Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Main program object and class definitions
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
#ifndef _INETMGR_H_
#define _INETMGR_H_
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <iis64.h>
extern "C" { typedef unsigned hyper ULONGLONG; #include "svcloc.h"
#include "comprop.h"
#include "svrinfo.h"
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
LPOLESTR CoTaskDupString( IN LPCOLESTR szString );
#define CoTaskStringFree(szString)\
if (szString) CoTaskMemFree(szString);
HRESULT BuildResURL( OUT CString & str, IN HINSTANCE hSourceInstance = (HINSTANCE)-1 );
struct INTERNAL /*++
Routine Description:
Internal information structure. This is used to get the private information from the data object.
Public Interface:
INTERNAL : Constructor ~INTERNAL : Destructor
--*/ { INTERNAL() : m_type(CCT_UNINITIALIZED), m_cookie(-1) { ::ZeroMemory(&m_clsid, sizeof(CLSID)); };
DATA_OBJECT_TYPES m_type; // What context is the data object.
MMC_COOKIE m_cookie; // What object the cookie represents
CString m_string; //
CLSID m_clsid; // Class ID of who created this data object
INTERNAL & operator=(const INTERNAL& rhs) { if (&rhs == this) { return *this; }
// Deep copy the information
m_type = rhs.m_type; m_cookie = rhs.m_cookie; m_string = rhs.m_string; CopyMemory(&m_clsid, &rhs.m_clsid, sizeof(CLSID));
return *this; }
BOOL operator==(const INTERNAL& rhs) { return rhs.m_string == m_string; } };
// Menu Commands, listed in toolbar order.
// IMPORTANT! -- this must be kept in sync with MenuItemDefs
// in iisobj.cpp
enum { IDM_INVALID, /* invalid command ID */ IDM_CONNECT, IDM_DISCOVER, IDM_START, IDM_STOP, IDM_PAUSE, /**/ IDM_TOOLBAR /* Toolbar commands start here */ };
// Additional menu commands that do not show up in the toolbar
// Don't move this last one -- it will be used
// as an offset for service specific new instance
// commands
// Background colour mask of our own toolbar bitmaps.
#define TB_COLORMASK RGB(192,192,192) // Lt. Gray
// Default discovery wait time
#define DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME (30000L) // 30 seconds
class CServiceInfo : public CObjectPlus /*++
Class Description:
Service info descriptor class. This is used for downlevel ISM objects.
Public Interface:
CServiceInfo : Constructor ~CServiceInfo : Destructor
QueryInstanceHandle : Get the instance handle of the config dll for this service QueryISMVersion : Get the ISM version the config DLL was written for. QueryDiscoveryMask : Get the inetsloc discovery mask QueryButtonBkMask : Get the background mask for the toolbar button QueryButtonBitmapID : Get the toolbar button resource ID QueryServiceBkMask : Get the background mask for the view QueryServiceBitmapID : Get the view bitmap resource ID QueryServiceID : Get the service ID assigned to this service GetShortName : Get the short name of the service GetLongName : Get the full name of the service UseInetSlocDiscover : TRUE if the service uses inetsloc discovery CanControlService : TRUE if the service is controllable CanPauseService : TRUE if the service is pausable UseNormalColorMapping : TRUE if normal colour mapping should be used SupportsInstances : TRUE if the service has instances SupportsChildren : TRUE if the service has children UnderstandsInstanceCodes : TRUE if instance ID codes are understood. HasWebProtocol : TRYE if the service supports a web protocol name IsSelected : TRUE if the service type is selected in the toolbar. SelectService : Set the selection state of the service QueryReturnCode : Get the error return code of the service InitializedOK : TRUE if the service config DLL was initialized OK.
ISMQueryServiceInfo : Call the query service info API ISMDiscoverServers : Call the discover servers API ISMQueryServerInfo : Call the query server info API ISMChangeServiceState : Call the change service state API ISMConfigureServers : Call the configure server API ISMEnumerateInstances : Call the enumerate instances API ISMConfigureChild : Call the configure child API
--*/ { protected: //
// ISM Method prototype
typedef HRESULT (APIENTRY * pfnISMMethod)(...);
// ISM Method Definition
typedef struct tagISM_METHOD_DEF { int iID; BOOL fMustHave; LPCSTR lpszMethodName; } ISM_METHOD_DEF;
// VTable entry IDs
// ISM Method VTable Definition
static ISM_METHOD_DEF s_imdMethods[ISM_NUM_METHODS];
// Construction/Destruction
public: //
// Construct with DLL Name and a sequential unique
// ID Number.
