// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: Master Index
// Classes: CMasterMergeIndex, CSplitKeyInfo, CTrackSplitKey
// History: 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Created stub.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <pdir.hxx>
#include <fretable.hxx>
#include <rwex.hxx>
#include <pidxtbl.hxx>
#include <cifailte.hxx>
#include <eventlog.hxx>
#include "mindex.hxx"
#include "mcursor.hxx"
#include "fresh.hxx"
#include "fretest.hxx"
#include "indsnap.hxx"
#include "keylist.hxx"
#include "partn.hxx"
unsigned const EIGHT_MEGABYTES = 0x800000;
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::CMasterMergeIndex, public
// Synopsis: Restore an index from storage
// Arguments: [storage] -- physical storage
// [widNewMaster] -- workid of new master index
// [iid] -- indexid of new master index
// [widMax] -- largest wid within this index
// [pCurrentMasterIndex] -- current master index, if any
// [widMasterLog] -- workid of master log
// [pMMergeLog] -- optional mmerge log
// History: 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Created.
CMasterMergeIndex::CMasterMergeIndex( PStorage& storage, WORKID widNewMaster, INDEXID iid, WORKID widMax, CPersIndex * pCurrentMasterIndex, WORKID widMasterLog, CMMergeLog * pMMergeLog ) : CDiskIndex( iid, CDiskIndex::eMaster, widMax ), _sigMindex(eSigMindex), _pCurrentMasterIndex(pCurrentMasterIndex), _pTargetMasterIndex(0), _pTargetSink(0), _widMasterLog(widMasterLog), _pCompr(0), _pTrackIdxSplitKey(0), _ulInitSize(0), _ulFirstPageInUse(0), #ifdef KEYLIST_ENABLED
_pTrackKeyLstSplitKey(0), #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
_pNewKeyList(0), _fAbortMerge(FALSE), _storage(storage), _pRWStore(0), _pIndSnap(0), _fStateLoaded(FALSE)
{ TRY { //
// The on-disk object MUST be fully constructed by the time we
// come here.
_pTargetMasterIndex = new CPersIndex( storage, widNewMaster, iid, widMax, CDiskIndex::eMaster, PStorage::eOpenForWrite, TRUE ); // read in the directory
_ulInitSize = _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex().PageSize(); _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex().SetPageGrowth( EIGHT_MEGABYTES / CI_PAGE_SIZE );
if (0 != _pCurrentMasterIndex) _pCurrentMasterIndex->MakeShadow();
if ( _storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() && 0 != pMMergeLog ) { //
// Reload the master merge state including the split keys, etc.
// This isn't quick, but it must be done since the target index
// must be used to resolve queries because the current index
// may already have been shrunk from the front.
ReloadMasterMerge( *pMMergeLog ); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { if ( 0 != _pCurrentMasterIndex ) _pCurrentMasterIndex->MakeMaster();
delete _pTargetMasterIndex;
SCODE scE = e.GetErrorCode();
if ( STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO == scE || STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION == scE || STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR == scE ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Corrupt index or directory, caught 0x%x\n", scE )); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"MasterMergeReload" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
RETHROW(); } END_CATCH } //CMasterMergeIndex
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::~CMasterMergeIndex, public
// Synopsis: Destructor for master index
// History: 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Created.
CMasterMergeIndex::~CMasterMergeIndex () { delete _pIndSnap;
if ( !IsZombie() ) { //
// We are Dismounting - must delete both.
delete _pCurrentMasterIndex; delete _pTargetMasterIndex; } else { //
// If we are a zombie and being deleted, then some query
// has responsibility for both the target and current master indexes
// if they are non-null.
Win4Assert( !_pTargetMasterIndex || _pTargetMasterIndex->InUse() );
#if 0
// We are not dismounting but are being deleted because either
// the master merge ended or a query ended.
if ( _pCurrentMasterIndex && !_pCurrentMasterIndex->InUse() ) { //
// Since the refcount is 0, we have the responsibility to
// destroy the current master index. This destruction is via
// a query indexsnap shot which acquired this index while
// a master merge was going on.
delete _pCurrentMasterIndex; }
if ( _pTargetMasterIndex && _pTargetMasterIndex->IsZombie() && !_pTargetMasterIndex->InUse() ) { //
// The target master index is a zombie and it is not in use.
// We must delete it. This can happen if there was a query(Q1)
// in progress at the time Merge(M1) completed. Consider the
// following sequence of events:
// 0. Query Q1 starts and ref counts T1(Target Index of M1).
// 1. M1 completes.
// 2. A second merge M2 starts. It completes and zombifies
// T1
// 3. Q1 now is completing and so releases T1 whose ref.count
// goes to 0. Hence we must delete it.
delete _pTargetMasterIndex; } #endif // 0
CleanupMMergeState(); } //~CMasterMergeIndex
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::Fill public
// Synopsis: Returns a record describing the contents of this index.
// History: 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Created.
void CMasterMergeIndex::FillRecord ( CIndexRecord& record ) { record._objectId = ObjectId(); record._iid = GetId(); record._type = itNewMaster; record._maxWorkId = MaxWorkId(); }
#if CIDBG == 1
// useful for forcing a master merge to fail due to out of memory
BOOL g_fFailMMOutOfMemory = FALSE;
#endif // CIDBG == 1
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::Merge, public
// Synopsis: Merge index(es) into a new master index. This operation may
// be restarted
// Effects: Fills the persistent index with data from the input
// indexes.
// Arguments: [pNewKeyList] -- Keylist to merge (master merge only)
// pFreshTest -- Fresh test to use for the merge. This
// parameter must only be used - it cannot be
// acquired by this routine.
// [mergeProgress] -- % merge complete
// [fGetRW] -- if TRUE, relevant words are computed
// Currently ignored
// Requires: The index is initially empty.
// Notes: Every compressor is transacted.
// History: 15-May-91 KyleP Use new PutOccurrence() method.
// 16-Apr-91 KyleP Created.
// 17-Feb-93 KyleP Merge keylist
// 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Copied here from CPersIndex, and added
// restart capabilities.
// 19-Apr-94 SrikantS Split key tracking changes and
// initialization change.
// 01-May-94 DwightKr Added code to allow for queries during
// master merge.
// 12-May-94 v-dlee Added relevant word computation
// 29-Sep-94 SrikantS IndSnap ownership fix.
// 25-Oct-95 DwightKr Add merge complete measurement
void CMasterMergeIndex::Merge( CWKeyList * pNewKeyList, CFreshTest * pFreshTest, const CPartition & partn, CCiFrmPerfCounter & mergeProgress, CCiFrameworkParams & frmwrkParams, BOOL fGetRW ) { // Calculate max of all input widMax's
Win4Assert( 0 != _pIndSnap );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Master merge\n" ));
#if CIDBG == 1
unsigned cKey = 0; //
// Assert that all the indexes in the snapshot are marked as
// being in a master merge.
