Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Snapin data object
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
// Include Files
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "inetmgr.h"
#include "cinetmgr.h"
#include "dataobj.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Snap-in NodeType in both GUID format and string format
// Note - Typically there is a node type for each different object, sample
// only uses one node type.
unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfNodeType = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_NODETYPE); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfNodeTypeString = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_SZNODETYPE); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfDisplayName = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_DISPLAY_NAME); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfCoClass = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_SNAPIN_CLASSID);
// Multi-select
unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfpMultiSelDataObj = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_MMC_MULTISELECT_DATAOBJECT); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfMultiObjTypes = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_OBJECT_TYPES_IN_MULTI_SELECT); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfMultiSelDataObjs = RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_MULTI_SELECT_SNAPINS); */
// Internal
unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfInternal = RegisterClipboardFormat(ISM_SNAPIN_INTERNAL);
// Published Information
unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfISMMachineName = RegisterClipboardFormat(ISM_SNAPIN_MACHINE_NAME); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfMyComputMachineName = RegisterClipboardFormat(MYCOMPUT_MACHINE_NAME); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfISMService = RegisterClipboardFormat(ISM_SNAPIN_SERVICE); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfISMInstance = RegisterClipboardFormat(ISM_SNAPIN_INSTANCE); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfISMParentPath = RegisterClipboardFormat(ISM_SNAPIN_PARENT_PATH); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfISMNode = RegisterClipboardFormat(ISM_SNAPIN_NODE); unsigned int CDataObject::m_cfISMMetaPath = RegisterClipboardFormat(ISM_SNAPIN_META_PATH);
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetDataHere( IN LPFORMATETC lpFormatetc, IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
Write requested information type to the given medium
LPFORMATETC lpFormatetc : Format etc LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium : Medium to write to.
Return Value:
// Based on the CLIPFORMAT write data to the stream
const CLIPFORMAT cf = lpFormatetc->cfFormat;
if (cf == m_cfNodeType) { hr = CreateNodeTypeData(lpMedium); } else if (cf == m_cfNodeTypeString) { hr = CreateNodeTypeStringData(lpMedium); } else if (cf == m_cfCoClass) { hr = CreateCoClassID(lpMedium); } else if (cf == m_cfDisplayName) { hr = CreateDisplayName(lpMedium); } else if (cf == m_cfInternal) { hr = CreateInternal(lpMedium); } else if (cf == m_cfISMMachineName) { hr = CreateMachineName(lpMedium); }
multi-select pulled
else if (cf == m_cfpMultiSelDataObj) { TRACEEOLID("CCF_MMC_MULTISELECT_DATAOBJECT"); } else if (cf == m_cfMultiObjTypes) { TRACEEOLID("CCF_OBJECT_TYPES_IN_MULTI_SELECT"); } else if (cf == m_cfMultiSelDataObjs) { TRACEEOLID("CCF_MULTI_SELECT_SNAPINS"); } */
else if (cf == m_cfISMService) { hr = CreateMetaField(lpMedium, META_SERVICE); } else if (cf == m_cfISMInstance) { hr = CreateMetaField(lpMedium, META_INSTANCE); } else if (cf == m_cfISMParentPath) { hr = CreateMetaField(lpMedium, META_PARENT); } else if (cf == m_cfISMNode) { hr = CreateMetaField(lpMedium, META_NODE); } else if (cf == m_cfISMMetaPath) { hr = CreateMetaField(lpMedium, META_WHOLE); } else { TRACEEOLID("Unrecognized format"); hr = DV_E_CLIPFORMAT; }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetData( IN LPFORMATETC lpFormatetcIn, IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get data from the data object
LPFORMATETC lpFormatetcIn : Formatetc Input LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium : Pointer to medium
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// Not implemented
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::EnumFormatEtc( IN DWORD dwDirection, IN LPENUMFORMATETC * ppEnumFormatEtc ) /*++
Routine Description:
Enumerate format etc information
DWORD dwDirection : Direction LPENUMFORMATETC * ppEnumFormatEtc : Format etc array
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// Not implemented
return E_NOTIMPL; }
// CDataObject creation members
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
HRESULT CDataObject::Create( IN const void * pBuffer, IN int len, IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create information on the given medium
const void * pBuffer : Data buffer int len : Size of data LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium : Medium to write to.
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = DV_E_TYMED;
// Do some simple validation
if (pBuffer == NULL || lpMedium == NULL) { return E_POINTER; }
// Make sure the type medium is HGLOBAL
if (lpMedium->tymed == TYMED_HGLOBAL) { //
// Create the stream on the hGlobal passed in
LPSTREAM lpStream; hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(lpMedium->hGlobal, FALSE, &lpStream);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Write to the stream the number of bytes
unsigned long written; hr = lpStream->Write(pBuffer, len, &written);
// Because we called CreateStreamOnHGlobal with 'FALSE',
// only the stream is released here.
// Note - the caller (i.e. snap-in, object) will free
// the HGLOBAL at the correct time. This is according to
// the IDataObject specification.
lpStream->Release(); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CDataObject::CreateNodeTypeData( IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create node type data on medium
LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium : Medium to write to.
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// Create the node type object in GUID format
const GUID * pcObjectType = NULL;
if (m_internal.m_cookie == NULL) { //
// Blank CIISNode, must be the static root
pcObjectType = &cInternetRootNode; } else { //
// Ask the object what kind of object it is.
