// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: Resource Manager
// Classes: CResManager
// History: 08-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 4-Jan-95 BartoszM Separated Filter Manager
// Jan-08-97 mohamedn CFwEventItem and CDmFwEventItem
// 24-Feb-97 SitaramR Push filtering
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <cci.hxx>
#include <xact.hxx>
#include <pstore.hxx>
#include <cifailte.hxx>
#include <ciole.hxx>
#include <regevent.hxx>
#include <ciregkey.hxx>
#include <eventlog.hxx>
#include <cievtmsg.h>
#include <cifrmcom.hxx>
#include <fwevent.hxx>
#include <pidmap.hxx>
#include <identran.hxx>
#include <psavtrak.hxx>
#include "resman.hxx"
#include "ci.hxx"
#include "partn.hxx"
#include "pindex.hxx"
#include "mindex.hxx"
#include "idxids.hxx"
#include "indxact.hxx"
#include "merge.hxx"
#include "mmerglog.hxx"
#include "pendcur.hxx"
#include "fltstate.hxx"
#include "idle.hxx"
#include "notxact.hxx"
#include "lowres.hxx"
const ULONG lowDiskWaterMark = 3 * 512 * 1024; // 1.5 MB
const ULONG highDiskWaterMark = lowDiskWaterMark + 512 * 1024; // 2.0 MB
const ULONG minDiskFreeForMerge = lowDiskWaterMark;
class CRevertBoolValue { public: CRevertBoolValue( BOOL & rfValue, BOOL fValue ) : _rfVal( rfValue ), _fRevert( TRUE ) { Win4Assert( rfValue != fValue ); _fPrevVal = _rfVal; _rfVal = fValue; }
~CRevertBoolValue() { if (_fRevert) _rfVal = _fPrevVal; }
void Revert() { _rfVal = _fPrevVal; _fRevert = FALSE; }
private: BOOL & _rfVal; BOOL _fPrevVal; BOOL _fRevert; };
CMergeThreadKiller::CMergeThreadKiller( CResManager & resman ) : _resman(resman), _fKill(TRUE) { }
CMergeThreadKiller::~CMergeThreadKiller() { if ( _fKill ) { _resman._fStopMerge = TRUE; _resman._thrMerge.Resume(); _resman.StopMerges(); } }
// Class: CPendQueueTrans
// Purpose: Transaction for flushing the pending queue if there is a
// failure while extracting entries out of the pending queue
// and adding them to the changelog.
// History: 9-11-95 srikants Created
class CPendQueueTrans : public CTransaction { public:
CPendQueueTrans( CPendingQueue & pendQueue ) : _pendQueue( pendQueue ) { }
~CPendQueueTrans() { if ( CTransaction::XActAbort == _status ) { CLock lock( _pendQueue.GetMutex() );
_pendQueue.LokFlushCompletedEntries(); } }
CPendingQueue & _pendQueue;
// Member: CResManager::CResManager, public
// Arguments: [cat] -- catalog
// [xact] -- transaction
// History: 08-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// Jan-07-96 mohamedn CFwEventItem
CResManager::CResManager( PStorage &storage, CCiFrameworkParams & params, ICiCDocStore * pDocStore, CI_STARTUP_INFO const & startupInfo, IPropertyMapper * pPropMapper, CTransaction& xact, XInterface<CIndexNotificationTable> & xIndexNotifTable ) : _sigResman(eSigResman), _frmwrkParams( params ), _mergeTime(0), _storage ( storage ), _sKeyList(0), _idxTab( _storage.QueryIndexTable( xact ) ), _partList ( storage, *_idxTab, _sKeyList, xact, params ), _fresh ( storage, xact, _partList ), _partidToMerge ( partidInvalid ), _fStopMerge(FALSE), _pMerge(0), #pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // this used in base initialization
_thrMerge ( MergeThread, this, TRUE ), // create suspended
_mergeKiller( *this ), #pragma warning( default : 4355 )
_activeDeletedIndex( _idxTab->GetDeletedIndex() ), _cQuery(0), _cFilteredDocuments(0), _pBackupWorkItem(0), _isBeingEmptied(FALSE), _isLowOnDiskSpace(FALSE), _isDismounted(FALSE), _isOutOfDate(FALSE), _isCorrupt(FALSE), _fFirstTimeUpdatesAreEnabled( TRUE ), _fPushFiltering( FALSE ), _fFlushWorkerActive( FALSE ), _configFlags( startupInfo.startupFlags ), _xIndexNotifTable( xIndexNotifTable.Acquire() ), _dwFilteringState( 0 ), _pFilterAgent( 0 ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pDocStore );
// Look for a resource monitor. If none exists, use the default.
_xLowResDefault.Set( new CLowRes(_frmwrkParams) );
SCODE sc = pDocStore->QueryInterface( IID_ICiCResourceMonitor, _xLowRes.GetQIPointer() );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { _xLowResDefault->AddRef(); _xLowRes.Set( _xLowResDefault.GetPointer() ); }
// The presence or absence of an actual pointer in _xIndexNotifTable,
// indicates whether the client has specified pull filtering or push
// filtering.
_fPushFiltering = !_xIndexNotifTable.IsNull();
// Initialize the resman in all the partitions.
CPartIter iter; for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList)) { CPartition * pPart = iter.LokGet(); pPart->SetResMan( this, FPushFiltering() ); }
if ( _fPushFiltering ) { //
// In push filtering, an identity translator is used
CIdentityNameTranslator *pIdentityTrans = new CIdentityNameTranslator();
sc = pIdentityTrans->QueryInterface( IID_ICiCDocNameToWorkidTranslator, _translator.GetQIPointer() ); Win4Assert( SUCCEEDED( sc ) );
_translator->Release(); // QI does an AddRef
} else { //
// In pull filtering, the client provides the translator, which may
// be the Ex version.
sc = pDocStore->QueryInterface( IID_ICiCDocNameToWorkidTranslatorEx, _translator2.GetQIPointer() );
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) sc = _translator2->QueryInterface( IID_ICiCDocNameToWorkidTranslator, _translator.GetQIPointer() ); else sc = pDocStore->QueryInterface( IID_ICiCDocNameToWorkidTranslator, _translator.GetQIPointer() ); }
if ( S_OK != sc ) THROW( CException(sc) );
// Create a workIdToDocName converter object.
_xWorkidToDocName.Set( new CWorkIdToDocName( _translator.GetPointer(), _translator2.GetPointer() ) );
ICiCAdviseStatus * pAdviseStatus; sc = pDocStore->QueryInterface( IID_ICiCAdviseStatus, (void **) & pAdviseStatus ); if ( S_OK != sc ) THROW( CException(sc) );
_adviseStatus.Set( pAdviseStatus ); _prfCounter.SetAdviseStatus( pAdviseStatus );
ICiCPropertyStorage * pPropStore; sc = pDocStore->QueryInterface( IID_ICiCPropertyStorage, (void **) & pPropStore ); if ( S_OK != sc ) THROW( CException(sc) );
_propStore.Set( pPropStore );
pDocStore->AddRef(); _docStore.Set( pDocStore );
pPropMapper->AddRef(); _mapper.Set( pPropMapper );
ULONG mergeTime = _frmwrkParams.GetMasterMergeTime(); _mergeTime = CMasterMergePolicy::ComputeMidNightMergeTime(mergeTime);
if ( -1 == _mergeTime ) { CFwEventItem item(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_CI_BAD_SYSTEM_TIME, 0);
item.ReportEvent( _adviseStatus.GetReference() );
// Restore the information associated with any master merge that
// was stopped when the drive was dismounted.
_partList.RestoreMMergeState(*this, _storage);
_partIter.LokInit( _partList );
_isLowOnDiskSpace = LokCheckIfDiskLow( *this, _storage, _isLowOnDiskSpace, _adviseStatus.GetReference() );
_thrMerge.SetPriority ( _frmwrkParams.GetThreadPriorityMerge() );
_mergeKiller.Defuse(); _thrMerge.Resume();
// Set the merge progress indicator to 0, and refresh other counters
_prfCounter.Update( CI_PERF_MERGE_PROGRESS, 0 );
// Enable or disables updates/notifications based on disk space available
// and whether the catalog is readonly
if ( _isLowOnDiskSpace || _storage.IsReadOnly() ) { DisableUpdates( partidDefault ); _state.LokSetState( eUpdatesDisabled ); } else { EnableUpdates( partidDefault ); SCODE sc = _docStore->EnableUpdates(); if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) _state.LokSetState( eSteady ); else _state.LokSetState( eUpdatesToBeEnabled ); } }
// Member: CResManager::~CResManager, public
// Synopsis: Shuts down merge(s)
// History: 13-Aug-93 KyleP Created
CResManager::~CResManager() { _workMan.AbortWorkItems(); LokDeleteFlushWorkItems(); _workMan.WaitForDeath();
#if CIDBG==1
// ======================================
{ CPriLock lock(_mutex); Win4Assert( 0 == _pBackupWorkItem ); } // ======================================
#endif // CIDBG==1
// Member: CResManager::MergeThread, public
// Synopsis: Entry point for the thread responsible
// for asynchronous merges
// History: 05-Mar-92 BartoszM Created
DWORD WINAPI CResManager::MergeThread( void* self ) { if ( !((CResManager*)self)->_fStopMerge ) ((CResManager*)self)->DoMerges();
return 0; }
// Function: Dismount
// Synopsis: Dismounts the catalog by stopping any in-progress merge
// and also finishing off any pending writes ( eg. ChangeLog).
// History: 6-20-94 srikants Created
NTSTATUS CResManager::Dismount() { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "*** CI: Initiating DisMount ***\n" ));
TRY { //
// Inform all the partitions to cleanup. We have to abort any
// in-progress merges without having to take a lock. There could
// be another thread (like the filter thread) with the lock doing
// a long operation. In one case we had it trying to create a new
// fresh test and the memory writer could not make any progress
// because the merge was continuing to dirty the pages.
// There is no need to take a lock because the partitions are not
// going away and the operation we are about to do is just turning
// on a one-way flag.
{ PARTITIONID partid = 1; CPartition* pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition ( partid ); pPart->PrepareForCleanup(); }
// Stop in progress merges.
// Dismount each of the partitions.
// ================================================
{ CPriLock lock( _mutex ); Win4Assert( !_isDismounted );
_isDismounted = TRUE;
CKeyList * pKeyList = _sKeyList.Acquire(); delete pKeyList;
CPartIter iter; for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList)) { CPartition * pPart = iter.LokGet();
// =======================================================
CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPart );
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS == pPart->LokDismount( xact ) ) { xact.LokCommit(); } //=========================================================
if ( _pBackupWorkItem ) _pBackupWorkItem->GetSaveProgressTracker().SetAbort(); } // ================================================
} CATCH( CException, e ) { status = e.GetErrorCode(); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "ContentIndex Dismount Failed. Error Code 0x%X\n", status )); } END_CATCH
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "*** CI: Completed DisMount ***\n" ));
return status; }
// Function: CResManager::Empty, public
// Synopsis: Releases resources associated with the resman object. This
// includes all indexes, the persistent freshlog, the persistant
// changelog, the freshtest, and the master merge log.
// History: 15-Aug-94 DwightKr Created
void CResManager::Empty() { CPriLock lock( _mutex );
_isBeingEmptied = TRUE;
// Cancel any connections to the CI Filter service.
// Delete everything from the index table here first.
// If anything fails after this point, chkdsk /f or autochk will
// release the disk storage associated with the leaked objects
// since they are no longer part of the persistent index list.
// For each partition, zombify all indexes.
CPartIter iter; for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList)) { CPartition* pPart = iter.LokGet();
// Zombify all indexes in this partition, and delete them if their
// ref-count is 0.
CIndex ** aIndex = 0; TRY { unsigned cIndex; aIndex = pPart->LokZombify( cIndex );
ReleaseIndexes( cIndex, aIndex, NULL ); } CATCH ( CException, e ) { } END_CATCH
delete [] aIndex;
// Delete the change log associated with this partition. These
// routines do not throw exceptions.
WORKID widChangeLog = _partList.GetChangeLogObjectId( pPart->GetId() ); if ( widChangeLog != widInvalid) _storage.RemoveObject( widChangeLog );
WORKID widMMergeLog; WORKID widDummy; pPart->GetMMergeObjectIds( widMMergeLog, widDummy, widDummy ); if ( widMMergeLog != widInvalid) _storage.RemoveObject( widMMergeLog ); }
_fresh.LokEmpty(); // Release storage associated with fresh test
WORKID widFreshLog = _storage.GetSpecialItObjectId( itFreshLog );
WORKID widKeyList = _storage.GetSpecialItObjectId( itMMKeyList ); #else
WORKID widKeyList = widInvalid; #endif //
WORKID widPhrLat = _storage.GetSpecialItObjectId( itPhraseLat );
if ( widFreshLog != widInvalid) _storage.RemoveObject( widFreshLog ); if ( widKeyList != widInvalid) _storage.RemoveObject( widKeyList ); if ( widPhrLat != widInvalid) _storage.RemoveObject( widPhrLat ); }
// Function: StopCurrentMerge
// Synopsis: Aborts any in-progress merge.
// History: 5-04-94 srikants Created
NTSTATUS CResManager::StopCurrentMerge() { { CPriLock lock( _mutex );
// If we're doing a merge right now then kill it off.
if ( 0 != _pMerge ) _pMerge->LokAbort();
// Member: CResManager::DisableUpdates, public
// Arguments: [partid] -- partition id
// History: 24-Dec-94 Anonymous Created
void CResManager::DisableUpdates( PARTITIONID partid ) { CPriLock lock( _mutex ); CPartition * pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition( partid );
Win4Assert( 0 != pPart ); pPart->LokDisableUpdates(); }
// Member: CResManager::EnableUpdates, public
// Arguments: [partid] -- partition id
// History: 24-Dec-94 Anonymous Created
void CResManager::EnableUpdates( PARTITIONID partid ) { CPriLock lock( _mutex ); CPartition * pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition( partid );
Win4Assert( 0 != pPart ); pPart->LokEnableUpdates( _fFirstTimeUpdatesAreEnabled );
_fFirstTimeUpdatesAreEnabled = FALSE; }
// Function: LokCheckIfDiskLow
// Synopsis: Checks if we are running low on free disk space. It has
// a "LowWaterMark" and a "HighWaterMark".
