Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. // pwsDoc.h : interface of the CPwsDoc class
  2. //
  3. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. class CPwsDoc : public CDocument
  5. {
  6. protected: // create from serialization only
  7. CPwsDoc();
  9. // Attributes
  10. public:
  11. void ToggleService();
  12. // Operations
  13. public:
  14. // builds something akin to "http://boydm"
  15. BOOL BuildHomePageString( CString &cs );
  16. // Overrides
  17. // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
  18. //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CPwsDoc)
  19. public:
  20. virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
  21. virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
  22. //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
  23. // sink handlers
  24. BOOL InitializeSink();
  25. void TerminateSink();
  26. // Implementation
  27. public:
  28. virtual ~CPwsDoc();
  29. #ifdef _DEBUG
  30. virtual void AssertValid() const;
  31. virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
  32. #endif
  33. protected:
  34. // Generated message map functions
  35. protected:
  36. //{{AFX_MSG(CPwsDoc)
  37. afx_msg void OnStart();
  38. afx_msg void OnStop();
  39. afx_msg void OnUpdateStart(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
  40. afx_msg void OnUpdateStop(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
  41. afx_msg void OnPause();
  42. afx_msg void OnUpdatePause(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
  43. afx_msg void OnShowTips();
  44. afx_msg void OnUpdateShowTips(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
  45. afx_msg void OnHelpDocumentation();
  46. afx_msg void OnHelpHelpTroubleshooting();
  47. afx_msg void OnUpdateContinue(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
  48. afx_msg void OnContinue();
  49. afx_msg void OnUpdateTrayicon(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
  50. afx_msg void OnTrayicon();
  51. //}}AFX_MSG
  53. // Generated OLE dispatch map functions
  54. //{{AFX_DISPATCH(CPwsDoc)
  55. //}}AFX_DISPATCH
  58. BOOL FInitServerInfo();
  59. void UpdateServerState();
  60. BOOL LauchAppIfNecessary();
  61. void PerformAction( DWORD action, DWORD expected );
  62. BOOL GetPWSTrayPath( CString &sz );
  63. // the installation location of the server executable
  64. CString m_szServerPath;
  65. // if an action is underway, record the action and the expected outcom
  66. // so that we can check for errors
  67. DWORD m_ActionToDo;
  68. DWORD m_ExpectedResult;
  69. // sink things
  70. DWORD m_dwSinkCookie;
  71. CImpIMSAdminBaseSink* m_pEventSink;
  72. IConnectionPoint* m_pConnPoint;
  73. BOOL m_fIsWinNT;
  74. BOOL m_fIsPWSTrayAvailable;
  75. };
  76. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////