Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

345 lines
2.7 KiB

  1. (Control
  2. (Edit
  3. (File
  4. (Help
  5. (System
  6. (View
  7. (Window
  8. (application
  9. (document
  10. , where you
  11. <<
  12. << Add o
  13. << Write application-specific help here. >>
  14. <<YourApp>>
  15. AFX_HIDP_
  16. ALT+F
  17. AppWizard
  18. Arrange Icons
  19. Arranges
  20. Availab
  21. Bar
  22. CTRL+
  23. Casc
  24. Choose
  25. Choose this button to connect to a network location, assigning it a new drive letter.
  26. Click
  27. Close
  28. Command
  29. Conte
  30. Control
  31. Control-menu
  32. Copies
  33. Copy
  34. Creates a new
  36. Delete
  37. Descri
  38. Dialog
  39. Directories
  40. Display
  41. Document
  42. Double-click
  43. Drives
  44. Edit
  45. Exit
  46. File
  47. File Name
  48. File New dialog box
  49. Go to the
  51. Help
  52. IDR_
  53. Icons
  54. Index
  55. Insert
  56. Keys:
  57. List
  58. Lock
  59. MAKEH
  60. Maximize
  61. Minimi
  62. Modify
  63. Mouse:
  64. Name
  65. Network...
  66. New
  67. No Help Availab
  68. No help is available for this
  69. Note
  70. Note: This command is unavailable if you maximize the window.
  71. Open
  72. Options
  73. Page
  74. Pane
  75. Paper S
  76. Paste
  77. Press
  78. Preview
  79. Print
  80. Print Setup dialog box
  81. Printer
  82. Remove
  83. Repeat
  84. Replace
  85. Restore
  86. Reverse
  87. SHIFT+
  88. Save
  89. Save As dialog box
  90. Save command
  91. Scroll
  92. Select
  93. Send
  94. Setup
  95. Shortcut
  96. Shortcuts
  97. Show
  98. Specif
  99. Split
  100. Status
  101. Switch
  102. Take a
  103. Task
  104. The
  105. This
  106. Tile
  107. Toolbar
  108. Toolbar:
  109. Type
  110. Undo
  111. Use
  112. View
  113. When
  114. Window
  115. Window command (document Control menu)
  116. Write
  117. You
  118. about
  119. according
  120. across
  121. action
  122. active
  123. affect
  124. all
  125. allow
  126. also
  127. and
  128. another
  129. appear
  130. application
  131. application-specific
  132. are
  133. arrange
  134. arrow
  135. assigning
  136. author
  137. available
  138. bar
  139. bar.
  140. bars
  141. before
  142. below
  143. border
  144. bottom
  145. box
  146. box.
  147. boxes
  148. button
  149. can
  150. cannot
  151. change
  152. characters
  153. check
  154. choose
  155. click
  156. clipboard
  157. close
  158. command
  159. connect
  160. connection.
  161. contain
  162. contents
  163. context
  164. copies
  165. copy
  166. create
  167. current
  168. currently
  169. data
  170. depending
  171. depress
  172. describe
  173. destination
  174. determines
  175. dialog
  176. different
  177. directory
  178. display
  179. document
  180. document.
  181. down
  182. drive
  183. each
  184. editing
  185. electronic
  186. enlarge
  187. enu commands
  188. example,
  189. execute
  190. existing
  191. extension
  192. fashion.
  193. field,
  194. file
  195. filename
  196. finished
  197. first
  198. following
  199. for
  200. four-headed
  201. from
  202. genera
  203. have
  204. help
  205. here.
  206. hide
  207. i.d.
  208. icon
  209. indicate
  210. insert
  211. instructions
  212. interface
  213. into
  214. item
  215. its
  216. key
  217. keyboard
  218. keys
  219. last
  220. latched
  221. letter.
  222. list
  223. locat
  224. location
  225. mail
  226. main
  227. make
  228. mark
  229. maximize
  230. may
  231. menu
  232. menu commands
  233. menu)
  234. menu.
  235. message
  236. minimize
  237. mouse
  238. move
  239. multiple
  240. name
  241. network
  242. new
  243. next
  244. non-overlappe
  245. not
  246. number
  247. offers
  248. ommand (
  249. ommand (Control menu
  250. ommand (Edit menu)
  251. ommand (Help menu)
  252. on the title bar
  253. one
  254. only
  255. open
  256. opened
  257. opening
  258. option
  259. order
  260. other
  261. overlap
  262. page
  263. page.
  264. pages
  265. panes.
  266. parts
  267. point.
  268. pointer
  269. present
  270. preview
  271. previous
  272. print
  273. printed
  274. printer
  275. printing
  276. produce
  277. provides
  278. quality
  279. range
  280. record
  281. reduce
  282. releas
  283. remove
  284. repeat
  285. replace
  286. return
  287. reverse
  288. right
  289. same
  290. save
  291. screen
  292. scroll
  293. select
  294. selected
  295. selection
  296. should
  297. show
  298. single
  299. size
  300. so you can name your document.
  301. some
  302. specifi
  303. specify
  304. split
  305. status
  306. store
  307. such
  308. suggests
  309. support
  310. switch
  311. text
  312. that
  313. the
  314. their
  315. then
  316. there
  317. they
  318. this
  319. through
  320. time
  321. title
  322. toolbar
  323. topic
  324. type
  325. types
  326. unavailable
  327. use
  328. using
  329. various
  330. version
  331. vertical
  332. view
  333. want
  334. when
  335. where
  336. which
  337. will
  338. window
  339. window,
  340. window.
  341. windows
  342. wish
  343. with
  344. you
  345. your