// If current state is "not full", then it will check to
// see if the free disk space is < the LowWaterMark.
// if current state is "full", then it will check to see if
// the free disk space is < the HighWaterMark.
// The HighWaterMark is > the LowWaterMark to prevent hysterisis.
// Arguments: [resman] -- Resource manager
// [storage] -- Storage object.
// [fCurrent] -- Current state.
// [adviseStatus] -- reference to ICiCAdviseStatus
// Returns: TRUE if we are running low on disk space.
// FALSE otherwise.
// History: 10-11-94 srikants Created
// Jan-07-96 mohamedn CFwEventItem
BOOL LokCheckIfDiskLow( CResManager & resman, PStorage & storage, BOOL fIsCurrentFull, ICiCAdviseStatus & adviseStatus ) { BOOL fLowOnDisk = fIsCurrentFull;
TRY { __int64 diskTotal, diskRemaining; storage.GetDiskSpace( diskTotal, diskRemaining );
if ( !fIsCurrentFull ) fLowOnDisk = diskRemaining < lowDiskWaterMark; else fLowOnDisk = diskRemaining < highDiskWaterMark;
// It is okay to read it without mutex as it is only a heuristic.
if ( fLowOnDisk && !fIsCurrentFull && !storage.IsReadOnly() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "****YOU ARE RUNNING LOW ON DISK SPACE****\n")); ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "****PLEASE FREE UP SOME SPACE ****\n"));
ULONG mbToFree = highDiskWaterMark/(1024*1024);
ULONG mbIndex; resman.IndexSize( mbIndex ); mbToFree = max( mbToFree, mbIndex ); mbToFree = min( mbToFree, 50 ); // don't ask for more than 50 MB
item.AddArg(storage.GetVolumeName() ); item.AddArg(mbToFree);
item.ReportEvent(adviseStatus); } else if ( fIsCurrentFull && !fLowOnDisk ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "****DISK SPACE FREED UP ****\n")); } } CATCH( CException,e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%X while getting disk space info\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH
return ( fLowOnDisk ); }
// Function: NoFailFreeResources
// Synopsis: deletes a big wordlist and schedules refiltering
// History: 6-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
void CResManager::NoFailFreeResources() { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Running out of resources. " )); TRY {
CPriLock lock(_mutex); CPartition * pPart = LokGetPartition( partId );
// Before calling remove word list, we must append any refiled
// documents to the doc queue. This is because, the docqueue
// can handle only one set of refiled documents.
{ // =========================================
CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPart ); pPart->LokAppendRefiledDocs( xact ); xact.LokCommit(); // =========================================
LokNoFailRemoveWordlist( pPart ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { } END_CATCH }
// Member: CResManager::IsMemoryLow, private
// Returns: TRUE if we're in a low memory situation
// History: 10-May-93 AmyA Created from old DoUpdates
// 3-May-96 dlee #if 0'ed it out because the memory
// load # isn't reliable, and we've
// got LOTS of other allocations anyway.
// 05-Nov-97 KyleP New approach
BOOL CResManager::IsMemoryLow() { SCODE sc = _xLowRes->IsMemoryLow();
if ( E_NOTIMPL == sc ) sc = _xLowResDefault->IsMemoryLow();
return ( S_OK == sc ); }
// Member: CResManager::IsIoHigh, private
// Returns: TRUE if the system is performing a 'lot' of I/O
// History: 10-Dec-97 KyleP Created
// Notes: This call takes time (~ 5 sec) to complete.
BOOL CResManager::IsIoHigh() { SCODE sc = _xLowRes->IsIoHigh( &_fStopMerge );
if ( E_NOTIMPL == sc ) sc = _xLowResDefault->IsIoHigh( &_fStopMerge );
return ( S_OK == sc ); }
// Member: CResManager::IsBatteryLow, private
// Returns: TRUE if the system is running low on battery power.
// History: 16-Jul-98 KyleP Created
// Notes: By default, even 100% battery (as opposed to A/C) may be
// considered low.
BOOL CResManager::IsBatteryLow() { SCODE sc = _xLowRes->IsBatteryLow();
if ( E_NOTIMPL == sc ) sc = _xLowResDefault->IsBatteryLow();
return ( S_OK == sc ); }
// Member: CResManager::IsOnBatteryPower, private
// Returns: TRUE if the system is running on battery power.
// History: 01-Oct-00 dlee Created
BOOL CResManager::IsOnBatteryPower() { SCODE sc = _xLowRes->IsOnBatteryPower();
if ( E_NOTIMPL == sc ) sc = _xLowResDefault->IsOnBatteryPower();
return ( S_OK == sc ); } //IsOnBatteryPower
// Member: CResManager::SampleUserActivity, private
// Returns: - nothing -
// History: 31 Jul 98 AlanW Created
void CResManager::SampleUserActivity() { SCODE sc = _xLowRes->SampleUserActivity();
if ( E_NOTIMPL == sc ) _xLowResDefault->SampleUserActivity();
return; }
// Member: CResManager::IsUserActive, private
// Arguments: [fCheckLongTerm] - TRUE if long-term activity should be checked.
// Returns: TRUE if the interactive user is using the keyboard or mouse
// History: 28 Jul 98 AlanW Created
BOOL CResManager::IsUserActive(BOOL fCheckLongTerm) { SCODE sc = _xLowRes->IsUserActive(fCheckLongTerm);
if ( E_NOTIMPL == sc ) sc = _xLowResDefault->IsUserActive(fCheckLongTerm);
return ( S_OK == sc ); }
// Member: CResManager::CountPendingUpdates, public
// Arguments: [secCount (output)] -- Count of secondary Q Updates
// Returns: Count of pending updates.
// History: 14-Dec-92 KyleP Created
// Notes: If wordlists are being constructed the count may be low.
unsigned CResManager::CountPendingUpdates(unsigned& secCount) { CPriLock lock( _mutex ); unsigned count = 0; CPartIter iter; secCount = 0; for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList)) { count += iter.LokGet()->LokCountUpdates();
secCount += iter.LokGet()->LokCountSecUpdates(); } return(count + secCount); }
// Member: CResManager::UpdateCounters, public
// Returns: Updates performance counters.
// History: 05-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
void CResManager::LokUpdateCounters() { if ( !_isDismounted ) { _prfCounter.Update( CI_PERF_NUM_WORDLIST, _partList.LokWlCount() );
unsigned cSecQDocuments; unsigned cUnfilteredDocs = CountPendingUpdates( cSecQDocuments ); _prfCounter.Update( CI_PERF_FILES_TO_BE_FILTERED, cUnfilteredDocs ); _prfCounter.Update( CI_PERF_DEFERRED_FILTER_FILES, cSecQDocuments );
_prfCounter.Update( CI_PERF_NUM_UNIQUE_KEY, _sKeyList->MaxKeyIdInUse() ); _prfCounter.Update( CI_PERF_DOCUMENTS_FILTERED, _cFilteredDocuments );
ULONG cDocuments; GetClientState( cDocuments ); _prfCounter.Update( CI_PERF_NUM_DOCUMENTS, cDocuments ); } }
// Member: CResManager::ReserveUpdate, public
// Arguments: [wid] -- Used to confirm hint.
// Returns: Hint to position of reserved slot.
// History: 30-Aug-95 KyleP Created
unsigned CResManager::ReserveUpdate( WORKID wid ) { CPriLock lock ( _pendQueue.GetMutex() );
return _pendQueue.LokPrepare( wid ); }
// Member: CResManager::UpdateDocument, public
// Arguments: [iHint] -- Positional hint
// [wid] -- wid to add/delete
// [partid] -- partition containing this wid
// [usn] -- USN associated with change
// [volumeId] -- Volume Id
// [action] -- addition / deletion
// History: 08-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 08-Oct-93 BartoszM Rewrote to accept single document
// 30-Aug-95 KyleP Use reserved slots
SCODE CResManager::UpdateDocument( unsigned iHint, WORKID wid, PARTITIONID partid, USN usn, VOLUMEID volumeId, ULONG action ) { if ( !IsIndexingEnabled() ) return CI_E_FILTERING_DISABLED;
Win4Assert ( partid == 1 );
// Try to avoid lock contention
// with filter agent
CPriLock lock ( _mutex );
BOOL fComplete;
{ CPriLock lock2( _pendQueue.GetMutex() );
if ( _isBeingEmptied ) // The content index is empty
{ //
// Just get rid of any pending entries in the queue.
if ( !_pendQueue.LokComplete( iHint, wid, usn, volumeId, partid, action ) ) { while ( _pendQueue.LokRemove( wid, usn, volumeId, partid, action ) ) ; } return CI_E_SHUTDOWN; }
// The if clause triggers when this document is the only one
// on the queue.
fComplete = _pendQueue.LokComplete( iHint, wid, usn, volumeId, partid, action ); }
SCODE sc = S_OK;
if ( fComplete ) { CPartition* pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition ( partid );
CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPart ); sc = pPart->LokUpdateDocument ( xact, wid, usn, volumeId, action, 1, 0 ); xact.LokCommit();
_pFilterAgent->LokWakeUp(); } else { BOOL fGotOne = FALSE;
CPendQueueTrans pendQueueTrans( _pendQueue );
while ( TRUE ) { BOOL fGotAnother;
{ CLock lock2( _pendQueue.GetMutex() ); fGotAnother = _pendQueue.LokRemove( wid, usn, volumeId, partid, action ); }
if ( fGotAnother ) { fGotOne = TRUE;
CPartition* pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition ( partid );
CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPart ); sc = pPart->LokUpdateDocument ( xact, wid, usn, volumeId, action, 1, 0 ); xact.LokCommit(); } else break; }
if ( fGotOne ) _pFilterAgent->LokWakeUp(); }
return sc; }
// Member: CResManager::FlushUpdates
// Synopsis: Flushes all update notifications to disk
// History: 27-Jun-97 SitaramR Created
void CResManager::FlushUpdates() { CPriLock lock( _mutex ); CPartition * pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition( partidDefault );
Win4Assert( 0 != pPart );
pPart->LokFlushUpdates(); }
// Member: CResManager::QueryIndexes, public
// Arguments: [cPartitions] -- count of partitions
// [aPartID] -- array of partition id's
// [freshTest] -- return arg.: fresh test
// [cInd] -- return arg: count of indexes
// [cPendingUpdates] -- Pending update 'threshold'. If fewer
// pending updates, the pending wids are
// returned in *pcurPending.
// [pcurPending] -- Pending cursors stored here.
// [pFlags] -- return arg: status of indexes
// Returns: Array of pointers to indexes
// History: 08-Oct-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: Called by Query
// Indexes and fresh test have ref count increased
// Flags may change to indicate status of indexes
CIndex** CResManager::QueryIndexes ( unsigned cPartitions, PARTITIONID aPartID[], CFreshTest** freshTest, unsigned& cInd, ULONG cPendingUpdates, CCurStack * pcurPending, ULONG* pFlags ) {
unsigned count = 0; CPartition* pPart;
CPriLock lock ( _mutex );
if ( _isCorrupt ) THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) );
if ( _isBeingEmptied ) // Content index is empty or corrupt
{ cInd = 0; cPartitions = 0;
return 0; }
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cPartitions; i++ ) { pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition( aPartID [i] ); count += pPart->LokIndexCount(); }
XArray<CIndex *> apIndex( count );
#if CIDBG || DBG
unsigned j = 0; #endif
for ( i = 0; i < cPartitions; i++ ) { pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition(aPartID [i]);
#if CIDBG || DBG
j += #endif // CIDBG || DBG
pPart->LokGetIndexes ( &apIndex[i] );
if ( LokIsScanNeeded() && !_storage.IsReadOnly() ) *pFlags |= CI_NOT_UP_TO_DATE;
// If we're looking for pending updates, get them. Otherwise just
// set the out-of-date flag.
unsigned cPending = pPart->LokCountUpdates();
cPending += pPart->LokCountSecUpdates();
if ( cPending != 0 ) { ULONG fFlags = CI_NOT_UP_TO_DATE; // assume non-success
if ( cPendingUpdates > 0 ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pcurPending );
if ( cPending <= cPendingUpdates ) { XArray<WORKID> pWid( cPending );
BOOL fSucceeded = pPart->LokGetPendingUpdates( pWid.GetPointer(), cPending ); if ( fSucceeded ) { Win4Assert( cPending > 0 );
XPtr<CPendingCursor> xCursor( new CPendingCursor( pWid, cPending ) ); pcurPending->Push( xCursor.GetPointer() ); xCursor.Acquire(); fFlags = 0; } } } *pFlags |= fFlags; } }
// Also check to see if we are actually in the process of filtering some
// documents.
if ( _docList.Count() > 0 ) { if ( _docList.Count() <= cPendingUpdates ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pcurPending );
XArray<WORKID> pWid( _docList.Count() );
ciDebugOut((DEB_FILTERWIDS, "CResManager::QueryIndexes - pending documents: %d %x\n", _docList.Count(), pWid.GetPointer()));
_docList.LokGetWids( pWid ); XPtr<CPendingCursor> xCursor( new CPendingCursor( pWid, _docList.Count() ) ); pcurPending->Push( xCursor.GetPointer() ); xCursor.Acquire(); } else *pFlags |= CI_NOT_UP_TO_DATE; }
// Also check documents pending notifcation that may be complete but
// out-of-order.
