Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
IIS Objects Definitions
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
#ifndef _IISOBJ_H
#define _IISOBJ_H
// Forward Definitions
class CMenuEx; class CServerInfo; class CServiceInfo; class CIISChildNode; class CIISInstance;
#define MAX_COLUMNS (10)
// Bitmap indices into the imagelist
enum { //
// Indices into VIEW16 and VIEW32
// Added on singly from IMGR16 and IMGR32
// Don't move this one, this is where the service bitmaps start
/* abstract */ class CIISObject : public CObjectPlus /*++
Class Description:
Base IIS-configurable object. This is an abstract base class
Public Interface:
CIISObject : Constructor
operator CServerInfo * : Cast to serverinfo (could be NULL) operator LPCTSTR : Cast to description string operator int : Cast to bitmap index
BOOL IsStartable : TRUE if object can be started BOOL IsStoppable : TRUE if object can be stopped
Virtual Public Interface (needs to be implemented in derived classes):
BOOL IsControllable : TRUE if object can be started/stopped BOOL IsPausable : TRUE if object can be paused BOOL IsConfigurable : TRUE if the object is configurable BOOL IsMMCConfigurable : TRUE if the object is configurable with MMC BOOL IsAccessible : FALSE if access was denied to this object BOOL IsDeletable : TRUE if the object is deletable BOOL IsClusterEnabled : TRUE if the object is cluster enabled BOOL IsCloneable : TRUE if the item can be cloned. BOOL IsRenameable : TRUE if the object can be renamed BOOL IsRunning : TRUE if the object is in a running state BOOL IsStopped : TRUE if the object is in a stopped state BOOL IsPaused : TRUE if the object is in a paused state BOOL IsExplorable : TRUE if the object is explorable BOOL IsOpenable : TRUE if the object is openable BOOL IsBrowsable : TRUE if the object is browsable BOOL CanConfigureStopped : TRUE if the object can be configured while stopped BOOL ChildrenOutOfDate : TRUE if the object's children need to be fetched BOOL IsLocalMachine : TRUE if applicable machine name owner is local BOOL HandleUI : TRUE if we need to confirm before deletion DWORD QueryErrorCode : Return API error code (if applicable) DWORD ChangeState : Change the current state of the object DWORD Configure : Configure this object DWORD ConfigureMMC : Configure this object with MMC DWORD Rename : Rename the object int QueryState : Return the (running/stopped/paused) state int QueryBitmapIndex : Get the bitmap index for the object LPCTSTR GetStateText : Get text representation of current state LPCTSTR GetDisplayText : Generate display text for the object LPCTSTR GetMachineName : Get machine name (if applicable) LPCTSTR GetServiceName : Get service name (if applicable) LPCTSTR GetComment : Get comment (if applicable) CServerInfo * GetServerInfo : Get server info object (if applicable)
--*/ { protected: //
// Protected constructor
CIISObject( IN const GUID guid, IN LPCTSTR lpszNodeName = _T(""), IN LPCTSTR lpszPhysicalPath = _T("") );
public: void SetScopeHandle(IN HSCOPEITEM hScopeItem, BOOL fIsParentScope = FALSE); HSCOPEITEM GetScopeHandle() const { return m_hScopeItem; } BOOL ScopeHandleIsParent() const { return m_fIsParentScope; } BOOL IsScopeSelected();
// Static Access
public: static void AttachScopeView(IN LPCONSOLENAMESPACE lpcnsScopeView); static LPCONSOLENAMESPACE GetScopeView(); static BOOL m_fIsExtension;
// Virtual Interface
public: //
// Type Functions
virtual BOOL IsControllable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsPausable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsConfigurable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsMMCConfigurable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsAccessible() const { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL IsDeletable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsClusterEnabled() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL HandleUI() const { return TRUE; }
// State Functions