CServiceInfo( IN int nID, IN LPCTSTR lpDLLName );
// Access Functions
public: //
// Get the instance handle
HINSTANCE QueryInstanceHandle() const { return m_hModule; }
// Get the ISM version number
DWORD QueryISMVersion() const { return m_si.dwVersion; }
// Get the discovery mask
ULONGLONG QueryDiscoveryMask() const { return m_si.ullDiscoveryMask; }
// Get toolbar background button mask for this service
COLORREF QueryButtonBkMask() const { return m_si.rgbButtonBkMask; }
// Get toolbar button bitmap id for this service
UINT QueryButtonBitmapID() const { return m_si.nButtonBitmapID; }
// Get the colour background mask for this service
COLORREF QueryServiceBkMask() const { return m_si.rgbServiceBkMask; }
// Get the resource ID for the service bitmap for this service
UINT QueryServiceBitmapID() const { return m_si.nServiceBitmapID; }
// Return TRUE if the service has 32x32 bitmap id
BOOL HasLargeServiceBitmapID() const { return m_si.nLargeServiceBitmapID != 0; }
// Get the large service bitmap background colour mask
COLORREF QueryLargeServiceBkMask() const { return m_si.rgbLargeServiceBkMask; }
// Get the resource ID of the large service bitmap
UINT QueryLargeServiceBitmapID() const { return m_si.nLargeServiceBitmapID; }
// Get the colour background mask for the child bitmap
COLORREF QueryChildBkMask() const { return m_si.rgbChildBkMask; }
// Get the bitmap ID for a child node
UINT QueryChildBitmapID() const { return m_si.nChildBitmapID; }
// Get the background colour mask for the large child bitmap
COLORREF QueryLargeChildBkMask() const { return m_si.rgbLargeChildBkMask; }
// Get the resource ID for the large child bitmap
UINT QueryLargeChildBitmapID() const { return m_si.nLargeChildBitmapID; }
// Get the ID assigned to this service
int QueryServiceID() const { return m_nID; }
// Get the short name for this service
LPCTSTR GetShortName() const { return m_si.atchShortName; }
// Get the longer name for this service
LPCTSTR GetLongName() const { return m_si.atchLongName; }
// Get the protocol for this service (if any)
LPCTSTR GetProtocol() const { return m_si.atchProtocol; }
// Get the metabase service name (if any)
LPCTSTR GetMetabaseName() const { return m_si.atchMetaBaseName; }
// Access Service Type Functions
public: //
// TRUE if the service is a downlevel replacement service
BOOL RequiresSuperDll() const { return !m_strSupDLLName.IsEmpty(); } BOOL IsSuperDllFor(CServiceInfo * pTarget) const; BOOL HasSuperDll() const { return m_psiMaster != NULL; } void AssignSuperDll(CServiceInfo * pTarget); CServiceInfo * GetSuperDll(); LPCTSTR QueryDllName() const { return m_strDLLName; }
BOOL UseInetSlocDiscover() const;
// Return TRUE if the service is controllable
BOOL CanControlService() const;
// Return TRUE if the service is pausable
BOOL CanPauseService() const;
// Return TRUE if the service and toolbar bitmaps use default
// background colour mapping (the background colour masks
// will be ignored)
BOOL UseNormalColorMapping() const;
// True if the service supports file and directory properties
BOOL SupportsFileSystem() const;
// Does the service support Instances
BOOL SupportsInstances() const;
// Does the service support children
BOOL SupportsChildren() const;
// TRUE if the service supports the security wizard
BOOL SupportsSecurityWizard() const;
// Does the service understance instance ID codes
// -- eventhough it may not actually support
// instances
BOOL UnderstandsInstanceCodes() const;
// TRUE if the service supports prot://address browsing
BOOL HasWebProtocol() const;
// Use MMC property pages to show the property sheet for this
// service?
BOOL SupportsMMC() const;
// Does the service support the extended K2 services?
BOOL IsK2Service() const;
// Is this service currently selected to be in
// the service view?
BOOL IsSelected() const { return m_fIsSelected; }
// Select/Deselect this service
void SelectService( IN BOOL fSelected = TRUE );
// Get error return code
HRESULT QueryReturnCode() const { return m_hrReturnCode; }
// Was the module loaded, and all function ptrs initialised?
BOOL InitializedOK() const { return SUCCEEDED(m_hrReturnCode); }
// The bitmap indices refer to the index in inetmgr's
// master image list where they are stored, and have nothing
// to do with the resource IDs
public: //
// Get the inetmgr assigned index for the service bitmap
int QueryBitmapIndex() const { return m_iBmpID; }
// Get the inetmgr assigned index for the child
int QueryChildBitmapIndex() const { return m_iBmpChildID; }
// Assign the service bitmap index
void SetBitmapIndex(IN int iID);
// Assign the child bitmap index
void SetChildBitmapIndex(IN int iID);
// ISM API Functions
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
// Return service-specific information back to
// to the application. This function is called
// by the service manager immediately after
// LoadLibary();
DWORD ISMQueryServiceInfo( OUT ISMSERVICEINFO * psi // Service information returned.
// Perform a discovery (if not using inetsloc discovery)
// The application will call this API the first time with
// a BufferSize of 0, which should return the required buffer
// size. Next it will attempt to allocate a buffer of that
// size, and then pass a pointer to that buffer to the api.
DWORD ISMDiscoverServers( OUT ISMSERVERINFO * psi, // Server info buffer.
IN OUT DWORD * pdwBufferSize, // Size required/available.
OUT int * cServers // Number of servers in buffer.
// Get information on a single server with regards to
// this service.
DWORD ISMQueryServerInfo( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, // Name of server.
OUT ISMSERVERINFO * psi // Server information returned.
// Change the state of the service (started, stopped, paused) for the
// listed servers.
DWORD ISMChangeServiceState( IN int nNewState, // INetService* definition.