{ CPriLock lock( _pendQueue.GetMutex() );
unsigned cwidPending = _pendQueue.LokCountCompleted();
if ( cwidPending > 0 ) { if ( cwidPending <= cPendingUpdates ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pcurPending );
XArray<WORKID> pWid( cwidPending );
_pendQueue.LokGetCompleted( pWid.GetPointer() );
XPtr<CPendingCursor> xCursor( new CPendingCursor( pWid, cwidPending ) ); pcurPending->Push( xCursor.GetPointer() ); xCursor.Acquire(); } else *pFlags |= CI_NOT_UP_TO_DATE; } }
// Finally, check for pending scans.
if ( _isOutOfDate ) *pFlags |= CI_NOT_UP_TO_DATE;
Win4Assert ( j == count );
*freshTest = _fresh.LokGetFreshTest();
cInd = count;
return apIndex.Acquire(); }
// Member: CResManager::ReleaseIndexes, public
// Synopsis: Decrements ref counts, deletes if indexes
// marked to be deleted.
// Arguments: [cInd] -- count of indexes
// [apIndex] -- array of indexes
// [freshTest] -- fresh test
// History: 08-Oct-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: Takes ResMan lock
void CResManager::ReleaseIndexes ( unsigned cInd, CIndex** apIndex, CFreshTest* pFreshTest ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Release Indexes\n" ));
CPriLock lock ( _mutex );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cInd; i++ ) { if ( apIndex[i] != 0 ) LokReleaseIndex ( apIndex[i] ); }
if ( pFreshTest) _fresh.LokReleaseFreshTest (pFreshTest); }
// Member: CResManager::BackupContentIndexData
// Synopsis: Private method called by the merge thread to backup the
// content index data. If successful, it sets the status of
// the backup work item to indicate success. Otherwise, it
// must be considered to have failed.
// History: 3-18-97 srikants Created
void CResManager::BackupContentIndexData() { Win4Assert( 0 != _pBackupWorkItem );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Starting Backup of Ci Data\n" ));
// Create the backup object.
CPartition *pPartition =_partList.LokGetPartition ( partidDefault );
CBackupCiPersData backup( *_pBackupWorkItem, *this, *pPartition );
// =========================================
{ CPriLock lock(_mutex); backup.LokGrabResources(); } // =========================================
// =========================================
{ CPriLock lock(_mutex); backup.LokBackupMetaInfo(); ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Completed Backup of Ci Data\n" )); _pBackupWorkItem->LokSetStatus( STATUS_SUCCESS ); } // =========================================
// Member: CResManager::LokUpdateBackupMergeProgress
// Synopsis: Updates the backup progress during the merge.
// History: 3-20-97 srikants Created
void CResManager::LokUpdateBackupMergeProgress() { Win4Assert( 0 != _pBackupWorkItem );
CCiFrmPerfCounter counter( _adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_MERGE_PROGRESS ); DWORD dwMergeProgress = counter.GetCurrValue();
// Assuming Merge is half of the work, we will assume half
// progress. So make the denominator 200 instead of 100.
if ( _pMerge ) { const cShadowMergePart = 5;
if ( _pBackupWorkItem->IsFullSave() ) { if ( _pMerge->GetMergeType() != mtMaster ) { //
// The shadow merge preceding a master is approx. 5%
// say.
dwMergeProgress = cShadowMergePart; } else { dwMergeProgress = min(dwMergeProgress + cShadowMergePart, 100); } }
_pBackupWorkItem->LokUpdateMergeProgress( (ULONG) dwMergeProgress, 100 ); } }
// Member: CResManager::BackupCIData
// Synopsis: External method to backup content index data. It creates
// a backup work item and waits for the backup to complete.
// Arguments: [storage] - Destination storage
// [fFull] - [in/out] Set to TRUE if a full merge is
// needed on input; On output will be set to TRUE if a full
// merge was done.
// [progressTracker] - Progress tracker.
// History: 3-18-97 srikants Created
SCODE CResManager::BackupCIData( PStorage & storage, BOOL & fFull, XInterface<ICiEnumWorkids> & xEnumWorkids, PSaveProgressTracker & progressTracker ) { if ( !IsIndexMigrationEnabled() || !IsIndexingEnabled() ) return CI_E_INVALID_STATE;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
Win4Assert( fFull );
// ===================================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); if ( _isDismounted ) THROW( CException( CI_E_SHUTDOWN ) );
// There can be only one operation going on at a time.
if ( 0 != _pBackupWorkItem ) THROW( CException( CI_E_INVALID_STATE ) );
_pBackupWorkItem = new CBackupCiWorkItem( storage, fFull, progressTracker );
_eventMerge.Set(); } // ===================================================
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Waiting for backup to complete\n" )) ; //
// Wait for the work-item to be completed.
while ( TRUE ) { DWORD const dwWaitTime = 1 * 60 * 1000; // 1 minute in millisecs
_pBackupWorkItem->WaitForCompletion( dwWaitTime );
{ CPriLock lock(_mutex); if ( _pBackupWorkItem->LokIsDone() ) break;
// If there is a merge going on, we must update the progress.
if ( _pBackupWorkItem->LokIsDoingMerge() ) LokUpdateBackupMergeProgress();
_pBackupWorkItem->LokReset(); } //============================================================
} // of while
sc= _pBackupWorkItem->GetStatus(); ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Backup completed with code 0x%X\n", sc )); if ( S_OK == sc ) { fFull = _pBackupWorkItem->IsFullSave(); xEnumWorkids.Set( _pBackupWorkItem->AcquireWorkIdEnum() ); }
// ====================================
{ CLock lock(_mutex); delete _pBackupWorkItem; _pBackupWorkItem = 0; } // ====================================
} CATCH( CException,e ) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( e.GetErrorCode() ); Win4Assert( !"How Did we Come Here" ); } END_CATCH
return sc; }
// Member: CResManager::CiState, public
// Arguments: [state] -- internal state of the CI
// History: 01-Nov-95 DwightKr Created
#define setState( field, value ) \
if ( state.cbStruct >= ( offsetof( CIF_STATE, field) + \ sizeof( state.field ) ) ) \ { \ state.field = ( value ); \ }
#define roundup(a, b) ((a%b) ? (a/b + 1) : (a/b))
NTSTATUS CResManager::CiState(CIF_STATE & state) { CPriLock lock( _mutex );
if ( _isDismounted ) return CI_E_SHUTDOWN;
if ( _isCorrupt ) return CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE;
setState( cWordList, _partList.LokWlCount() ); setState( cPersistentIndex, _partList.LokIndexCount() - state.cWordList );
// Get the perf counter for the # of queries executed
Win4Assert( !_adviseStatus.IsNull() ); long cQ; _adviseStatus->GetPerfCounterValue( CI_PERF_TOTAL_QUERIES, &cQ ); setState( cQueries, cQ );
unsigned cSecQDocuments; ULONG cUnfilteredDocs = CountPendingUpdates(cSecQDocuments) + _docList.Count(); setState( cDocuments, cUnfilteredDocs ); setState( cSecQDocuments, cSecQDocuments ); setState( cFreshTest, LokGetFreshCount() );
CCiFrmPerfCounter counter( _adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_MERGE_PROGRESS ); setState( dwMergeProgress, (ULONG) counter.GetCurrValue() );
setState( cFilteredDocuments, _cFilteredDocuments ); unsigned size = roundup(_partList.LokIndexSize(), ((1024*1024)/CI_PAGE_SIZE)); setState( dwIndexSize, size); setState( cUniqueKeys, _sKeyList->MaxKeyIdInUse() );
state.cbStruct = min( state.cbStruct, sizeof(state) );
DWORD eCiState = _dwFilteringState;
// Set each of the state bits independently.
// Are we in a shadow or master merge?
if ( 0 != _pMerge ) { switch (_pMerge->GetMergeType() ) { case mtShadow: eCiState |= CIF_STATE_SHADOW_MERGE; break;
case mtAnnealing: eCiState |= CIF_STATE_ANNEALING_MERGE; break;
case mtIncrBackup: eCiState |= CIF_STATE_INDEX_MIGRATION_MERGE; break;
default: eCiState |= CIF_STATE_MASTER_MERGE; break; } } else { CPartition *pPartition = _partList.LokGetPartition ( partidDefault );
if ( pPartition->InMasterMerge() ) eCiState |= CIF_STATE_MASTER_MERGE_PAUSED; }
if ( LokIsScanNeeded() ) eCiState |= CIF_STATE_CONTENT_SCAN_REQUIRED;
setState( eState, (CIF_STATE_FLAGS) eCiState );
// Member: CResManager::IndexSize
// Synopsis: Computes the size of the indexes in all partitions
// Arguments: [mbIndex] - On output, will have the size of all indexes
// in MBs.
// History: 4-15-96 srikants Created
void CResManager::IndexSize( ULONG & mbIndex ) { CLock lock(_mutex); mbIndex = _partList.LokIndexSize() / ((1024*1024)/CI_PAGE_SIZE); }
// Member: CResManager::LokCheckWordlistQuotas, public
// Synopsis: Determine if we've reached wordlist capacity.
// Returns: TRUE if we have as much wordlist data in memory as
// parameters allow.
// History: 14-Jan-1999 KyleP Created
BOOL CResManager::LokCheckWordlistQuotas() { CPartIter iter;
for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList) ) { CPartition* pPart = iter.LokGet();
if ( pPart->LokCheckWordlistMerge() ) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CResManager::MarkCorruptIndex
// Synopsis: Marks the index as corrupt, disables updates in all partitions
// and wakes up the merge thread to notify the framework client
// about the corruption.
// History: 1-30-97 srikants Created
NTSTATUS CResManager::MarkCorruptIndex() { CPriLock lock(_mutex);
// Disable updates in all partitions
CPartIter iter; for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList)) { CPartition * pPart = iter.LokGet(); pPart->LokDisableUpdates(); }
if ( _state.FLokCorruptionNotified() ) return S_OK;
_isCorrupt = TRUE; StopCurrentMerge(); _eventMerge.Set();
return S_OK; }
// Member: CResManager::_AddRefKeyList, private
// Synopsis: Adds to refcount on the keylist
// History: 07-Jul-94 dlee Created
CKeyList * CResManager::_AddRefKeyList() { CPriLock lock( _mutex ); _sKeyList->Reference(); return _sKeyList.GetPointer(); }
// Member: CResManager::_ReleaseKeyList, private
// Synopsis: Release a refcount on the keylist
// History: 07-Jul-94 dlee Created
void CResManager::_ReleaseKeyList() { CPriLock lock( _mutex );
if ( !_sKeyList->InUse() && _sKeyList->IsZombie() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Keylist %x unreferenced zombie. Deleting\n", _sKeyList->GetId() ));
CKeyList * pKeyList = _sKeyList.Acquire(); pKeyList->Remove(); delete pKeyList; } }
// Member: CResManager::KeyToId, public
// Synopsis: Maps from a key to an id.
// Arguments: [pkey] -- pointer to the key to be mapped to ULONG
// Returns: key id - a ULONG
// History: 03-Nov-93 w-Patg Created.
// 17-Feb-94 KyleP Initial version
ULONG CResManager::KeyToId( CKey const * pkey ) {
CKeyList * pKeyList = _AddRefKeyList();
ULONG kid = pKeyList->KeyToId( pkey );
return( kid ); #else
return widInvalid; #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
// Member: CResManager::IdToKey, public
// Synopsis: Maps from an id to a key.
// Arguments: [ulKid] -- key id to be mapped to a key
// [rkey] -- reference to the returned key
// Returns: void
// History: 03-Nov-93 w-Patg Created.
// 17-Feb-94 KyleP Initial version
void CResManager::IdToKey( ULONG ulKid, CKey & rkey ) {
CKeyList * pKeyList = _AddRefKeyList();
pKeyList->IdToKey( ulKid, rkey );
_ReleaseKeyList(); #else
rkey.FillMin(); #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
// Member: CResManager::ComputeRelevantWords, public
// Synopsis: Computes and returns relevant words for a set of wids
// Arguments: [cRows] -- # of rows to compute and in pwid array
// [cRW] -- # of rw per wid
// [pwid] -- array of wids to work over
// [partid] -- partition
// History: 10-May-94 v-dlee Created
CRWStore * CResManager::ComputeRelevantWords(ULONG cRows,ULONG cRW, WORKID *pwids, PARTITIONID partid) { CRWStore *prws = 0;
CPriLock lock( _mutex );
CPartition *pPart = LokGetPartition(partid);
if (pPart != 0) { CPersIndex *pIndex= pPart->GetCurrentMasterIndex();
if (pIndex != 0) { prws = pIndex->ComputeRelevantWords(cRows,cRW,pwids, _sKeyList.GetPointer() ); } } #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
return prws; } //ComputeRelevantWords
// Member: CRWStore::RetrieveRelevantWords, public
// Synopsis: Retrieves relevant words already computed
// Arguments: [fAcquire] -- TRUE if ownership is transferred.
// [partid] -- partition
// History: 10-May-94 v-dlee Created
CRWStore * CResManager::RetrieveRelevantWords(BOOL fAcquire, PARTITIONID partid) { CRWStore *prws = 0;
CPriLock lock( _mutex );
CPartition *pPart = LokGetPartition(partid);
if (pPart != 0) { prws = pPart->RetrieveRelevantWords(fAcquire); } #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
return prws; } //RetrieveRelevantWords
// Member: CResManager::CompactResources
// History: 05-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
void CResManager::CompactResources() { CPriLock lock( _mutex );
CPartIter iter; for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList)) { iter.LokGet()->LokCompact(); } }
// MERGES //
// Member: CResManager::DoMerges, private
// History: 08-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 25-Feb-92 BartoszM Rewrote to use thread
// 30-Jun-97 KrishnaN Calling docstore.FlushPropertyStore
// before a shadow merge.
