Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Multi-multi-multi dialog editor definitions
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
#ifndef __MMMDLG_H__
#define __MMMDLG_H__
// UINT DDX/DDV helper function that uses a blank string to denote 0
void AFXAPI DDXV_UINT( IN CDataExchange * pDX, IN UINT nID, IN OUT UINT & uValue, IN UINT uMin, IN UINT uMax, IN UINT nEmptyErrorMsg = 0 );
// Helper function to check to see if binding is unique
BOOL IsBindingUnique( IN CString & strBinding, IN CStringList & strlBindings, IN int iCurrent = -1 );
// Helper function to build and verify binding strings.
BOOL VerifyBindingInfo( OUT CString & strBinding, OUT CString & strSecureBinding, IN CStringList & strlBindings, IN CStringList & strlSecureBindings, IN int iBindings, IN int iSSLBindings, IN CIPAddress & iaIpAddress, IN UINT nTCPPort, IN UINT nSSLPort, IN CString & strDomainName ); */
class CMMMListBox : public CHeaderListBox { /*++
Class Description:
Multi-multi-multi listbox.
Public Interface:
CMMMListBox : Constructor
GetItem : Get item at specified position in the listbox AddItem : Add new item to the listbox Initialize : Initialize the listbox
public: //
// Number of bitmaps
static const nBitmaps;
public: CMMMListBox( IN LPCTSTR lpszRegKey, IN int cColumns, IN const ODL_COLUMN_DEF * pColumns );
public: CString & GetItem(UINT nIndex); int AddItem(CString & item); virtual BOOL Initialize();
protected: virtual void DrawItemEx(CRMCListBoxDrawStruct & ds);
protected: int m_cColumns; const ODL_COLUMN_DEF * m_pColumns; CString m_strDefaultIP; CString m_strNoPort; };
class CMMMEditDlg : public CDialog /*++
Class Description:
Multi-Multi-Multi edit entry dialog
Public Interface:
CMMMEditDlg : Constructor
--*/ { //
// Construction
public: CMMMEditDlg( IN CString & strServerName, IN OUT CStringList & strlBindings, IN CStringList & strlOtherBindings, IN OUT CString & strEntry, IN BOOL fIPBinding = TRUE, IN CWnd * pParent = NULL );
// Dialog Data
protected: //{{AFX_DATA(CMMMEditDlg)
enum { IDD = IDD_DIALOG_EDIT_MMM }; int m_nIpAddressSel; UINT m_nPort; CString m_strDomainName; CStatic m_static_Port; CComboBox m_combo_IpAddresses; //}}AFX_DATA
CIPAddress m_iaIpAddress;
// Overrides
protected: // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
// Implementation
protected: // Generated message map functions
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnOK(); //}}AFX_MSG
private: BOOL m_fIPBinding; CString & m_strServerName; CString & m_entry; CObListPlus m_oblIpAddresses; CStringList & m_strlBindings; CStringList & m_strlOtherBindings; };
class CMMMDlg : public CDialog /*++
Class Description:
Mutlti-multi-multi dialog
Public Interface:
CMMMDlg : Constructor
--*/ { //
// Construction
public: CMMMDlg( IN LPCTSTR lpServerName, IN DWORD dwInstance, IN CStringList & strlBindings, IN CStringList & strlSecureBindings, IN CWnd * pParent = NULL );
// Access
public: CStringList & GetBindings() { return m_strlBindings; } CStringList & GetSecureBindings() { return m_strlSecureBindings; }
// Dialog Data
protected: //{{AFX_DATA(CMMMDlg)
enum { IDD = IDD_DIALOG_MMM }; CButton m_button_Add; CButton m_button_Remove; CButton m_button_Edit; CButton m_button_AddSSL; CButton m_button_RemoveSSL; CButton m_button_EditSSL; CButton m_button_OK; //}}AFX_DATA
CMMMListBox m_list_Bindings; CMMMListBox m_list_SSLBindings;
CStringList m_strlBindings; CStringList m_strlSecureBindings;
// Overrides
protected: // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange * pDX); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
// Implementation
protected: // Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnButtonAdd(); afx_msg void OnButtonEdit(); afx_msg void OnButtonRemove(); afx_msg void OnButtonAddSsl(); afx_msg void OnButtonEditSsl(); afx_msg void OnButtonRemoveSsl(); afx_msg void OnDblclkListMmm(); afx_msg void OnDblclkListSslMmm(); afx_msg void OnSelchangeListMmm(); afx_msg void OnSelchangeListSslMmm(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); //}}AFX_MSG
BOOL OnItemChanged(); BOOL SetControlStates(); void AddBindings(CMMMListBox & list, CStringList & strl);
private: BOOL m_fDirty; BOOL m_fCertInstalled; CString m_strServerName; CRMCListBoxResources m_ListBoxRes; };
// Inline Expansion
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline CString & CMMMListBox::GetItem(UINT nIndex) { return *(CString *)GetItemDataPtr(nIndex); }
inline int CMMMListBox::AddItem(CString & item) { return AddString((LPCTSTR)&item); }
#endif // __MMMDLG_H__