{ unsigned cInd; CIndex ** apIndex; apIndex = _pIndSnap->LokGetIndexes( cInd ); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cInd; i++ ) { Win4Assert( apIndex[i]->InMasterMerge() ); } } #endif
_pNewKeyList = pNewKeyList; Win4Assert( 0 != _pNewKeyList );
Win4Assert( 0 != pFreshTest );
WORKID widMax = _pIndSnap->MaxWorkId(); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Max work id %ld\n", widMax ));
if ( MaxWorkId() != widMax ) { Win4Assert( !"WidMax in MasterMergeIndex is Corrupt" ); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"MasterMergeIndex1" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
// Create and open the master merge log object so that the splitkeys can
// be retrieved and stored.
PRcovStorageObj *pPersMMergeLog = _storage.QueryMMergeLog(_widMasterLog); SRcovStorageObj PersMMergeLog( pPersMMergeLog );
XPtr<CMMergeLog> xMMergeLog( new CMMergeLog( *pPersMMergeLog ) );
// STACKSTACK - cannot declare it where it is used because this is a
// big object and we don't want to allocate inside the loop.
XPtr<CSplitKeyInfo> xSplitKeyInfo( new CSplitKeyInfo() );
BOOL fReOpenTargetMaster = FALSE;
TRY { //
// Read-ahead on the source indexes results in better merge
// performance, but slower queries. Temporarily switch modes.
CSetReadAhead readAhead( _storage );
_pIndSnap->SetFreshTest( pFreshTest );
// Initialize and start/restart the master merge.
CKeyCursor * pKeySrc = StartMasterMerge( *_pIndSnap, xMMergeLog.GetReference(), _pNewKeyList );
unsigned finalIndexSize = _pIndSnap->TotalSizeInPages(); Win4Assert( finalIndexSize > 0 ); finalIndexSize = max( 1, finalIndexSize ); // Prevent divide by 0
mergeProgress.Update( _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex().PagesInUse() * 100 / finalIndexSize );
CMergeSourceCursor pCurSrc( pKeySrc );
BitOffset bitOffIndex; // BitOffset of a key in the target index
Win4Assert( 0 != _pCompr ); _pCompr->GetOffset( bitOffIndex ); ULONG page; // for directory creation.
if ( bitOffIndex.Offset() == 0 ) page = bitOffIndex.Page() - 1; else page = bitOffIndex.Page();
#if CIDBG==1
GetTargetDir().SetBitOffsetLastAdded( page, bitOffIndex.Offset() ); #endif // CIDBG==1
if ( !pCurSrc.IsEmpty() ) { #ifdef RELEVANT_WORDS_ENABLED
// Determine which wids are in use
UINT cWids = 0; WORKID * pwids = 0; SByteArray swids(0); { SFreshHash phash( *pFreshTest ); cWids = phash->Count(); pwids = new WORKID[cWids]; swids.Set(pwids); CFreshHashIter freiter(*phash);
for (UINT x = 0; !freiter.AtEnd(); freiter.Advance(), x++) pwids[x] = freiter->WorkId(); }
_SortULongArray((ULONG *) pwids,cWids);
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE,"%d wids, %d through %d\n", cWids,pwids[0],pwids[cWids-1])); #endif // RELEVANT_WORDS_ENABLED
// Everytime we restart a master merge, we must use a brand
// new split key - we must not use the old key for atomicity and
// restartability
_pTrackKeyLstSplitKey->ClearNewKeyFound(); #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
BitOffset bitOffKeyLst;
BitOffset StartBitOffset; // Starting loc in bitstream
StartBitOffset.Init(0, 0); CKeyBuf *pKeyLast = new CKeyBuf; // initialized to min key
SKeyBuf keyLast(pKeyLast);
#if CIDBG == 1
keyLast->SetPid(pidContents); // arbitrary but not pidAll
WCHAR FirstLetter = '@'; ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE,"Merging. Merge on letter: ")); #endif
// Create the relevant word computation object
CRelevantWord RelWord(pwids,cWids,defRWCount); swids.Acquire(); delete pwids; pwids = 0; #endif // RELEVANT_WORDS_ENABLED
// Get checkpoint interval and convert # Kbytes to bits.
ULONG MasterMergeCheckpointInterval = frmwrkParams.GetMasterMergeCheckpointInterval() * 8 * 1024;
ShrinkFromFront( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey() );
// For each key found, add it and all wids and occurances to the
// new master index.
for ( const CKeyBuf * pkey = pCurSrc->GetKey(); pkey != NULL; pkey = pCurSrc->GetNextKey()) {
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( *(pkey->GetStr()) != FirstLetter ) { FirstLetter = *(pkey->GetStr()); if ( FirstLetter < L'~' ) ciDebugOut(( DEB_NOCOMPNAME | DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "%c", FirstLetter )); else ciDebugOut(( DEB_NOCOMPNAME | DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "<%04x>", FirstLetter )); } #endif
// Don't store empty keys
WORKID wid = pCurSrc->WorkId();
if ( wid == widInvalid ) continue;
// Add the key to the new index.
_pCompr->PutKey(pkey, pCurSrc->WorkIdCount(), bitOffIndex);
unsigned cWids = 0; // Count of wids for current key
// Can this possibly be a relevant word?
BOOL fPossibleRW = ((pkey->Pid() == pidContents) && (((CKeyBuf * const) pkey)->IsPossibleRW())); #endif // RELEVANT_WORDS_ENABLED
for ( ; wid != widInvalid; wid = pCurSrc->NextWorkId()) {
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( g_fFailMMOutOfMemory ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); #endif // CIDBG == 1
// fresh test
CFreshTest::IndexSource is; is = pFreshTest->IsCorrectIndex(pCurSrc->IndexId(),wid);
#if CIDBG==1
if ( CFreshTest::Master == is ) { Win4Assert( 0 != _pCurrentMasterIndex );
if ( pCurSrc->IndexId() != _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetId() ) ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "src iid 0x%x, master iid 0x%x, target iid 0x%x\n", pCurSrc->IndexId(), _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetId(), _pTargetMasterIndex->GetId() )); Win4Assert( pCurSrc->IndexId() == _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetId() ); } #endif // CIDBG==1
if ( is != CFreshTest::Invalid ) { #ifdef RELEVANT_WORDS_ENABLED
if ((is == CFreshTest::Shadow) && fPossibleRW) RelWord.Add(wid,pCurSrc->OccurrenceCount()); #endif // RELEVANT_WORDS_ENABLED
cWids++; _pCompr->PutWorkId(wid, pCurSrc->MaxOccurrence(), pCurSrc->OccurrenceCount());
for (OCCURRENCE occ = pCurSrc->Occurrence(); occ != OCC_INVALID; occ = pCurSrc->NextOccurrence()) { _pCompr->PutOccurrence(occ); } } } // for workid
// Tell the splitkey object to remember the current position
// if it is a splitkey candidate.
