// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 2000.
// File: FunyPath.hxx
// Contents: Implementation of ``Funny'' Path for long pathnames
// Classes: CFunnyPath
// CLowerFunnyPath
// CLowerFunnyStack
// Notes: This class takes in a fully qualified path. The path can be in
// two forms - C:\dir\... or \\machine\share\...
// EXCEPTION: To accomodate for scope restrictions, this class
// will also allow paths of \dir... format
// This path is converted to the "funny" form. The normal path
// takes the form of \\?\C:\dir\... and remote path takes the form
// of \\?\UNC\machine\share\... These funny paths can used by in
// functions like CreateFile to open paths > MAX_PATH
// History: 08-May-98 vikasman Created
#pragma once
#include "lcase.hxx"
const WCHAR _FUNNY_PATH[] = L"\\\\?\\"; const WCHAR _UNC_FUNNY_PATH[] = L"\\\\?\\UN";
const _FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH = ( ( sizeof( _FUNNY_PATH ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) ) - 1 ); const _UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH = ( ( sizeof( _UNC_FUNNY_PATH ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) ) - 1 );
// Class: CFunnyPath
// Purpose: A path name preceeded by "\\?\" to allow file operations
// when the length of the path is > MAX_PATH.
// History: 08-May-98 vikasman Created
class CFunnyPath { public:
// used by SetState function to set the state to funny/actual
// Constructors, Destructors, Operators...
CFunnyPath( BOOL fRemote = FALSE ) : _fRemote( fRemote ), _ccActualBuf( 0 ) { if ( _fRemote ) { _xBuf.SetSize( _UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + 1 ); _xBuf[_UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH] = 0; } else { _xBuf.SetSize( _FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + 1 ); _xBuf[_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH] = 0; } }
CFunnyPath( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc = 0 ) : _fRemote( FALSE ), _ccActualBuf( 0 ) { SetPath( wcsPath, cc ); }
CFunnyPath( CFunnyPath const & src ) { *this = src; }
CFunnyPath & operator =( CFunnyPath const & src ) { _xBuf = src._xBuf; _fRemote = src._fRemote; _ccActualBuf = src._ccActualBuf;
return *this; } //
// Sets the path "wcsPath"
virtual void SetPath( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc = 0 ) { Win4Assert( wcsPath );
_ccActualBuf = ( 0 == cc ? wcslen( wcsPath ) : cc ) ;
if ( 0 == _ccActualBuf ) { InitBlank(); return; } Win4Assert( _ccActualBuf > 1 ); // at least 2 characters
WCHAR * pwcActualPath; BOOL fInvalidPath = FALSE;
if ( L'\\' != wcsPath[0] && L':' != wcsPath[1] ) // Looks like we don't have a valid path, but still
// we will continue. It's not CFunnyPath's problem
// We will treat it as a normal path
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CFunnyPath::SetPath - The path (%ws) is not valid.\n", wcsPath )); fInvalidPath = TRUE; }
if ( L':' == wcsPath[1] || fInvalidPath ) { // normal or invalid path
_fRemote = FALSE; _xBuf.SetSize( _ccActualBuf + _FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + 1 ); _xBuf.SetBuf( _FUNNY_PATH, _FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH ); pwcActualPath = &_xBuf[_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH]; } else { // remote path
_fRemote = TRUE; _xBuf.SetSize( _ccActualBuf + _UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + 1 ); _xBuf.SetBuf( _UNC_FUNNY_PATH, _UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH ); pwcActualPath = &_xBuf[_UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH]; } RtlCopyMemory( pwcActualPath, wcsPath, _ccActualBuf * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); pwcActualPath[_ccActualBuf] = 0; }
// Appends the path "wcsPath"
virtual void AppendPath( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc = 0 ) { AssertValid(); Win4Assert( wcsPath );
if ( 0 == cc ) { cc = wcslen( wcsPath ); }
unsigned ccTotalSizeNeeded = cc + _ccActualBuf + 1; WCHAR * pwcAppendAt;
if ( _fRemote ) { _xBuf.SetSize( ccTotalSizeNeeded + _UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH ); pwcAppendAt = &_xBuf[_UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + _ccActualBuf]; } else { _xBuf.SetSize( ccTotalSizeNeeded + _FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH ); pwcAppendAt = &_xBuf[_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + _ccActualBuf]; } RtlCopyMemory( pwcAppendAt, wcsPath, cc * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); pwcAppendAt[cc] = 0; _ccActualBuf += cc; }
// Returns the path either as funny or unc_funny which can be used in
// functions like CreateFile. Do not keep and use the pointer from
// GetPath after calling GetActualPath.