virtual BOOL IsRunning() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsStopped() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsPaused() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsRenamable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsConnectable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsExtension() const {return m_fIsExtension;} virtual BOOL IsClonable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsBrowsable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsExplorable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsOpenable() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsRefreshable() const { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL CanConfigureStopped() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL ChildrenOutOfDate() const { return FALSE; }
// Get the error return code
virtual HRESULT QueryErrorCode() const { return S_OK; } virtual int QueryState() const { return INetServiceUnknown; }
// Access Functions (must be implemented in the derived class)
virtual HRESULT ChangeState(IN int nNewState); virtual HRESULT Configure(IN CWnd * pParent);
virtual HRESULT RefreshData(); virtual HRESULT Delete(); virtual HRESULT SecurityWizard(); virtual int Compare(int nCol, CIISObject * pObject);
// Bring up in "explore" view
virtual HRESULT Explore();
// Bring up in "open" view
virtual HRESULT Open();
// Bring up in the browser
virtual HRESULT Browse();
static void InitializeHeaders(IN LPHEADERCTRL pHeader); virtual void InitializeChildHeaders(IN LPHEADERCTRL pHeader); virtual BOOL IsLeafNode() const { return FALSE; }
virtual HRESULT AddMenuItems( IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback );
virtual HRESULT AddNextTaskpadItem( OUT MMC_TASK * pTask );
virtual HRESULT AddChildNode( IN OUT CIISChildNode *& pChild );
virtual BOOL ChildrenExpanded() const { return m_tmChildrenExpanded != 0L;} virtual void CleanChildren(); virtual void DirtyChildren(); virtual BOOL SupportsFileSystem() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL IsFileSystemNode() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL SupportsChildren() const { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL SupportsSecurityWizard() const { return FALSE; } virtual HRESULT ExpandChildren(HSCOPEITEM pParent); virtual HRESULT Rename(LPCTSTR NewName); virtual LPCTSTR GetStateText() const;
// Display Context Functions
/* PURE */ virtual int QueryBitmapIndex() const = 0;
/* PURE */ virtual LPCTSTR GetDisplayText( OUT CString & strText ) const = 0;
virtual void GetResultDisplayInfo( IN int nCol, OUT CString & str, OUT int & nImage ) const;
// Get the machine name
virtual LPCTSTR GetMachineName() const { return NULL; }
// Determine if the local machine name is local
virtual BOOL IsLocalMachine() const { return FALSE; }
// Get the service name
virtual LPCTSTR GetServiceName() const { return NULL; }
// Get the comment
virtual LPCTSTR GetComment() const { return NULL; }
// Get the server info (service/server pair)
// object that controls this object
virtual CServerInfo * GetServerInfo() { return NULL; }
// Get metabase node name
virtual LPCTSTR QueryNodeName(BOOL fMetabasePath = FALSE) const { return m_strNodeName; }
// Find the owner instance
virtual CIISInstance * FindOwnerInstance() { return NULL; }
// Check to see if the current node is a terminal point
// in the metabasepath
virtual BOOL IsTerminalPoint(BOOL fFullMetaPath) const { return FALSE; }
// Get parent CIISObject
virtual CIISObject * GetParentObject() const;
// Get parent path for this node
LPCTSTR BuildParentPath( OUT CString & strParentPath, BOOL fMetabasePath ) const;
// Get complete path for this node
LPCTSTR BuildFullPath( OUT CString & strPath, BOOL fMetabasePath ) const;
// Get complete physical path for this node
LPCTSTR BuildPhysicalPath( OUT CString & strPhysicalPath ) const;
// Assumed Functions