_pTrackIdxSplitKey->BeginNewKey( *pkey, bitOffIndex );
KEYID kid = _pNewKeyList->PutKey( pkey, bitOffKeyLst );
// Compute ranks and possibly add keyid as relevant word
// for each wid containing the key
if (kid != kidInvalid && fPossibleRW) RelWord.DoneWithKey(kid,widMax,cWids); #endif // RELEVANT_WORDS_ENABLED
_pTrackKeyLstSplitKey->BeginNewKey( *pkey, bitOffKeyLst, _pNewKeyList->MaxWorkId() ); #else // !KEYLIST_ENABLED
_pNewKeyList->AddKey(); #endif // !KEYLIST_ENABLED
// Add directory entry, if necessary
if ( bitOffIndex.Page() != page ) { page = bitOffIndex.Page();
// Protect the directory and add the key
CReleasableLock lock( _mutex, _storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() );
GetTargetDir().Add( bitOffIndex, *pkey ); } else { #if CIDBG==1
Win4Assert ( page == GetTargetDir().GetBitOffsetLastAdded().Page() ); #endif // CIDBG
*keyLast = *pkey;
// There's no point in special abort code. We have to handle
// exceptions anyway.
if ( _fAbortMerge || partn.IsCleaningUp() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Aborting Merge\n" ));
_fAbortMerge=FALSE; // for next time around
// Have we processed & written out MASTER_MERGE_INTERVAL bytes
// to disk? If so, bring them online within the new master index
// and remove them from the current master index as follows:
// 1. Take a lock to prevent further queries on pages from
// the current master index.
// 2. Ask the _pNewMasterIndex for the highest key which
// has made it do disk on the last page which itself
// has also bee flushed to disk. This key is the
// new split key.
// 3. Update the directory for the new master index.
// 4. Write the split key to the master log.
// 5. Shrink from front the current master index upto
// but not including the lesser of the last page which
// is in use by a query and the number of pages moved
// to the new master index. Can't sff if there
// are mapped sections, so free the stream first.
// 6. Release the lock
if ( (bitOffIndex.Delta(StartBitOffset) > MasterMergeCheckpointInterval) && _pTrackIdxSplitKey->IsNewKeyFound() ) { // Step #1
CLock lock( _mutex );
// Checkpoint our state to the master merge log.
// Step #2
BitOffset flushBitOff; xSplitKeyInfo.GetReference() = _pTrackIdxSplitKey->GetSplitKey( flushBitOff ); Win4Assert( CiPageToCommonPage( flushBitOff.Page()) > CiPageToCommonPage( xSplitKeyInfo->GetEndOffset().Page() ) );
// Flush all the pages upto and including the "flushBitOff".
// This will guarantee that the page containing the split
// key will never be touched again.
_pTargetSink->Flush( TRUE ); xMMergeLog->SetIdxSplitKeyInfo( xSplitKeyInfo->GetKey(), xSplitKeyInfo->GetBeginOffset(), xSplitKeyInfo->GetEndOffset() );
// Step #3
GetTargetDir().LokFlushDir( xSplitKeyInfo->GetKey() );
// If we have a split key for the key list, then we should
// go ahead and flush it.
const CSplitKeyInfo & keylstSplitKey = _pTrackKeyLstSplitKey->GetSplitKey( flushBitOff );
if ( _pTrackKeyLstSplitKey->IsNewKeyFound() ) { _pNewKeyList->Flush();
xMMergeLog->SetKeyListSplitKeyInfo( keylstSplitKey.GetKey(), keylstSplitKey.GetBeginOffset(), keylstSplitKey.GetEndOffset() );
xMMergeLog->SetKeyListWidMax( keylstSplitKey.GetWidMax() ); _pTrackKeyLstSplitKey->ClearNewKeyFound(); } #else // !KEYLIST_ENABLED
xMMergeLog->SetKeyListWidMax( _pNewKeyList->MaxWorkId() ); #endif // !KEYLIST_ENABLED
// Step #4
// Step #4.5
_idxSplitKeyInfo = xSplitKeyInfo.GetReference();
// Step #5
if ( 0 != _pCurrentMasterIndex ) { pCurSrc->FreeStream(); ShrinkFromFront( xSplitKeyInfo->GetKey() ); pCurSrc->RefillStream(); }
// Mark that we have used up this split key.
// Step #6
StartBitOffset = bitOffIndex;
// Update the size in the new master index.
_pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex().UpdatePageCount( *_pTargetSink );
// Write the new % complete for the merge
mergeProgress.Update( _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex().PagesInUse() * 100 / finalIndexSize ); } // checkpoint
} // for key
_pRWStore = RelWord.AcquireStore(); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE,"grabbing _pRWStore: %lx\n",_pRWStore)); #endif // RELEVANT_WORDS_ENABLED
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "%d keys in index\n", cKey )); }
CKeyBuf *pKeyMax = new CKeyBuf; SKeyBuf sKeyMax(pKeyMax); sKeyMax->FillMax(); sKeyMax->SetPid(pidContents);
BOOL fMaxKeyAddedNow = FALSE; BitOffset bitOffEnd;
if ( !_pCompr->IsAtSentinel() ) { // add sentinel key
_pCompr->PutKey(pKeyMax, 1, bitOffIndex); _pCompr->GetOffset( bitOffEnd ); fMaxKeyAddedNow = TRUE; }
CLock lock( _mutex );
// Destroy the compressor, etc and clean up the master merge state.
_pCompr->FreeStream(); CleanupMMergeState();
// The compressor must be destroyed before we do the final flush.
// O/W, the last page (which is being used by the compressor) will
// not get flushed. We cannot update the directory and the master
// merge state until the index data is written out to disk.
if ( fMaxKeyAddedNow ) { if ( page != bitOffIndex.Page() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Adding max key to directory. Page:0x%X Offset:0x%X\n", bitOffIndex.Page(), bitOffIndex.Offset() )); GetTargetDir().Add( bitOffIndex, *pKeyMax ); }
GetTargetDir().LokFlushDir( *pKeyMax ); GetTargetDir().LokBuildDir( *pKeyMax );
xSplitKeyInfo->SetBeginOffset(bitOffIndex); xSplitKeyInfo->SetEndOffset(bitOffEnd); xSplitKeyInfo->SetKey( *pKeyMax );
xMMergeLog->SetIdxSplitKeyInfo( xSplitKeyInfo->GetKey(), xSplitKeyInfo->GetBeginOffset(), xSplitKeyInfo->GetEndOffset() ); xMMergeLog->CheckPoint();
// The in-memory split key information MUST be updated ONLY
// after the checkpoint to disk is succesfully done.