// Reason: Both these functions(even though they are const) may
// modify the internal buffer before returning data
const WCHAR * GetPath() const { AssertValid(); if ( _fRemote ) { // need to replace \ with C
((CFunnyPath*)this)->_xBuf[_UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH] = L'C'; } return _xBuf.Get(); }
// Returns the "actual path". Do not keep and use the pointer from
// GetActualPath after calling GetPath. Reason: Both these functions
// (even though they are const) may modify the internal buffer before
// returning data
const WCHAR * GetActualPath() const { return _GetActualPath(); }
// Sets the state of the path to actual/funny
void SetState( const PathState state ) { if ( _fRemote ) { _xBuf[_UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH] = ( FUNNY_PATH_STATE == state ? L'C' : L'\\' ); } }
// Returns the actual length of characters
unsigned GetActualLength() const { return _ccActualBuf; }
// Returns the total length
unsigned GetLength() const { return ( _ccActualBuf + (_fRemote ? _UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH : _FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH) ); }
// Appends back slash
BOOL AppendBackSlash() { WCHAR * pwcsActualPath = _GetActualPath();
if ( 0 == _ccActualBuf || L'\\' == pwcsActualPath[_ccActualBuf - 1] ) { return FALSE; } AppendPath( L"\\", 1 );
return TRUE; }
// Removes back slash
BOOL RemoveBackSlash() { WCHAR * pwcsActualPath = _GetActualPath();
if ( 0 == _ccActualBuf || L'\\' != pwcsActualPath[_ccActualBuf - 1] ) { return FALSE; }
pwcsActualPath[--_ccActualBuf] = 0; return TRUE; }
// Truncates the buf to ccNewLength (this is the "actual char.", excluding
// funny path prefix, length)
void Truncate( unsigned ccNewLength ) { if ( ccNewLength < _ccActualBuf ) { WCHAR * pwcActualPath = _GetActualPath(); pwcActualPath[ _ccActualBuf = ccNewLength ] = 0; } }
BOOL IsRemote () const { return _fRemote; }
// returns TRUE if any component in the path looks like the short version
// of a long file name.
BOOL IsShortPath () const; static BOOL IsShortName( WCHAR const * const pwszName );
// Returns the count of all the characters in xBuf
unsigned Count() const { return _xBuf.Count(); }
// Set the size of _xBuf
void SetSize( unsigned cc ) { _xBuf.SetSize( cc ); }
// Get the internal buffer
const WCHAR * GetBuffer() const { return _xBuf.Get(); }
// This is a dangerous function as it exposes the internal buffer
WCHAR * GetBuffer() { return _xBuf.Get(); }
// This path initializes the internal buffer with empty actual path
void InitBlank( BOOL fRemote = FALSE ) { _fRemote = fRemote; if ( _fRemote ) { _xBuf.SetBuf( _UNC_FUNNY_PATH, _UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + 1 ); } else { _xBuf.SetBuf( _FUNNY_PATH, _FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + 1 ); } _ccActualBuf = 0; }
#if CIDBG==1
// Asserts that we are in good state
void AssertValid() const { const WCHAR * pwcsFunny = _xBuf.Get(); Win4Assert( pwcsFunny && L'\\' == pwcsFunny[0] && L'\\' == pwcsFunny[1] && L'?' == pwcsFunny[2] && L'\\' == pwcsFunny[3] );
Win4Assert( L':' == pwcsFunny[5] || L'N' == pwcsFunny[5] || L'n' == pwcsFunny[5] );
} #else
void AssertValid() const {} #endif
// Some static utility functions
enum FunnyUNC { NOT_FUNNY, // not funny
FUNNY_ONLY, // of type \\?\c:\dir\...
FUNNY_UNC // of type \\?\unc\...
}; static inline BOOL IsFunnyPath( WCHAR const * pwcsPath ) { return ( pwcsPath && L'\\' == pwcsPath[0] && L'\\' == pwcsPath[1] && L'?' == pwcsPath[2] && L'\\' == pwcsPath[3] ); }
static inline FunnyUNC IsFunnyUNCPath( WCHAR const * pwcsPath ) { // The 6th char here can also be as '\\' (instead of being c/C) as
// this class modifies that charatcter to be a '\\'.
return ( FALSE == IsFunnyPath( pwcsPath ) ? NOT_FUNNY : ( ( (L'U' == pwcsPath[4] || L'u' == pwcsPath[4]) && (L'N' == pwcsPath[5] || L'n' == pwcsPath[5]) && (L'C' == pwcsPath[6] || L'c' == pwcsPath[6] || L'\\' == pwcsPath[6]) && (L'\\' == pwcsPath[7] ) ) ? FUNNY_UNC : FUNNY_ONLY ) ); }
WCHAR * _GetActualPath() const { WCHAR * pwcsActualPath;
if ( _fRemote ) { pwcsActualPath = &(((CFunnyPath*)this)->_xBuf[_UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH]);
// need to replace C with "\"
*pwcsActualPath = L'\\'; } else { pwcsActualPath = &(((CFunnyPath*)this)->_xBuf[_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH]); } return pwcsActualPath; }
BOOL _fRemote; // Is the path remote ?