public: BOOL IsValidObject() const; BOOL IsStartable() const { return IsControllable() && !IsRunning(); } BOOL IsStoppable() const { return IsControllable() && (IsRunning() || IsPaused() ); } BOOL OK() const { return QueryErrorCode() == S_OK; } const GUID QueryGUID() const { return m_guid; } const GUID * GetGUIDPtr() { return &m_guid; } CString & GetNodeName() { return m_strNodeName; } LPCTSTR QueryPhysicalPath() const { return m_strPhysicalPath; }
CString& GetPhysicalPath() { return m_strPhysicalPath; }
BOOL IsVirtualDirectory() const { return !m_strPhysicalPath.IsEmpty(); }
// Get the redirected path
BOOL IsRedirected() const { return !m_strRedirPath.IsEmpty(); } BOOL IsChildOnlyRedir() const { return m_fChildOnlyRedir; } LPCTSTR QueryRedirPath() { return m_strRedirPath; }
// Get the instance ID
DWORD QueryInstanceID();
// Conversion Operators
public: operator CServerInfo *() { return GetServerInfo(); }
// Get display text
operator LPCTSTR();
// Get bitmap index
operator int() { return QueryBitmapIndex(); }
operator const GUID() { return QueryGUID(); }
// Refresh display
void RefreshDisplayInfo();
public: //
// Add Menu Command
static HRESULT AddMenuItemByCommand( IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK lpContextMenuCallback, IN LONG lCmdID, IN LONG fFlags = 0 );
static HRESULT AddTaskpadItemByInfo( OUT MMC_TASK * pTask, IN LONG lCommandID, IN LPCTSTR lpszMouseOn, IN LPCTSTR lpszMouseOff, IN LPCTSTR lpszText, IN LPCTSTR lpszHelpString );
static HRESULT AddTaskpadItemByCommand( IN LONG lCmdID, OUT MMC_TASK * pTask, IN HINSTANCE hInstance = (HINSTANCE)-1 );
protected: static CMenuEx s_mnu; static CString s_strProperties; static CString s_strRunning; static CString s_strPaused; static CString s_strStopped; static CString s_strUnknown; static CString s_strYes; static CString s_strNo; static CString s_strTCPIP; static CString s_strNetBIOS; static CString s_strDefaultIP; static CString s_strRedirect; static time_t s_lExpirationTime; static LPCONSOLENAMESPACE s_lpcnsScopeView;
protected: //
// Result View Helpers
static void BuildResultView( IN LPHEADERCTRL pHeader, IN int cColumns, IN int * pnIDS, IN int * pnWidths );
// Determine if instances can be added on this
// machine
static BOOL CanAddInstance( IN LPCTSTR lpszMachineName );
protected: //
// GUID for runtime type checking
const GUID m_guid; time_t m_tmChildrenExpanded; HSCOPEITEM m_hScopeItem; BOOL m_fChildOnlyRedir; BOOL m_fIsParentScope; CString m_strNodeName; CString m_strPhysicalPath; CString m_strRedirPath; };
class CIISMachine : public CIISObject { /*++
Class Description:
IIS Machine object. This object contains only a machine name, and is the only object that does not have a CServerInfo pointer
Public Interface:
CIISMachine : Constructor
BOOL IsConfigurable : TRUE if the object is configurable DWORD Configure : Configure this object int QueryBitmapIndex : Get the bitmap index for the object CMenu * PrepareContextMenu : Prepare context menu for object LPCTSTR GetDisplayText : Generate display text for the object LPCTSTR GetMachineName : Get machine name (if applicable)
--*/ public: CIISMachine( IN LPCTSTR lpszMachineName );
// Access Functions
public: BOOL m_fIsExtension;
// Virtual Interface
public: //
// Yes, can connect from here
virtual BOOL IsConnectable() const { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL IsConfigurable() const; virtual BOOL IsMMCConfigurable() const { return m_fIsAdministrator; } virtual BOOL IsExtension() const {return m_fIsExtension;} virtual HRESULT RefreshData() { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
virtual HRESULT Configure( IN CWnd * pParent );
// Display Context Functions
virtual int QueryBitmapIndex() const;
virtual LPCTSTR GetDisplayText( OUT CString & strText ) const;
virtual void GetResultDisplayInfo( IN int nCol, OUT CString & str, OUT int & nImage ) const;
virtual HRESULT AddMenuItems( IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback );
virtual HRESULT AddNextTaskpadItem( OUT MMC_TASK * pTask );
virtual LPCTSTR GetMachineName() const { return m_strMachineName; }
// Check to see if the current node is a terminal point
// in the metabasepath. Base class method doesn't work correctly
// in case of extension