_idxSplitKeyInfo = xSplitKeyInfo.GetReference(); }
_pTargetSink->ShrinkToFit(); _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex().UpdatePageCount( *_pTargetSink );
delete _pTargetSink; _pTargetSink = 0;
// No need to reopen the stream as read-only if the stream supports
// SFF, since we need to leave it as writable for the next master
// merge anyway.
if ( !_storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() ) { fReOpenTargetMaster = TRUE; _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex().Reopen( FALSE ); fReOpenTargetMaster = FALSE; }
// The merge is 100% complete.
mergeProgress.Update( 100 ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { _pIndSnap->ResetFreshTest();
// The CMasterMerge object owns the key list. We should 0 it
// to prevent having dangling references.
_pNewKeyList = 0;
delete _pTargetSink; _pTargetSink = 0;
if ( fReOpenTargetMaster ) _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex().Reopen( _storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() );
// Really bad errors indicate the index is corrupt.
SCODE scE = e.GetErrorCode();
if ( STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO == scE || STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION == scE || STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR == scE ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Corrupt index or directory, caught 0x%x\n", scE )); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"MasterMerge" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
_pNewKeyList = 0;
pNewKeyList->Done( _fAbortMerge ); #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Master merge complete\n" )); } //Merge
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::Reload, private
// Synopsis: Restores the data for the split keys used for during a
// master merge as well as the index directory.
// History: 25-Apr-94 DwightKr Copied from StartMasterMerge
// 23-Aug-94 SrikantS Moved from CMasterMergeIndex
void CMasterMergeIndex::ReloadMasterMerge( CMMergeLog & mMergeLog ) { Win4Assert( 0 != _pTargetMasterIndex ); Win4Assert( !_fStateLoaded );
// Index Split Key tracking variables.
CKeyBuf * pIdxSplitKey = new CKeyBuf(); SKeyBuf idxSplitKey(pIdxSplitKey); idxSplitKey->FillMin();
BitOffset idxBeginBitOff; idxBeginBitOff.Init(0,0); BitOffset idxEndBitOff; idxEndBitOff.Init(0,0);
mMergeLog.GetIdxSplitKeyInfo( *pIdxSplitKey, idxBeginBitOff, idxEndBitOff );
RestoreIndexDirectory( *pIdxSplitKey, MaxWorkId(), idxEndBitOff ); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "widMax passed to compressor: %ld\n", MaxWorkId() ));
_pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex().SetUsedPagesCount( idxEndBitOff.Page() + 1 );
_idxSplitKeyInfo.SetBeginOffset(idxBeginBitOff); _idxSplitKeyInfo.SetEndOffset(idxEndBitOff); _idxSplitKeyInfo.SetKey( *pIdxSplitKey );
_fStateLoaded = TRUE; } //ReloadMasterMerge
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::StartMasterMerge, private
// Synopsis: Initializes the merge cursor used to merge the source
// indexes.
// Arguments: [indSnap] -- array of indexes to be merged
// [mMergeLog] -- master merge log
// [pNewKeyList] -- keyList to update with missing keys
// History: 20-Apr-94 SrikantS Created
// 25-Apr-94 DwightKr Moved some functionality to
// ReloadMasterMerge()
CKeyCursor * CMasterMergeIndex::StartMasterMerge( CIndexSnapshot & indSnap, CMMergeLog & mMergeLog, CWKeyList * pNewKeyList ) { //
// Create the target index sink for write access.
// In user mode, we have to Restore the mastermerge start if it is not
// already restored.
if ( !_fStateLoaded ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Reloading MasterMergeState\n" )); ReloadMasterMerge( mMergeLog ); }
CPhysIndex & idx = _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex(); PMmStream * stream = idx.DupReadWriteStream( PStorage::eOpenForWrite ); XPtr<PMmStream> sStream(stream); _pTargetSink = new CPhysIndex( idx, PStorage::eOpenForWrite, sStream );
_pTargetSink->SetPageGrowth( EIGHT_MEGABYTES / CI_PAGE_SIZE );
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetEndOffset().Page() != 0 ) { ULONG * pul = _pTargetSink->BorrowBuffer( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetEndOffset().Page() ); Win4Assert( 0 != *pul ); _pTargetSink->ReturnBuffer( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetEndOffset().Page() ); } #endif
// Delete all the keys in the directory after the split key.
{ //
// Must serialize access to the B_Tree when we are making
// structural modifications to it.
CLock lock( _mutex ); GetTargetDir().DeleteKeysAfter( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey() ); }
// If we are restarting a 'paused' master merge, then restore the
// persistent decompressor to its previous state. Else, just
// build a decompressor and initialize it state to start at the
// front of the physical index.
Win4Assert( !_pTrackIdxSplitKey );
_pTrackIdxSplitKey = new CTrackSplitKey( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey(), _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetBeginOffset(), _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetEndOffset() );
ciFAILTEST( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); _pCompr = new CPersComp( *_pTargetSink, MaxWorkId(), _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetEndOffset(), _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetBeginOffset(), _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey() );
_pTargetSink->SetUsedPagesCount( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetEndOffset().Page() + 1 );
// Build the merge cursor and position it at the key just after the
// split key. If a master merge is NOT being restarted, this
// positions the merge cursor at the first key.
ciFAILTEST( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); CMergeSourceCursor pCurSrc ( indSnap, &_idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey() );
if ( pCurSrc.IsEmpty() ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "No merge cursor created\n" )); return(0); }
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "widMax passed to compressor: %ld\n", MaxWorkId() ));
if ( !_idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey().IsMinKey() ) { Win4Assert( AreEqual(pCurSrc->GetKey(), &_idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey()) ); ciFAILTEST( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ); pCurSrc->GetNextKey(); }
// Setup the keylist splitKey tracking variables.
ciFAILTEST( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); CKeyBuf * pKeylstSplitKey = new CKeyBuf(); SKeyBuf keylstSplitKey(pKeylstSplitKey); keylstSplitKey->FillMin();
BitOffset keylstBeginBitOff; keylstBeginBitOff.Init(0,0); BitOffset keylstEndBitOff; keylstEndBitOff.Init(0,0);
mMergeLog.GetKeyListSplitKeyInfo( *pKeylstSplitKey, keylstBeginBitOff, keylstEndBitOff );
// Flag set to TRUE if the keylist split key is > the index list split
// key.