OUT int * pnCurrentState, // Current state information
IN DWORD dwInstance, // /* K2 */ -- Instance number
// (0 - for non-instance)
IN LPCTSTR lpszServers // Double NULL terminated list of servers.
// The big-one: Show the configuration dialog or
// property sheets, whatever, and allow the user
// to make changes as needed.
DWORD ISMConfigureServers( IN HWND hWnd, // Main app window handle
IN DWORD dwInstance, // /* K2 */ -- Instance number
// (0 - for non-instance)
IN LPCTSTR lpszServers // Double NULL terminated list of servers
// //
// K2 Methods Below //
// //
// Bind to a server, and return a HANDLE. This handle is
// merely an opaque identifier that's meaningful to the
// service configuration module.
HRESULT ISMBind( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, // Server name
OUT HANDLE *phServer // Returns handle
// Sever the connection. The service configuration
// module does whatever needs to be done to cleanup
HRESULT ISMUnbind( IN HANDLE hServer // Server handle
// Enumerate instances
HRESULT ISMEnumerateInstances( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, // Instance info buffer
IN OUT HANDLE * pdwEnum // Enumeration handle
// Add an instance
HRESULT ISMAddInstance( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN DWORD dwSourceInstance, // Source instance ID to clone
OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, // Instance info buffer. May be NULL
IN DWORD dwBufferSize // Size of buffer
// Delete an instance
HRESULT ISMDeleteInstance( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN DWORD dwInstance // Instance to be deleted
// Get instance specific information.
HRESULT ISMQueryInstanceInfo( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN BOOL fInherit, // TRUE to inherit, FALSE otherwise
OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, // Instance info buffer
IN DWORD dwInstance // Instance number
// Enumerate children.
HRESULT ISMEnumerateChildren( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, // Child info buffer
IN OUT HANDLE * phEnum, // Enumeration handle
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent // Parent path
// Add a child
HRESULT ISMAddChild( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, // Child info buffer
IN DWORD dwBufferSize, // Size of info buffer
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent // Parent path
// Delete a child
HRESULT ISMDeleteChild( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Alias of child to be deleted
// Rename a child
HRESULT ISMRenameChild( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias, // Alias of child to be renamed
IN LPCTSTR lpszNewName // New alias of child
// Configure Child
HRESULT ISMConfigureChild( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN HWND hWnd, // Main app window handle
IN DWORD dwAttributes, // Child attributes
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Child alias
// Get child-specific info
HRESULT ISMQueryChildInfo( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN BOOL fInherit, // TRUE to inherit, FALSE otherwise
OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, // Child info buffer
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent Path ("" for root)
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Alias of child to be deleted
// Configure servers using MMC property pages
HRESULT ISMMMCConfigureServers( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN PVOID lpfnProvider, // MMC Parameter
IN LPARAM param, // MMC Parameter
IN LONG_PTR handle, // MMC Parameter
IN DWORD dwInstance // Instance number
// Configure Child using MMC property pages
HRESULT ISMMMCConfigureChild( IN HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
IN PVOID lpfnProvider, // MMC Parameter
IN LPARAM param, // MMC Parameter
IN LONG_PTR handle, // MMC Parameter
IN DWORD dwAttributes, // Child attributes
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Child alias
// Launch security wizard
HRESULT ISMSecurityWizard( HANDLE hServer, // Server handle
DWORD dwInstance, // Instance number
LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Child alias name
// Function Pointers
// ISM Method VTable
pfnISMMethod m_rgpfnISMMethods[ISM_NUM_METHODS];
#else // !USE_VTABLE
// ISM Api Function pointers
pfnQueryServiceInfo m_pfnQueryServiceInfo; pfnDiscoverServers m_pfnDiscoverServers; pfnQueryServerInfo m_pfnQueryServerInfo; pfnChangeServiceState m_pfnChangeServiceState; pfnConfigure m_pfnConfigure; pfnBind m_pfnBind; pfnUnbind m_pfnUnbind; pfnConfigureChild m_pfnConfigureChild; pfnEnumerateInstances m_pfnEnumerateInstances; pfnEnumerateChildren m_pfnEnumerateChildren; pfnAddInstance m_pfnAddInstance; pfnDeleteInstance m_pfnDeleteInstance; pfnAddChild m_pfnAddChild; pfnDeleteChild m_pfnDeleteChild; pfnRenameChild m_pfnRenameChild; pfnQueryInstanceInfo m_pfnQueryInstanceInfo; pfnQueryChildInfo m_pfnQueryChildInfo; pfnISMMMCConfigureServers m_pfnISMMMCConfigureServers; pfnISMMMCConfigureChild m_pfnISMMMCConfigureChild; pfnISMSecurityWizard m_pfnISMSecurityWizard;
#endif // USE_VTABLE
protected: static LPCTSTR s_cszSupcfg;
protected: CServiceInfo * m_psiMaster;
private: int m_nID; // Service ID
int m_iBmpID; // Bitmap ID index
int m_iBmpChildID; // Child bitmap ID index
CString m_strDLLName; // DLL Name
CString m_strSupDLLName; // Superceed configuration DLL name.
ISMSERVICEINFO m_si; // Service Info.