virtual BOOL IsTerminalPoint(BOOL fFullMetaPath) const { return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL IsLocalMachine() const { return m_fLocal; }
static void InitializeHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL pHeader);
virtual int Compare(int nCol, CIISObject * pObject);
virtual void InitializeChildHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL pHeader);
public: inline static void AttachNewInstanceCmds( CObListPlus * poblNewInstanceCmds ) { s_poblNewInstanceCmds = poblNewInstanceCmds; }
// BOOL IsLocal() const { return m_fLocal; }
// Check to see if current user is administrator on the box
BOOL IsAdministrator() const { return m_fIsAdministrator; }
protected: static CObListPlus * s_poblNewInstanceCmds; static CString s_strLocalMachine;
protected: //
// Result View Layout
static int rgnLabels[COL_TOTAL]; static int rgnWidths[COL_TOTAL];
private: CString m_strMachineName; CString m_strDisplayName; BOOL m_fLocal; BOOL m_fIsAdministrator; };
class CIISInstance : public CIISObject { /*++
Class Description:
IIS Instance object. For down-level service types, this is a simple wrapper for the CServerInfo object.
Public Interface:
CIISInstance : Constructors for regular and down-level
QueryID : Get instance ID or 0 for down-level QueryServiceID : Get the service ID operator == : Compare service ID and instance ID IsDownLevel : TRUE if this is a down-level server w/o instances SetViewType : Bitmap index and text change depending on if the object is in server, service view. or report view. BOOL IsControllable : TRUE if object can be started/stopped BOOL IsPausable : TRUE if object can be paused BOOL IsConfigurable : TRUE if the object is configurable BOOL IsAccessible : FALSE if access was denied to this object BOOL IsDeletable : TRUE if the object is deletable BOOL IsClusterEnabled : TRUE if the object is cluster enabled BOOL IsRunning : TRUE if the object is in a running state BOOL IsStopped : TRUE if the object is in a stopped state BOOL IsPaused : TRUE if the object is in a paused state BOOL CanConfigureStopped : TRUE if the object can be configured while stopped. DWORD ChangeState : Change the current state of the object DWORD Configure : Configure this object int QueryState : Return the (running/stopped/paused) state int QueryBitmapIndex : Get the bitmap index for the object LPCTSTR GetStateText : Get text representation of current state LPCTSTR GetDisplayText : Generate display text for the object LPCTSTR GetMachineName : Get machine name (if applicable) LPCTSTR GetServiceName : Get service name LPCTSTR GetComment : Get comment (if applicable) CServerInfo * GetServerInfo : Get server info object pointer
--*/ public: //
// Constructor for down-level (single-instance server)
CIISInstance( IN CServerInfo * pServerInfo );
CIISInstance( IN ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, IN CServerInfo * pServerInfo );
void InitializeFromStruct( IN ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii );
// Access Functions
public: DWORD QueryID() const { return m_dwID; } BOOL IsDownLevel() const { return m_fDownLevel; } DWORD QueryServiceID() const; BOOL operator ==(CIISInstance & target);
// Virtual Interface
public: //
// Type Functions
virtual BOOL IsControllable() const; virtual BOOL IsPausable() const; virtual BOOL IsConfigurable() const; virtual BOOL IsMMCConfigurable() const; virtual BOOL IsAccessible() const; virtual BOOL IsDeletable() const; virtual BOOL IsClusterEnabled() const; virtual BOOL SupportsFileSystem() const; virtual BOOL SupportsChildren() const; virtual BOOL SupportsSecurityWizard() const; virtual BOOL IsLeafNode() const;
// State Functions
virtual BOOL IsRunning() const; virtual BOOL IsStopped() const; virtual BOOL IsPaused() const;
// Old single instances need to be running
virtual BOOL CanConfigureStopped() const { return !m_fDownLevel; }
// Get the error return code
virtual HRESULT QueryErrorCode() const { return m_hrError; }
virtual HRESULT AddChildNode( CIISChildNode *& pChild );