// 03-Mar-98 KitmanH Don't merge if _storage is read-only
// Notes: Entry point for captive threads
void CResManager::DoMerges() { if ( _storage.IsReadOnly() ) return;
CCiFrmPerfCounter pPerIndexCounter( _adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_NUM_PERSISTENT_INDEXES ); CCiFrmPerfCounter pIndexSizeCounter( _adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_INDEX_SIZE ); CCiFrmPerfCounter pPendingCounter( _adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_FILES_TO_BE_FILTERED ); CCiFrmPerfCounter pNumKeysCounter( _adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_NUM_UNIQUE_KEY); CCiFrmPerfCounter pWordListCounter(_adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_NUM_WORDLIST); CCiFrmPerfCounter pDeferredFilesCounter( _adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_DEFERRED_FILTER_FILES );
XPtr<CIdleTime> xIdle( new CIdleTime() );
// Allow mount to complete before checking for merges. O/W we will
// start a merge before the mount/startup is complete and it might
// prevent a system from coming up.
const lowDiskPollTime = 1; // 1 minute
DWORD dwWaitTime = _isLowOnDiskSpace ? lowDiskPollTime : _frmwrkParams.GetMaxMergeInterval();
_eventMerge.Wait( dwWaitTime * 1000 * 60 );
BOOL fAnnealing = FALSE;
while ( !_fStopMerge ) { BOOL fCorrupt = FALSE;
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "\t|Merge Wakeup!\n" ));
// Book keeping chores.
BOOL fBackupCiData = FALSE; BOOL fBackupStarted = FALSE;
TRY { // ===============================================
CPriLock lock(_mutex);
if ( _isCorrupt ) { if ( !_state.FLokCorruptionNotified() ) LokNotifyCorruptionToClient(); } else { //
// Use low disk condition plus the current state to decide if
// updates should be enabled or not
_isLowOnDiskSpace = LokCheckIfDiskLow( *this, _storage, _isLowOnDiskSpace, _adviseStatus.GetReference() ); if ( _isLowOnDiskSpace ) { if ( _state.LokGetState() != eUpdatesToBeDisabled && _state.LokGetState() != eUpdatesDisabled ) { _state.LokSetState( eUpdatesToBeDisabled ); _state.LokSetUpdateType( eIncremental ); } } else { if ( _state.LokGetState() == eUpdatesDisabled ) _state.LokSetState( eUpdatesToBeEnabled ); }
if ( _state.LokGetState() == eUpdatesToBeDisabled ) LokNotifyDisableUpdatesToClient(); else if ( _state.LokGetState() == eUpdatesToBeEnabled ) LokNotifyEnableUpdatesToClient(); }
fBackupCiData = 0 != _pBackupWorkItem; // ===============================================
} CATCH( CException, e ) { // ignore and try again the next time through the loop.
TRY { if ( !_isCorrupt && _partidToMerge != partidInvalid ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Forced merge in %ld\n", _partidToMerge ));
switch ( _mtForceMerge ) { case CI_MASTER_MERGE: MasterMerge ( _partidToMerge ); break;
case CI_SHADOW_MERGE: Merge( mtShadow, _partidToMerge ); break;
case CI_ANNEALING_MERGE: Merge( mtAnnealing, _partidToMerge ); break;
case CI_ANY_MERGE: break; // Do nothing. Let normal mechanism work it out.
default: Win4Assert( !"Invalid ForceMerge type" ); } }
if ( !_isLowOnDiskSpace && !_isCorrupt ) { //
// Refile the documents from the secondary queue to the primary
// queue in pull filtering.
// ======================= lock ======================
if ( !_fPushFiltering ) { CLock lock(_mutex); LokRefileSecQueueDocs(); } // ======================= unlock ======================
if ( fBackupCiData ) { BOOL fIsMasterPresent = FALSE; BOOL fIsMMergeInProgress = FALSE;
{ CPriLock lock(_mutex); _pBackupWorkItem->LokSetDoingMerge(); fIsMasterPresent = LokIsMasterIndexPresent( partidDefault ); fIsMMergeInProgress = LokIsMasterMergeInProgress( partidDefault ); } //================================
if ( _pBackupWorkItem->IsFullSave() || fIsMMergeInProgress || !fIsMasterPresent ) { _pBackupWorkItem->SetDoingFullSave(); MasterMerge( partidDefault ); } else { Merge( mtIncrBackup, partidDefault ); }
fBackupStarted = TRUE; BackupContentIndexData(); } else { if ( fAnnealing ) { fAnnealing = FALSE;
CPartIdStack partitionIds; CheckAndDoMerge( mtAnnealing, partitionIds );
while ( partitionIds.Count() > 0 ) Merge( mtAnnealing, partitionIds.Pop() ); }
{ CPartIdStack partitionIds; CheckAndDoMerge( mtShadow, partitionIds );
while ( partitionIds.Count() > 0 ) { // Call FlushPropertyStore on DocStore to give it
// a chance to persist changes before a shadow merge.
_docStore->FlushPropertyStore(); Merge( mtShadow, partitionIds.Pop() ); } }
{ if ( CheckDeleteMerge( _partidToMerge != partidInvalid ) ) { // Call FlushPropertyStore on DocStore to give it
// a chance to persist changes before a shadow merge.
_docStore->FlushPropertyStore(); Merge( mtDeletes, 1 ); } }
BOOL fIsMasterPresent = FALSE; BOOL fIsMMergeInProgress = FALSE;
{ CPriLock lock(_mutex); fIsMasterPresent = LokIsMasterIndexPresent( partidDefault ); fIsMMergeInProgress = LokIsMasterMergeInProgress( partidDefault ); } //================================
{ CPartIdStack partitionIds; CheckAndDoMerge( mtMaster, partitionIds );
while ( partitionIds.Count() > 0 ) MasterMerge( partitionIds.Pop() ); } }
} } CATCH ( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ERROR, "ResMan::DoMerges -- merge failed with 0x%x\n", e.GetErrorCode() ));
if ( IsDiskFull(e.GetErrorCode()) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "***** DISK IS FULL *****\n" )); CPriLock lock(_mutex); _isLowOnDiskSpace = LokCheckIfDiskLow( *this, _storage, _isLowOnDiskSpace, _adviseStatus.GetReference() ); } else if ( IsCorrupt( e.GetErrorCode() ) ) { Win4Assert( "!Merge failed, but not for low disk. Why?" ); fCorrupt = TRUE; }
// We have to prevent a master merge from being restarted
// immediately. The reason for failure could be something like
// out of disk space (typical reason) or log full. In either
// case we will only be exacerbating the situation if we
// restart immediately.
// ==========================================================
{ CPriLock lock( _mutex );
Win4Assert( _partList.LokIndexCount() >= _partList.LokWlCount() ); pPerIndexCounter.Update(_partList.LokIndexCount()-_partList.LokWlCount()); pIndexSizeCounter.Update(_partList.LokIndexSize() / ((1024*1024)/CI_PAGE_SIZE) );
_partidToMerge = partidInvalid; if ( _fStopMerge ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Stopping Merge\n" )); break; }
if ( !_isCorrupt && ( _state.LokGetState() == eSteady ) && ( 0 != _pFilterAgent ) ) _pFilterAgent->LokWakeUp();
_eventMerge.Reset(); // sleep
if ( fBackupStarted || _isCorrupt ) { //
// Set that backup to be complete even if it failed. Once
// Backup starts, it either succeeds or fails but in either
// case the operation is considered done.
if ( 0 != _pBackupWorkItem ) { if ( _isCorrupt ) _pBackupWorkItem->LokSetStatus( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE );
_pBackupWorkItem->LokSetDone(); } } } // ==========================================================
BOOL fSteadyState = TRUE;
if ( fCorrupt ) { CPriLock lock(_mutex); _isCorrupt = TRUE; fSteadyState = _state.LokGetState() == eSteady; }
unsigned cSecQCount; unsigned cPending = CountPendingUpdates( cSecQCount );
// Wait for either the merge event to be signaled or the deadman timeout.
dwWaitTime = ( ( _isLowOnDiskSpace ) || ( !fSteadyState ) || ( 0 != cPending ) ) ? lowDiskPollTime : _frmwrkParams.GetMaxMergeInterval();
NTSTATUS Status = _eventMerge.Wait( dwWaitTime * 60 * 1000 );
if ( !_isCorrupt ) { unsigned PercentIdle = xIdle->PercentIdle();
// Are we idle enough to consider an annealing merge?
if ( STATUS_TIMEOUT == Status && PercentIdle >= _frmwrkParams.GetMinMergeIdleTime() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Idle time for period: %u percent\n", PercentIdle )); fAnnealing = TRUE; } }
if ( _fStopMerge ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Stopping Merge\n" )); break; }
cPending = CountPendingUpdates( cSecQCount );
pPendingCounter.Update(cPending); pDeferredFilesCounter.Update(cSecQCount);
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "%d updates pending\n", cPending )); }
// ===========================================
{ CPriLock lock2(_mutex); if ( _pBackupWorkItem ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Forcing the backup to be done\n" )); _pBackupWorkItem->LokSetDone(); } } // ===========================================
// Member: CResManager::StopMerges, private
// Synopsis: Aborts merge-in-progress (if any) and sets merge flag.
// History: 13-Aug-93 KyleP Created
void CResManager::StopMerges() { { CPriLock lock( _mutex );
_fStopMerge = TRUE; _eventMerge.Set(); // wake up
// If we're doing a merge right now then kill it off.
if ( 0 != _pMerge ) { _pMerge->LokAbort(); } }
// Wait for merge thread to die.
_thrMerge.WaitForDeath(); }
// Member: CResManager::CheckAndDoMerge, private
// History: 08-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: Called by captive thread.
void CResManager::CheckAndDoMerge( MergeType mt, CPartIdStack & partitionIds) { if ( !IsBatteryLow() ) { CPriLock lock( _mutex ); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "check merge\n" )); CPartIter iter;
for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList)) { CPartition* pPart = iter.LokGet();
if ( mt == mtMaster ) { __int64 shadowIndexSize = pPart->LokIndexSize(); CPersIndex * pMasterIndex = pPart->GetCurrentMasterIndex(); if ( pMasterIndex ) shadowIndexSize -= pMasterIndex->Size(); shadowIndexSize *= CI_PAGE_SIZE; CMasterMergePolicy mergePolicy( _storage, shadowIndexSize, LokGetFreshCount(), _mergeTime, _frmwrkParams, _adviseStatus.GetReference() );
if ( mergePolicy.IsTimeToMasterMerge() || ( mergePolicy.IsMidNightMergeTime() && !IsOnBatteryPower() ) ) partitionIds.Push( pPart->GetId() ); } else { if ( pPart->LokCheckMerge(mt) || ( IsMemoryLow() && pPart->LokCheckLowMemoryMerge() ) ) { #if CIDBG == 1
if ( !pPart->LokCheckMerge(mt) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Merge due to low memory. %u wordlists, %u shadow.\n", pPart->WordListCount(), pPart->LokIndexCount() )); } #endif
partitionIds.Push( pPart->GetId() ); } } } } }
// Member: CResManager::CheckDeleteMerge, private
// Synopsis: Merge check for delete merge
// Arguments: [fForce] -- If TRUE, even 1 pending delete will force merge.
// Returns: TRUE if merge should be performed.
// History: 12-Jun-97 KyleP Created
// Notes: Called by captive thread.
BOOL CResManager::CheckDeleteMerge( BOOL fForce ) { CPriLock lock( _mutex ); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "check delete merge\n" ));
// A 'delete merge' occurs when enough documents have been deleted, and no
// documents have been added or modified (which would cause a shadow merge).
return ( ( _fresh.LokDeleteCount() > _frmwrkParams.GetMaxFreshDeletes() ) || ( fForce && _fresh.LokDeleteCount() > 0 ) ); }
// Member: CResManager::Merge, private
// Synopsis: Perform a merge in partition
// Arguments: [partid] -- partition id
// [mt] -- Merge type
// Signals: CExcetpion
// History: 08-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Rewrote using CMerge
void CResManager::Merge( MergeType mt, PARTITIONID partid ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "%s", (mtDeletes == mt) ? "Delete merging: Have a quick stretch" : "Shadow merging: Get a cup of coffee\n" ));
CMerge Merge( *this, partid, mt );
// Perform resource acquisition under storage transaction. If
// aborted all persistent storage will be deleted by the storage
// transaction.
{ CPriLock lock ( _mutex );
Win4Assert( _pMerge == 0 );
if (_fStopMerge) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Stopping Merge\n" )); return; }
Merge.LokGrabResources(); // may throw an exception
// Optimization: Don't merge zero indexes.
if ( 0 != Merge.LokCountOld() ) { _pMerge = &Merge; } else if ( mtDeletes != mt ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Shadow merge of zero indexes. Cancelled.\n" )); return; }
XPtr<CNotificationTransaction> xNotifyTrans;
// Perform the merge under simple transaction
// No lock held.
{ TRY { //
// Perform merge, if necessary.
if ( 0 != Merge.LokCountOld() ) { CCiFrmPerfCounter counter( _adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_MERGE_PROGRESS ); Merge.Do( counter );
// NotifTrans should be outside resman lock and the resman lock
// is acquired in notifTran's destructor
xNotifyTrans.Set( new CNotificationTransaction( this, _xIndexNotifTable.GetPointer() ) ); } CATCH ( CException, e ) { CPriLock lock ( _mutex ); Merge.LokRollBack(); _pMerge = 0;
// Really bad errors indicate the index is corrupt.
SCODE scE = e.GetErrorCode();
if ( STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO == scE || STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION == scE || STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR == scE ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Corrupt index, caught 0x%x\n", scE )); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"ShadowMerge" ); THROW( CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
// nb: no failures allowed until CMergeTrans is constructed!
CDiskIndex* pIndexNew = 0; { //=================== begin notification transaction =========================
{ CLock lock( _mutex ); XPtr<CFreshTest> xFreshTestAtMerge;
{ _pMerge = 0;
CMergeTrans Xact( *this, _storage, Merge );
unsigned cIndOld = Merge.LokCountOld(); INDEXID* aIidOld = Merge.LokGetIidList(); pIndexNew = Merge.LokGetNewIndex();
// Write the new fresh test persistently to disk.