HINSTANCE m_hModule; // Library handle
HRESULT m_hrReturnCode; BOOL m_fIsSelected; };
class CNewInstanceCmd : public CObjectPlus /*++
Class Description:
New instance command object. MMC adds these items at the machine node level for create new.
Public Interface:
CNewInstanceCmd : Constructor
GetServiceInfo : Get the service info object GetMenuCommand : Get the menu command that describes this object GetTTText : Get the tool tips text
--*/ { public: CNewInstanceCmd( IN CServiceInfo * pServiceInfo );
public: CServiceInfo * GetServiceInfo() { return m_pServiceInfo; } CString & GetMenuCommand() { return m_strMenuCommand; } CString & GetTTText() { return m_strTTText; }
HINSTANCE QueryInstanceHandle();
private: CServiceInfo * m_pServiceInfo; CString m_strMenuCommand; CString m_strTTText; };
class CServerInfo : public CObjectPlus { /*++
Class Description:
Server info class. Each object describes a single server/service relationship.
Public Interface:
CServerInfo : Various constructors ~CServerInfo : Destructor
operator= : Assignment operator CompareByServer : Comparison function to compare server names CompareByService : Comparison function to compare services operator == : Comparison operator CleanServerName : Static function to clean up a computer/hostname ConfigureServer : Configure instance on this this server ConfigureChild : Configure child on this server ChangeServiceState : Change the server or instance state QueryServerName : Return the API-suitable name QueryServerDisplayName : Get the display name of the server GetServerComment : Get the server comment GetServiceStatePtr : Get service state pointer QueryServiceState : Find out service state (running, paused, stopped, unknown) IsServiceRunning : TRUE if the service is running IsServiceStopped : TRUE if the service is stopped IsServicePaused : TRUE if the service is paused IsServiceStatusUnknown : TRUE if the service status cannot be determined IsConfigurable : TRUE if the service is configurable
QueryInstanceHandle : Get the config DLL instance handle IsServiceSelected : TRUE if the service is selected in the toolbar GetServiceName : Get the (short) service name. QueryServiceID : Get ID code assigned to the config DLL CanControlService : TRUE if this service controllable CanPauseService : TRUE if this service is pausable SupportsInstances : TRUE if the service supports instances SupportsChildren : TRUE if the service supports children UnderstandsInstanceCodes : TRUE if the service understands instance IDs QueryServiceBitmapID : Get the bitmap resource ID of the service Refresh : Refresh information
--*/ //
// Construction/Destruction
public: //
// Construct with a server name. This is typically
// in response to a single connection attempt.
CServerInfo( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, // Name of this server
OUT ISMSERVERINFO * psi, // Server info
IN CServiceInfo * pServiceInfo // service that found it.
// Construct with information from the inetsloc discover
// process.
CServerInfo( IN LPCSTR lpszServerName, // Name of this server
IN LPINET_SERVICE_INFO lpisi, // Discovery information
IN CObListPlus & oblServices // List of installed services
// Copy constructor
CServerInfo( IN const CServerInfo &si );
// Assignment operator
const CServerInfo & operator=( IN const CServerInfo &si );
// Comparison Functions and operators
int CompareByServer(IN CServerInfo * psi) const;
// Compare server names
BOOL MatchServerName(IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName) const;
// Compare two services
int CompareByService(IN CServerInfo * psi);
// Compare two service
BOOL operator ==( IN CServerInfo & si );
public: //
// Utility function to clean up a computer/hostname
static LPCTSTR CleanServerName( IN CString & str );
// Server Info Access Functions
public: //
// Perform configuration on this server
DWORD ConfigureServer( IN HWND hWnd, // Window handle
IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE // Instance number
// Configure servers using MMC property pages
HRESULT MMMCConfigureServer( IN PVOID lpfnProvider, // MMC Parameter
IN LPARAM param, // MMC Parameter
IN LONG_PTR handle, // MMC Parameter
IN DWORD dwInstance // Instance number
// Perform configuration on a child
HRESULT ConfigureChild( IN HWND hWnd, // Window handle
IN DWORD dwAttributes, // Child attributes
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Child alias
// Perform configuration on a child using MMC property pages
HRESULT MMCConfigureChild( IN PVOID lpfnProvider, // MMC parameter
IN LPARAM param, // MMC parameter
IN LONG_PTR handle, // MMC parameter
IN DWORD dwAttributes, // Child attributes
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Instance number
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Child alias
// Rename a child node
HRESULT RenameChild( IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias, // Alias of child to be renamed
IN LPCTSTR lpszNewName // New alias of child
// Add a child
HRESULT AddChild( IN ISMCHILDINFO * pii, // Child info buffer or NULL
IN DWORD dwBufferSize, // Size of info buffer
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent // Parent Path ("" for root)
// Delete a child
HRESULT DeleteChild( IN DWORD dwInstance, // Parent instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent Path ("" for root)
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Alias of child to be deleted
// Get instance specific information
HRESULT QueryInstanceInfo( IN BOOL fInherit, // TRUE to inherit,
// FALSE otherwise
OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, // Returns instance info
IN DWORD dwInstance // Instance number
// Get child specific information
HRESULT QueryChildInfo( IN BOOL fInherit, // TRUE to inherit,
// FALSE otherwise
OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, // Returns child info
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Instance number
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Alias name
// Add an instance
HRESULT AddInstance( OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, // Instance info buffer or NULL
IN DWORD dwBufferSize // Size of buffer
// Delete an instance
HRESULT DeleteInstance( IN DWORD dwInstance // Instance to be deleted
// Enumerate children.
