// nat access objects
class CNATNode; class CNATSiteComputer; class CNATSite; class CNATGroup; class CNATServerComputer;
// a list of group types. To be used to show an appropriate icon
#define HASH_BYTE_SIZE 16
// virtual abstract class just used to get that OnProperties on the virutal table
class CNATNode : public CObject { public: // Edit the properties of this Site - true if OK
virtual BOOL OnProperties() = 0; };
class CNATSiteComputer : public CObject { public: CNATSiteComputer( LPCTSTR pszName, BOOL fVisible = TRUE ): m_fVisibleOnNet(fVisible), m_iComp(0), m_refcount(0) { m_csName = pszName; } ~CNATSiteComputer() {;}
// ref counting
void AddRef() {m_refcount++;} void RemoveRef() {m_refcount--;}
// When added by a refresh, the visibility of the computer is checked on the
// net. This flag indicates whether or not that check suceeded.
BOOL m_fVisibleOnNet;
// the network name of the machine
CString m_csName;
// internal DWORD used only during the machine committing process
DWORD m_iComp;
// internal ref count to see how many sites point to it
DWORD m_refcount; };
// coded in natobjs.cpp
class CNATSite : public CNATNode { public: CNATSite(CNATGroup* pGroup, CNATSiteComputer* pSiteComputer, LPCTSTR pszPrivateIP = _T(""), LPCTSTR pszName = _T("")); ~CNATSite(); // don't forget to decrement the refcount
// Edit the properties of this Site - true if OK
BOOL OnProperties();
// get the data associated with the group
void GetIP( OUT CString &csIP ) { csIP = m_csPrivateIP; } LPCTSTR GetIP() { return (LPCTSTR)m_csPrivateIP; }
void GetName( OUT CString &csName ) { csName = m_csName; } LPCTSTR GetName() { return (LPCTSTR)m_csName; }
// reference to the computer object this site relates to
CNATSiteComputer* m_pSiteComputer;
// the private IP this site relates to
CString m_csPrivateIP;
// the name (friendly) this site relates to
CString m_csName;
// the owning CNATGroup
CNATGroup* m_pGroup; };
// coded in natgroup.cpp
class CNATGroup : public CNATNode { public: CNATGroup( CNATServerComputer* pNatComputer, LPCTSTR pszIP = _T(""), LPCTSTR pszName = _T(""), DWORD dwSticky = 0, DWORD type = GROUP_TYPE_UNKNOWN ); ~CNATGroup();
// Edit the properties of this Site - true if OK
BOOL OnProperties();
// This is just a handy way to get the nat machine object to commit
void Commit();
// get the data associated with the group
void GetIP( OUT CString &csIP ) { csIP = m_csIP; } LPCTSTR GetIP() { return (LPCTSTR)m_csIP; }
void GetName( OUT CString &csName ) { csName = m_csName; } LPCTSTR GetName() { return (LPCTSTR)m_csName; }
void GetSticky( OUT DWORD* pdwSticky ) { *pdwSticky = m_dwSticky; } DWORD GetSticky() { return m_dwSticky; }
void GetType( OUT DWORD* pdwType ) { *pdwType = m_type; } DWORD GetType() { return m_type; }
// get the number of groups associated with this machine
DWORD GetNumSites() {return m_rgbSites.GetSize();}
// Get a Site referece
CNATSite* GetSite( IN DWORD iSite ) {return m_rgbSites[iSite];}
// adds a new site to the list.
CNATSite* NewSite();
// adds an existing site to the list - to be called during a refresh.
// this checks the visiblity of the machine on the net as it adds it
void AddSite( IN CNATSiteComputer* pSiteComputer, IN LPCTSTR pszPrivateIP, IN LPCTSTR pszName );
// empties and frees all the groups/sites in the groups list
void EmptySites();
// this is the owning NATMachine object. All the real action takes place there.
CNATServerComputer* m_pNatComputer;
// a dynamic array of the sites assocated with the group
CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, CNATSite*> m_rgbSites;
// the string that represents the public IP/Port pair presented by the group
CString m_csIP;
// the string that represents the friendly name of the group
CString m_csName;
// the DWORD that represents the sticky IP timeout of the group
DWORD m_dwSticky;
// DWORD indicating what type of group this is.
DWORD m_type; };
// coded in NATServerComputer.cpp
class CNATServerComputer : public CNATNode { public: CNATServerComputer( LPCTSTR pszComputerName ); ~CNATServerComputer();
// rebuild all the data based on a new blob from the NAT machine
void Refresh();
// commit the current state of the data back to the NAT machine
void Commit();
// Edit the properties of this Site - true if OK
BOOL OnProperties();
// add a new group to the server computer (called by the UI). This
// may or may not prompt the user with UI and returns the pointer
// to the new group after adding it to the group list
CNATGroup* NewGroup();
// add a new computer to the sites list. - Note: if the computer
// already exists in the sites list, it will just return a reference
// to the existing computer. This routine prompts the user to choose
// a computer to add. Returns FALSE if it fails.
CNATSiteComputer* NewComputer();
// get the number of groups associated with this machine
DWORD GetNumGroups();
// Get a group reference
CNATGroup* GetGroup( IN DWORD iGroup );
// Technically, the GetGroupName function is unecessary because
// you get get the group class pointer, then call GetName on it, but it is really
// handy to just do it here. Cleans up the snapin part of the code.
BOOL GetGroupName( IN DWORD iGroup, OUT CString &csName );
// call this to automatically verify that the target NAT computers config info
// hasn't changed. If it has, it prompts the user and lets them continue or refresh.
BOOL VerifyHashIsOK();
// utility to check if the computer is visible on the net
BOOL CanSeeComputer( IN LPCTSTR pszname );
// empties and frees all the site computer objects in the list
void EmptySiteComputers();
// empties and frees all the groups/sites in the groups list
void EmptyGroups();
// adds an existing computer to the list - to be called during a refresh.
// this checks the visiblity of the machine on the net as it adds it
void AddSiteComputer( IN LPWSTR pszwName );
// adds an existing group to the list - to be called during a refresh.
void AddGroup( IN LPWSTR pszwIPPublic, IN LPWSTR pszwName, IN DWORD dwSticky, IN DWORD type );
// gets the crypto hash of the NAT data blob. If a null pointer to the blob
// is passed in, then it dynamically gets the blob from the server
// or you can pass in a specific blob. This is to be used to check if
// the state of the server has changed since the data was last loaded.
// The hash is obtained from the crypto code so it is really good. The
// buffer for the hash should be 128 bits in length. Using an MD5 hash.
BOOL GetNATStateHash( IN LPBYTE pData, IN DWORD cbData, IN OUT LPBYTE pHash, OUT DWORD* pcbHash );
// access the server and retrieve the state blob. Use GetLastError to see
// what went wrong if the returned result is NULL. Pass in the dword pointed
// to by pcbData to get the required size.
LPBYTE PGetNATStateBlob( OUT DWORD* pcbData );
// access the server and set the state blob. Use GetLastError to see what went
// wrong if the returned result is FALSE
BOOL SetStateBlob( IN LPBYTE pData, IN DWORD cbData );
// open the DCOM interface to the target NAT machine.
HRESULT GetNATInterface( OUT IMSIisLb** ppIisLb );
// the name of the target NAT machine to edit
CString m_csNatComputer;
// an dynamic array of the groups associated with the NAT machine
CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, CNATGroup*> m_rgbGroups;
// a dynamic array of the site computers assocated with the NAT machine
CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, CNATSiteComputer*> m_rgbSiteComputers;
// the last refresh hash of the config blob