BOOL fKLSplitKeyBigger = FALSE;
if ( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey().IsMinKey() || pKeylstSplitKey->Compare( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey() ) > 0 ) { *pKeylstSplitKey = _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey(); fKLSplitKeyBigger = TRUE; }
Win4Assert( _pTrackIdxSplitKey ); RestoreKeyListDirectory( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey(), MaxWorkId(), pNewKeyList, *pKeylstSplitKey );
Win4Assert( !_pTrackKeyLstSplitKey ); ciFAILTEST( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); if ( !fKLSplitKeyBigger ) { _pTrackKeyLstSplitKey = new CTrackSplitKey( *pKeylstSplitKey, keylstBeginBitOff, keylstEndBitOff ); } else { //
// Just set it to be the min key with 0,0 .
_pTrackKeyLstSplitKey = new CTrackSplitKey(); }
return pCurSrc.Acquire(); } //StartMasterMerge
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::CleanupMMergeState, private
// Synopsis: Free all memory resources used for this master merge.
// History: 20-Apr-94 SrikantS Created
void CMasterMergeIndex::CleanupMMergeState() { //
// We will create safe pointers instead of calling delete because we
// want to be able to cope with exceptions thrown in the destructors
// also.
delete _pTrackKeyLstSplitKey; _pTrackKeyLstSplitKey = 0;
delete _pTrackIdxSplitKey; _pTrackIdxSplitKey = 0;
// If the stream is still unflushed in the compressor, it isn't
// guaranteed to be flushed by this destructor. This destructor will
// not fail for any reason including failure to flush, so don't rely
// on this in success code paths.
delete _pCompr; _pCompr = 0; } //CleanupMMergeState
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::ShrinkFromFront, private
// Synopsis: Shrinks the index, from the front, to release the disk
// associated with the space before the split key.
// Parameters: [keyBuf] -- contents of last key which can be deleted
// from the current master index
// History: 01-Aug-94 DwightKr Created
void CMasterMergeIndex::ShrinkFromFront( const CKeyBuf & keyBuf ) { //
// If there is no current master index, we have nothing to shrink
if ( !_pCurrentMasterIndex ) return;
// Locate the page # of the key in the OFS btree which can be used
// to locate this splitkey. On a restart, the merge will seek
// to the key which is the nearest key less than the split
// key stored in the OFS btree. Hence, we need to get the offset of
// the key in the OFS btree which is equal to or less than the splitkey.
// This offset is returned by the COfsdir Seek method.
BitOffset offset;
_pCurrentMasterIndex->GetDirectory().Seek( keyBuf, 0, offset );
ULONG ulFirstPageInUse = offset.Page();
ULONG ulMinPageInCache = MAXULONG;
if ( _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetIndex().MinPageInUse( ulMinPageInCache ) ) { //
// The cache has some pages in it and so we must take the minimum
// of the cache page and the directory.
Win4Assert( MAXULONG != ulMinPageInCache ); ulFirstPageInUse = min( ulFirstPageInUse, ulMinPageInCache ); } else { //
// The cache is empty implying that there none of the pages from
// the current master are in use. We must have exhausted all the
// keys from the current master.
// If we can't decommit any pages because they are all in use, then get
// out now.
Win4Assert( ulFirstPageInUse >= _ulFirstPageInUse ); ULONG numPages = ulFirstPageInUse - _ulFirstPageInUse; if ( numPages > 0 ) _ulFirstPageInUse += _pCurrentMasterIndex->ShrinkFromFront( _ulFirstPageInUse, numPages ); } //ShrinkFromFront
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::QueryCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a cursor for the master index during master merge
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 24-Apr-91 KyleP Created.
// 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Copied here from CPersIndex
CKeyCursor * CMasterMergeIndex::QueryCursor() { CKey key; key.FillMin();
return QueryKeyCursor( &key ); }
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::QuerySplitCursor, private
// Synopsis: Return a cursor for the logical master index during master
// merge
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Created
// Notes: Three cases of interest can be found during a master merge:
// 1. Master merge for the first time, no 'current master index'
// hence we return a null for the cursor to the master index.
// 2. Master merge hasn't written a split key as yet, return a
// cursor to decompress the 'current master index'.
// 3. All other cases, build a cursor to decompress and span
// both the 'current master index' and the 'new master index.'
CKeyCursor * CMasterMergeIndex::QuerySplitCursor(const CKey * pKey) { if ( 0 == _pCurrentMasterIndex ) return 0;
// Take the lock if the volume supports shrink from front
CReleasableLock lock( _mutex, _storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() );
if ( _storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() && !_idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey().IsMinKey() ) {
return new CMPersDeComp( _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetDirectory(), _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetId(), _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetIndex(), _pCurrentMasterIndex->MaxWorkId(), GetTargetDir(), GetId(), _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex(), pKey, MaxWorkId(), _idxSplitKeyInfo, _mutex ); } else { //
// Don't use the split cursor. The current master index is valid.
BitOffset posKey; CKeyBuf keyInit;
_pCurrentMasterIndex->GetDirectory().Seek( *pKey, &keyInit, posKey );
return new CPersDeComp( _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetDirectory(), _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetId(), _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetIndex(), posKey, keyInit, pKey, _pCurrentMasterIndex->MaxWorkId() ); } } //QuerySplitCursor
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::QueryKeyCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a key cursor for the master index when restarting a
// master merge
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 12-Apr-94 DwightKr Created.
CKeyCursor * CMasterMergeIndex::QueryKeyCursor(const CKey * pKey) { // Take the lock if the volume supports shrink from front
CReleasableLock lock( _mutex, _storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() );
XPtr<CKeyCursor> xCursor( QuerySplitCursor( pKey ) );
if ( !xCursor.IsNull() && (xCursor->GetKey() == 0) ) xCursor.Free();
return xCursor.Acquire(); } //QueryKeyCursor
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::QueryCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a cursor for the master index during master merge
// Arguments: [pkey] -- Key to initially seek for.
// [isRange] -- TRUE for range query
// [cMaxNodes] -- Max node (key) count
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 24-Apr-91 KyleP Created.
