Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Registry classes definitions
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
#ifndef _REGISTRY_H
#define _REGISTRY_H
// Forward declarations
class CRMCRegKey; class CRMCRegValueIter; class CRMCRegKeyIter;
// Maximum size of a Registry class name
// Parameter helper
class COMDLL CRMCRegKey : public CObject /*++
Class Description:
Registry key class.
Public Interface:
CRMCRegKey : Registry key object constructor ~CRMCRegKey : Registry key object destructor
operator HKEY : cast to HKEY handle GetHandle : Get HKEY handle Ok : TRUE if the key was initialized OK, FALSE otherwise. IsLocal : TRUE if the key was opened on the local machine
QueryKeyInfo : Fill a key information structure QueryValue : Overloaded value query members SetValue : Overloaded set value members
AssertValid : Assert the object is in a valid state (debug only) Dump : Dump to the debug context (debug only)
--*/ { public: //
// Key information return structure
typedef struct { TCHAR chBuff[CREGKEY_MAX_CLASS_NAME]; DWORD dwClassNameSize, dwNumSubKeys, dwMaxSubKey, dwMaxClass, dwMaxValues, dwMaxValueName, dwMaxValueData, dwSecDesc; FILETIME ftKey; } CREGKEY_KEY_INFO;
// Constructor/Destructor
public: //
// Standard constructor for an existing key
CRMCRegKey( IN HKEY hKeyBase, IN LPCTSTR lpszSubKey = NULL, IN REGSAM regSam = KEY_ALL_ACCESS, IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName = NULL );
// Constructor creating a new key.
// Interface
public: //
// Allow a CRMCRegKey to be used anywhere an HKEY is required.
operator HKEY() const; HKEY GetHandle() const; BOOL Ok() const; BOOL IsLocal() const;
// Fill a key information structure
DWORD QueryKeyInfo( OUT CREGKEY_KEY_INFO * pRegKeyInfo );
// Overloaded value query members; each returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
// if data exists but not in correct form to deliver into result object.
public: //
// Autoexpand will automatically expand REG_EXPAND_SZ items on the
// local computer.
DWORD QueryValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, OUT CString & strResult, IN BOOL fAutoExpand = EXPANSION_OFF, OUT BOOL * pfExpanded = NULL );
DWORD QueryValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, OUT CStringListEx & strList );
DWORD QueryValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, OUT DWORD & dwResult );
DWORD QueryValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, OUT CByteArray & abResult );
DWORD QueryValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, OUT void * pvResult, OUT DWORD cbSize );
// Overloaded value setting members.
public: //
// AutoDeflate will attempt to use %SystemRoot% in the path
// and write it as REG_EXPAND_SZ. if *pfDeflate = TRUE
// upon entry, REG_EXPAND_SZ will be set as well, but
// not automatic environment substitution will be performed.
// Otherwise, this will set as REG_SZ.
DWORD SetValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, IN CString & strResult, IN BOOL fAutoDeflate = EXPANSION_OFF, OUT BOOL * pfDeflate = NULL );
DWORD SetValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, IN CStringListEx & strList );
DWORD SetValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, IN DWORD & dwResult );
DWORD SetValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, IN CByteArray & abResult );
DWORD SetValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, IN void * pvResult, IN DWORD cbSize );
// Delete Key/Value
public: DWORD DeleteValue(LPCTSTR lpszValueName); DWORD DeleteKey(LPCTSTR lpszSubKey);
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump( IN OUT CDumpContext& dc ) const;
#endif // _DEBUG
protected: //
// Convert a CStringListEx to the REG_MULTI_SZ format
static DWORD FlattenValue( IN CStringListEx & strList, OUT DWORD * pcbSize, OUT BYTE ** ppbData );
// Convert a CByteArray to a REG_BINARY block
static DWORD FlattenValue( IN CByteArray & abData, OUT DWORD * pcbSize, OUT BYTE ** ppbData );
protected: //
// Prepare to read a value by finding the value's size.
DWORD PrepareValue( LPCTSTR lpszValueName, DWORD * pdwType, DWORD * pcbSize, BYTE ** ppbData );
private: BOOL m_fLocal; HKEY m_hKey; DWORD m_dwDisposition; };
class COMDLL CRMCRegValueIter : public CObject /*++
Class Description:
Registry value iteration class
Public Interface:
CRMCRegValueIter : Iteration class constructor ~CRMCRegValueIter : Iteration class destructor
Next : Get the name of the next key Reset : Reset the iterator
--*/ { //
// Constructor/Destructor
public: CRMCRegValueIter( IN CRMCRegKey & regKey );
// Interface
public: //
// Get the name (and optional last write time) of the next key.
DWORD Next( OUT CString * pstrName, OUT DWORD * pdwType );
// Reset the iterator
void Reset();
protected: CRMCRegKey & m_rkIter; DWORD m_dwIndex; TCHAR * m_pBuffer; DWORD m_cbBuffer; };
class COMDLL CRMCRegKeyIter : public CObject /*++
Class Description:
Iterate the sub-key names of a key
Public Interface:
CRMCRegKeyIter : Iteration class constructor ~CRMCRegKeyIter : Iteration class destructor
Next : Get the name of the next key Reset : Reset the iterator
--*/ { public: CRMCRegKeyIter( IN CRMCRegKey & regKey );
// Interface
public: //
// Get the name (and optional last write time) of the next key.
DWORD Next( OUT CString * pstrName, OUT CTime * pTime = NULL );
// Reset the iterator
void Reset();
private: CRMCRegKey & m_rkIter; DWORD m_dwIndex; TCHAR * m_pBuffer; DWORD m_cbBuffer; };
// Inline Expansion
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline CRMCRegKey::operator HKEY() const { return m_hKey; }
inline HKEY CRMCRegKey::GetHandle() const { return m_hKey; }
inline BOOL CRMCRegKey::Ok() const { return m_hKey != NULL; }
inline BOOL CRMCRegKey::IsLocal() const { return m_fLocal; }
inline DWORD CRMCRegKey::DeleteValue( IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName ) { return ::RegDeleteValue(*this, lpszValueName); }
inline DWORD CRMCRegKey::DeleteKey( IN LPCTSTR lpszSubKey ) { return ::RegDeleteKey(*this, lpszSubKey); }
inline void CRMCRegValueIter::Reset() { m_dwIndex = 0L; }
inline void CRMCRegKeyIter::Reset() { m_dwIndex = 0L; }
#endif // _REGISTRY_H