unsigned _ccActualBuf; // number of actual characters in _xBuf
// (excluding _FUNNY_PATH/_UNC_FUNNY_PATH)
XGrowable<WCHAR> _xBuf; };
// Method: CFunnyPath::IsShortName, static public
// Arguments: [pwszName] -- name to be checked (only a single path component
// is checked at a time)
// Returns: TRUE if file is potentially a short (8.3) name for
// a file with a long name.
// History: 01-Sep-1998 AlanW Created
inline BOOL CFunnyPath::IsShortName( WCHAR const * const pwszName ) { //
// First, see if this is possibly a short name (has ~ in file name part).
BOOL fTwiddle = FALSE; unsigned cDot = 0;
for ( unsigned cchFN = 0; cchFN < 13; cchFN++ ) { if ( pwszName[cchFN] == L'~' && cchFN >= 1 ) fTwiddle = TRUE; else if ( pwszName[cchFN] == L'.' ) { if (cchFN == 0 || cchFN > 8) return FALSE; // short names can't have '.' at beginning
cDot++; } else if ( pwszName[cchFN] == L'\0' || pwszName[cchFN] == L'\\' ) break;
cchFN++; }
if (fTwiddle) { // short names can't have more than 1 '.'
// max filename size if no extension is 8
if (cDot >= 2 || cDot == 0 && cchFN > 8) return FALSE;
// check for min (e.g., EXT~1 for .ext) and max lengths
if (cchFN >= 5 && cchFN <= 12) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Method: CFunnyPath::IsShortPath, public
// Arguments: - none -
// Returns: TRUE if the path name potentially contains a short (8.3) name
// for a file with a long name.
// History: 15-Sep-1998 AlanW Created
inline BOOL CFunnyPath::IsShortPath() const { //
// Check to see if the input path name contains an 8.3 short name
WCHAR * pwszTilde = wcschr( GetActualPath(), L'~' );
if (pwszTilde) { WCHAR * pwszComponent; for ( pwszComponent = wcschr( GetActualPath(), L'\\' ); pwszComponent; pwszComponent = wcschr( pwszComponent, L'\\' ) ) { pwszComponent++; pwszTilde = wcschr( pwszComponent, L'~' ); if ( 0 == pwszTilde || pwszTilde - pwszComponent > 13) continue; if (IsShortName( pwszComponent )) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
// Class: CFunnyPath
// Purpose: A path name preceeded by "\\?\" to allow file operations when
// the length of the path is > MAX_PATH. Keeps the FunnyPath in
// lower case.
// History: 08-May-98 vikasman Created
class CLowerFunnyPath : public CFunnyPath { public:
CLowerFunnyPath( BOOL fRemote = FALSE ) : CFunnyPath( fRemote ) { }
CLowerFunnyPath( const CLowerFunnyPath & src ) { *this = src; }
CLowerFunnyPath( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc = 0, BOOL fNoConvert = FALSE ) : CFunnyPath() { SetPath( wcsPath, cc, fNoConvert ); }
CLowerFunnyPath & operator =( CLowerFunnyPath const & src ) { CFunnyPath::operator=( (CFunnyPath&)src ); return *this; }
virtual void SetPath( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc = 0, BOOL fNoConvert = FALSE );
virtual void AppendPath( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc = 0, BOOL fNoConvert = FALSE );
BOOL ConvertToLongName();
// Converts to wcsPath of length cc to lower case and puts it in
// _xBuf starting from ccStart index (actual)
void ToLower( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc, unsigned ccStart = 0 ); };
inline void CLowerFunnyPath::SetPath( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc, BOOL fNoConvert ) { if ( fNoConvert ) { // already lower case
CFunnyPath::SetPath( wcsPath, cc ); AssertLowerCase( GetActualPath(), GetActualLength() ); return; }
Win4Assert( wcsPath );
cc = ( 0 == cc ? wcslen( wcsPath ) : cc ) ;
if ( 0 == cc ) { InitBlank(); return; }
BOOL fInvalidPath = FALSE; if ( L'\\' != wcsPath[0] && L':' != wcsPath[1] ) { // Looks like we don't have a valid path, but still
// we will continue. It's not CFunnyPath's problem
// We will treat it as a normal path
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CLowerFunnyPath::SetPath - path (%ws) is not valid.\n", wcsPath )); fInvalidPath = TRUE; }
if ( L':' == wcsPath[1] || fInvalidPath ) { // normal or invalid path
