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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: ciframe.hxx
// Contents: Classes for the ciframe work that are used globally.
// History: 11-22-96 srikants Created
#pragma once
#include <ciintf.h>
#include <cifrmcom.hxx>
class CLangList;
struct CI_ADMIN_PARAMS_RANGE { DWORD _dwMin; DWORD _dwMax; DWORD _dwDefault; };
// Class: CCiAdminParams
// Purpose: A class to get and set CI administrative parameters.
// History: 11-26-96 srikants Created
class CCiAdminParams : public ICiAdminParams, public ICiAdmin {
// Constructor and Destructor
CCiAdminParams( CLangList * pLangList = 0 );
// IUnknown methods.
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid,LPVOID *ppiuk );
// ICiAdminParams methods
STDMETHOD(SetValue) ( CI_ADMIN_PARAMS param, DWORD dwValue );
STDMETHOD(SetParamValue) ( CI_ADMIN_PARAMS param, const PROPVARIANT * pVarValue );
STDMETHOD(SetValues) (ULONG nParams, const PROPVARIANT * aParamVals, const CI_ADMIN_PARAMS * aParamNames);
STDMETHOD(GetValue) ( CI_ADMIN_PARAMS param, DWORD *pdwValue );
STDMETHOD(GetInt64Value)( CI_ADMIN_PARAMS param, __int64 *pValue );
STDMETHOD(GetParamValue) ( CI_ADMIN_PARAMS param, PROPVARIANT ** ppVarValue );
STDMETHOD(IsSame) ( CI_ADMIN_PARAMS param, const PROPVARIANT * pVarValue, BOOL * pfSame);
STDMETHOD(SetConfigType) ( CI_CONFIG_TYPE configType ) { Win4Assert( !"Not Yet Implemented" ); return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHOD(GetConfigType) ( CI_CONFIG_TYPE * pConfigType ) { Win4Assert( !"Not Yet Implemented" ); return E_NOTIMPL; }
// ICiAdmin methods.
STDMETHOD(InvalidateLangResources) ();
// Non-Interface methods.
BOOL IsValidParam( CI_ADMIN_PARAMS param ) const { return param < CI_AP_MAX_VAL && CI_AP_MAX_DWORD_VAL != param; }
void SetLangList( CLangList * pLangList ) { Win4Assert( 0 == _pLangList ); _pLangList = pLangList; }
enum { eDelimVal = 0xFEFEFEFE };
DWORD _GetValueInRange( CI_ADMIN_PARAMS param, DWORD dwVal ) { Win4Assert( IsValidParam( param ) );
return min( max( dwVal, _adwRangeParams[param]._dwMin ), _adwRangeParams[param]._dwMax ); }
long _refCount;
CMutexSem _mutex; // Used to serialize access
CLangList * _pLangList; // Optional language resources
DWORD _adwParams[CI_AP_MAX_DWORD_VAL]; // Array of values indexed by their enum
// value
__int64 _maxFilesizeFiltered; // Maximum filesize filtered
static const CI_ADMIN_PARAMS_RANGE _adwRangeParams[CI_AP_MAX_DWORD_VAL]; };
// Class: CLocateDocStore
// Purpose: An object to give the docstore locator. Rather than doing
// a CoCreateInstance once per query, we just do it once and
// save it in this object.
// History: 1-17-97 srikants Created
class CLocateDocStore {
CLocateDocStore() : _pDocStoreLocator(0), _fShutdown(FALSE) {
void Init() { _mutex.Init(); }
~CLocateDocStore() { Shutdown(); }
void Shutdown();
ICiCDocStoreLocator * Get( GUID const & guidDocStoreLocator );
ICiCDocStoreLocator * Get();
ICiCDocStoreLocator * _pDocStoreLocator;
BOOL _fShutdown; CStaticMutexSem _mutex;
// Member: CLocateDocStore::Get
// Synopsis: Retrieves the DocStoreLocataor if one is avaialble.
// History: 1-17-97 srikants Created
inline ICiCDocStoreLocator * CLocateDocStore::Get() { if ( !_fShutdown ) { CLock lock(_mutex);
if ( 0 != _pDocStoreLocator ) _pDocStoreLocator->AddRef(); }
return _pDocStoreLocator; }