// 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Copied here from CPersIndex and
// modified to span multiple masters
COccCursor * CMasterMergeIndex::QueryCursor( const CKey * pKey, BOOL isRange, ULONG & cMaxNodes ) { Win4Assert( cMaxNodes > 0 );
if (isRange) { CKey keyEnd; keyEnd.FillMax (*pKey); return QueryRangeCursor( pKey, &keyEnd, cMaxNodes ); }
if (pKey->Pid() == pidAll) return QueryRangeCursor( pKey, pKey, cMaxNodes );
if ( 0 == cMaxNodes ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Node limit reached in CMasterMergeIndex::QueryCursor.\n" )); THROW( CException( STATUS_TOO_MANY_NODES ) ); }
XPtr<CKeyCursor> xCursor( QuerySplitCursor( pKey ) );
if ( ( !xCursor.IsNull() ) && ( xCursor->GetKey() == 0 || !pKey->MatchPid (*xCursor->GetKey()) || pKey->CompareStr(*xCursor->GetKey()) != 0 ) ) { xCursor.Free(); }
return xCursor.Acquire(); } //QueryCursor
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::QueryRangeCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a range cursor for the master index during master merge
// Arguments: [pkey] -- Key at beginning of the range.
// [pKeyEnd] -- Key at the end of the range.
// [cMaxNodes] -- Max node (key) count
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 11-Dec-91 AmyA Created.
// 31-Jan-92 AmyA Moved code to CreateRange().
// 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Copied here from CPersIndex and
// modified to span multiple masters
COccCursor * CMasterMergeIndex::QueryRangeCursor( const CKey * pkey, const CKey * pKeyEnd, ULONG & cMaxNodes ) { Win4Assert( cMaxNodes > 0 );
COccCurStack curStk;
// Take the lock if the volume supports shrink from front
CReleasableLock lock( _mutex, _storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() );
CreateRange( curStk, pkey, pKeyEnd, cMaxNodes );
return curStk.QuerySynCursor( MaxWorkId() ); } //QueryRangeCursor
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::QuerySynCursor, public
// Synopsis: Return a synonym cursor for master index during master merge
// Arguments: [keyStk] -- Stack of keys to be searched for.
// [isRange] -- Whether or not this is a range search.
// [cMaxNodes] -- Max node (key) count
// Returns: A new cursor.
// History: 31-Jan-92 AmyA Created.
// 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Copied here from CPersIndex and
// modified to span multiple masters
COccCursor * CMasterMergeIndex::QuerySynCursor( CKeyArray & keyArr, BOOL isRange, ULONG & cMaxNodes ) { Win4Assert( cMaxNodes > 0 );
if ( 0 == _pCurrentMasterIndex ) return 0;
COccCurStack curStk;
int keyCount = keyArr.Count();
// Take the lock if the volume supports shrink from front
CReleasableLock lock( _mutex, _storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() );
for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { CKey& key = keyArr.Get(i);
if (isRange) { CKey keyEnd; keyEnd.FillMax(key);
CreateRange( curStk, &key, &keyEnd, cMaxNodes ); } else if ( key.Pid() == pidAll ) { CreateRange ( curStk, &key, &key, cMaxNodes ); } else { cMaxNodes--;
if ( 0 == cMaxNodes ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Node limit reached in CMasterMergeIndex::QuerySynCursor.\n" )); THROW( CException( STATUS_TOO_MANY_NODES ) ); }
BitOffset posKey;
if ( _storage.SupportsShrinkFromFront() && key.CompareStr( _idxSplitKeyInfo.GetKey() ) <= 0 ) GetTargetDir().Seek ( key, 0, posKey ); else _pCurrentMasterIndex->GetDirectory().Seek ( key, 0, posKey );
XPtr<CKeyCursor> xCursor( QuerySplitCursor( &key ) ); curStk.Push( xCursor.GetPointer() ); xCursor.Acquire(); } }
return curStk.QuerySynCursor( MaxWorkId() ); } //QuerySynCursor
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::CreateRange, private
// Synopsis: Adds all cursors with keys between pkey and pKeyEnd to curStk.
// Arguments: [curStk] -- CKeyCurStack to add cursors to.
// [pkey] -- Key at beginning of range.
// [pKeyEnd] -- End of key range.
// [cMaxNodes] -- Max node (key) count
// History: 31-Jan-92 AmyA Created.
// 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Copied here from CPersIndex and
// modified to span multiple masters
void CMasterMergeIndex::CreateRange( COccCurStack & curStk, const CKey * pKeyStart, const CKey * pKeyEnd, ULONG & cMaxNodes ) { Win4Assert( cMaxNodes > 0 );
if ( 0 == cMaxNodes ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Node limit reached in CPersIndex::CreateRange.\n" )); THROW( CException( STATUS_TOO_MANY_NODES ) ); }
CKeyCursor * pCursor = QuerySplitCursor( pKeyStart ); if ( !pCursor ) return;
XPtr<CCursor> xCursor( pCursor );
const CKeyBuf * pKeyCurrent = pCursor->GetKey(); if ( 0 == pKeyCurrent ) return;
PROPID pid = pKeyStart->Pid();
curStk.Push(pCursor); xCursor.Acquire();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "First key %.*ws, pid %d\n", pKeyCurrent->StrLen(), pKeyCurrent->GetStr(), pKeyCurrent->Pid() )); do { if (pid != pidAll) // exact pid match
{ // skip wrong pids
while (pid != pKeyCurrent->Pid()) { #if CIDBG == 1 //------------------------------------------
if (pKeyCurrent) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " skip: %.*ws, pid %d, wid %d\n", pKeyCurrent->StrLen(), pKeyCurrent->GetStr(), pKeyCurrent->Pid(), pCursor->WorkId() )); } else ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " <NULL> key\n" )); #endif //--------------------------------------------------
pKeyCurrent = pCursor->GetNextKey(); if (pKeyCurrent == 0 || pKeyEnd->CompareStr(*pKeyCurrent) < 0 ) break; } // either pid matches or we have overshot
// i.e. different pids and current string > end
if (pKeyCurrent == 0 || !pKeyEnd->MatchPid(*pKeyCurrent) || pKeyEnd->CompareStr (*pKeyCurrent) < 0 ) { break; // <--- LOOP EXIT
if ( 0 == cMaxNodes ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Node limit reached in CPersIndex::CreateRange.\n" )); THROW( CException( STATUS_TOO_MANY_NODES ) ); }
// Clone the previous cursor...
const CKey & key = *pCursor->GetKey(); pCursor = QuerySplitCursor( &key ); xCursor.Set( pCursor );
// Add it to avoid memory leaks if GetNextKey fails
curStk.Push(pCursor); // may be wrong pid
// increment the added cursor
pKeyCurrent = pCursor->GetNextKey();
#if CIDBG == 1
if (pKeyCurrent) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " %.*ws, wid %d\n", pKeyCurrent->StrLen(), pKeyCurrent->GetStr(), pCursor->WorkId() )); } else ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, " <NULL> key\n" )); #endif
} while ( pKeyCurrent );
// Since we have one more cursor in curStk than we wanted...
curStk.DeleteTop(); } //CreateRange
// Member: CMasterMergeIndex::Remove, public
// Synopsis: Closes any open streams/indexes associated with this new
// master index.