virtual BOOL IsBrowsable() const { return !IsDownLevel() && HasWebProtocol() && IsRunning(); } virtual BOOL IsExplorable() const { return !IsDownLevel(); } virtual BOOL IsOpenable() const { return !IsDownLevel(); }
virtual HRESULT AddMenuItems( IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback );
virtual HRESULT AddNextTaskpadItem( OUT MMC_TASK * pTask );
// Access Functions
virtual int QueryState() const;
virtual HRESULT Delete(); virtual HRESULT SecurityWizard();
virtual HRESULT ChangeState(int nNewState);
virtual HRESULT Configure( IN CWnd * pParent );
virtual HRESULT RefreshData();
// Display Context Functions
virtual int QueryBitmapIndex() const;
virtual LPCTSTR GetStateText() const;
virtual LPCTSTR GetDisplayText( OUT CString & strText ) const;
virtual void GetResultDisplayInfo( IN int nCol, OUT CString & str, OUT int & nImage ) const;
// Get the machine name
virtual LPCTSTR GetMachineName() const { return m_strMachine; } virtual BOOL IsLocalMachine() const { return m_fLocalMachine; }
// Get the service name
virtual LPCTSTR GetServiceName() const;
// Get the comment
virtual LPCTSTR GetComment() const;
// Build result view
static void InitializeHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL pHeader); virtual void InitializeChildHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL pHeader); virtual int Compare(int nCol, CIISObject * pObject); virtual BOOL ChildrenExpanded() const; virtual HRESULT ExpandChildren(HSCOPEITEM pParent);
// Get the server info (service/server pair)
// object that controls this instance
virtual CServerInfo * GetServerInfo() { return m_pServerInfo; } virtual CIISInstance * FindOwnerInstance() { return this; }
virtual BOOL IsTerminalPoint(IN BOOL fFullMetaPath) const;
// Get metabase node name
virtual LPCTSTR QueryNodeName(BOOL fMetabasePath = FALSE) const;
// Access
public: USHORT GetPort() const { return m_sPort; } BOOL HasComment() const { return !m_strComment.IsEmpty(); } BOOL HasIPAddress() const { return m_dwIPAddress != 0L; } DWORD GetIPAddress() const { return m_dwIPAddress; } BOOL HasHostHeaderName() const { return !m_strHostHeaderName.IsEmpty(); } LPCTSTR GetHostHeaderName() const { return (LPCTSTR)m_strHostHeaderName; } BOOL SupportsInstances() const; BOOL HasWebProtocol() const; HRESULT ShellBrowsePath(LPCTSTR lpszPath);
public: static void SetViewType( BOOL fServerView = TRUE, BOOL fAppendState = TRUE );
protected: static BOOL IsInitialized(); static void InitializeStrings();
protected: static CString s_strFormatState; static BOOL s_fServerView; static BOOL s_fAppendState;
protected: //
// Result View Layout
static int rgnLabels[COL_TOTAL]; static int rgnWidths[COL_TOTAL];
protected: int m_nState; BOOL m_fDownLevel; BOOL m_fDeletable; BOOL m_fClusterEnabled; BOOL m_fLocalMachine; USHORT m_sPort; DWORD m_dwID; DWORD m_dwIPAddress; HRESULT m_hrError; CString m_strHostHeaderName; CString m_strComment; CString m_strMachine; CServerInfo * m_pServerInfo; };
class CIISChildNode : public CIISObject /*++
Class Description:
Public Interface:
--*/ { public: CIISChildNode( IN ISMCHILDINFO * pii, IN CIISInstance * pOwner );
void InitializeFromStruct( IN ISMCHILDINFO * pii );
// Access Functions
public: BOOL IsEnabledApplication() const { return m_fEnabledApplication; }
virtual CIISInstance * FindOwnerInstance() { return m_pOwner; }
// Get the server info (service/server pair)
// object that controls this object
virtual CServerInfo * GetServerInfo();
// Get the machine name
virtual LPCTSTR GetMachineName() const; virtual BOOL IsLocalMachine() const;
// Get the service name
virtual LPCTSTR GetServiceName() const;
// Virtual Interface
public: //
// Display Context Functions
virtual int QueryBitmapIndex() const;
virtual LPCTSTR GetDisplayText( OUT CString & strText ) const;
virtual void GetResultDisplayInfo( IN int nCol, OUT CString & str, OUT int & nImage ) const;
static void InitializeHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL pHeader);
virtual void InitializeChildHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL pHeader);