CIISObject * pObject = (CIISObject *)m_internal.m_cookie; pcObjectType = pObject->GetGUIDPtr(); }
return Create((const void *)pcObjectType, sizeof(GUID), lpMedium); }
HRESULT CDataObject::CreateNodeTypeStringData( IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create node type in string format
LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium : Medium to write to.
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// Create the node type object in GUID string format
const wchar_t * cszObjectType = NULL; CString str;
if (m_internal.m_cookie == NULL) { //
// This must be the static root node
cszObjectType = GUIDToCString(cInternetRootNode, str); } else { //
// Ask the CIISObject what type it is
CIISObject * pObject = (CIISObject *)m_internal.m_cookie; cszObjectType = GUIDToCString(pObject->QueryGUID(), str); }
return Create( cszObjectType, ((wcslen(cszObjectType) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)), lpMedium ); }
HRESULT CDataObject::CreateDisplayName( IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
CDataObject implementations
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// This is the display name used in the scope pane and snap-in manager
// Load the name from resource
// Note - if this is not provided, the console will used the snap-in name
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString szDispName; szDispName.LoadString(IDS_NODENAME);
return Create( szDispName, ((szDispName.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)), lpMedium ); }
HRESULT CDataObject::CreateInternal( IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
CDataObject implementations
Return Value:
--*/ { return Create(&m_internal, sizeof(INTERNAL), lpMedium); }
HRESULT CDataObject::CreateMachineName( IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create the machine name
LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium : Address of STGMEDIUM object
Return Value:
--*/ { wchar_t pzName[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; DWORD len; // = MAX_PATH + 1;
CIISObject * pObject = (CIISObject *)m_internal.m_cookie; if (pObject == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_FAIL; }
lstrcpyn(pzName, pObject->GetMachineName(), MAX_PATH); len = lstrlen(pzName);
// Add 1 for the NULL and calculate the bytes for the stream
return Create(pzName, ((len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)), lpMedium); }
HRESULT CDataObject::CreateMetaField( IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium, IN META_FIELD fld ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create a field from the metabase path, indicated by fld, or the entire path.
LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium : Address of STGMEDIUM object META_FIELD fld : Type of metabase information
Return Value:
--*/ { CIISObject * pObject = (CIISObject *)m_internal.m_cookie;
if (pObject == NULL) { //
// Static root node has no metabase path
// Generate complete metabase path for this node
CString strField; CString strMetaPath; pObject->BuildFullPath(strMetaPath, TRUE);
if (fld == META_WHOLE) { //
// Whole metabase path requested
strField = strMetaPath; } else { //
// A portion of the metabase is requested. Return the requested
// portion
LPCTSTR lpMetaPath = (LPCTSTR)strMetaPath; LPCTSTR lpEndPath = lpMetaPath + strMetaPath.GetLength() + 1; LPCTSTR lpSvc = NULL; LPCTSTR lpInstance = NULL; LPCTSTR lpParent = NULL; LPCTSTR lpNode = NULL;
// Break up the metabase path in portions
if (lpSvc = _tcschr(lpMetaPath, _T('/'))) { ++lpSvc;
if (lpInstance = _tcschr(lpSvc, _T('/'))) { ++lpInstance;
if (lpParent = _tcschr(lpInstance, _T('/'))) { ++lpParent; lpNode = _tcsrchr(lpParent, _T('/'));
if (lpNode) { ++lpNode; } } } }
int n1, n2; switch(fld) { case META_SERVICE: //
// Requested the service string
if (lpSvc) { n1 = DIFF(lpSvc - lpMetaPath); n2 = lpInstance ? DIFF(lpInstance - lpSvc) : DIFF(lpEndPath - lpSvc); strField = strMetaPath.Mid(n1, n2 - 1); } break;
// Requested the instance number
if (lpInstance) { n1 = DIFF(lpInstance - lpMetaPath); n2 = lpParent ? DIFF(lpParent - lpInstance) : DIFF(lpEndPath - lpInstance); strField = strMetaPath.Mid(n1, n2 - 1); }
case META_PARENT: //
// Requestd the parent path
if (lpParent) { n1 = DIFF(lpParent - lpMetaPath); n2 = lpNode ? DIFF(lpNode - lpParent) : DIFF(lpEndPath - lpParent); strField = strMetaPath.Mid(n1, n2 - 1); } break;
case META_NODE: //
// Requested the node name
if (lpNode) { n1 = DIFF(lpNode - lpMetaPath); n2 = DIFF(lpEndPath - lpNode); strField = strMetaPath.Mid(n1, n2 - 1); } break;
default: //
// Bogus
ASSERT(FALSE); return E_FAIL; } }
TRACEEOLID("Requested metabase path data: " << strField); int len = strField.GetLength() + 1;
return Create((LPCTSTR)strField, (len) * sizeof(TCHAR), lpMedium); }
HRESULT CDataObject::CreateCoClassID( IN LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium ) /*++
Routine Description:
Create the CoClassID
LPSTGMEDIUM lpMedium : Medium
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// Create the CoClass information
return Create((const void *)&m_internal.m_clsid, sizeof(CLSID), lpMedium); }