_fRemote = FALSE; _xBuf.SetBuf( _FUNNY_PATH, _FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + 1 ); } else { // remote path
_fRemote = TRUE; _xBuf.SetBuf( _UNC_FUNNY_PATH, _UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + 1 ); } ToLower( wcsPath, cc ); }
inline void CLowerFunnyPath::AppendPath( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc, BOOL fNoConvert ) { if ( fNoConvert ) { // already lower case
CFunnyPath::AppendPath( wcsPath, cc ); AssertLowerCase( GetActualPath(), GetActualLength() ); return; }
AssertValid(); Win4Assert( wcsPath );
if ( 0 == cc ) { cc = wcslen( wcsPath ); }
ToLower( wcsPath, cc, _ccActualBuf ); }
inline void CLowerFunnyPath::ToLower( const WCHAR * wcsPath, unsigned cc, unsigned ccStart ) { WCHAR * pwcDestActualPath; unsigned ccDestActualCount;
Win4Assert( wcsPath ); if ( !cc ) { return; }
#if CIDBG == 1
// Variable to try lowercasing again due to some random
// failures with LCMapStringW
BOOL fTryAgain = TRUE; #endif
while ( TRUE ) { if ( _fRemote ) { pwcDestActualPath = &_xBuf[_UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH] + ccStart; ccDestActualCount = _xBuf.Count() - (_UNC_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + ccStart); } else { pwcDestActualPath = &_xBuf[_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH] + ccStart; ccDestActualCount = _xBuf.Count() - (_FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH + ccStart); }
if ( ccDestActualCount < 2 ) { // Need to allocate more memory
_xBuf.SetSize( _xBuf.Count() * 2 ); continue; }
unsigned cchLen = LCMapStringW ( LOCALE_NEUTRAL, LCMAP_LOWERCASE, wcsPath, cc, pwcDestActualPath, ccDestActualCount - 1 );
if ( 0 == cchLen ) { if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { _xBuf.SetSize( _xBuf.Count() * 2 ); } else { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%x lowercasing path\n", GetLastError() )); #if CIDBG == 1
if ( fTryAgain ) { fTryAgain = FALSE; Win4Assert(( !"neutral lowercase failed. Trying again..." )); continue; } #endif
Win4Assert(( !"neutral lowercase failed" )); THROW( CException() ); } } else { Win4Assert( cchLen < ccDestActualCount ); pwcDestActualPath[ cchLen ] = 0; _ccActualBuf = ccStart + cchLen; break; } } }
// Member: CLowerFunnyPath::ConvertToLongName, public
// Synopsis: Converts file path name components to long names.
// Returns: TRUE if conversion was successful.
// Notes: GetLongPathNameW will fail with remote funny paths because
// it will try to call FindFirstFileW on the machine name and
// share name.
// History: 06-Jan-98 KyleP Created
inline BOOL CLowerFunnyPath::ConvertToLongName() { XGrowable<WCHAR> wcsTemp;
WCHAR * pwcsShortName; unsigned ccFunnyChars; if (IsRemote()) { pwcsShortName = _GetActualPath(); ccFunnyChars = 0; } else { pwcsShortName = (WCHAR *)GetPath(); ccFunnyChars = _FUNNY_PATH_LENGTH; }
DWORD ccOut = GetLongPathNameW( pwcsShortName, // Short name
wcsTemp.Get(), // Long name
wcsTemp.Count() - 1 );
if ( ccOut > wcsTemp.Count() - 1 ) { // Need to grow the buffer
wcsTemp.SetSize( ccOut + 1 ); ccOut = GetLongPathNameW( pwcsShortName, // Short name
wcsTemp.Get(), // Long name
wcsTemp.Count() - 1 ); Win4Assert( ccOut <= wcsTemp.Count() - 1 ); }
if ( 0 == ccOut ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "GetLongPathName( %ws ) returned %d\n", pwcsShortName, GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
SetPath( wcsTemp.Get() + ccFunnyChars, ccOut - ccFunnyChars ); return TRUE; }
// Stack class for FunnyPath
DECL_DYNSTACK( _CLowerFunnyStack, CLowerFunnyPath )
class CLowerFunnyStack : protected _CLowerFunnyStack { public:
BOOL Pop( XPtr<CLowerFunnyPath> & xLowerFunnyPath ) { if (Count() == 0) { return FALSE; } xLowerFunnyPath.Set( _CLowerFunnyStack::Pop() ); return TRUE; } void Push( const CLowerFunnyPath & funnyElem ) { XPtr<CLowerFunnyPath> xLowerFunnyPath( new CLowerFunnyPath(funnyElem) ); _CLowerFunnyStack::Push( xLowerFunnyPath.GetPointer() ); xLowerFunnyPath.Acquire(); } };