virtual HRESULT AddChildNode( IN OUT CIISChildNode *& pChild );
virtual int Compare( IN int nCol, IN CIISObject * pObject );
virtual BOOL SupportsFileSystem() const; virtual BOOL SupportsChildren() const { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL SupportsSecurityWizard() const; virtual BOOL IsBrowsable() const { return m_pOwner && m_pOwner->IsBrowsable(); } virtual BOOL IsExplorable() const { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL IsOpenable() const { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL IsConfigurable() const { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL IsMMCConfigurable() const; virtual BOOL IsDeletable() const { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL IsRenamable() const { return TRUE; } virtual HRESULT QueryErrorCode() const { return m_hrError; }
virtual HRESULT AddMenuItems( IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback );
virtual HRESULT AddNextTaskpadItem( OUT MMC_TASK * pTask );
virtual HRESULT Rename( IN LPCTSTR NewName );
virtual HRESULT Delete();
virtual HRESULT SecurityWizard();
virtual HRESULT Configure( IN CWnd * pParent );
virtual HRESULT RefreshData();
protected: //
// Result View Layout
static int rgnLabels[COL_TOTAL]; static int rgnWidths[COL_TOTAL];
protected: BOOL m_fEnabledApplication; HRESULT m_hrError; CIISInstance * m_pOwner; };
class CIISFileNode : public CIISObject /*++
Class Description:
Public Interface:
--*/ { public: CIISFileNode( IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias, // Name of current node
IN DWORD dwAttributes, IN CIISInstance * pOwner, IN LPCTSTR lpszRedirect, // = NULL
IN BOOL fDir = TRUE );
// Access Functions
public: BOOL IsEnabledApplication() const { return m_fEnabledApplication; }
// Get the redirected path
DWORD QueryAttributes() const { return m_dwAttributes; } BOOL IsDirectory() const; BOOL IsFile() const { return !IsDirectory(); } virtual CIISInstance * FindOwnerInstance() { return m_pOwner; }
// Get the server info (service/server pair)
// object that controls this object
virtual CServerInfo * GetServerInfo();
// Get the machine name
virtual LPCTSTR GetMachineName() const; virtual BOOL IsLocalMachine() const;
// Get the service name
virtual LPCTSTR GetServiceName() const;
// Match up this file item to metabase properties
HRESULT FetchMetaInformation( IN CString & strParent, OUT BOOL * pfVirtualDirectory = NULL );
// Virtual Interface
public: //
// Display Context Functions
virtual int QueryBitmapIndex() const;
virtual LPCTSTR GetDisplayText( OUT CString & strText ) const;
virtual void GetResultDisplayInfo( IN int nCol, OUT CString & str, OUT int & nImage ) const;
static void InitializeHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL pHeader);
virtual void InitializeChildHeaders(LPHEADERCTRL pHeader);
virtual int Compare(int nCol, CIISObject * pObject);
virtual BOOL SupportsFileSystem() const { return IsDirectory(); }
virtual BOOL IsFileSystemNode() const { return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL SupportsChildren() const { return IsDirectory(); }
virtual BOOL SupportsSecurityWizard() const;
virtual BOOL IsDeletable() const { return TRUE; }
// Let explorer handle the UI for deletion/renaming
virtual BOOL HandleUI() const { return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL IsRenamable() const { return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL IsConfigurable() const { return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL IsMMCConfigurable() const { return m_pOwner->IsMMCConfigurable(); }
virtual HRESULT Configure( IN CWnd * pParent );
virtual HRESULT AddChildNode( CIISChildNode *& pChild );
virtual HRESULT RefreshData(); virtual BOOL IsExplorable() const { return IsDirectory(); } virtual BOOL IsOpenable() const { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL IsBrowsable() const { return m_pOwner && m_pOwner->IsBrowsable(); }
// Get parent CIISObject
virtual CIISObject * GetParentObject() const;
// Add menu items