// History: 30-Mar-94 DwightKr Copied here from CPersIndex
void CMasterMergeIndex::Remove() { Win4Assert( 0 == _pTargetSink ); Win4Assert( !InUse() ); Win4Assert( IsZombie() ); Win4Assert( !_pTargetMasterIndex->InUse() ); // Win4Assert( !"If you are emptying ci press go.O/W call Srikants/DwightKr" );
_pTargetMasterIndex->Remove(); delete _pTargetMasterIndex; _pTargetMasterIndex = 0;
if ( _pCurrentMasterIndex && !_pCurrentMasterIndex->InUse() ) { _pCurrentMasterIndex->Remove(); delete _pCurrentMasterIndex; _pCurrentMasterIndex = 0; } }
// Function: AcquireCurrentAndTarget
// Synopsis: Transfers the ownership of the current and target master
// indexes to the caller.
// Arguments: [ppCurrent] -- On output, will have the pointer to the
// current master (if any). NULL o/w
// [ppTarget] -- On output, will have the pointer to the
// target master. Will be non-NULL.
// History: 9-29-94 srikants Created
// Notes: This method must be called atmost ONCE during the lifetime
// of a CMasterMergeIndex. Also, this must be called after
// this has been zombified and there are no outstanding
// queries.
void CMasterMergeIndex::AcquireCurrentAndTarget( CPersIndex ** ppCurrent, CPersIndex ** ppTarget ) { Win4Assert( IsZombie() ); Win4Assert( !InUse() );
*ppCurrent = _pCurrentMasterIndex; *ppTarget = _pTargetMasterIndex;
_pCurrentMasterIndex = 0; _pTargetMasterIndex = 0; }
// Function: RestoreIndexDirectory
// Synopsis: This method restores the "directory" for the new index
// in a restarted master merge. It scans the index until
// it sees the split key and adds it to the directory.
// Effects:
// Arguments: [splitKey] - The split key of the new master index.
// [widMax] - The largest WORKID in the new master index
// [bitOffStart] - Offset in bits to the end of splitkey
// History: 4-12-94 srikants Created
// 5-01-94 DwightKr Split into two functions
// Notes: Only the index directory needs to be restored when the
// CMasterMergeIndex object is rebuild during boot time.
// The keyList directory needs to be rebuild only when
// actually restarting the master merge.
// Since it may be quite some time after rebooting a system
// before the master merge restarts, we don't attempt to rebuild
// the keylist here.
void CMasterMergeIndex::RestoreIndexDirectory( const CKeyBuf & idxSplitKey, WORKID widMax, const BitOffset & idxBitOffRestart ) { Win4Assert( 0 != &GetTargetDir() );
if ( idxSplitKey.IsMinKey() ) return;
// Seek to the idxSplitKey in the new master index. Use the directory
BitOffset posKey; CKeyBuf keyInit; const CKey key = idxSplitKey; GetTargetDir().Seek( idxSplitKey, & keyInit, posKey );
CPersDeComp Decomp( GetTargetDir(), GetId(), _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex(), posKey, keyInit, &key, widMax, TRUE, // Use Links
FALSE ); // no dir
BitOffset idxBitOff; idxBitOff.Init(0,0); CKeyBuf keyLast;
#if CIDBG == 1
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "restoring index directory\n" )); keyLast.SetPid(pidContents); // arbitrary but not pidAll
for ( const CKeyBuf * pKey = Decomp.GetKey(); (0 != pKey) ; pKey = Decomp.GetNextKey(&idxBitOff) ) { if ( AreEqual(&idxSplitKey, pKey) ) { //
// Skip over wid-occurences and position to store the next
// key in the compressor.
for ( WORKID widSkipped = Decomp.WorkId(); widInvalid != widSkipped; widSkipped = Decomp.NextWorkId() ) { // Null Body
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "RestoreIndexDirectory - SplitKey Found \n" )); break; }
keyLast = *pKey; }
// Make a sanity check to confirm that the compressor and the
// decompressor arrived at the same offset for the next key.
// It is extremely important that these match - o/w, the resulting
// index will be in a corrupt and unusable state.
BitOffset bitOffCurr; Decomp.GetOffset( bitOffCurr );
if ( !idxSplitKey.IsMaxKey() && ( (bitOffCurr.Page() != idxBitOffRestart.Page()) || (bitOffCurr.Offset() != idxBitOffRestart.Offset()) ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Mismatch in computed vs. stored restart offsets\n" )); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Computed Page:0x%x Offset:0x%x\n", bitOffCurr.Page(), bitOffCurr.Offset() )); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Saved Page:0x%x Offset:0x%x\n", idxBitOffRestart.Page(), idxBitOffRestart.Offset() )); Win4Assert( !"Corrupt master merge index" );
_storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"MasterMergeIndex2" );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Restart split key is '%ws'\n", idxSplitKey.GetStr() )); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Restart page:offset = 0x%x:0x%x\n", idxBitOffRestart.Page(), idxBitOffRestart.Offset() ));
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "restored index directory\n" )); } //RestoreIndexDirectory
// Function: RestoreKeyListDirectory
// Synopsis: This method restores the "directory" for the new keylist
// in a restarted master merge. It scans the index until
// it sees the split key and adds it to the directory.
// Effects:
// Arguments: [splitKey] - The split key of the new master index.
// [widMax] - The largest WORKID in the new master index
// [bitOffStart] - Offset in bits to the end of splitkey
// History: 4-12-94 srikants Created
// 5-01-94 DwightKr Moved into this function
// Notes: It is assumed that the index directory has already been
// rebuild when the CMasterMergeIndex object was created. At
// this point we are restarting a master merge, and the keyList
// directory is now required.
void CMasterMergeIndex::RestoreKeyListDirectory( const CKeyBuf & idxSplitKey, WORKID widMax, CWKeyList * pKeyList, const CKeyBuf & keylstSplitKey ) { Win4Assert( &GetTargetDir() ); Win4Assert( _pTargetSink );
if ( idxSplitKey.IsMinKey() ) return;
Win4Assert( keylstSplitKey.Compare( idxSplitKey ) <= 0 );
// Seek to the keylstSplitKey in the new master index, and add all
// subsequent keys found in the new master index to the new keylist
// index. These keys are missing from the keylist and need to be
// restored.
ciFAILTEST( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); if ( !GetTargetDir().IsValid() ) { GetTargetDir().LokBuildDir( idxSplitKey ); }
BitOffset posKey;
const CKey splitKeylst = keylstSplitKey;
XPtr<CKeyBuf> xKeyInit(new CKeyBuf());
GetTargetDir().Seek( keylstSplitKey, xKeyInit.GetPointer(), posKey );
XPtr<CPersDeComp> xDecomp( new CPersDeComp( GetTargetDir(), GetId(), _pTargetMasterIndex->GetIndex(), posKey, xKeyInit.GetReference(), &splitKeylst, widMax, TRUE, // Use Links
TRUE // Use the directory.