CPersFresh newFreshLog( _storage, _partList ); CShadowMergeSwapInfo swapInfo;
swapInfo._widNewFreshLog = _fresh.LokUpdate( Merge, Xact, newFreshLog, pIndexNew ? pIndexNew->GetId() : iidInvalid, cIndOld, aIidOld, xFreshTestAtMerge );
swapInfo._widOldFreshLog = _storage.GetSpecialItObjectId( itFreshLog ); swapInfo._cIndexOld = cIndOld; swapInfo._aIidOld = aIidOld;
_partList.LokSwapIndexes( Xact, partid, pIndexNew, swapInfo );
// No failures allowed after this point on until the transaction
// is committed.
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "done merging\n" ));
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( pIndexNew ) pIndexNew->Reference(); #endif
CPartition *pPartition =_partList.LokGetPartition ( partid );
// Delete the wids in the change log that have made it to
// the new shadow index created in this merge. The algorithm
// needs the latest fresh test, fresh test snapshoted at the
// start of shadow merge and the doc list. If the latest fresh
// test is the same as the fresh test at merge, then as an
// optimization, the fresh test at merge is null. So, in the
// optimized case, we use the latest fresh test as the fresh
// test at merge.
CFreshTest *pFreshTestLatest = _fresh.LokGetFreshTest(); CFreshTestLock freshTestLock( pFreshTestLatest );
CFreshTest *pFreshTestAtMerge; if ( xFreshTestAtMerge.IsNull() ) pFreshTestAtMerge = pFreshTestLatest; else pFreshTestAtMerge = xFreshTestAtMerge.GetPointer();
CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPartition ); pPartition->LokDeleteWIDsInPersistentIndexes( xact, *pFreshTestLatest, *pFreshTestAtMerge, _docList, xNotifyTrans.GetReference() ); xact.Commit(); }
xNotifyTrans.Free(); } //=================== end notification transaction =========================
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( pIndexNew ) { pIndexNew->VerifyContents();
{ CPriLock lock ( _mutex ); LokReleaseIndex( pIndexNew ); } } #endif
_storage.CheckPoint(); } //Merge
// Member: CResManager::LogMMergeStartFailure
// Synopsis: Writes an eventlog message to indicate a MasterMerge could
// not be started.
// Arguments: [fRestart] - Indicates if this is a restarted master merge.
// [storage] - Storage reference
// [error] - Error code.
// [adviseStatus] - reference to ICiCAdviseStatus
// History: 5-27-96 srikants Created
// Jan-07-96 mohamedn CDmFwEventItem
void CResManager::LogMMergeStartFailure( BOOL fRestart, PStorage & storage, ULONG error, ICiCAdviseStatus & adviseStatus) {
CDmFwEventItem Item( EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE, dwMsgCode, 2, sizeof(error), (void *)&error ); Item.AddArg( storage.GetVolumeName() ); Item.AddArg( error );
Item.ReportEvent( adviseStatus );
} CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%X in LogMMergeStartFailure\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH }
// Member: CResManager::LogMMergePaused
// Synopsis: Writes an eventlog message that master merge was paused.
// Arguments: [storage] - Storage
// [error] - Error which caused the merge to be paused.
// [adviseStatus] - Advise status to use for notifying about the
// event.
// History: 1-24-97 srikants Added header
void CResManager::LogMMergePaused( PStorage & storage, ULONG error, ICiCAdviseStatus &adviseStatus) {
if ( IsCorrupt( error ) ) { // don't log "paused" when there is corruption
return; }
CDmFwEventItem Item( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, MSG_CI_MASTER_MERGE_ABORTED, 2, sizeof(error), (void *)&error ); Item.AddArg( storage.GetVolumeName() ); Item.AddArg( error );
Item.ReportEvent( adviseStatus );
} CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%X in LogMMergePaused\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH }
// Member: CResManager::MasterMerge, private
// Synopsis: Perform a MasterMerge in partition
// Arguments: [partid] -- partition id
// Signals: CException
// History: 08-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Rewrote using CMerge
// 17-Feb-94 KyleP Added keylist merge
// Jan-07-96 mohamedn CDmFwEventItem
void CResManager::MasterMerge ( PARTITIONID partid ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "\n===MASTER MERGE===\n" ));
// Force a shadow merge if we are not restarting a master merge. This
// will force all word lists into persistent indexes.
BOOL fMasterMergePaused = FALSE;
// Before starting the master merge, we have to swap the deleted index
// iid. However, if there is a failure before we commit the beginning
// of the master merge, we have to roll back this change. The
// CDeletedIIDTrans object does this.
CDeletedIIDTrans delIIDTrans( *this ); INDEXID iidDelPreMerge = iidInvalid;
{ CPriLock lock ( _mutex ); CPartition *pPartition = _partList.LokGetPartition ( partid ); fMasterMergePaused = pPartition->InMasterMerge(); if ( !fMasterMergePaused ) { if ( 0 == LokGetFreshCount() ) { //
// There is no benefit in doing a master merge. Just return
return; }
iidDelPreMerge = _activeDeletedIndex.GetIndex(); delIIDTrans.LokLogNewDeletedIid( iidDelPreMerge, _activeDeletedIndex.GetNewIndex() ); _activeDeletedIndex.SwapIndex(); } }
if ( !fMasterMergePaused ) { //
// First do a delete merge to finish merging all outstanding
// word-lists into a persistent index.
// A delete merge will force an optimized null merge if there are
// outstanding deletes in the fresh test which need to be logged.
// This is an important case for Push filtering. Since it doesn't
// hurt in the other model, just keep the code identical.
Merge( mtDeletes, partid ); } else { //
// This is a restarted master merge. The _activeDeletedIndex contains
// the "Post" master merge deleted index. The "New" one will be same
// as the "Prev" one.
iidDelPreMerge = _activeDeletedIndex.GetNewIndex();
Item.AddArg( _storage.GetVolumeName() ); Item.ReportEvent( _adviseStatus.GetReference() );
CMasterMerge Merge( *this, partid );
TRY { CPriLock lock ( _mutex );
Win4Assert( _pMerge == 0 );
if ( _fStopMerge ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Stopping Merge\n" )); return; }
CPartition *pPartition =_partList.LokGetPartition ( partid );
if ( !pPartition->InMasterMerge() ) { Win4Assert( delIIDTrans.IsTransLogged() ); Merge.LokGrabResources( delIIDTrans ); // may throw an exception
if ( 0 == Merge.LokCountOld() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Master merge of 0 indexes cancelled\n")); return; } } else { Merge.LokLoadRestartResources(); }
// The deletionIIDTrans must be either committed or not logged at
// all.
Win4Assert( !delIIDTrans.IsRollBackTrans() );
_pMerge = &Merge;
} CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%X while starting a MasterMerge\n", e.GetErrorCode() ));
LogMMergeStartFailure( fMasterMergePaused, _storage, e.GetErrorCode(), _adviseStatus.GetReference() );
// Perform the merge under simple transaction
// No lock held.
{ TRY { // Perform merge
CCiFrmPerfCounter counter( _adviseStatus.GetPointer(), CI_PERF_MERGE_PROGRESS ); Merge.Do( counter ); } CATCH ( CException, e ) { CPriLock lock ( _mutex ); Merge.LokRollBack(); _pMerge = 0;
LogMMergePaused( _storage, e.GetErrorCode(), _adviseStatus.GetReference() ); RETHROW(); } END_CATCH }
CMasterMergeIndex* pMMergeIndex = 0; { CPriLock lock ( _mutex ); { _pMerge = 0;
unsigned cIndOld = Merge.LokCountOld(); INDEXID* aIidOld = Merge.LokGetIidList(); pMMergeIndex = Merge.LokGetMasterMergeIndex();
CMergeTrans MergeTrans( *this, _storage, Merge );
CMasterMergeTrans xact( *this, _storage, MergeTrans, pMMergeIndex, Merge );
CPartition *pPart = LokGetPartition(partid);
pPart->SetRelevantWords(pMMergeIndex->AcquireRelevantWords()); #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
// Remove old indexes from fresh list after master merge
CPersFresh newFreshLog( _storage, _partList );
CMasterMergeSwapInfo SwapInfo;
SwapInfo._widNewFreshLog = _fresh.LokRemoveIndexes ( MergeTrans, newFreshLog, cIndOld, aIidOld, iidDelPreMerge );
SwapInfo._widOldFreshLog = _storage.GetSpecialItObjectId( itFreshLog );
SwapInfo._cIndexOld = cIndOld; SwapInfo._aIidOld = aIidOld; SwapInfo._partid = partid;
CKeyList const * pOldKeyList = _sKeyList.GetPointer(); CKeyList const * pNewKeyList = Merge.LokGetNewKeyList();
_partList.LokSwapIndexes( MergeTrans, partid, pMMergeIndex, SwapInfo, pOldKeyList, pNewKeyList ); //
// After this point, we must not resume the master merge even
// if there is a soft failure.
// Get rid of the current KeyList and replace it with the
// new KeyList
_storage.SetSpecialItObjectId( itMMKeyList, widInvalid ); CKeyList * pKeyList = _sKeyList.Acquire(); Win4Assert( 0 != pKeyList ); _sKeyList.Set( Merge.LokGetNewKeyList() ); Merge.LokReleaseNewKeyList(); pKeyList->Zombify();
if ( !pKeyList->InUse() ) { pKeyList->Remove(); delete pKeyList; }
CKeyList * pKeyList = _sKeyList.Acquire(); Win4Assert( 0 != pKeyList ); _sKeyList.Set( Merge.LokGetNewKeyList() ); Merge.LokReleaseNewKeyList(); delete pKeyList; #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
#if CIDBG == 1
pMMergeIndex->Reference(); #endif
xact.LokCommit(); //==========================================
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "done merging\n" )); }
// There is no need to compact the change log here because the
// participants in the master merge are persistent indexes and
// there will be no wids to be deleted from the change log when
// persistent indexes are merged into another persistent index.
#if CIDBG == 1
pMMergeIndex->VerifyContents(); { CPriLock lock ( _mutex ); LokReleaseIndex( pMMergeIndex ); } #endif
CDmFwEventItem Item( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, MSG_CI_MASTER_MERGE_COMPLETED, 1 ); Item.AddArg( _storage.GetVolumeName() ); Item.ReportEvent( _adviseStatus.GetReference() ); }
// Class: CReleaseMMergeIndex
// Purpose: Class to acquire the ownernship of the target and current
// master indexes during the destruction of a mastermerge index
// and release the target and current indexes.
// History: 9-29-94 srikants Created
class CReleaseMMergeIndex {
CReleaseMMergeIndex( CResManager & resman, CMasterMergeIndex * mmIndex );
CResManager & _resman; CMasterMergeIndex * _pmmIndex; CPersIndex * _pTargetMaster; CPersIndex * _pCurrentMaster; };
CReleaseMMergeIndex::CReleaseMMergeIndex( CResManager & resman, CMasterMergeIndex * mmIndex ) : _resman(resman), _pmmIndex(mmIndex), _pTargetMaster(0), _pCurrentMaster(0) { Win4Assert( _pmmIndex ); Win4Assert( _pmmIndex->IsZombie() && !_pmmIndex->InUse() ); _pmmIndex->AcquireCurrentAndTarget( &_pCurrentMaster, &_pTargetMaster ); Win4Assert( 0 == _pCurrentMaster || _pCurrentMaster->IsZombie() );
if ( 0 != _pCurrentMaster ) { _pCurrentMaster->Reference(); }
Win4Assert( 0 != _pTargetMaster ); _pTargetMaster->Reference();
CReleaseMMergeIndex::~CReleaseMMergeIndex() { delete _pmmIndex;
if ( 0 != _pCurrentMaster ) _resman.LokReleaseIndex( _pCurrentMaster );
_resman.LokReleaseIndex( _pTargetMaster ); }
// Member: CResManager::LokReleaseIndex, private
// Synopsis: Decrements ref counts, deletes if index
// marked to be deleted.
// Arguments: [pIndex] -- index to be released
// History: 08-Oct-91 BartoszM Created
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CResManager::LokReleaseIndex ( CIndex* pIndex ) { pIndex->Release();
if ( pIndex->IsZombie() && !pIndex->InUse() ) { CIndexId iid = pIndex->GetId();
// If it is not a master index, it has to be removed from the
// Partition object. A master index would have been already removed
// when merge completed.
// If we are in the Empty path, then we want to force all indexes
// to be deleted if their ref-count is 0.
if ( !pIndex->IsMaster() || _isBeingEmptied ) { if ( !_isDismounted ) { TRY { _partList.LokRemoveIndex ( iid ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Index 0x%08x could not be deleted from index table\n", iid )); } END_CATCH
TRY { // Must impersonate as system since query threads
// impersonating as a query user can't delete the
// files sometimes deleted when an index is released
// after a merge. Impersonation can fail, which will
// leak the file on disk.
CImpersonateSystem impersonate;
if ( iid.IsPersistent() ) pIndex->Remove(); } CATCH( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Index 0x%08x could not be deleted from disk, %#x\n", iid, e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH } else { //
// Zombie indexes are cleaned up after reboot.
// After a dismount, we should not have any dirty streams
// and releasing a persistent zombie index will update the
// index table on disk. That is not allowed. This situation
// happens only when queries have not been released and
// shutdown is happening.
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Index with iid 0x%X being released AFTER CI dismount\n", iid )); }
delete pIndex; } else { //
// This must be a master merge index as no other master index
// can be a zombie.
Win4Assert( pIndex->IsMasterMergeIndex() ); CReleaseMMergeIndex mmIndexRel( *this, (CMasterMergeIndex *)pIndex ); } } }
// Function: LokReplaceMasterIndex
// Synopsis: Replaces the CMasterMergeIndex with the CPersIndex incarnation
// of the target master index in the index list. Also prepares
// the CMasterMergeIndex for removal from the in-memory index
// list by zombifying it.
// Arguments: [pMMergeIndex] -- The target index in the CMasterMergeIndex
// form.