virtual HRESULT AddMenuItems( IN LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback );
virtual HRESULT AddNextTaskpadItem( OUT MMC_TASK * pTask );
virtual HRESULT Rename( IN LPCTSTR NewName );
virtual HRESULT Delete();
virtual HRESULT SecurityWizard();
BOOL IsDir() const { return m_fDir; }
virtual BOOL IsLeafNode() const { return !IsDir(); }
protected: //
// Result View Layout
static int rgnLabels[COL_TOTAL]; static int rgnWidths[COL_TOTAL];
protected: BOOL m_fDir; BOOL m_fEnabledApplication; DWORD m_dwAttributes; CIISInstance * m_pOwner; };
// Inline Expansion
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline void CIISObject::SetScopeHandle( IN HSCOPEITEM hScopeItem, IN BOOL fIsParentScope ) { ASSERT(m_hScopeItem == NULL); m_hScopeItem = hScopeItem; m_fIsParentScope = fIsParentScope; }
inline /* static */ void CIISObject::AttachScopeView( IN LPCONSOLENAMESPACE lpcnsScopeView ) { ASSERT(lpcnsScopeView != NULL); s_lpcnsScopeView = lpcnsScopeView; }
inline /* static */ LPCONSOLENAMESPACE CIISObject::GetScopeView() { ASSERT(s_lpcnsScopeView != NULL); return s_lpcnsScopeView; }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISObject::ChangeState(IN int nNewState) { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISObject::Configure(IN CWnd * pParent) { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISObject::ConfigureMMC( IN LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, IN LPARAM param, IN LONG_PTR handle ) { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISObject::RefreshData() { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISObject::Delete() { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISObject::SecurityWizard() { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }
inline /* virtual */ int CIISObject::Compare(int nCol, CIISObject * pObject) { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return 0; }
inline /* static */ void CIISObject::InitializeHeaders(IN LPHEADERCTRL pHeader) { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); }
inline /* virtual */ void CIISObject::InitializeChildHeaders( IN LPHEADERCTRL pHeader ) { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISObject::AddChildNode( IN OUT CIISChildNode *& pChild ) { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }
inline /* virtual */ void CIISObject::CleanChildren() { time(&m_tmChildrenExpanded); }
inline /* virtual */ void CIISObject::DirtyChildren() { m_tmChildrenExpanded = 0L; }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISObject::ExpandChildren(HSCOPEITEM pParent) { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISObject::Rename(IN LPCTSTR NewName) { TRACEEOLID("Must be implemented in the derived class"); ASSERT(FALSE); return CError::HResult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }
inline /* virtual */ LPCTSTR CIISObject::GetStateText() const { return CIISObject::s_strUnknown; }
inline /* virtual */ void CIISObject::GetResultDisplayInfo( IN int nCol, OUT CString & str, OUT int & nImage ) const { ASSERT(nCol == 0); nImage = QueryBitmapIndex(); GetDisplayText(str); }
inline DWORD CIISInstance::QueryServiceID() const { ASSERT(m_pServerInfo != NULL); return m_pServerInfo->QueryServiceID(); }
inline BOOL CIISInstance::operator ==(CIISInstance & target) { return QueryServiceID() == target.QueryServiceID() && QueryID() == target.QueryID() && GetServerInfo() == target.GetServerInfo(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsControllable() const { ASSERT(m_pServerInfo != NULL); return m_pServerInfo->CanControlService(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsPausable() const { ASSERT(m_pServerInfo != NULL); return m_pServerInfo->CanPauseService() && (IsRunning() || IsPaused()); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsConfigurable() const { ASSERT(m_pServerInfo != NULL); return m_pServerInfo->IsConfigurable(); }