) );
const CKeyBuf * pKey; ULONG page = ULONG(-1); BitOffset idxBitOff; idxBitOff.Init(0,0);
BitOffset keylstBitOff;
#if CIDBG == 1
XPtr<CKeyBuf> xKeyLast(new CKeyBuf()); // initialized to min key
xKeyLast->SetPid(pidContents); // arbitrary but not pidAll
for ( pKey = xDecomp->GetKey(); (0 != pKey) ; pKey = xDecomp->GetNextKey(&idxBitOff) ) { if ( pKeyList && (keylstSplitKey.CompareStr( *pKey ) < 0) ) { //
// pKey is not present in the key list. It must be
// added.
pKeyList->PutKey( pKey, keylstBitOff );
if ( AreEqual(&idxSplitKey, pKey) ) { //
// Skip over wid-occurences and position to store the next
// key in the compressor.
for ( WORKID widSkipped = xDecomp->WorkId(); widInvalid != widSkipped; widSkipped = xDecomp->NextWorkId() ) { // nothing to do.
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "RestoreKeyListDirectory - SplitKey Found \n" )); break; }
#if CIDBG == 1
xKeyLast.GetReference() = *pKey; #endif
} }
// Member: CPersIndex::AcquireRelevantWords, public
// Synopsis: Return relevant word key ids computed at the most recent
// master merge. The caller must delete the object returned.
// Returns: CRWStore *
// History: 25-Apr-94 v-dlee Created
CRWStore * CMasterMergeIndex::AcquireRelevantWords() { CRWStore *p = _pRWStore;
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE,"CPersIndex::acquire _pRWStore: %lx\n",_pRWStore));
_pRWStore = 0;
return p; } //AcquireRelevantWords
// Member: CPersIndex::ComputeRelevantWords, public
// Synopsis: Compute and return relevant word key ids
// Arguments: [cRows] -- # of wids in pwid array
// [cRW] -- max # of rw keys per wid
// [pwid] -- an array of wids in increasing order whose
// rw key ids are to be returned
// [pKeyList] -- keylist to use in translation of keys to ids
// Returns: CRWStore *
// History: 25-Apr-94 v-dlee Created
CRWStore * CMasterMergeIndex::ComputeRelevantWords(ULONG cRows,ULONG cRW, WORKID *pwid,CKeyList *pKeyList) {
Win4Assert( !" Not Yet Implemented" );
ciDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"ComputeRelevantWords top\n"));
// Get the resources needed to do the computation
CRelevantWord RelWord(pwid,cRows,cRW);
CPersIndexCursor indCur(this); CKeyListCursor keylCur(pKeyList);
// Walk through the index and find occurances of keys in the wids
const CKeyBuf * pKey, * pklKey;
for (pKey = indCur->GetKey(), pklKey = keylCur->GetKey(); pKey != 0; pKey = indCur->GetNextKey()) { if (pKey->Pid() == pidContents && ((CKeyBuf * const) pKey)->IsPossibleRW()) { ULONG cWids = 0;
for (WORKID wid = indCur->WorkId(); wid != widInvalid; wid = indCur->NextWorkId()) { cWids++; if (RelWord.isTrackedWid(wid)) RelWord.Add(wid,indCur->OccurrenceCount()); }
// Walk the keylist until we match it up with where the
// index cursor is.
while (pklKey->CompareStr(*pKey) != 0) pklKey = keylCur->GetNextKey();
RelWord.DoneWithKey(pklKey->Pid(),MaxWorkId(),cWids); } }
return RelWord.AcquireStore(); #endif // RELEVANT_WORDS_ENABLED
} //ComputeRelevantWords
// Function: CTrackSplitKey::CTrackSplitKey
// Synopsis: The split key tracking constructor. Initializes the object
// to have "min" keys and offsets are all set to the beginning
// of the stream.
// Arguments: [splitKey] -- splitkey being tracked
// [bitoffBeginSplit] -- bit offset to beginning of split ket
// [bitoffEndSplit] -- bit offset to end of splitkey
// History: 4-12-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
CTrackSplitKey::CTrackSplitKey( const CKeyBuf & splitKey, const BitOffset & bitoffBeginSplit, const BitOffset & bitoffEndSplit ) : _fNewSplitKeyFound(FALSE) { _splitKey2.SetKey( splitKey ); _splitKey2.SetBeginOffset( bitoffBeginSplit ); _splitKey2.SetEndOffset( bitoffEndSplit ); }
// Function: BeginNewKey
// Synopsis: This method informs the split key tracker that a new key
// has been added to the compressor. It will check if the
// previous key and the current key are landing on a different
// page and check if a split key has been found.
// Arguments: [newKey] -- The new key added to the compressor
// [beginNewOff] -- Starting offset of the new key. This will
// be the end offset of the current key.
// History: 4-19-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CTrackSplitKey::BeginNewKey( const CKeyBuf & newKey, const BitOffset & beginNewOff, WORKID widMax ) { //
// beginNewOff is also the end of current key. We have to determine
// if there is a new split key.
_currKey.SetEndOffset( beginNewOff );
if ( CiPageToCommonPage(_currKey.GetEndOffset().Page()) > CiPageToCommonPage(_prevKey.GetEndOffset().Page()) ) { //
// We have a candidate split key in the previous key.
_splitKey2 = _splitKey1; _splitKey1 = _prevKey; _fNewSplitKeyFound = !_splitKey2.GetKey().IsMinKey();
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( IsNewKeyFound() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_PCOMP, "Split Key Found At Page 0x%X Offset 0x%X\n", _splitKey2.GetBeginOffset().Page(), _splitKey2.GetBeginOffset().Offset() )); ciDebugOut(( DEB_PCOMP, "End of Split Key found at page 0x%x offset 0x%x\n", _splitKey2.GetEndOffset().Page(), _splitKey2.GetEndOffset().Offset() ));
#endif // CIDBG
_prevKey = _currKey;
_currKey.SetKey( newKey ); _currKey.SetBeginOffset( beginNewOff ); _currKey.SetWidMax( widMax ); }
// Function: CSplitKeyInfo
// Synopsis: Constructor the CSplitKeyInfo
// Effects: Initializes the key to be minkey and offsets to 0,0.
// History: 4-19-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
CSplitKeyInfo::CSplitKeyInfo() { _start.Init(0,0); _end.Init(0,0); _key.FillMin(); _widMax = widInvalid; }