// [pNewMaster] -- The CPersIndex form of the target index.
// History: 6-30-94 srikants Created
void CResManager::LokReplaceMasterIndex ( CMasterMergeIndex* pMMergeIndex ) { Win4Assert( pMMergeIndex->IsMaster() && pMMergeIndex->IsZombie() );
CPersIndex * pNewMaster = pMMergeIndex->GetTargetMaster(); Win4Assert( pNewMaster->IsMaster() && !pNewMaster->IsZombie() );
// Delete the master merge index from the partition.
CIndexId iid = pMMergeIndex->GetId(); CPartition * pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition( iid.PartId() ); pPart->LokRemoveIndex ( iid );
// Check if there is a query in progress. If not, we can
// go ahead and delete it. If a query is in progress, the
// indexsnapshot of the query will delete it.
if ( !pMMergeIndex->InUse() ) { Win4Assert( !pNewMaster->InUse() ); pMMergeIndex->ReleaseTargetAndCurrent(); delete pMMergeIndex; }
// Add the new master index to the partition object. This will
// now be the only master accessible to new queries.
pPart->AddIndex( pNewMaster );
// Function: RollBackDeletedIIDChange
// Synopsis: Rolls back the changed made to the deleted iid during the
// beginning of a master merge.
// Arguments: [xact] - The transaction object which is rolling back the
// change to the deleted iid.
// History: 7-17-95 srikants Created
// Notes: Consider the following sequence of events:
// 1. Pre-MasterMerge preparations : Change Deleleted IID to iidDeleted2 from
// iidDeleted1.
// 2. Start a shadow merge.
// 3. Commit the beginning of a new MasterMerge
// 4. Complete the master merge .....
// If there is a failure between steps 2 and 3, we just revert the deleted
// IID back to iidDeleted2. Even if some entries were created in the fresh
// list between steps 2 & 3 of the form, WID->iidDeleted2, it is okay. They
// will get deleted from the fresh list on the second MasterMerge.
void CResManager::RollBackDeletedIIDChange( CDeletedIIDTrans & xact ) { CPriLock lock(_mutex);
Win4Assert( _activeDeletedIndex.GetIndex() == xact.GetNewDelIID() ); Win4Assert( _activeDeletedIndex.GetNewIndex() == xact.GetOldDelIID() );
_activeDeletedIndex.SwapIndex(); }
// Function: LokGetFilterDocs
// Synopsis: Gets documents from the change log for filtering. _docList
// will be filled with the documents.
// Arguments: [cMaxDocs] -- [in] Maximum number of docs to retrieve
// [cDocs] -- [out] Number of documents retrieved
// [state] -- [in/out] State of the document retrieval
// progress.
// Returns: Number of documents in the docBuffer.
// History: 6-16-94 srikants Separated for making kernel mode call
// Asynchronous.
// Notes: This function has two goals:
// 1. Select documents from different partitions in a round
// robin fashion.
BOOL CResManager::LokGetFilterDocs ( ULONG cMaxDocs, ULONG & cDocs, CGetFilterDocsState & state ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "# CResManager::LokGetFilterDocs.\n" )); Win4Assert( state.GetTriesLeft() > 0 && state.GetTriesLeft() <=2 );
cDocs = 0; Win4Assert ( !_isBeingEmptied );
unsigned maxDocs = min( cMaxDocs, CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST);
if ( _partIter.LokAtEnd() ) return FALSE; // There are no valid partitions
// we are sure that the partition is valid
CPartition* pPart = _partIter.LokGet(); Win4Assert ( pPart != 0 );
// Don't bother looking for more documents to filter if there
// are too many wordlists in memory -- wait until they are
// merged.
if ( pPart->WordListCount() < _frmwrkParams.GetMaxWordlists() ) { CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPart ); pPart->LokQueryPendingUpdates ( xact, maxDocs, _docList ); xact.LokCommit(); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Too many wordlists. Waking merge\n" )); _eventMerge.Set(); }
_docList.SetPartId ( pPart->GetId() ); //==================================
// If there is a failure after this point, we have to re-add
// the documents to the change log.
cDocs = _docList.Count();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cDocs; i++) { if (_docList.Status(i) != DELETED && _docList.Status(i) != WL_NULL) break; }
BOOL fRetry = FALSE;
if ( i == cDocs && i != 0 ) { CIndexTrans xact( *this ); _fresh.LokDeleteDocuments ( xact, _docList, _activeDeletedIndex.GetIndex() ); xact.LokCommit(); cDocs = 0; _docList.LokClear(); state.Reset();
// If we are doing a bunch of deletions in a "delnode" case,
// we should see if the number of changed documents has exceeded
// the max fresh test count and wake up the merge thread. Note
// that we are not starting a merge here - the merge thread will
// deal with the policy issues.
if ( LokGetFreshCount() > _frmwrkParams.GetMaxFreshCount() || CheckDeleteMerge( FALSE ) ) { _eventMerge.Set(); }
LokUpdateCounters(); }
_partIter.LokAdvance( _partList ); if ( _partIter.LokAtEnd() ) { _partIter.LokInit( _partList ); state.DecrementTries(); fRetry = (0 == cDocs) && (state.GetTriesLeft() > 0); } else { fRetry = ( 0 != cDocs ); }
Win4Assert( cDocs == _docList.Count() );
return fRetry; }
// Member: CResManager::FillDocBuffer, public
// Synopsis: Fills buffer with strings for paths and properties of docs
// to be filtered
// Arguments: [docBuffer] -- (in, out) buffer to be filled with document
// names.
// [cb] -- (in, out) count of bytes in docBuffer
// [cDocs] -- (out) count of # documents to filter
// [state] -- [in/out] State of the document retrieval
// progress.
// History: 08-Apr-1991 BartoszM Created
// 24-Nov-1992 KyleP Retry pending documents
// 22-Mar-1993 AmyA Split into several functions
// 22-Jan-1997 SrikantS Changed doc. names to bytes for frame
// work.
// 18-May-2000 KitmanH Changed to push retried docs to filter
// one by one
void CResManager::FillDocBuffer( BYTE * docBuffer, ULONG & cb, ULONG & cDocs, CGetFilterDocsState & state ) { Win4Assert( docBuffer != 0 );
// =========================================
{ CPriLock lock(_mutex); _docList.LokSortOnWid(); } // ==========================================
unsigned cDocuments = _docList.Count();
// Format of the data
// 4 Bytes remaining files count, 2 Bytes number of files. Following
// that is (2 Bytes of Name Length in bytes, Name)*
if ( _fPushFiltering ) { //
// We can't take an exception while growing the aborted wids
// array while doing exception processing in the filter manager.
// So, pre-allocate the array now to insure we won't run out of
// room later. Now is a good time to die; later isn't.
CPriLock lock( _mutex );
_aAbortedWids.LokReserve( cDocuments );
// In push filtering there are no refiles, and hence the buffer
// cannot overflow. Check that the buffer can fit 16 documents.
// A document name is the serialized form of the wid, i.e. it's
// 4 bytes long. The buffer size is 4K.
Win4Assert( cb > 4 + 2 + 16 * (2 + 4) ); }
const cbLenField = sizeof(ULONG);
Win4Assert( cb >= cbLenField ); Win4Assert( sizeof(ULONG) == 4 );
if ( cb < cbLenField ) THROW( CException( STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ) );
// Fill the number of documents left in the changelog in the first
// 4 bytes of the buffer.
// =========================================================
{ CPriLock lock( _mutex ); ULONG partid = 1; CPartition * pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition( partid ); ULONG cDocsLeft = pPart->LokCountUpdates(); RtlCopyMemory( docBuffer, &cDocsLeft, sizeof(ULONG) ); } // =========================================================
RtlZeroMemory( docBuffer + cbLenField, sizeof USHORT );
const cbUSHORT = sizeof USHORT;
BYTE * pCount = docBuffer + cbLenField; *pCount = 0;
BYTE * pBuf = pCount + cbUSHORT; BYTE * pEnd = docBuffer + cb;
cDocs = 0;
// copy path/property pairs into buffer until we run out of either
// buffer space or pairs. We stop filling the buffer if we encounter a
// document that has a retry count > 1, we will fill the docBuffer with
// these docs one at a time
ciDebugOut((DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_ITRACE, "CResManager::FillDocBuffer..."));
unsigned cbExtraSpaceNeeded = 0;
for (unsigned cSrcDocs = 0; cSrcDocs < cDocuments; cSrcDocs++) { //
// Leave the first 2 bytes for the length field
unsigned cbPath = (unsigned)(pEnd - pBuf);
if ( cbPath <= cbUSHORT ) { // We would definitely need more space than a USHORT, but
// we don't know how much right now. But since the filter
// increases space by a PAGE, I guess we should do fine.
cbExtraSpaceNeeded = cbUSHORT - cbPath + 1; break; }
if (_docList.Status(cSrcDocs) == DELETED) { cbPath = 0; ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, " %dX", _docList.Wid(cSrcDocs) )); } else { if ( _docList.Retries(cSrcDocs) > 1 ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "************FillDocBuffer: Retry count is %d. Wid is %d\n", _docList.Retries(cSrcDocs), _docList.Wid(cSrcDocs) )); ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "cDocs is %d\n", cDocs ));
if ( cDocs > 0 ) { //
// There is at least one document in the docBuffer. Stop
// now so we can file the doc(s) being retried one by one.
break; } else { //
// Add the currenct doc. Stop if the current add is successful
// Make room for the length field at the beginning.
cbPath -= cbUSHORT;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, " %d", _docList.Wid(cSrcDocs) ));
unsigned cbPathIn = cbPath;
// If this is not the first try, then attempt to get a more
// accurate path. We may be suffering from NTBUG: 270566
// changes cbPath.
if ( !WorkidToDocName( _docList.Wid(cSrcDocs), pBuf+cbUSHORT, cbPath, TRUE ) ) { if ( cbPathIn < cbPath) { cbExtraSpaceNeeded = cbPath - cbPathIn; } break; }
// cbPath = 0 if object has been deleted (not added to docBuffer)
if ( cbPath == 0 ) { _docList.SetStatus( cSrcDocs, DELETED ); ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "X" )); } else { ClearNonStoragePropertiesForWid( _docList.Wid(cSrcDocs) ); cSrcDocs++; cDocs++; USHORT uscb = (USHORT) cbPath; RtlCopyMemory( pBuf, &uscb, cbUSHORT ); pBuf += (cbPath+cbUSHORT); break; } } } else // not retries
{ ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "FillDocBuffer: Not retry for wid %d\n", _docList.Wid(cSrcDocs) ));
// Make room for the length field at the beginning.
cbPath -= cbUSHORT;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, " %d", _docList.Wid(cSrcDocs) ));
unsigned cbPathIn = cbPath;
// changes cbPath.
if ( !WorkidToDocName( _docList.Wid(cSrcDocs), pBuf+cbUSHORT, cbPath, FALSE ) ) { if ( cbPathIn < cbPath) { cbExtraSpaceNeeded = cbPath - cbPathIn; } break; }
// cbPath = 0 if object has been deleted
if ( cbPath == 0 ) { _docList.SetStatus( cSrcDocs, DELETED ); ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "X" )); } else { cDocs++; ClearNonStoragePropertiesForWid( _docList.Wid(cSrcDocs) ); } } }
USHORT uscb = (USHORT) cbPath; RtlCopyMemory( pBuf, &uscb, cbUSHORT );
pBuf += (cbPath+cbUSHORT); } ciDebugOut (( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" ));
// Fill in the count of the number of documents.
USHORT usFileCount = (USHORT) cSrcDocs; RtlCopyMemory( pCount, &usFileCount, cbUSHORT );
if ( cSrcDocs < cDocuments ) { if ( 0 == cSrcDocs && cbExtraSpaceNeeded > 0 ) { // We need a larger buffer
cb += cbExtraSpaceNeeded; }
// No refiling in push filtering
Win4Assert( !_fPushFiltering );
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Putting back documents\n" )); CDocList docListExtra;
docListExtra.SetPartId( _docList.PartId() );
for ( unsigned i = 0, j = cSrcDocs; j < cDocuments; i++, j++ ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, " %d", _docList.Wid(j) )); ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "Refiling Wid %d\n", _docList.Wid(j) )); docListExtra.Set( i, _docList.Wid(j), _docList.Usn(j), _docList.VolumeId(j) ); }
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\n" ));
CPriLock lock2(_mutex);
docListExtra.LokSetCount(i); _docList.LokSetCount( cSrcDocs );
ReFileCommit ( docListExtra ); }
// If we were unable to convert any of the wids to paths, then all of
// them have been deleted.
if ( 0 == cDocs ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "All docs were deleted\n" ));
CPriLock lock3(_mutex);
_docList.LokClear(); state.Reset(); } else { cb = (ULONG)(pBuf - docBuffer); } }
// Function: NoFailReFile
// Synopsis: re-adds the documents to the change log witout committing
// History: 6-16-94 srikants Separated from FilterReady for making
// kernel mode call Asynchronous.
BOOL CResManager::NoFailReFile ( CDocList& docList ) { //
// No refiling in push filtering
Win4Assert( !_fPushFiltering );
CPriLock lock ( _mutex );
if ( _isBeingEmptied ) return FALSE;
LokNoFailReFileChanges( docList ); docList.LokClear();
return TRUE; }
// Function: ReFileCommit
// Synopsis: re-adds the documents to the change log and commits
// them to the change list.
// History: 6-16-94 srikants Separated from FilterReady for making
// kernel mode call Asynchronous.
BOOL CResManager::ReFileCommit ( CDocList& docList ) { //
// No refiling in push filtering
Win4Assert( !_fPushFiltering );
CPriLock lock ( _mutex );
if ( _isBeingEmptied ) return FALSE;
LokNoFailReFileChanges( docList ); docList.LokClear();
// The docqueue can handle only one set of refiled documents.
// we MUST complete processing of the
// refiled documents.