HRESULT ISMEnumerateChildren( IN OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, // Child info buffer
IN OUT HANDLE * phEnum, // Enumeration handle
IN DWORD dwInstance, // Instance
IN LPCTSTR lpszParent // Parent path
// Enumerate instances
HRESULT ISMEnumerateInstances( IN OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, // Instance info buffer
IN OUT HANDLE * pdwEnum // Enumeration handle
// Launch security wizard
HRESULT ISMSecurityWizard( DWORD dwInstance, // Instance number
LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Child alias name
// Change service state
DWORD ChangeServiceState( IN int nNewState, // New state to set
OUT int * pnCurrentState, // Returns current state
IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE // Instance number
// Return the API-suitable name (with
// backslashes)
LPCTSTR QueryServerName() const { return (LPCTSTR)m_strServerName; }
// Return the name without backslashes,
// suitable for display.
LPCTSTR QueryServerDisplayName() const;
// Obtain the server comment
CString & GetServerComment() { return m_strComment; }
// Allow modification
int * GetServiceStatePtr() { return &m_nServiceState; }
// Find out service state (running, stopped, paused)
int QueryServiceState() const { return m_nServiceState; }
// Return TRUE if the service is currently running
BOOL IsServiceRunning() const;
// Return TRUE if the service is currently stopped
BOOL IsServiceStopped() const;
// Return TRUE if the service is currently paused
BOOL IsServicePaused() const;
// Return TRUE if the service status is unknown
BOOL IsServiceStatusUnknown() const;
// Were we able to match it up to one of our installed services?
BOOL IsConfigurable() const { return m_pService != NULL; }
// Service Info Access Functions
// Attempt to rebind lost connection...
// Get the service info object
CServiceInfo * GetServiceInfo() { return m_pService; }
// Get the short name for this service
LPCTSTR GetShortName() const;
// Get the longer name for this service
LPCTSTR GetLongName() const;
// Get Server Handle
HANDLE GetHandle() { return m_hServer; }
// Get the protocol for this service (if any)
LPCTSTR GetProtocol() const;
// Get the metabase name for this service (if any)
LPCTSTR GetMetabaseName() const;
// Get the instance handle for the dll
HINSTANCE QueryInstanceHandle();
// Check to see if we're in the service mask -- that
// is, is the button depressed, and should we show
// this service in the view?
BOOL IsServiceSelected() const;
// Get the (short) service name.
LPCTSTR GetServiceName() const;
// Get the assigned service ID
int QueryServiceID() const;
// Get the assigned bitmap index for this service
int QueryBitmapIndex() const;
// Get the assigned child bitmap index
int QueryChildBitmapIndex() const;
// Is this service controllable?
BOOL CanControlService() const;
// Is the service pausable?
BOOL CanPauseService() const;
// Does the service support instances?
BOOL SupportsInstances() const;
// Does the service support children?
BOOL SupportsChildren() const;
// Use file system?
BOOL SupportsFileSystem() const;
// TRUE if the service supports a security wizard
BOOL SupportsSecurityWizard() const;
// Does the service understance instance ID codes
// -- eventhough it may not actually support
// instances
BOOL UnderstandsInstanceCodes() const;
// TRUE if the service supports prot://address browsing
BOOL HasWebProtocol() const;
// Use MMC property pages to show the property sheet for this
// service?
BOOL SupportsMMC() const;
// Does the service support the extended K2 services?
BOOL IsK2Service() const;
// Get the service bitmap ID (used for display
// in some views)
UINT QueryServiceBitmapID() const;
// Refresh information
DWORD Refresh();
protected: //
// Given the inetsloc mask, return the service this
// fits. Return NULL if the service was not found.
static CServiceInfo * FindServiceByMask( ULONGLONG ullTarget, CObListPlus & oblServices );
private: //
// Name is maintained in API friendly format
CString m_strServerName;
// Maintain server handle for K2 services
HANDLE m_hServer;
// comment
CString m_strComment;
// Service state (started/stopped/paused)
int m_nServiceState;
// A pointer referring back to the service that
// it belongs to. This class does not own
// this pointer.
