// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1998
// File: Catalog.cxx
// Contents: Used to manage catalog(s) state
// History: 27-Nov-1996 KyleP Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <catalog.hxx>
#include <catadmin.hxx>
extern "C" { #include <lmcons.h>
} #include <cisecret.hxx>
// Global data
SScopeColumn coldefScope[] = { { CScope::GetPath, MSG_COL_ROOT }, { CScope::GetAlias, MSG_COL_ALIAS }, { CScope::GetInclude, MSG_COL_EXCLUDE } };
BOOL CScope::_fFirstTime = TRUE;
CScope::CScope( CCatalog & cat, WCHAR const * pwcsPath, WCHAR const * pwcsAlias, BOOL fExclude, BOOL fVirtual, BOOL fShadowAlias ) : _pwcsPath( 0 ), _pwcsAlias( 0 ), _fExclude( fExclude ), _fVirtual( fVirtual ), _fShadowAlias( fShadowAlias ), _fZombie( FALSE ), _cat( cat ) { TRY { Set( pwcsPath, _pwcsPath ); Set( pwcsAlias, _pwcsAlias ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { delete [] _pwcsPath; delete [] _pwcsAlias;
CScope::~CScope() { delete [] _pwcsPath; delete [] _pwcsAlias; }
void CScope::Modify(WCHAR const * pwcsPath, WCHAR const * pwcsAlias, BOOL fExclude) { Win4Assert( !IsZombie() );
Reset( pwcsPath, _pwcsPath ); Reset( pwcsAlias, _pwcsAlias );
_fExclude = fExclude; }
void CScope::InitHeader( CListViewHeader & Header ) { //
// Initialize header
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(coldefScope)/sizeof(coldefScope[0]); i++ ) { if ( _fFirstTime ) coldefScope[i].srTitle.Init( ghInstance );
Header.Add( i, STRINGRESOURCE(coldefScope[i].srTitle), LVCFMT_LEFT, MMCLV_AUTO ); }
_fFirstTime = FALSE; }
void CScope::Set( WCHAR const * pwcsSrc, WCHAR * & pwcsDst ) { if ( 0 == pwcsSrc ) { pwcsDst = new WCHAR[1]; RtlCopyMemory( pwcsDst, L"", sizeof(WCHAR) ); } else { unsigned cc = wcslen( pwcsSrc ) + 1;
pwcsDst = new WCHAR [cc];
RtlCopyMemory( pwcsDst, pwcsSrc, cc * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } }
void CScope::Reset( WCHAR const * pwcsSrc, WCHAR * & pwcsDst ) { delete pwcsDst;
Set(pwcsSrc, pwcsDst); }
void CScope::Rescan( BOOL fFull ) { _cat.RescanScope( _pwcsPath, fFull ); }
// The username and password are not stored locally. They will
// be retrieved on demand from the catadmin object.
SCODE CScope::GetUsername(WCHAR *pwszLogon) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { //
// First, remove from CI.
CMachineAdmin MachineAdmin( _cat.GetMachine() ); XPtr<CCatalogAdmin> xCatalogAdmin( MachineAdmin.QueryCatalogAdmin( _cat.GetCat(TRUE) ) );
XPtr<CScopeAdmin> xScopeAdmin( xCatalogAdmin->QueryScopeAdmin(_pwcsPath) );
if ( !xScopeAdmin.IsNull() ) wcscpy(pwszLogon, xScopeAdmin->GetLogon()); } CATCH (CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH
return sc; }
SCODE CScope::GetPassword(WCHAR *pwszPassword) { WCHAR szLogon[UNLEN + 1]; szLogon[0] = 0; GetUsername(szLogon); *pwszPassword = 0; BOOL fOK = TRUE; // don't attempt to get pwd of a NULL logon name!
if (0 != szLogon[0]) CiGetPassword(_cat.GetCat(TRUE), szLogon, pwszPassword);
return fOK ? S_OK:S_FALSE; }