CPartition * pPart = LokGetPartition( partId );
{ // =========================================
CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPart ); pPart->LokAppendRefiledDocs( xact ); xact.LokCommit(); // =========================================
} return TRUE; }
// Function: LokNoFailReFileChanges
// Synopsis: Refiles the updates with the change log.
// Arguments: [docList] -- contains the documents to be added back to the
// change log.
// History: 5-16-94 srikants Modified to deal with failures during
// append of docs to change log.
// Notes: This CANNOT throw
void CResManager::LokNoFailReFileChanges( CDocList& docList ) { //
// No refiling in push filtering
Win4Assert( !_fPushFiltering );
Win4Assert ( docList.PartId() == 1 );
CPartition* pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition ( docList.PartId() );
pPart->LokRefileDocs( docList ); _pFilterAgent->LokWakeUp (); }
// Member: CResManager::LokReFileDocument, public
// Returns: Put a document back on the quueue to be refiltered
// History: 05-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
void CResManager::LokReFileDocument ( PARTITIONID partid, WORKID wid, USN usn, VOLUMEID volumeId, ULONG retries, ULONG secQRetries ) { //
// No refiling in push filtering
Win4Assert( !_fPushFiltering );
CPartition* pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition(partid);
CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPart );
// A usn of 0 is used for all refiled documents
pPart->LokUpdateDocument (xact, wid, 0, volumeId, CI_UPDATE_OBJ, retries, secQRetries); xact.LokCommit(); //==========================================
// Member: CResManager::LokAddToSecQueue
// Synopsis: Adds the given document to the secondary change log of the
// partition.
// Arguments: [partid] - PartitionId
// [wid] - WorkId of the document
// [volumeId] - Volume id
// [cSecQRetries] - Sec Q Retry Count
// History: 5-09-96 srikants Created
void CResManager::LokAddToSecQueue( PARTITIONID partid, WORKID wid, VOLUMEID volumeId, ULONG cSecQRetries ) { //
// No refiling in push filtering
Win4Assert( !_fPushFiltering );
CPartition* pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition(partid);
CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPart ); pPart->LokAddToSecQueue (xact, wid, volumeId, cSecQRetries); xact.LokCommit(); //==========================================
// Member: CResManager::LokRefileSecQueueDocs
// Synopsis: Transfers the documents from the secondary queue to the primary
// change queue.
// History: 5-09-96 srikants Created
void CResManager::LokRefileSecQueueDocs() { //
// No refiling in push filtering
Win4Assert( !_fPushFiltering );
CPartIter iter; for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList)) { CPartition * pPart = iter.LokGet();
CChangeTrans xact( *this, pPart ); pPart->LokRefileSecQueue( xact ); xact.LokCommit(); //==========================================
} }
// Member: CResManager::LokTransferWordlist, public
// Returns: Transfer a wordlist from the filter manager
// to the content index
// History: 05-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
BOOL CResManager::LokTransferWordlist ( PWordList& pWordList ) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; PARTITIONID partid = _docList.PartId(); CPartition* pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition(partid); INDEXID iid = pWordList->GetId();
TRY { //==========================================
CIndexTrans xact( *this );
// LokDone can fail while trying to add unfinished docs to the
// change log. In that case we must disable further USN updates.
// We should commit the change transaction immediately after the
// LokDone succeeds.
CChangeTrans changeXact( *this, pPart ); pPart->LokDone ( changeXact, iid, _docList ); ciFAILTEST( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ); changeXact.LokCommit();
_fresh.LokAddIndex ( xact, iid, _activeDeletedIndex.GetIndex(), _docList, *pWordList ); ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "CFilterManager::FilterDone " "Success: transfering wordlist\n" ));
// This may be an empty wordlist: all documents were deleted or in error.
// If so, just get rid of the wordlist.
if ( pWordList->IsEmpty() ) { #if CIDBG == 1
unsigned cShouldHaveData = 0; unsigned cDocuments = _docList.Count();
for ( unsigned iDoc = 0; iDoc < cDocuments; iDoc++ ) { switch ( _docList.Status(iDoc) ) { case TOO_MANY_RETRIES: case SUCCESS: case TOO_MANY_BLOCKS_TO_FILTER: cShouldHaveData++; break;
default: break; } }
if ( cShouldHaveData != 0 ) { for ( unsigned iDoc = 0; iDoc < cDocuments; iDoc++ ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "WID: 0x%x STATUS: %d\n", _docList.Wid(iDoc), _docList.Status(iDoc) )); } }
Win4Assert( cShouldHaveData == 0 ); #endif
pWordList.Delete(); } else pWordList.Transfer ( pPart );
} CATCH ( CException, e ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%x caught commiting wordlist.\n" "delete wordlist and clear doclist\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); fSuccess = FALSE; } END_CATCH
_eventMerge.Set(); // wake up
return fSuccess; }
// Function: LokNoFailRemoveWordlist
// Synopsis: Removes the biggest wordlist from memory and adds the
// documents back to the change log.
// Requires: _docList.Count() == 0 when this method is called. This
// relies on the fact that there are no other outstanding
// wordlists being constructed.
// History: 10-20-94 srikants Added the header section and modified
// to deal with the change in refiling
// documents.
void CResManager::LokNoFailRemoveWordlist( CPartition * pPart ) { //
// In push filtering, we don't delete completed wordlist to simplify
// the logic of aborting the notification transaction on the client
if ( _isBeingEmptied || _fPushFiltering ) return;
// Look for biggest wordlist
unsigned cInd; CIndex ** apIndex = pPart->LokQueryMergeIndexes( cInd, mtWordlist ); XPtrST<CIndex *> xIndex( apIndex );
unsigned size = 0; CWordList * pWordList = 0;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cInd; i++ ) { apIndex[i]->Release();
if ( apIndex[i]->Size() > size ) { Win4Assert( apIndex[i]->IsWordlist() );
pWordList = (CWordList *)apIndex[i]; size = pWordList->Size(); } }
if ( pWordList ) { //
// Reschedule contents for later filtering.
INDEXID iid = pWordList->GetId(); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Removing wordlist %x to reduce resource consumption.\n", iid ));
CDocList _docList; _docList.SetPartId ( pPart->GetId() );
pWordList->GetDocuments( _docList );
#if CIDBG == 1
for ( unsigned cWid = 0; cWid < _docList.Count(); cWid++ ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Reschedule filtering of wid %d\n", _docList.Wid( cWid ) )); } #endif // CIDBG == 1
LokNoFailReFileChanges ( _docList );
// Remove it
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Deleting wordlist with USN (%x, %x).\n", lltoHighPart(pWordList->Usn()), (ULONG) pWordList->Usn() ));
pPart->LokRemoveIndex( iid );
if ( !pWordList->InUse() ) { _partList.LokRemoveIndex ( iid ); delete pWordList; } else { pWordList->Zombify(); } } }
// Member: CResManager::LokMakeWordlistId, public
// Returns: Makes unique wordlist id
// History: 05-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
INDEXID CResManager::LokMakeWordlistId (PARTITIONID partid) { CPartition* pPart = _partList.LokGetPartition(partid);
if ( pPart == 0 ) return iidInvalid;
// Get unique index id
INDEXID iid = pPart->LokMakeWlstId (); ciDebugOut((DEB_FILTERWIDS, "CResManager::LokMakeWorkListId - new wordlist iid: %x\n", iid));
return iid; }
// Member: CResManager::ReportFilterFailure, public
// Synopsis: Write to event log about unsuccessful filtering
// Arguments: [wid] -- workid of the file that couldn't be filtered
// History: 05-Jan-95 BartoszM Created
void CResManager::ReportFilterFailure (WORKID wid) { PROPVARIANT var; var.vt = VT_UI4; var.ulVal = wid;
_adviseStatus->NotifyStatus( CI_NOTIFY_FILTERING_FAILURE, 1, &var ); }
// Member: CResManager::SetUpdateLost
// Synopsis: Sets that an update got lost and wakes up the merge thread
// to notify the client about it.
// Arguments: [partId] - Partition id
// History: 1-24-97 srikants Created
void CResManager::SetUpdatesLost( PARTITIONID partId ) { CPriLock lock(_mutex); if ( _state.LokGetState() != eUpdatesToBeDisabled ) { _state.LokSetState( eUpdatesToBeDisabled ); _state.LokSetUpdateType( eIncremental ); StopCurrentMerge(); _eventMerge.Set(); }
// Member: CResManager::LokCleanupForFullCiScan, public
// History: 10-Nov-94 DwightKr Created
// Notes: This routine performs the disk I/O and other operations
// which does the cleanup after a corruption is detected.
// This routine is similar to the Empty() method, except
// that we do not delete the change log object or the
// freshlog object, and the index list must contain
// the change log and fresh log after the cleanup is complete.
void CResManager::LokCleanupForFullCiScan() { if ( 0 != _pMerge ) // Stop in progress merges.
// Delete everything from the index table here first.
// If anything fails after this point, chkdsk /f or autochk will
// release the disk storage associated with the leaked objects
// since they are no longer part of the persistent index list.
// For each partition, zombify all indexes, and re-add the change
// log to the index table on disk.
CPartIter iter; for ( iter.LokInit(_partList); !iter.LokAtEnd(); iter.LokAdvance(_partList)) { CPartition* pPart = iter.LokGet(); Win4Assert( pPart != NULL );
// Zombify all indexes in this partition, and delete them if
// their ref-count is 0.
unsigned cIndex; CIndex ** aIndex = pPart->LokZombify( cIndex ); ReleaseIndexes( cIndex, aIndex, NULL );
delete [] aIndex;
WORKID widMMergeLog; WORKID widDummy; pPart->GetMMergeObjectIds( widMMergeLog, widDummy, widDummy ); if ( widMMergeLog != widInvalid) _storage.RemoveObject( widMMergeLog );
// Empty the fresh test and the fresh log, and add it to the
// index table on disk.
pPart->LokEmpty(); // Release change list/log storage
WORKID oidChangeLog = pPart->GetChangeLogObjectId(); Win4Assert( oidChangeLog != widInvalid ); _partList.LokAddIt( oidChangeLog, itChangeLog, pPart->GetId() ); }
// Empty the fresh test, fresh log, and add the fresh log to
// the index table on disk.
_fresh.LokInit(); // Release fresh test/log storage
WORKID oidFreshLog = _storage.GetSpecialItObjectId(itFreshLog); Win4Assert( oidFreshLog != widInvalid ); _partList.LokAddIt( oidFreshLog, itFreshLog, partidFresh1 );
WORKID widKeyList = _storage.GetSpecialItObjectId( itMMKeyList ); #else
WORKID widKeyList = widInvalid; #endif // KEYLIST_ENABLED
WORKID widPhrLat = _storage.GetSpecialItObjectId( itPhraseLat );
if ( widKeyList != widInvalid) { _storage.RemoveObject( widKeyList ); _storage.SetSpecialItObjectId( itMMKeyList, widInvalid ); }
if ( widPhrLat != widInvalid) { _storage.RemoveObject( widPhrLat ); _storage.SetSpecialItObjectId( itPhraseLat, widInvalid ); }
_isBeingEmptied = FALSE; // Allow new queries
// ===========================================================
// Content Index Frame Work Interfacing.
// ===========================================================
// Member: CResManager::WorkidToDocName
// Synopsis: Converts the given workid to path and fill it in the buffer
// given.
// Arguments: [wid] -- Workid to convert.
// [pbBuf] -- Destination buffer;
// [cb] -- On input the total number of bytes that can be
// put. On output, the actual number of bytes copied.
// For a deleted file, the cb will be 0.
// [fAccurate] -- TRUE --> Attempt to get a more accurate
// workid-to-path translation.
// Returns: TRUE if successfully converted; FALSE means the buffer was
// not big enough.
// History: 12-04-96 srikants Created
// Notes: WorkidToDocName is called outside the resman lock. It is a
// potentially long operation and taking resman lock is not
// advisable. Also, creation of a CWorkidToDocName object once
// for each wid->docName conversion is expensive. So, we create
// one in resman constructor and protect it with a separate
// lock.
BOOL CResManager::WorkidToDocName( WORKID wid, BYTE * pbBuf, unsigned & cb, BOOL fAccurate ) {
CLock lock(_workidToDocNameMutex);
ULONG cbDocName;
BYTE const * pbDocName = _xWorkidToDocName->GetDocName( wid, cbDocName, fAccurate );
BOOL fStatus = TRUE;
if ( pbDocName ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_FILTERWIDS | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "WorkidToDocName: wid is %d and DocName is %ws\n", wid, pbDocName ));
if ( cbDocName > cb ) fStatus = FALSE; else RtlCopyMemory( pbBuf, pbDocName, cbDocName );
cb = cbDocName; } else { cb = 0; }
return fStatus; } // WorkidToDocName
// Member: CResManager::GetClientState
// Synopsis: Gets the client specific status information like total
// number of documents.
// Arguments: [cDocuments] - [out] Total # of documents
// History: 12-04-96 srikants Created
void CResManager::GetClientState( ULONG & cDocuments ) { CI_CLIENT_STATUS status; SCODE sc = _docStore->GetClientStatus( &status ); if ( S_OK == sc ) { cDocuments = status.cDocuments; } else { cDocuments = 0; } }
// Member: CResManager::LokNotifyCorruptionToClient
// Synopsis: Informs the client that the catalog is corrupt
// History: 12-04-96 srikants Created
void CResManager::LokNotifyCorruptionToClient() { Win4Assert( _isCorrupt );
DisableUpdates( partidDefault );
SCODE sc = _docStore->DisableUpdates( FALSE, CI_CORRUPT_INDEX ); if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) _state.LokSetCorruptionNotified();
// Disabled following assert so that the general NT 5 user is not
// bothered by this assert.