CServiceInfo * m_pService; };
class CSnapinApp : public CWinApp /*++
Class Description:
Main app object
Public Interface:
InitInstance : Instance initiation handler ExitInstance : Exit instance handler
--*/ { //
// Initialization
public: CSnapinApp();
public: virtual BOOL InitInstance(); virtual int ExitInstance();
// Access
public: void SetHelpPath(CServerInfo * pItem = NULL); LPCTSTR QueryInetMgrHelpPath() const { return m_strInetMgrHelpPath; }
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CSnapinApp)
afx_msg void OnHelp(); afx_msg void OnContextHelp(); //}}AFX_MSG
private: LPCTSTR m_lpOriginalHelpPath; CString m_strHelpPath; CString m_strInetMgrHelpPath; };
// Inline Expansion
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::IsSuperDllFor(CServiceInfo * pTarget) const { return pTarget->m_strSupDLLName.CompareNoCase(m_strDLLName) == 0; }
inline void CServiceInfo::AssignSuperDll(CServiceInfo * pTarget) { ASSERT(m_psiMaster == NULL); m_psiMaster = pTarget; }
inline CServiceInfo * CServiceInfo::GetSuperDll() { ASSERT(m_psiMaster != NULL); return m_psiMaster; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::UseInetSlocDiscover() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_INETSLOCDISCOVER) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::CanControlService() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_CANCONTROLSERVICE) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::CanPauseService() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_CANPAUSESERVICE) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::UseNormalColorMapping() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_NORMALTBMAPPING) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::SupportsFileSystem() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_FILESYSTEM) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::SupportsSecurityWizard() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_SECURITYWIZARD) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::SupportsInstances() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_INSTANCES) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::SupportsChildren() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_CHILDREN) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::UnderstandsInstanceCodes() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_UNDERSTANDINSTANCE) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::HasWebProtocol() const { return (m_si.flServiceInfoFlags & ISMI_HASWEBPROTOCOL) != 0; }
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::SupportsMMC() const { #ifdef USE_VTABLE
return m_rgpfnISMMethods[ISM_MMC_CONFIGURE] != NULL; #else
return m_pfnISMMMCConfigureServers != NULL; #endif // USE_VTABLE
inline BOOL CServiceInfo::IsK2Service() const { #ifdef USE_VTABLE
return m_rgpfnISMMethods[ISM_BIND] != NULL; #else
return m_pfnBind != NULL; #endif // USE_VTABLE
inline void CServiceInfo::SelectService(BOOL fSelected) { m_fIsSelected = fSelected; }
// Helper Macros to access VTable
(m_rgpfnISMMethods[iID] != NULL)
(m_rgpfnISMMethods[iID] == NULL)
#define ISM_VTABLE(iID)\
inline DWORD CServiceInfo::ISMDiscoverServers( OUT ISMSERVERINFO * psi, IN OUT DWORD * pdwBufferSize, OUT int * pcServers ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_DISCOVER_SERVERS); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_DISCOVER_SERVERS)( psi, pdwBufferSize, pcServers ); }
inline DWORD CServiceInfo::ISMChangeServiceState( IN int nNewState, OUT int * pnCurrentState, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszServers ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_CHANGE_SERVICE_STATE); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_CHANGE_SERVICE_STATE)( nNewState, pnCurrentState, dwInstance, lpszServers ); }
inline DWORD CServiceInfo::ISMConfigureServers( IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszServers ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_CONFIGURE); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_CONFIGURE)( hWnd, dwInstance, lpszServers ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMBind( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, OUT HANDLE *phServer ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_BIND); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_BIND)(lpszServer, phServer); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMUnbind( IN HANDLE hServer ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_UNBIND); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_UNBIND)(hServer); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMAddInstance( IN HANDLE hServer, IN DWORD dwSourceInstance, OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwBufferSize ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_ADD_INSTANCE); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_ADD_INSTANCE)( hServer, dwSourceInstance, pii, dwBufferSize ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMDeleteInstance( IN HANDLE hServer, IN DWORD dwInstance ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_DELETE_INSTANCE); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_DELETE_INSTANCE)( hServer, dwInstance ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMQueryInstanceInfo( IN HANDLE hServer, IN BOOL fInherit, OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwInstance ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_QUERY_INSTANCE_INFO); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_QUERY_INSTANCE_INFO)( hServer, fInherit, pii, dwInstance ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMEnumerateChildren( IN HANDLE hServer, IN OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, IN OUT HANDLE * pdwEnum, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_ENUMERATE_CHILDREN); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_ENUMERATE_CHILDREN)( hServer, pii, pdwEnum, dwInstance, lpszParent ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMQueryChildInfo( IN HANDLE hServer, IN BOOL fInherit, OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_QUERY_CHILD_INFO); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_QUERY_CHILD_INFO)( hServer, fInherit, pii, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMConfigureChild( IN HANDLE hServer, IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwAttributes, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_CONFIGURE_CHILD); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_CONFIGURE_CHILD)( hServer, hWnd, dwAttributes, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMAddChild( IN HANDLE hServer, OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwBufferSize, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_ADD_CHILD); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_ADD_CHILD)( hServer, pii, dwBufferSize, dwInstance, lpszParent ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMSecurityWizard( HANDLE hServer, DWORD dwInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParent, LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_SECURITY_WIZARD); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_SECURITY_WIZARD)( hServer, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMDeleteChild( IN HANDLE hServer, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_DELETE_CHILD); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_DELETE_CHILD)( hServer, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMRenameChild( IN HANDLE hServer, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias, IN LPCTSTR lpszNewAlias ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_RENAME_CHILD); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_RENAME_CHILD)( hServer, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias, lpszNewAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMMMCConfigureServers( IN HANDLE hServer, IN PVOID lpfnProvider, IN LPARAM param, IN LONG_PTR handle, IN DWORD dwInstance ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_MMC_CONFIGURE); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_MMC_CONFIGURE)( hServer, lpfnProvider, param, handle, dwInstance ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMMMCConfigureChild( IN HANDLE hServer, IN PVOID lpfnProvider, IN LPARAM param, IN LONG_PTR handle, IN DWORD dwAttributes, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT_VTABLE_ENTRY(ISM_MMC_CONFIGURE_CHILD); return ISM_VTABLE(ISM_MMC_CONFIGURE_CHILD)( hServer, lpfnProvider, param, handle, dwAttributes, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
#else ! USE_VTABLE
inline DWORD CServiceInfo::ISMDiscoverServers( OUT ISMSERVERINFO * psi, IN OUT DWORD * pdwBufferSize, OUT int * pcServers ) { ASSERT(m_pfnDiscoverServers != NULL); return (*m_pfnDiscoverServers)(psi, pdwBufferSize, pcServers); }
inline DWORD CServiceInfo::ISMChangeServiceState( IN int nNewState, OUT int * pnCurrentState, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszServers ) { ASSERT(m_pfnChangeServiceState != NULL); return (*m_pfnChangeServiceState)( nNewState, pnCurrentState, dwInstance, lpszServers ); }
inline DWORD CServiceInfo::ISMConfigureServers( IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszServers ) { ASSERT(m_pfnConfigure != NULL); return (*m_pfnConfigure)(hWnd, dwInstance, lpszServers); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMBind( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, OUT HANDLE *phServer ) { ASSERT(m_pfnBind != NULL); return (*m_pfnBind)(lpszServer, phServer); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMUnbind( IN HANDLE hServer ) { ASSERT(m_pfnUnbind != NULL); return (*m_pfnUnbind)(hServer); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMEnumerateInstances( IN HANDLE hServer, IN OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, IN OUT HANDLE * phEnum ) { ASSERT(m_pfnEnumerateInstances != NULL); return (*m_pfnEnumerateInstances)(hServer, pii, phEnum); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMEnumerateChildren( IN HANDLE hServer, IN OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, IN OUT HANDLE * phEnum, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent ) { ASSERT(m_pfnEnumerateChildren != NULL); return (*m_pfnEnumerateChildren)( hServer, pii, phEnum, dwInstance, lpszParent ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMConfigureChild( IN HANDLE hServer, IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwAttributes, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pfnConfigureChild != NULL); return (*m_pfnConfigureChild)( hServer, hWnd, dwAttributes, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMAddInstance( IN HANDLE hServer, IN DWORD dwSourceInstance, OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwBufferSize ) { ASSERT(m_pfnAddInstance != NULL); return (*m_pfnAddInstance)(hServer, dwSourceInstance, pii, dwBufferSize); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMDeleteInstance( IN HANDLE hServer, IN DWORD dwInstance ) { ASSERT(m_pfnDeleteInstance != NULL); return (*m_pfnDeleteInstance)(hServer, dwInstance); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMQueryInstanceInfo( IN HANDLE hServer, IN BOOL fInherit, OUT ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwInstance ) { ASSERT(m_pfnQueryInstanceInfo != NULL); return (*m_pfnQueryInstanceInfo)(hServer, fInherit, pii, dwInstance); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMQueryChildInfo( IN HANDLE hServer, IN BOOL fInherit, OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pfnQueryChildInfo != NULL); return (*m_pfnQueryChildInfo)( hServer, fInherit, pii, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMAddChild( IN HANDLE hServer, OUT ISMCHILDINFO * pii, IN DWORD dwBufferSize, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent ) { ASSERT(m_pfnAddChild != NULL); return (*m_pfnAddChild)( hServer, pii, dwBufferSize, dwInstance, lpszParent ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMSecurityWizard( HANDLE hServer, DWORD dwInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParent, LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pfnISMSecurityWizard != NULL); return (*m_pfnISMSecurityWizard)( hServer, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMDeleteChild( IN HANDLE hServer, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pfnDeleteChild != NULL); return (*m_pfnDeleteChild)(hServer, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMRenameChild( IN HANDLE hServer, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias, IN LPCTSTR lpszNewAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pfnDeleteChild != NULL); return (*m_pfnRenameChild)( hServer, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias, lpszNewAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMMMCConfigureServers( IN HANDLE hServer, IN PVOID lpfnProvider, IN LPARAM param, IN LONG_PTR handle, IN DWORD dwInstance ) { ASSERT(m_pfnISMMMCConfigureServers != NULL); return (*m_pfnISMMMCConfigureServers)( hServer, lpfnProvider, param, handle, dwInstance ); }
inline HRESULT CServiceInfo::ISMMMCConfigureChild( IN HANDLE hServer, IN PVOID lpfnProvider, IN LPARAM param, IN LONG_PTR handle, IN DWORD dwAttributes, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pfnISMMMCConfigureChild != NULL); return (*m_pfnISMMMCConfigureChild)( hServer, lpfnProvider, param, handle, dwAttributes, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
#endif // USE_VTABLE
// Assign the service bitmap index
inline void CServiceInfo::SetBitmapIndex(int iID) { m_iBmpID = iID; }
// Assign the child bitmap index
inline void CServiceInfo::SetChildBitmapIndex(int iID) { m_iBmpChildID = iID; }
inline HINSTANCE CNewInstanceCmd::QueryInstanceHandle() { return GetServiceInfo()->QueryInstanceHandle(); }
inline int CServerInfo::CompareByServer(CServerInfo * psi) const { return ::lstrcmpi( QueryServerDisplayName(), psi->QueryServerDisplayName() ); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::MatchServerName(LPCTSTR lpszServerName) const { return ::lstrcmpi(QueryServerDisplayName(), lpszServerName) == 0; }