inline /*virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsMMCConfigurable() const { ASSERT(m_pServerInfo != NULL); return m_pServerInfo->SupportsMMC(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsAccessible() const { return IsDownLevel() || (QueryErrorCode() == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsDeletable() const { return !IsDownLevel() && m_fDeletable; }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsClusterEnabled() const { return !IsDownLevel() && m_fClusterEnabled; }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::SupportsFileSystem() const { ASSERT(m_pServerInfo != NULL); return m_pServerInfo->SupportsFileSystem(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::SupportsSecurityWizard() const { ASSERT(m_pServerInfo != NULL); return m_pServerInfo->SupportsSecurityWizard(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::SupportsChildren() const { ASSERT(m_pServerInfo != NULL); return !IsDownLevel() && m_pServerInfo->SupportsChildren(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsLeafNode() const { return !SupportsFileSystem() && !SupportsChildren(); }
inline /* virtual */ LPCTSTR CIISInstance::GetServiceName() const { ASSERT(m_pServerInfo != NULL); return m_pServerInfo->GetServiceName(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsTerminalPoint( IN BOOL fFullMetaPath ) const { //
// Metabase paths terminate at an instance
return TRUE; }
inline /* virtual */ LPCTSTR CIISInstance::QueryNodeName(BOOL fMetabasePath) const { return fMetabasePath ? (LPCTSTR)m_strNodeName : g_cszRoot; }
inline BOOL CIISInstance::SupportsInstances() const { return !IsDownLevel() && m_pServerInfo && m_pServerInfo->SupportsInstances(); }
inline BOOL CIISInstance::HasWebProtocol() const { return !IsDownLevel() && m_pServerInfo && m_pServerInfo->HasWebProtocol(); }
inline /* static */ void CIISInstance::SetViewType( BOOL fServerView, BOOL fAppendState ) { CIISInstance::s_fServerView = fServerView; CIISInstance::s_fAppendState = fAppendState; }
inline /* static */ BOOL CIISInstance::IsInitialized() { return !CIISInstance::s_strFormatState.IsEmpty(); }
inline /* virtual */ CServerInfo * CIISChildNode::GetServerInfo() { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return m_pOwner->GetServerInfo(); }
inline /* virtual */ LPCTSTR CIISChildNode::GetMachineName() const { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return m_pOwner->GetMachineName(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISChildNode::IsLocalMachine() const { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return m_pOwner->IsLocalMachine(); }
inline /* virtual */ LPCTSTR CIISChildNode::GetServiceName() const { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return m_pOwner->GetServiceName(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISChildNode::SupportsFileSystem() const { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return !IsRedirected() && m_pOwner->SupportsFileSystem(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISChildNode::SupportsSecurityWizard() const { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return m_pOwner->SupportsSecurityWizard(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISChildNode::IsMMCConfigurable() const { return m_pOwner->IsMMCConfigurable(); }
inline BOOL CIISFileNode::IsDirectory() const { return (m_dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; }
inline /* virtual */ CServerInfo * CIISFileNode::GetServerInfo() { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return m_pOwner->GetServerInfo(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISFileNode::SupportsSecurityWizard() const { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return IsDirectory() && m_pOwner->SupportsSecurityWizard(); }
inline /* virtual */ LPCTSTR CIISFileNode::GetMachineName() const { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return m_pOwner->GetMachineName(); }
inline /* virtual */ BOOL CIISFileNode::IsLocalMachine() const { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return m_pOwner->IsLocalMachine(); }
inline /* virtual */ LPCTSTR CIISFileNode::GetServiceName() const { ASSERT(m_pOwner != NULL); return m_pOwner->GetServiceName(); }
#endif // _IIS_OBJ_H