//Win4Assert( ! "We must empty the Content Index" );
// Empty();
// Member: CResManager::LokNotifyDisableUpdatesToClient
// Synopsis: Informs the client that updates should be disabled
// History: 07-05-97 SitaramR Created
void CResManager::LokNotifyDisableUpdatesToClient() { Win4Assert( _state.LokGetState() == eUpdatesToBeDisabled );
DisableUpdates( partidDefault ); BOOL fIncremental = _state.LokGetUpdateType() == eIncremental;
SCODE sc = _docStore->DisableUpdates( fIncremental, CI_LOST_UPDATE ); if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Notified disabled updates to DocStore\n" )); _state.LokSetState( eUpdatesDisabled ); } }
// Member: CResManager::LokNotifyEnableUpdatesToClient
// Synopsis: Informs the client that updates should be enabled
// History: 07-05-97 SitaramR Created
void CResManager::LokNotifyEnableUpdatesToClient() { Win4Assert( _state.LokGetState() == eUpdatesToBeEnabled ); EnableUpdates( partidDefault );
SCODE sc = _docStore->EnableUpdates(); if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Notified enable updates to DocStore\n" )); _state.LokSetState( eSteady ); } }
// Member: CResManager::StoreValue
// Synopsis: Stores the given value in the document store
// Arguments: [wid] - WorkId of the document
// [ps] - The FULLPROPSPEC of the property
// [var] - Value of the property
// [fInSchema] - Returns TRUE if the property is in the schema
// Returns: SCODE result
// History: 12-18-96 srikants Created
SCODE CResManager::StoreValue( WORKID wid, CFullPropSpec const & ps, CStorageVariant const & var, BOOL & fInSchema ) { FULLPROPSPEC const * fps = ps.CastToStruct(); PROPVARIANT const * pVar = ConvertToPropVariant( &var );
// Default to TRUE since the return code isn't checked!
fInSchema = TRUE;
SCODE sc = _propStore->StoreProperty( wid, fps, pVar );
if ( CI_E_PROPERTY_NOT_CACHED == sc ) fInSchema = FALSE; else if ( FAILED( sc ) ) return sc;
return S_OK; }
BOOL CResManager::StoreSecurity( WORKID wid, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD, ULONG cbSD ) { return S_OK == _docStore->StoreSecurity( wid, (BYTE *) pSD, cbSD ); }
// Member: CResManager::FPSToPROPID, public
// Synopsis: Converts FULLPROPSPEC property to PROPID
// Arguments: [fps] -- FULLPROPSPEC representation of property
// [pid] -- PROPID written here on success
// Returns: S_OK on success
// History: 29-Dec-1997 KyleP Created.
SCODE CResManager::FPSToPROPID( CFullPropSpec const & fps, PROPID & pid ) { return _mapper->PropertyToPropid( fps.CastToStruct(), TRUE, &pid ); }
// Flush notify support
// Member: CResManager::NotifyFlush
// Synopsis: Notifies the client that changes got flushed and gives the
// flush information.
// Arguments: [ft] - FileTime of the last successful flush.
// [cEntries] - Number of entries in the aInfo
// [aInfo] - Array of USN information for the flush.
// History: 1-27-97 srikants Created
// Note: We should not call directly into framework client because
// it violates resman->client lock hierarchy. We should not call
// into client with resman lock held.
void CResManager::NotifyFlush( FILETIME const & ft, ULONG cEntries, USN_FLUSH_INFO ** ppInfo ) { if ( !_fPushFiltering ) { //
// Notification of flushes are sent in pull filtering only.
// For push filtering, the ICiCIndexNotificationStatus
// interface is used to notify clients.
CPriLock lock(_mutex);
CChangesFlushNotifyItem * pItem = new CChangesFlushNotifyItem( ft, cEntries, ppInfo ); _flushList.Queue( pItem );
if (! _fFlushWorkerActive) { CFwFlushNotify * pWorkItem = new CFwFlushNotify( _workMan, *this ); _workMan.AddToWorkList( pWorkItem );
pWorkItem->AddToWorkQueue(); pWorkItem->Release(); } } } //NotifyFlush
// Member: CResManager::ProcessFlushNotifies
// Synopsis: Processes the queued flush notifies in a FIFO order. This
// method is called only by the asynchronous worker thread
// responsible for notifying the client about flushes.
// History: 1-27-97 srikants Created
void CResManager::ProcessFlushNotifies() {
// Only one worker thread allowed to operate on the list at a time.
CLock lock (_mtxChangeFlush ); CRevertBoolValue RevertFlushActive( _fFlushWorkerActive, TRUE );
while ( TRUE ) { CChangesFlushNotifyItem * pItem = 0;
// Remove the first flush item from the list under resman lock.
{ CPriLock lock(_mutex); pItem = _flushList.GetFirst(); if ( pItem ) _flushList.Pop();
if (_flushList.IsEmpty()) RevertFlushActive.Revert(); } //===========================================
if ( pItem ) {
SCODE sc = _docStore->CheckPointChangesFlushed( pItem->GetFlushTime(), pItem->GetCount(), pItem->GetFlushInfo() );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { //
// We don't have to requeue this item. The client's restart
// work will just increase.
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CheckPointChangesFlushed failed. Error (0x%X)\n", sc )); }
pItem->Close(); delete pItem; } else { break; } } // While (TRUE)
} //ProcessFlushNotifies
// Member: CResManager::_LokDeleteFlushWorkItems
// Synopsis: Deletes the flush notifies in the queue. This is called
// during shutdown (dismount) to clean up any asynchronous
// worker threads referring to resman.
// History: 1-27-97 srikants Created
void CResManager::LokDeleteFlushWorkItems() { for ( CChangesFlushNotifyItem * pItem = _flushList.Pop(); 0 != pItem; pItem = _flushList.Pop() ) { pItem->Close(); delete pItem; } } //LokDeleteFlushWorkItems
// Member: CResManager::NoFailAbortWidsInDocList
// Synopsis: Used in push filtering to abort all wids in the current
// doclist
// History: 24-Feb-97 SitaramR Created
void CResManager::NoFailAbortWidsInDocList() { CPriLock lock ( _mutex );
if ( _isBeingEmptied ) return ;
for ( unsigned i=0; i<_docList.Count(); i++ ) { WORKID wid = _docList.Wid(i); USN usn = _docList.Usn(i);
// Abort the client transaction
_xIndexNotifTable->AbortWid( wid, usn );
// Keep track of aborted wids for use during
// changlog shrink from front.
_aAbortedWids.NoFailLokAddWid( wid, usn ); }
_docList.LokClear(); } //NoFailAbortWidsInDocList
// Member: CResManager::NoFailAbortWid
// Synopsis: Used in push filtering to abort a wid
// Arguments: [wid] -- Workid
// [usn] -- Usn
// History: 24-Feb-97 SitaramR Created
void CResManager::NoFailAbortWid( WORKID wid, USN usn ) { CPriLock lock ( _mutex );
if ( _isBeingEmptied ) return ;
// Abort the client transaction
_xIndexNotifTable->AbortWid( wid, usn );
// Keep track of aborted wid for use during
// changlog shrink from front.
_aAbortedWids.NoFailLokAddWid( wid, usn ); } //NoFailAbortWid
// Member: CResManager::ClearNonStoragePropertiesForWid
// Synopsis: Clear non-storage properties from the property storage for wid
// Arguments: [wid] -- Workid
// History: 10-Oct-2000 KitmanH Created
SCODE CResManager::ClearNonStoragePropertiesForWid( WORKID wid ) { return _propStore->ClearNonStoragePropertiesForWid( wid ); }
// Member: CMasterMergePolicy::IsTimeToMasterMerge, public
// Synopsis: Determines if the system should start a master merge
// immediately, and not wait until the master merge time.
// History: 4-Aug-94 DwightKr Created
// Notes: If new tests are added simply add them here.
BOOL CMasterMergePolicy::IsTimeToMasterMerge() const { return IsMaxShadowIndexSize() || IsMaxFreshListCount() || IsMinDiskFreeForceMerge(); }
// Member: CMasterMergePolicy::IsMinDiskFreeForceMerge, private
// Synopsis: If the amount of free disk space is lower than a threshold,
// then we should master merge, since it is likely that disk
// space will be released.
// History: 4-Aug-94 DwightKr Created
// Jan-07-96 mohamedn CDmFwEventItem
BOOL CMasterMergePolicy::IsMinDiskFreeForceMerge() const { //
// If we've exceeded the MIN_DISKFREE_FORCE_MERGE space used on
// the system, and a master merge has the potential to make some
// useful progress, then it's time to force a master merge. The
// are expressed as a percentage.
__int64 diskTotal, diskRemaining; _storage.GetDiskSpace( diskTotal, diskRemaining );
if ( diskRemaining < minDiskFreeForMerge ) return FALSE;
if (diskRemaining*100/diskTotal < _frmwrkParams.GetMinDiskFreeForceMerge() && _shadowIndexSize*100/diskRemaining > _frmwrkParams.GetMaxShadowFreeForceMerge() ) { CDmFwEventItem item( EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, MSG_CI_MASTER_MERGE_STARTED_TOTAL_DISK_SPACE_USED, 2);
item.AddArg( _storage.GetVolumeName() ); item.AddArg( _frmwrkParams.GetMinDiskFreeForceMerge() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "Master merge, reason: Low on disk space\n" ));
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CMasterMergePolicy::IsMaxFreshListCount, private
// Synopsis: If the number of entries in the fresh list is great than
// a threshold, we should master merge, and free up memory
// occupied by the fresh hash.
// History: 4-Aug-94 DwightKr Created
// Jan-07-96 mohamedn CDmFwEventItem
BOOL CMasterMergePolicy::IsMaxFreshListCount() const { if ( _freshCount > _frmwrkParams.GetMaxFreshCount() ) {
item.AddArg( _storage.GetVolumeName() ); item.AddArg( _frmwrkParams.GetMaxFreshCount() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "Master merge, reason: More than %d entries in freshhash\n", _frmwrkParams.GetMaxFreshCount() ));
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CMasterMergePolicy::IsMaxShadowIndexSize, private
// Synopsis: If the combined size of all shadow indexes is greater than
// a threahold, we should master merge, and free up disk space.
// The content index should not take up more than a given
// percentage of disk space.
// History: 4-Aug-94 DwightKr Created
// Jan-07-96 mohamedn CDmFwEventItem
BOOL CMasterMergePolicy::IsMaxShadowIndexSize() const { __int64 diskTotal, diskRemaining; _storage.GetDiskSpace( diskTotal, diskRemaining );
if ( diskRemaining < minDiskFreeForMerge ) return FALSE;
if ( _shadowIndexSize*100/diskTotal > _frmwrkParams.GetMaxShadowIndexSize() ) {
item.AddArg( _storage.GetVolumeName() ); item.AddArg( _frmwrkParams.GetMaxShadowIndexSize() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_PENDING, "Master merge, reason: Combined shadow indexes > %d%% of disk\n", _frmwrkParams.GetMaxShadowIndexSize() ));
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Method: CMasterMergePolicy::ComputeMidNightMergeTime
// Synopsis: Function to compute the time (in hundreds of nanoseconds
// from midnight Dec 31, 1969) for the next master merge based on
// the value given from registry.
// Arguments: [mergeTime] - The time read from the registry control params.
// It's an offset in minutes after midnight.
// Returns: LONG - time for next merge
// History: 19-Feb-1996 srikants Moved the code from svcfilt.cxx
// 17-Nov-1999 KyleP Stop using CRT
// Notes: If the time is before January 1, 1970 it will return -1.
ULONGLONG CMasterMergePolicy::ComputeMidNightMergeTime( LONG mergeTime ) { Win4Assert( mergeTime < 24 * 60 ); mergeTime *= 60;
// What time is it here?
SYSTEMTIME stLocal; GetLocalTime( &stLocal );
LONG lNow = stLocal.wHour*60*60 + stLocal.wMinute*60 + stLocal.wSecond;
// Have we passed the daily merge time?
LONGLONG llHNSTilMerge; // Hundred-Nano-Second-Til-Merge
LONGLONG const llHNSOneDay = 24*60*60*10000000i64;
if ( lNow < mergeTime ) llHNSTilMerge = mergeTime * 10000000i64; else llHNSTilMerge = mergeTime * 10000000i64 + llHNSOneDay;
// Create the *local* filetime for the next merge
stLocal.wHour = 0; stLocal.wMinute = 0; stLocal.wSecond = 0; stLocal.wMilliseconds = 1;
FILETIME ftLocal; if ( !SystemTimeToFileTime( &stLocal, &ftLocal ) ) return -1;
((ULARGE_INTEGER *)&ftLocal)->QuadPart += llHNSTilMerge;
// Now, adjust to UTC and return
if ( !LocalFileTimeToFileTime( &ftLocal, &ft ) ) return -1;
#if CIDBG == 1
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ft2 );
Win4Assert( ((ULARGE_INTEGER *)&ft2)->QuadPart < ((ULARGE_INTEGER *)&ft)->QuadPart ); #endif // CIDBG
return ((ULARGE_INTEGER *)&ft)->QuadPart; } //ComputeMidNightMergeTime
// Member: CMasterMergePolicy::IsMidNightMergeTime, public
// Synopsis: Determines if it's been 24 hours since the last merge time
// History: 4-Aug-1994 DwightKr Created
// 17-Nov-1999 KyleP Stop using CRT
BOOL CMasterMergePolicy::IsMidNightMergeTime() { FILETIME ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ft );
if ( ((ULARGE_INTEGER *)&ft)->QuadPart > _mergeTime ) { ULONG mergeTime = _frmwrkParams.GetMasterMergeTime();
ULONGLONG oldMergeTime = _mergeTime;
_mergeTime = ComputeMidNightMergeTime( mergeTime );
// If it's been more than 30 minutes since the master merge time, don't
// do it. This can happen if we were doing a master merge as part of
// indexing documents or if you turn on a machine in the morning and it
// was off at the master merge time.
LONGLONG const llHNSHalfHour = 30*60*10000000i64;
if ( ((ULARGE_INTEGER *)&ft)->QuadPart > ( oldMergeTime + llHNSHalfHour ) ) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } //IsMidNightMergeTime