inline int CServerInfo::CompareByService(CServerInfo * psi) { return ::lstrcmpi(GetServiceName(), psi->GetServiceName()); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::ConfigureChild( IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwAttributes, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMConfigureChild( m_hServer, hWnd, dwAttributes, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::MMCConfigureChild( IN PVOID lpfnProvider, IN LPARAM param, IN LONG_PTR handle, IN DWORD dwAttributes, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMMMCConfigureChild( m_hServer, lpfnProvider, param, handle, dwAttributes, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::RenameChild( DWORD dwInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParent, LPCTSTR lpszAlias, LPCTSTR lpszNewName ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMRenameChild( m_hServer, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias, lpszNewName ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::AddChild( ISMCHILDINFO * pii, DWORD dwBufferSize, DWORD dwInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParent ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMAddChild( m_hServer, pii, dwBufferSize, dwInstance, lpszParent ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::ISMSecurityWizard( DWORD dwInstance, // Instance number
LPCTSTR lpszParent, // Parent path
LPCTSTR lpszAlias // Child alias name
) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMSecurityWizard( m_hServer, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::DeleteChild( DWORD dwInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParent, LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMDeleteChild( m_hServer, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::QueryInstanceInfo( BOOL fInherit, ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, DWORD dwInstance ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMQueryInstanceInfo( m_hServer, fInherit, pii, dwInstance ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::QueryChildInfo( BOOL fInherit, ISMCHILDINFO * pii, DWORD dwInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParent, LPCTSTR lpszAlias ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMQueryChildInfo( m_hServer, fInherit, pii, dwInstance, lpszParent, lpszAlias ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::AddInstance( ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, DWORD dwBufferSize ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMAddInstance( m_hServer, 0L, // Source instance
pii, dwBufferSize ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::DeleteInstance( DWORD dwInstance ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMDeleteInstance(m_hServer, dwInstance); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::ISMEnumerateChildren( ISMCHILDINFO * pii, HANDLE * phEnum, DWORD dwInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParent ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMEnumerateChildren( m_hServer, pii, phEnum, dwInstance, lpszParent ); }
inline HRESULT CServerInfo::ISMEnumerateInstances( ISMINSTANCEINFO * pii, HANDLE * pdwEnum ) { ASSERT(m_pService); return m_pService->ISMEnumerateInstances(m_hServer, pii, pdwEnum); }
inline LPCTSTR CServerInfo::QueryServerDisplayName() const { #ifdef ENFORCE_NETBIOS
return ((LPCTSTR)m_strServerName) + 2; #else
return (LPCTSTR)m_strServerName; #endif // ENFORCE_NETBIOS
inline BOOL CServerInfo::IsServiceRunning() const { return m_nServiceState == INetServiceRunning; }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::IsServiceStopped() const { return m_nServiceState == INetServiceStopped; }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::IsServicePaused() const { return m_nServiceState == INetServicePaused; }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::IsServiceStatusUnknown() const { return m_nServiceState == INetServiceUnknown; }
inline HINSTANCE CServerInfo::QueryInstanceHandle() { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->QueryInstanceHandle(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::IsServiceSelected() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->IsSelected(); }
inline LPCTSTR CServerInfo::GetServiceName() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->GetShortName(); }
inline int CServerInfo::QueryServiceID() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->QueryServiceID(); }
inline int CServerInfo::QueryBitmapIndex() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->QueryBitmapIndex(); }
inline int CServerInfo::QueryChildBitmapIndex() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->QueryChildBitmapIndex(); }
inline LPCTSTR CServerInfo::GetShortName() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->GetShortName(); }
inline LPCTSTR CServerInfo::GetLongName() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->GetLongName(); }
inline LPCTSTR CServerInfo::GetProtocol() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->GetProtocol(); }
inline LPCTSTR CServerInfo::GetMetabaseName() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->GetMetabaseName(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::CanControlService() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->CanControlService(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::CanPauseService() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->CanPauseService(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::SupportsInstances() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->SupportsInstances(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::SupportsChildren() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->SupportsChildren(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::SupportsFileSystem() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->SupportsFileSystem(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::SupportsSecurityWizard() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->SupportsSecurityWizard(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::UnderstandsInstanceCodes() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->UnderstandsInstanceCodes(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::HasWebProtocol() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->HasWebProtocol(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::SupportsMMC() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->SupportsMMC(); }
inline BOOL CServerInfo::IsK2Service() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->IsK2Service(); }
inline UINT CServerInfo::QueryServiceBitmapID() const { ASSERT(m_pService != NULL); return m_pService->QueryServiceBitmapID(); }
extern CSnapinApp theApp;
#include "iisobj.h"
#include "menuex.h"
#endif // _INETMGR_H