPropertyPage : Constructor ~CInetPropertyPage : Destructor
SaveInfo : Save info on this page if dirty
--*/ DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CInetPropertyPage)
// Construction/Destruction
public: CInetPropertyPage( IN UINT nIDTemplate, IN CInetPropertySheet * pSheet, IN UINT nIDCaption = USE_DEFAULT_CAPTION, IN BOOL fEnableEnhancedFonts = FALSE );
// Dialog Data
protected: //{{AFX_DATA(CInetPropertyPage)
// Overrides
public: //
// Derived classes must provide their own equivalents
HRESULT LoadConfigurationParameters(); /* PURE */ virtual HRESULT FetchLoadedValues() = 0; /* PURE */ virtual HRESULT SaveInfo() = 0;
// Is the data on this page dirty?
BOOL IsDirty() const { return m_bChanged; }
// ClassWizard generate virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif
protected: //
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnHelp(); afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO * pHelpInfo); //}}AFX_MSG
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual BOOL OnApply();
// Helper function
protected: BOOL GetIUsrAccount(CString & str);
// Access Functions
protected: //
// Get associated property sheet object
CInetPropertySheet * GetSheet() { return m_pSheet; } CString & GetServerName() { return m_pSheet->GetServerName(); } LPCTSTR QueryServerName() const { return m_pSheet->QueryServerName(); } DWORD QueryInstance() const { return m_pSheet->QueryInstance(); } LPCTSTR QueryAlias() const { return m_pSheet->QueryAlias(); } LPCTSTR QueryParent() const { return m_pSheet->QueryParent(); } BOOL IsLocal() const { return m_pSheet->IsLocal(); } BOOL HasAdminAccess() const { return m_pSheet->HasAdminAccess(); } BOOL IsMasterInstance() const { return m_pSheet->IsMasterInstance(); }
// Update MMC with new changes
void NotifyMMC();
public: //
// Keep private information on page dirty state, necessary for
// SaveInfo() later.
void SetModified( IN BOOL bChanged = TRUE );
protected: BOOL m_bChanged;
// Capability bits
protected: BOOL IsSSLSupported() const { return m_pSheet->cap().IsSSLSupported(); } BOOL IsSSL128Supported() const { return m_pSheet->cap().IsSSL128Supported(); } BOOL HasMultipleSites() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasMultipleSites(); } BOOL HasBwThrottling() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasBwThrottling(); } BOOL Has10ConnectionLimit() const { return m_pSheet->cap().Has10ConnectionLimit(); } BOOL HasIPAccessCheck() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasIPAccessCheck(); } BOOL HasOperatorList() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasOperatorList(); } BOOL HasFrontPage() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasFrontPage(); } BOOL HasCompression() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasCompression(); } BOOL HasCPUThrottling() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasCPUThrottling(); } BOOL HasDAV() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasDAV(); } BOOL HasDigest() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasDigest(); } BOOL HasNTCertMapper() const { return m_pSheet->cap().HasNTCertMapper(); }
protected: CInetPropertySheet * m_pSheet; INT m_refcount; LPFNPSPCALLBACK m_pfnOriginalPropSheetPageProc; static UINT CALLBACK PropSheetPageProc( IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp );
protected: BOOL m_fEnableEnhancedFonts; CFont m_fontBold; UINT m_nHelpContext; };
// Inline Expansion
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline BOOL CMaskedDWORD::operator ==(DWORD dwValue) const { return (m_dwValue & m_dwMask) == (dwValue & m_dwMask); }
inline CMaskedDWORD & CMaskedDWORD::operator =(DWORD dwValue) { m_dwValue = ((m_dwValue &= ~m_dwMask) |= (dwValue & m_dwMask)); return *this; }
inline CBlob::~CBlob() { CleanUp(); }
inline PBYTE CBlob::GetData() { return m_pbItem; }
inline LPCTSTR NormalizeServerName( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName ) { return !lpszServerName || !::IsServerLocal(lpszServerName) ? lpszServerName : NULL; }
inline /*virtual */ HRESULT CMetaProperties::WriteDirtyProps() { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_NOTIMPL; }
inline void CMetaProperties::FlagPropertyForDeletion(DWORD dwID) { m_dwaDeletedProps.AddTail(dwID); }
inline LPCTSTR CInstanceProps::GetDisplayText( OUT CString & strName, IN LPCTSTR szServiceName ) { return CInstanceProps::GetDisplayText( strName, m_strComment, m_strDomainName, szServiceName, m_iaIpAddress, m_nTCPPort, QueryInstance() ); }
inline LPCTSTR CInstanceProps::GetHomePath(CString & str) { str = m_strMetaRoot + SZ_MBN_SEP_STR + g_cszRoot; return str; }
inline void CInstanceProps::FillInstanceInfo( OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwError OPTIONAL ) { pii->dwID = m_dwInstance; pii->dwIPAddress = (DWORD)m_iaIpAddress; pii->sPort = (SHORT)m_nTCPPort; pii->nState = m_nISMState; pii->fDeletable = IsDeletable(); pii->fClusterEnabled = IsClusterEnabled(); pii->dwError = dwError;
_tcsncpy( pii->szComment, m_strComment, STRSIZE(pii->szComment) );
_tcsncpy( pii->szServerName, m_strDomainName, STRSIZE(pii->szServerName) ); }
inline void CChildNodeProps::RemovePathIfInherited() { if (IsPathInherited()) { MP_V(m_strPath).Empty(); } }
inline void CChildNodeProps::FillInstanceInfo(ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii) { _tcsncpy(pii->szPath, GetPath(), STRSIZE(pii->szPath)); _tcsncpy(pii->szRedirPath, GetRedirectedPath(), STRSIZE(pii->szRedirPath)); pii->fChildOnlyRedir = m_fChild; }
inline void CChildNodeProps::FillChildInfo(ISMCHILDINFO * pii) { //
// Set the output structure
pii->fInheritedPath = IsPathInherited(); pii->fEnabledApplication = IsEnabledApplication(); pii->dwError = QueryWin32Error();
_tcsncpy( pii->szAlias, GetAlias(), STRSIZE(pii->szAlias) );
_tcsncpy( pii->szPath, GetPath(), STRSIZE(pii->szPath) );
_tcsncpy( pii->szRedirPath, IsRedirected() ? GetRedirectedPath() : _T(""), STRSIZE(pii->szRedirPath) );
pii->fChildOnlyRedir = m_fChild; }
inline void CInetPropertySheet::SetModeless() { m_bModeless = TRUE; }
inline DWORD CInetPropertySheet::DetermineAdminAccess( IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance ) { return DetermineIfAdministrator( &m_cap, // Reuse existing interface
lpszService, dwInstance, &m_fHasAdminAccess ); }
inline HRESULT CInetPropertyPage::LoadConfigurationParameters() { return GetSheet()->LoadConfigurationParameters(); }
inline BOOL CInetPropertyPage::GetIUsrAccount(CString & str) { return ::GetIUsrAccount(QueryServerName(), this, str); }
inline void CInetPropertyPage::NotifyMMC() { m_pSheet->NotifyMMC(); }
#endif // _INETPROP_H_